Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 18, 2009
Still Hot On The Trail of Health Care Reform Ideas Sent To Our President
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone -Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Below is contained the last posting that I placed to Our President & First Lady.
Yet before I go there...allow me to once again express the contract that I have with flies, spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes and snakes.
It goes something like this: "I know, insects,rats, mice, bugs and snakes that you wish that I were a Buddhist. I am not."
What I am is a person that realizes that flies, land on all kinds vile matter and thus carry lots of germs and such on their bodies, plus they like to every now and then land on our food, plates and such...yuck!
Mosquitoes, carry the Nile Virus...and the CDC, state that they can't carry the A.I.D.'s virus from human sources to human sources...oh so they say...
Some spiders are very dangerous and could be deadly.
Some snakes are in the same category as spiders...
Cockroaches are even more nastier than flies...and are known to be so resilient that they survived a nuclear bomb and can survive on the glue of a postage stamp for year...at least they don't seem to eat much...
The deal that I have given all of the above creatures of the land...is this:
"Outside is where you are to live and stay...and inside is where I hang out. When I am outside and happen upon you, if I see you are minding your own business, I will allow you to pass unharmed. If you decide to come and visit me in my home, rather by accident or on purpose...if you and I collide...you had better kiss your butt goodbye as I release you back Home to God."
So far, I have to eradicate very few creatures...I believe my threat was heard and understood, what do you think?
So can you imagine having to watch the news and hear that our president for killing a fly went again, under the knife of those a wanting to scrutinize him for all things...amazing!
The animal rights people that had nothing to do, yet try to intimidate our president...I wonder if in their own homes, they catch a fly and set him/her free?...
Another plus to DTV, I was once again able to watch "The View!" and the subject of the fly that Mr. President killed/perhaps wounded severly...hahahehehe...oh you folks would you please give me a break from the fear energies...pretty please?
I already have too much sage residue in my house already...the fear energies of my Type A, individuals is too manic and with their chakras a bouncing from hell to doom and gloom moments...sometimes, getting all things into balance point, isn't all that easy.
Some that have never experienced vibrational medicine body treatments...I am saddened for you. I am sadder for myself for my proficiently level of expertise simply due to all my continued educational information pursuits...puts me and the average studied massage therapist at a no equal level.
So few feel challenged enough to want to work on me...ahhh, the lot of a teacher, has its costs...
Yet for all of my past trained/almost trained students...each and every one of you will be needed at our vibration medicine research and training university center
For I am wanting to slow down to the speed of light and feel that when I am a teaching I am the happiest.
Besides, I want to call all of my past patients as future research patients...guys and girls I already know your health ailments and possibly where all of your missing and dangling parts are at...
So who would be my first choices for a full body, mind and spirit...total rejuvenation program?
Those that supported me when I needed your funds to keep this research center a happening...those that told me that I was their special angel sent by God and that is why you brought me angel statues...to show me that you thought I was your angel sent by God.
So of course, you all are welcomed to come and check it all out...for in our research center and training university...we will be looking at digestion and elimination and how that all weighs in the total health package...
Imagine If You Will; A Center That:
Utilizes supplementations like Mannetek, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts...for chronic cases, along with powerful antioxidants such as Nature's Pearl Muscadine Grape Seed Extract, Omega 3's.
A center that also houses a medical lab that can do the blood work ups to see how these supplements are a assisting the patient...
In my own mind's imagining, what I am a wanting is not for all to take 40 supplements a day as Suzanne Sommers stated on Oprah's Show, that she takes a day."
Oprah also told Suzanne that she thought 40 supplements a day is excessive, and I agree, yet if the person is in failing health...and are a wanting to recover faster, sometimes 40 a day isn't all that awful, provided progress in the ill health area, improves, if not, at the research center we will have on top of having the traditional staffing of alternative-complementary medical health care professionals...such as acupuncture/chiropractic and my vibrational medicine bodywork divisions...light, sound, color, music...exercise/water and floor, herbal and food supplementation research, organic gardens...to name a very small amount...for like the dreamer of it, it will be totally awesome for it will be unlimited in its scope...for it will be God/Jesus and Holy Spirit inspired.
For even though many in the health care field believe that religion shouldn't be a necessary judge of character of the physician...I say I want to know that my doctor is a Christian...him a praying over me before a cutting me up would be nice...my doctor a praying before a writing me a necessary prescription to get well with, would also be nice...yet I know that I am a reaching for the moon here...oh well, I have had a few reports of patients doctors a praying before a performing surgery...I wouldn't call it an astounding number, perhaps one or two...not good...yet we can't judge for the doctor might have prayed to himself...so one can't judge the actions of others, and in the cases where doubt comes into play, as always; give it all over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to handle...
For surgeries, are a big enough deal to show faith, trust and belief...besides, it cuts down heavily on the stress of not knowing if you will return here or Home?
When one prays before having surgery or taking a necessary trip without the luxury of a good car...one just kind of goes with the flows...good, bad or indifferent...know what I mean?
Knowing it is what it is... Below again more stuff that I sent our President and First Lady, just some other things that came up in my discussion.
Some of it you might find difficult to perceive...others I believe will just make common sense to you...anyways, here's hoping we all get on the same page...and if not, at least I tried to do all I could to help you see what life looks like for me, looking at it with my eyes focused on you all...
I like to call it, looking at you all as if I was looking at a mirror at me...
The other day, I had an experience that allowed me to express that very thing.
The day started out quite wonderful and peaceful...It was 11:00 A.M. and time for my little Type A person to arrive...I had worked out on the K1 and took 4 Inner Peace Sessions of Steve G. Jones, "Inner Peace For Women."
Yes you heard me, 4 sessions...I even used the light machine as a way to relax the thicken neck muscles at the base of my skull, to relax...and the words of the affirmations, as a way to finally relax...from the stresses and ills of all those that pay me to release it from them...
Currently, the reduction of those believing in God in our national statistics, has caused an increased fear energy and I am so sensitive to its effects that sometimes in the morning when I awaken...the panic energy that has engulfed me, leaves me a bit out of breath at times, with it lasting until I reach out to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to fill me with Their energy of Peace, Light and Love and to remind me that all things that I call real are a being manifested and this energy that I am experiencing currently doesn't belong to me, and then I ask..."please Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, please take it back with You for transmutation."
Thank you, In Jesus name, Amen.
I believe I had only one day this week that I didn't have to drop instantly into prayer upon awakening...to calm the panic energy around me.
I believe it is pretty bad when only the days that I didn't have to pray regularly upon arising...I would be able to count...think about it, that isn't a good sign.
Actually everyone...the email posting that I sent again to our president and wanted to be put here now...I believe I will wait until tomorrow in which to do so...
Lots were already written and sent...and lots still has to be said...so please stay tuned...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace