Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kryon Channeling For The New Year/"Flow Into The New World"

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

Below please discover a channeling from Kryon. I believe it contains very relevent information on how to move through the New Year and because I found myself so busy during the Christmas Season, please excuse me for my absence and I am prayerful that all reading this had a very joy filled and blessed season and I hope the following year will be even better and brighter still.

I love you all,
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

Thank you John W. Moore for sending this precious message to my email box...and for those wanting their own free copy, please go to: http://www.kryon. r.htm

Note to the reader:
Express the intent to be "in the NOW" at the channelling, and for your energy to be combined with the group that was present.

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
2 December 2008 at Marina da Gama, Cape Town
"Flow into the New World"

Greetings Dear Ones for I AM KRYON of Magnetic Service.

Once again it is wonderful to be back here in the Marina da Gama. There is much love and much change in the air; many, many different energies approaching and the energies of Mars and Venus become closer and closer bringing love and the aggressive energy to shake out what stops you loving. There is a whole new world ahead and your energies must be clear. We know you have been on the path for many years and we are going deeper and deeper, deeper into a new world, clearing out ancient, ancient wounds, going further and further back into past lives and time, healing scars that have affected lifetime after lifetime after lifetime almost from the beginning of time.

The time has come for the great shifts to happen. The time has come where the meek shall inherit the earth. The ones that have taken their power have caused great upset and unhappiness over the years, particularly financially towards the end of 2008. This is what happens when you elect leaders that profiteer, when you elect leaders that are out of integrity with themselves and the nations that they lead. Leadership in men should come from a space of integrity within themselves. They should receive whatever they need through acting out of integrity and being absolutely in their authenticity. The days of this type of leader and leadership that is out of integrity is coming to an end.

It is very difficult for a family man with a wife and children to riot on the streets, but there has been civil unrest and civil disquiet for much lesser reason than the down-scaling of the U.S.A. and the global economy. This downscaling has occurred through greed and avarice and once again people completely out of integrity taking amounts of money for themselves, more than they could never ever spend in a lifetime. Taking money out of the pockets of people in difficult circumstances, people that have never owned their houses before, first time home owners that are having to sell their houses, a whole new world, a whole new system will be falling into place.

There will be shake down after shake down after shake down and those who stay in integrity, those who follow their heart and live their dream will be safe will be secure, will bring on the support of the Divine. Those who act out of integrity will not wait till other lifetimes to act out their karmic debt they will receive what they give out in this lifetime. There is enough knowledge and enough wisdom now on the planet evenly dispersed for these kinds of things cannot happen any more on this planet. There is a new world happening and a new world beckons, the new world is coming.

There are to be many great, great shifts of energy flowing through mankind. Those who are conscious and working on consciousness will understand these shifts and these shifts will also happen for those who are unconscious, being led by those searching for consciousness. A new world, a whole new world, the new fantastic point of view, a completely different way of living, a completely different way of manifestation is just around the corner.

There are many worlds that live side by side with planet earth, many worlds that can’t be seen that are far beyond the frequencies of human sight and human technology and these new worlds are working towards planet earth coming and ascending to new levels of consciousness. There is more and more energy and more and more knowledge being beamed to this earth creating a great awakening of the masses creating a great understanding. This will take a few years to unfold and those of you who are working on yourselves and becoming conscious of your behaviour and where your behaviour comes from will be at the cutting edge of this technology and your lives will begin to fall into place. Where you have experienced excessive trauma in this lifetime that trauma will begin to recede, the energies that you have found difficult to work with you will manage to overcome.

It is easy, very easy, to traumatize a child all it takes is a lack of love. For no love can bring death to a child. If it doesn’t bring physical death then many aspects of the child will die. A child without love is like a torch without a battery, there is no energy for it to develop and the child begins to shut down certain areas so that it can survive. It shuts down certain areas of its intelligence and it learns to manipulate the truth through behaviours like selective hearing, selective vision, avoidance of what is should really be dealing with and what it shouldn’t have to deal with. Its parents were there to support the child to nurture and to nourish to make the child safe and secure, and where this has not happened a child becomes traumatized and that trauma plays out in adult life.

Many, many of you in the new age and on your spiritual path have struggled with this child that is traumatized. In very serious cases of trauma the child completely overtakes the personality of the person and it is as if you are living totally in the past, totally in that moment of trauma and fear and your lives are not allowed to unfold. If a life for a child without love happened in nature it would be as if a tree would shed it’s leaves, it would just let it’s leaves die off, perhaps because a tree would see rain as love and if there is no water to nurture and nourish the tree then the tree slowly but surely allows its’ leaves to die back and this is exactly what happens to a child. What has to happen is that trauma has to be visited and re-visited over and over and over again. It is not only the trauma that the child experienced that must be re-visited because trauma naturally weakens the child and the adult, and this trauma in this new energy you will be able to release this child of trauma. You will be able to regain your core strength in your stomach and begin to create for yourself a powerful life, a life of your dreams.

No matter how traumatized the inner child is you still have your dreams and your dreams are your journey and as long as you keep processing your trauma just gently wearing it away, releasing step by step little, little at a time, healing the inner fight the resistance within you will conquer this, you will conquer your own life you will become the master of your own destiny. You will bring more and more love into your own life. You will bring more and more love to this earth for all to share and for all those that haven’t got the courage to walk the same path that you are walking you will give them many gifts. The power will belong to you for you will be the one that healed yourself, you will be the one that becomes enlightened. You will be the one that steps into truth, honesty and absolute integrity.

It is these wounded leaders that you are electing into power on this planet that are creating so many problems for the planet. They can’t see beyond themselves. They don’t have a vision of love. They don’t have a vision of how beautiful life can be. They can’t have that vision because the child controls them. The child, the hurt, the wounded child its needs are not fulfilled it’s full of want.

When you come to a stage of enlightenment you no longer have needs and you no longer have wants. You just are. Things just are the way they are. Whatever you want you have it, whatever you need you have it! There is no need to fuel relationships with fraudulent dealings, for your relationship with yourself is in harmony it’s just the way it should be.

There will be new ways of choosing leaders coming into the consciousness of man and once again this will take time, this will take a number of years for this consciousness has to filter through into the masses. It has to come from heaven and move into the earth and the way that happens is through mankind. When the energy flows through man and man can accept these energies he must pull it through his own body and push it into Mother Earth. That is the way to change life on Mother Earth it is to bring through these new energies and to connect them into the Mother Earth, to ground them.

But one must be grounded one’s self and this is the job and the duty and the will of the enlightened beings. They wish to impregnate the earth with love, justice, freedom and ecstasy, all these beautiful energies. The days of suffering are not quite over but they will be over for there will be no need to suffer. There will be no need for others to make others suffer for there are many, many changes.

We, in spirit world envisage an earth plane far, far beyond what your imagination can deliver. There are those scientists that dream of travelling to the boundaries of outer space there are others that dream of exploring the oceans and others that dream of exploring the forests and the jungles but the greatest exploration is the exploration of one’s self. The journey the Gnostics bring to you the journey of gnosis, the bringing into your body that special Divine wisdom, a special understanding not only of planet earth but of man himself, of humanity, of how you work, of how you operate for you are all far more powerful than you could ever, ever, ever imagine.

There is much power far beyond the veil and the veils are being lifted. Slowly but surely those ones of you who can handle the responsibility of this great knowledge and wisdom it will be given to you. It will be yours to teach and to use and to allow to flow into the rest of humanity for consciousness is about responsibility. The more and more conscious you are the more and more responsible you are. Love is consciousness. We always said in these channellings that love is the only answer and each question and each problem is answered in love, is more and more darkness in the light, as there is more and more love in your hearts.

It is sometimes difficult to answer a problem with love when you operate through the consciousness of humanity, of human consciousness, but when you can ride beyond human consciousness and allow your heart to deeply connect with the Divine your answers will come and they won’t be the same answers that your head gives you. Your heartfelt answers will change your world. Just allow your heart to show you the way. Just try it with a few small problems. A few problems that you view as unimportant, trivial, and just throw a little love at those problems and just observe, just observe. It is like a plant with sunshine and water they will grow and they will blossom, they will transform, they will turn your life into love and you will become like a love machine.

The more and more you practice this art the more and more you will grow. You will grow like the trees grow in the Amazon forest where they are saturated in humidity, water, sunshine and ambient temperatures it creates so much growth – that is what love is. One of the most beautiful experiences that you can experience is to give love, just give it to yourself.

So we ask you to close your eyes and just drop deeper and deeper into your bodies for this room is filled with the Angelic realm: with the angels, the guides and the spirit guides. There is much love and we ask you to become soft, gentle like a kitten, playful. Just allow the energy of a kitten. Become the energy of a kitten, soft, furry and warm. Just allow yourselves to become this energy… Just allow your hearts to open and become soft. Just allow your hearts to open in the present and don’t allow this energy to move to any aspects of your inner child or your inner parents, your masculine or your feminine, just allow it to flow into you that’s present in this moment. It might sound strange but your soul understands. Just become soft and gentle in this moment. Let the love gently flow… Just let the love flow. Just give it to yourself. Where there is resistance or pain or an inner struggle, an inner fight just acknowledge this inner fight or whatever stops the flow of love… In acknowledging your inner pain or your hurt this blockage, belief pattern or thought will release.

For Dear Ones, this is the Kryon energy and we are here to deliver consciousness. It is yours for the receiving… Just become softer and softer, easier and easier, relax going deeper and deeper and deeper going deeper and deeper and deeper at the same time going higher and higher and higher. You are all these things. You can do and be all of these things all at the same time. Just allow yourselves to connect with the Moon and with Venus and Mars allow these special energies to flow into your hearts and become one. Expand into the Universe, expand beyond this small room, expand beyond who is sat next to you. Just expand, relax and expand. For in relaxation there is expansion. For in momentum there is rest and in rest there is momentum. Just become soft and gentle.

You are just like a computer zip file sometimes compressed, sometimes expanded flowing into everything. Just allow yourselves to flow into everything. Flow where ever you want to flow. Allow yourselves to flow into the new world. Flow to meet these new energies that are coming for you are being held like the Sun holds the Earth you are being held in a very special space to receive these new energies. The energies of love, the energies of clarity… As you are expanding becoming softer and more gentle we ask you to become more and more loving for that aspect of your inner child that you find most difficult to deal with ; the part of your child that is traumatized, the part of your child that was starved of love, this is not all of you or all of your child just and aspect for the traumatized child creates a traumatized reality where things are stuck, where things don’t move, where abundance can’t flow, where there is no expansion and growth.

You will find that the likelihood is that you have been suppressing this child, using a lot of energy suppressing this aspect of your child. Your child fights you and you fight the child. When you fight the child what’s missing is love. For Dear Ones, you are all healers in this lifetime. The ones that hear these messages you had to experience this level of trauma in order to heal this trauma and hold the space for all those that come to you in search of healing. Just allow the softness, tenderness, the touch, allow the energies of responsibility to flow through your bodies taking full responsibility for whatever aspect of what happened to the inner child. Whatever you take responsibility for the answers will come to you and the healing will come to you. Secondly apologise to yourselves and to the child, for an apology is an expression of deep regret.

But you may question why apologise? Well you put that child through a very, very difficult childhood, a very painful lesson for a very painful experience and the likelihood is that the child won’t respond until it receives an apology. Also apologise to yourself for this child has created a reality all through your life where you haven’t managed to create the life of your dreams as a direct result. Usually one’s parents are involved and allow the apology to flow to wherever it needs to flow, parent’s, grandparents or any other third party for they also like to act in a certain way to traumatize the child, they could only have been traumatized themselves to be drawn into such behaviour.

The energy of apology is a gift, is a beautiful spiritual gift, not everybody has the gift of apology. So whatever gifts you do not have such as the gift of apology it would be wise to thank God for the miracle of the gift of apology. Give it to yourself… In order to resuscitate this child to bring it back to life, transform it from dead to alive, from stoic to moving with the energies of love and forgiveness. Fill this child with love and allow forgiveness to flow like the Amazon flows from the Andes to the Atlantic never stopping, always flowing pushing the ocean back miles and miles and miles with its force and its power. Love has a force and a power it is so light you can hardly feel it, you can’t touch it. When it comes it comes and you know it is there.

So fill this beautiful little child of yours, the soft gentle part of you that got so wounded with love and forgiveness for inside the most gentlest, softest parts of yourself, the parts that are easiest to wound is your genius. Just let the love flow deeper and deeper and higher and higher expanded and dense. Let it come with all the opposites of what love can be. Let the love just come and like the gift of apology thank God for the miracle of the gift of love and the gift of forgiveness. For they are gifts, they are beautiful gifts.

Now allow for the energy of surrender to flow through this child, surrendering all the behaviour patterns that have followed with this energy of trauma. The wounded child never acts in alignment with your dreams the wounded child will always act and project its energy into the world completely the opposite way you want to live your life. It will operate anti to your life and to your dreams. That’s how you become aware of your inner child, your wounded child. Your wounded inner child creates a reality that does not align with your dreams but it makes you stronger and stronger, more and more aware, more and more powerful. It teaches about consciousness and how this world became the world that it is.

So allow the surrender of all these behaviour patterns that no longer serve you… and now lets move on to the sixth necessary energy of healing that is the energy of gratitude. You may not feel grateful in this moment for that experience and the child definitely won’t be grateful but the present you have to accept that you have learned a great deal from this experience and you have derived great power and great wisdom, great healing energies as a result of going through this experience. Also on the flip side you can be grateful that you won’t be going through this experience again. So once again thank the Divine for the miracle of the gift of gratitude and remember the more grateful you are the more you get.

Just allow in the energy of gratitude for the experience you had and the experience that is now over, for all the wisdom and all the knowledge and all the love, for all the fun that you have had in the darkness and grateful now to be able to step more and more into the light. Remember that love conquers all and that you are love; that is where your power lies. Your power lies in pure authentic love. Your power lies in you being true to yourself and you being absolutely authentic. When the truth comes to you and you know that this is pure truth love is ruthlessly acting on the truth. Your angels are at your feet and your spirit guides surround you, they are washing your energies with love in awe and in honour of the work that you have done not only tonight but through your lifetime. Just receive this love wash, just receive this love, receive this connection and open yourself to guidance…

Now the final energy the energy of letting go, whenever you let go something better always, always, always comes not 99% of the time but 100% of the time. Something better always comes. So allow the energy of letting go to permeate this event and this child and your inner parents and your inner grandparents and the inner you, your inner masculine and your inner feminine and all those aspects of yourself that can receive this energy of letting go. Just allow the letting go to happen, just like a tree lets go of its leaves in winter or in autumn in preparation for the winter. Let it go…

Dear Ones, you are magical beings of this universe and with each day that goes by you become more and more.

Go well and God Bless for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.

Copyright © David Brown.
All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Melamine In Infant Formulas

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

December 11, 2008
What is Next? As Well As Thoughts on FDA's Role In Health Treats To American PeopleRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

The following newscast came from Natural News website. I believe that it is quite factual simply due to the fact that the author of it is simply trying to bring about "changes," in the current system of checks and balances that our FDA is maintaining that they are a holding towards and really aren't.

Yet you be the judge...I hope to have been able to post the link that will provide this author's full site on this newsletter site of mine. If not than simply copy and paste into your browser the following link up: Melamine Infant Formula (comic)

As always,
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Yeast Can Create Havoc In Ones Life

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:
Enclosed below is Dr. Mercola's actual website article. It is very interesting and something I have been a telling my family/friends for years.

I personally have been very fortunate and haven't had to take any type of pharmaceutical antibiotic for over ten years and that time I took two capsules for a brown recluse spider bite that didn't appear to be such to the M.D.. client/friend that looked at it.

My doctor believed that it was perhaps a tattoo sensitivity that was occurring...yet like I told my doctor, I had the tattoo for over 2 years and wouldn't understand why it would be a acting up now and also too, I recalled a sharp bite on my leg in the night and when I got up and turned on the light, a light tan spider's body was found dead in the bed...(that rhymed by accident...hahahehe)

The reason why the spider bite didn't appear to be a serious spider bite was because I took precautions immediately upon being bitten and threw on the area, all the natural herbal antibiotics I had in the cupboard...both topically and internally...tea tree, colloidal silver and Indian tobacco.

The two antibiotics that were the strongest pharmaceutical grade that our chemical companies produce for human consumption...were enough to create havoc in my urinary tract to begin with...I for one couldn't imagine being on them for any extended amount of time like many persons that I know...have done.

Along with Dr. Mercola's suggestions...I would like to also suggest along with acidophilus inserted into the vaginal tract...perhaps aloe vera gel that is made for internal ingestion...this is what I have used on those occasions that I find myself a craving lots of sugar such as the season upon us all...I haven't considered boric acid, hmmm...something else to research...good stuff. Enjoy!

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.

Millions of people are currently fighting a battle against a single-cell fungus they cannot see. This fungus belongs to a family of yeasts called Candida albicans, and under normal circumstances it’s a harmless part of your skin, intestines, and for women, your vagina.

But Candida cells develop rapidly, and if your system is out of balance from eating unhealthy foods, taking certain prescription drugs, fighting an illness, and more -- Candida can quickly grow out of control. The result is an astounding array of health problems that can rob you of energy and interfere with your ability to enjoy life.

What’s worse most conventional doctors do not recognize the symptoms of Candida overgrowth, and are clueless about how to cure it.

Because Candida overgrowth, or Candidiasis, is so often overlooked by physicians, it’s difficult to say exactly how many people may be affected, but estimates suggest that up to 80 million Americans may suffer from yeast-related problems -- and 70 percent of them are women.

Some common conditions that indicate you may have Candida overgrowth include:

Irritable bowel syndrome
Food allergies

Chronic fatigue

Yeast infections

Weight gain

As you can see, the list is long and varied, and the symptoms mimic those caused by many other diseases.

If you think you may be suffering from a yeast-related problem, keep reading. My free special report, available for download below, will teach you how to identify Candida overgrowth and, more importantly, how to overcome it.

Could Candida Be Sabotaging Your Health? (Free PDF Report)

Discover the Amazing Health Promoting Benefits of Pure Virgin Coconut Oil

I recommend using Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil instead of other cooking oils when you want to go from flab to fab, help stimulate your metabolism, decrease cravings, or help restore more youthful-looking skin. It’s made from fresh-picked coconuts, and contains no chemical additives or trans-fats.

Find Out More

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
This is a VERY important topic for many women as up to 75 percent of all women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime.

But why is that?

I believe one of the most important reasons is the overconsumption of processed foods and foods high in sugar, both of which serve as fertilizer for the growth of yeast and fungi in your body.

Oral contraceptives are also a factor, as these synthetic hormones create an environment that is conducive to yeast overgrowth. And, last but not least, overuse of antibiotics, which kill off both good and bad bacteria and promote the growth of fungi and yeast, contributes to making this such a common health problem.

Is Candida to Blame For Your Symptoms?

When we’re talking about Candida, it’s important to realize that vaginal yeast infections are not the sole health problem that can ensue. In fact, chronic fatigue is perhaps one of the most common ailments rooted in yeast and fungal overgrowth.

Yeast may even be a causative factor in cancer.

I know that sounds surprising, but I’ve previously published an article with a video featuring Dr. Simoncini, who explains this quite succinctly.

So how do you know if Candida is to blame for your symptoms?

Well, often you don’t know for sure, and that’s why so many people are suffering needlessly. If you’re suffering from some of the symptoms listed above, and nothing else you’ve tried seems to help, there’s a fair chance Candida is involved.

However, a good sign that Candida is taking a hold of your body is feeling “run down” and developing a craving for sugars and carbohydrates, as this is the main fuel for the growing amounts of yeast in your body.

The more sugar and grains you eat, the more the yeast grows out of control. Eventually, this will weaken your immune system, which in turn can allow the yeast to infiltrate various other organs, and the sicker you’ll become.

How to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections Naturally

Many people opt to treat yeast infections with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, and when the symptoms go away, they assume they are cured.

In reality, these creams only treat the symptoms, and do nothing about the underlying yeast overgrowth that caused the problem to begin with.

With yeast infections or thrush, the underlying causes are also related to imbalances in your body’s terrain, such as your pH balance, and the balance of good and bad bacteria. Yeast thrives in an alkaline environment, so to successfully treat a vaginal yeast infection for example, you need to adjust the pH in your vaginal area.

To provide near-immediate relief for a vaginal yeast infection, you can try any of these all-natural techniques:

Insert one Boric acid powder capsule into your vagina morning and evening for three to seven days for an acute infection, and 14 to 30 days for a chronic infection. I have not seen Boric acid capsules widely available in health stores or pharmacies but you can make your own by buying a bottle of Boric acid powder and gelatin capsules (a capsule-making machine makes the process go faster).

Studies show the effectiveness of Boric acid is very high especially in women with chronic resistant yeast infections -- one study with 100 women showed a 98 percent success rate with this condition. If you find that the Boric acid irritates your external genitalia you can protect the tissue with vitamin E oil.

Insert one garlic clove into your vagina in the morning and an acidophilus capsule in the evening for three to seven days.

Prepare a retention douche with bentonite clay, Pau D’ Arco tea, plain yogurt, tea tree oil and goldenseal and douche two times a day for seven to 10 days.

Soak a tampon with diluted tea tree oil (use a solution of one and a half tablespoons of tea tree oil and one cup of water) and keep it in your vagina overnight.
How to Avoid Candida with Proper Lifestyle Changes

In order to prevent yeast overgrowth, you need to create an environment that makes it more difficult for fungus to thrive. Typically, you can do this by making the following lifestyle changes:

Eat the Best Diet for You, and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods -- will restrict the amount of fuel the yeast in your intestine has available to it. Ideally you should also make your diet in tune with your nutritional type.
Get Plenty of Good Bacteria -- You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your vagina and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida.
Avoid Exposure to Chemicals and Medications -- Antibiotics, corticosteroids and birth control pills all need to be avoided. Paints, household cleaners, perfumes and scents may also cause allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities are very common in people with yeast overgrowth.
Address Emotional and Psychological Issues -- Food cravings, especially those for sweets, often are exacerbated by emotional dependencies. Tools like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you to overcome unhealthy food cravings and other emotional hurdles.
Essential Food Restrictions For Yeast Control

Because yeast multiplies so quickly, it’s necessary to restrict not only sugar and refined carbs in your diet but also all yeast- and mold-containing foods, including:

Vinegar (and vinegar-containing foods like mustard and salad dressing)
Carrots, potatoes and beets (high-sugar veggies)
Fruits are important to avoid if you have this problem as the sugar in the fruit typically worsens those who are suffering with yeast infections. Fruit can be resumed once the yeast is under control.
Peanuts and corn (which often contain mold)
Mushrooms (fungus)
Aged cheeses
Also remember that the number one source of calories in America is not regular sugar, but high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is included in most all processed foods and should be avoided.

If you are already facing Candidiasis, I highly recommend working with a natural health care practitioner who specializes in treating yeast overgrowth to help see you through treatment.

Related Articles:

Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection

Fungus Causing Cancer -- A Novel Approach to the Most Common Form of Death

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and The Yeast Connection: Is Yeast the Missing Link?