Friday, June 20, 2008

Reaching Into Spirit, Body, Mind Dis-Ease States

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Life Is Simply Whole Vibrations
June 21, 2008

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear CG and All One Family:

CG: Thank you for your response email. Before I post it, I wanted to post something from Dr. OZ, that I grabbed off of Oprah's website. For all that haven't taken the journey over to her site, and don't catch her are missing an awful lot! If you can't catch the show, which I can't. Her website is the next best thing!

This caught posting is of Dr. OZ. CG you might be personally interested in it, for it talks about insulin resistance. It perhaps will be of interest to you being it addresses the condition of diabetes of which you know lots already, having walked those miles for several years.

Insulin Resistance and Disease
Original Air Date: June 17, 2008
Insulin resistance may be most closely associated with diabetes, but according to Dr. Jay Lombard and Peter Morgan Kash, it's also the culprit behind many of the diseases plaguing Americans, including heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's. Dr. Oz talks with Dr. Lombard and Peter, co-authors of Freedom from Disease, about the role of insulin in the body and how to keep insulin levels in check for good health.

Insulin is a hormone that helps the body use glucose, or blood sugar. When sugar intake is too high, Dr. Lombard says insulin and glucose levels get out of balance and glucose builds up in the blood, leading to insulin resistance and inflammation linked to various diseases. "Your entire metabolism is thrown off kilter. … Insulin resistance is not just diabetes—it's a multiconverging pathway for a multitude of disease processes," Dr. Lombard says.

Insulin resistance can be prevented and possibly reversed by eating a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing stress and getting regular exercise, Dr. Lombard and Peter say. The key is to control insulin levels and to keep the entire body healthy before medical intervention becomes necessary. "We're treating diseases at the end stages of disease as opposed to early stages of disease," Dr. Lombard says.

Related Resources
Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin by Peter Morgan Kash and Jay Lombard
Catch the audio or written taping of Dr. Oz's show at Don't stop there, travel to all the other wonderful areas of Mind, Spirit and Body is quite an educational adventure for those wanting to know lots more than they already do.

Now on to CG's email posting: June 17, 2008

"Tonie, being a diabetic with the usual diabetic health problems, the K-1 and the Quad 4 Harmonic Zapper has really made a difference for my legs, circulatory system, and my neurological system. For years my legs have been so weak that it is difficult to walk up and down stairs, to get up from chairs, or even get out of my car.
After using the K-1 along with the Quad 4 only four times has made a great difference in the strength of my legs. I felt a dull ache in my legs after using the K-1. It was not painful, but just enough discomfort to tell me that my legs are getting stronger. The color of my legs and feet has come back from a dull purplish color to a healthy pink color.
I have noticed that the feeling of my feet and toes have come back considerably. In just a couple of weeks, I am very ticklish on my toes. Considering I could not feel my feet or toes a couple of weeks ago, are amazing to me.
Also, the Quad 4 has reduced the nail fungus on my toenails, and has started to clear up. I could tell this by my toenails turning a white color that signifies that the fungus is dying, and my toenails are getting thinner. I think it will take about three to six months for my toenails to be clear of all nail fungus.
I am glad that we have been taking pictures of my feet and legs to monitor the improvement. It will be interesting and exciting to see the progress unfold in the coming months." C.G.

Again CG, thank you for this email. You left out that you have congested heart failure, as well as being into kidney failure and are on home dialysis and at the time of you beginning treatment with me, you faced the possibility of having both legs amputated at the knees, due to limited circulation from your diabetes condition.

I also believe that your current age is 52 years old and diabetes has been your constant bed fellow for over 20 plus years. I believe it was a couple of years ago that you had cataract surgery for both eyes as well.

So like myself, what ever God brings you that would help your condition further reverse itself, you are grateful for each and every improvement.

You and I have walked through your health research patterns for well over 15 years by has been a long a winding road. Many times you couldn't handle all the things that came out of my mouth for you simply didn't want to believe that the road back home was simply through learning forgiveness for those things that you couldn't see were later the best things to ever happen to you.

Life is simply about learning the lessons given us, so that they don't come back around like, "Ground Hog Day," (the movie) to slap our faces time after time after time. Can I get an Amen, fellow coconut head? Fellow means, I admit that I have my coconut head days as well, we all do if we choose to be honest about it...think about it...

Walking the path of total disability, is one that was offered me as well from my 17 year patient/client M.D. I chose it not for many reasons, because it meant that I had to allow the medical doctors to put me through all of their grueling tests and treatments and in the end, I would perhaps have been the worst for it, for when one is labeled, it sets their minds into a mind dive and instead of taking an alternative direction, they stick totally to the medical end of it...and unfortunately, they are great for treating the symptoms, yet not the cause...

Those of you present here that know me personally and had been privileged to have had my research continuation project given you, know that all I have ever wanted to do, was to be the best that I could be...with God's help that is...and thus be able to give my best to one and all.

To those of you present and reading my newsletter in its entirety and not just a skipping around here and there...haha, caught you! Know me well enough to know that I have always believed that there was a link up with illness and parasites that can inhabit the body. I have already posted that here on this another newsletter and I am sure it won't be my last posting on it.

When did this parasitic being the root cause of all illness begin? About 20 Years ago when I met this most phenomenal woman from Austria, the country. She had to have been in her 70's then and my base training Myomassologist Founder/Instructor, brought her from Bolder Colorado to a seminar that contained about 200 individuals in it.

What this little lady who stood about 4 feet tall, and weighed perhaps 50 lbs...maybe, and I remember her wearing shoes like the Amish do...What made her so phenomenal was not her looks, it was what she was a doing...she walked down all the rows and rows of persons a sitting down at convention style tables, and stood in front of each person and not only told them what was wrong with them, and what herbal formulas that they needed and how to take it.

This lady name was Hanna Kruger, and she has wrote many fabulous books...still in print.

Hanna not only read the person energetically and told them the herbs/minerals and additional needs, she also read the picture energetic energies of their families and pictures of pets and such...she was the bomb! I saw her twice and paid only $25 to see her plus the cost of the supplements as well.

They really weren't all that expensive and they were grown at her Chapel of Miracles in Bolder, Colorado...which still exist today, for her son has carried on since her passing.

What did she tell me that was wrong with me? She told me that I had bugs, lots of them and had I never heard of cleaning out the bugs, twice at least a year? I told her that my mom did us kids to a black doctor that told her to do some natural agents twice a of them was Castor oil...yuck! Even with the sugar that my mom would put on the tablespoon with was still a terrible naturally I wouldn't have copied something that was good for me, I would withdraw from the thought of it...makes sense right?

About ten years later, I ran into Ginny Irwin, who is also on my site, . Ginny also hailed from Bolder, Colorado and not only is she a master herbalist, she is also a master iridologist...which is a study of the eyes...and she has this machine that takes the pupil of ones eyes and magnifies it enormously so she can read the eyes more easier. Unfortunately, those days of reading the eyes are over for Ginny and now she only does consultation for herbal and nutritional phone or email...see her site on my site...

Ginny and I worked together and I took some of her wonderful training in herbology and Iridology...I never went forth and got my certificate in it...simply because I worked with Ginny at her herbal store, yet I didn't live in the same area and where I lived was strictly medical...and I would have been tar-feathered and taken by rails...away from the area of my residence. Ah, choices we make, you know?

Ginny actually when she read my eyes, told me that what Hanna Kruger had told me...was real. Ginny actually saw that I had at one time, held a large colonization of parasites...yet she also saw that I had had a massive healing cycle...and was successful in killing off the majority of them...Yet still need some assistance in that direction for everything holds, water, air...pets, other persons...

So to be gifted a Harmonic Quad, bug and metal detox a foot bath format...I feel so special...and the first person I thought of that could benefit the use of it...was you CG, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to see how functional it is for your needs and mine and all the others wanting to experience it...

I too like how it has made my feet feel...I do feel the influence of the vibrational energy that according to Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, "The Cures For All Cancers," it is supposed to be working on the possible parasitic link up to disease...and according to the book, "Guess Who Came To Dinner?" which states that there are over 5,000 different parasites that can host ones human body."

I found it amazing that you are wanting a unit yourself so bad, that you ordered Hulda's book from and now have constructed some of the devices from her book for your own go guy! Great way to show that you want to call back your body's health...Finally, I see a large spark in you...and I know that the K1 as well is a helping you, for exercise alone helps develop ones endorphins, which are natural pain opiates...

To be even more informed about the K1, all can do to my site... to see all the research that has gone into this FDA approved medical device which I would love to place in your home residence to see the continued results of its effect on those with near to none flexibility in your feet.

I was grateful that you took all the information to your holistic health-medical doctor who told you that he would write you a script for it, yet he doubted very much that Medicaid would allow it for you.

So again...alternative health isn't allowed to expand...for the K1 treatment is only of ten minutes a day...your chronic health condition could benefit from it, even more than the only two times a week...for as it stands, both treatments that you do, is over two hours in duration time...having your own K1 that you could get on daily would make lots more sense...yet we are seeing an improvement doing the research only twice a is what it is.

Now that I have your total attention CG. You still have a ways to go with forgiveness and acceptance...please go and listen to Eckhart and Oprah on her I promise you CG, you won't be the same. Look how big and large I am a dreaming...Yes, I am a shooting for the moon and perhaps if I catch just one star...I will still be happy for my life isn't about being famous, it is simply about what our former president, John F. Kennedy stated, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

My dreaming and visualizing into existence the research, teaching and healing a doing all for my country and the world...for I am truly a "Pay Forward",(the movie) kind of person...for all that we do, comes back multiplied and turned over...So if we do good, good will be our return end product. Maybe not in the beginning of the storm, yet at the conclusion of the stormy weather, the sun always shines through and sometimes you can catch the glimpse of a rainbow if you are very lucky.

I would love to be able to explore all the other devices that Hulda Clark offers up...yet the cost of them isn't in my already frail budget that is getting considerably smaller each week that passes...I have already told my landlord that I might be a giving up my home residence soon...the need for me in this area is a getting slimmer and I am being asked to go door to door and with gas prices and the time lost just isn't worth the effort...and I don't want to put that kind of stress and strain on my body that is also in recovery...three herniated discs in my neck...two torn medial meniscus...and a low back injury in 1981, that I have babied since then...

So to all of my friends and family, just keep me in your prayers...somehow God will help me ride this storm successfully, even if it only means that I am to move to grow...just a tossing it out there, not a whining, just a explaining...

All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

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