Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Volume 101
June 01, 2008
Dear All One Family:
I can't tell you how excited I am to have been gifted another research project machine. My bug zapper, after only ten minutes time, made my feet feel good. I don't have my team of researchers that will be taking a tropical medicine look at the common ground problem that we all have...having guests of ourselves for dinner...
I understand that some parasites are good for the Eco system of our bodies...yet I just like the sound of a system that isn't heavily laden and taxed by parasites...
I got this little ditty from the site that was covering all the aspects of this foot bath parasite removal system...so if you don't like it...understand I didn't write it...okay?
go to... http://www.webdeb.com/zapper/foot-tub.htm to see that I am real.
After reading this parasitic world report, reflect back on your like of the taste of raw fish and raw or medium raw meat...and understand how you could be possibly a feeling not all your finest...
"In general, worms are parasites that may commonly invade the intestinal tract, and uncommonly invade other parts of the body. There are many types of worms...see list below.
“Parasites are the missing diagnosis in the genesis of many chronic health problems, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Most individuals would be truly amazed if they knew the extraordinarily high number of Americans who are unknowingly infected by parasites…”
– Dr. Hermann R. Bueno, Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene of London
Listing of the common names of the most prevalent
types of parasites that call the human body home.
Symptoms may vary depending on the worm.
Tape worms: Taenias - fish tapeworm, beef tapeworm, and pork tapeworm. Obtained from eating raw or undercooked, infected meat. Adult worms can reach a length of more than 15 feet.
Pork tapeworms can enter the brain and cause seizures.
Fish tapeworms can produce over one million eggs per day. It can grow up to 33 feet.
The tapeworm is normally half an inch long, and is usually white/grey in color.
Black worms: These are 10 - 12 inches in length and leave the colon wrapped in 'yellow acid water'. They nest deep in the impacted colon wall.
White worms: They come in all sizes, from tiny pinworms to those that look like spaghetti or angel hair pasta.
Red worms: These look just like earthworms. They exude from the colon wrapped in balls. They can reach up to 6 inches long.
Inch worms: These are thick (pencil size), black and bumpy, and about 2 inches long.
Pin worms: Tiny parasites that wiggle out of the anus cavity. The have the appearance of white rice and are about 3/4 inch long and are thicker than white worms.
Hook worms: Curved parasites about six inches long, and grayish. Infestation is as high as 50% worldwide. Hookworms grip the intestinal wall and suck blood.
Thread worms: Cream-colored parasites as thin as a thread. They often come out by the hundreds.
Stickpin worms: One inch long and a head like a pea, perfectly round, small ones are white, adults are black.
'Little fish': Fish-type parasites with heads and tails that swim out of the colon in schools. They average about 1/2 inch long.
'Fuzz balls': Round parasites with fur on them. About 1/4 - 3/4 inch diameter, yellow in color.
'Spiders': Has an appearance similar to that of a spider and are colored brown; often 1 inch long.
In general, worms may be associated with overall fatigue, and "flu-like" symptoms or even vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Often, there are intestinal symptoms such as: poor digestive symptoms, gas, burping, fatigue, joint pains, lowered resistance and even mood changes and depression.
• Proper hygiene
• Proper elimination of human waste
• Avoid walking barefoot on soil that may be contaminated
• Avoid eating improperly cooked meat
Worms may actually come out of the anus at night, when in bed, due to the warmth. Thus, especially children, may be checked, while sleeping. Worms are very contagious. Check all members of household if one has been diagnosed. Be very careful with personal hygiene. Keep toilet seats cleaned well and after every use for several days at beginning of treatment. For severe infections, use bowel cleanse programs with high colonics or home enemas, for first few weeks.
Now SS. Taking all the above in consideration please...allow me to further comment on your two days of perhaps a not feeling up to par...
Just wanted to share how my Friday went. Not sure it has anything to do
with crystals or not,
but I just had the strangest day. As you can see, it is 3:00 am, and I
am wide ass wake. My
whole body was in a state of chronic fatigue on Friday. It was an effort
to move anything, felt
like I was almost moving in slow motion. I cancelled my physical
therapy, went home at 4:00,
and went to sleep by 6:00. I actually set the alarm so I could call
Linnie and let him know there
was no way I was going to be able to drive out and see him last night.
Have been sleeping pretty
solid until now. My plans are to be at his house by 9 or 10 so we can go
fishing. We hardly
ever miss a Friday night/Sat morning together. But I could just not make
myself move.
Strange experience. I am awake now, and will probably get a shower and
get ready to go see
him. I suppose I'll just get there real early.
Have you experienced anything like this after using the mat? Maybe
because it was the first
time for me? Dunno.
Ok, gonna get moving, TTYL, Suz
Dear Suz:
Thanks for your comments.
What I believe that you are experiencing is a recovery cycle...a time when the old falls away, exposing the new you to be birth from a body caught up in the wake of its own toxicity...
Please recall back to the days of your massage bodywork...all clients had a different result, simply due to them all having different lifestyles, habits and belief systems...
In my practice, I had those that hadn't had a session in a long time...such as yourself...(where's the healer, heal thyself in you? Has medicine taken you to the edge that they can handle the problem simply by dealing with the condition result and not the condition? think about it.)
I have found that those that did experience its energetic results simply because their body was so far out of balance point, that lots more was taken from the effects of the far infar rays...perhaps a result similar to a gradient of less, taking more...than normal, causing a slight overload before the body can move fast forward kind of thing...does that make sense SS?
For some long time past returnees such as yourself...perhaps, just perhaps...this is what happened to you...
Too toxic and chaos drained for your own good...and a complete recharging after the complete depletion you had just moved through phase was necessary...
A recharging moving into balance point. Neither extremes can a body function at for very long without either taxing or DE-energizing itself...ah, this qua tum physics thing is quite a simple yet expansive way of looking at the human body electrical system...
To catch you up simply to where I am a looking at the wellness factors of our body, would not be an easy thing, for it tooks years of hands on research and study to get me to the reality world I am a viewing currently.
Currently after 24 years of hands on and study...
We are what we think, do and consume...If that is a world of empty calories or sporadic eating habits...guess what? We produce a sporadic body...does that make sense?
When I look at all the stressors that you have had since you have placed yourself in my vibrational energy healing center...I would say that you are perhaps blowing about a 300 on the stress meter.
Lets take a quick picture of your yesterday past...
car accident that left you with herniated discs, perhaps cosmetic facial surgery to repair a large scar on your face, whereas according to the medical specialist...the nerve damage is permanent...and according to the chiropractic physicians...that I sought for their professional insights on my herniated three discs in my neck, got that it was a permanent situation...for life.
Being both professions, both medical and chiropractic ally, believe that herniated discs are permanent. I don't believe so.
Medical professionals believe that meds will heal the condition. They throw one into physical therapy to teach the muscles a new way of responding...thus reducing the inflammation created by moving unfamiliar to its self...that is a good thing, especially if motion exercises with ones physical body that is locked down and inhibited...I believe one can only discover that blocked neural way is by palpitation...those physical therapists that only prescribe exercises and don't try to help release the muscle discomforts of the client that will soon be a heading towards being discharged being acute pain problems, when gone over into the chronic realm...insurance companies will not compensate for them...being the mass population leaves at this doorway.
We are a nation of chronic victims...we all carry the baggage of victimization...I guess that is just the human being an experiencing himself/herself is supposed to be...I say no, yet lots believe differently than myself and I can accept that...
I can only be true to myself and no one else...before me. Just like I wouldn't expect it differently for anyone else. To love ones self, allows that love to radiate out from one and flow to all...When one can't love themselves, to love others is mighty difficult...if not impossible... "To Thy Own Self Be True." Author unknown...
Since the wreck, you have been on countless medications,one just recently that is supposed to kill the nerve endings...is that a pill that you are a ingesting? Did they guarantee that it would only kill the affect nerve endings? sleepless nights, pain, worry, fear, father ill, break up, reunion, engagement, soon arriving marriage, last weekend you help your guy and his brother, repair the laundry room so that you could finally put your house on the market for sale...on top of having an a type A personality, and having your guy live over an hour and a half a way, and a job that is getting harder and harder to report too...that spells high stress levels to me...and A.K.A...toxic body conditions...low energy. On top of the MS condition that you have had lots of success at keeping at bay for longer periods of time...yet what do I know...perhaps nothing, perhaps lots...
Would it be better the second treatment time again...of course...have I had others like you with their first experience on it ending like yours...yes...yet she was the one that gave me the vibrational parasite foot bath...and told me that it didn't make that much difference in her world...I am seeing and feeling the difference after only one ten minute application a day. Tomorrow and all days following, I am to do it only for 4 minutes...with Epsom salts as my alkalize...too cool!
This foot bath was designed for those with cancer, depression, and all other chronic health care conditions...celebration!
The lady that donated it to me...has also a type A personality and chronic health care conditions that she has been taking lots of prescription meds for...so yes, the toxicity level is high in her and I believe she also has a sugar fetish...that isn't good at all as well, for sugars in all forms, weakens the body...occasional spurts isn't bad...it is when it becomes a way of life that illness starts to take its effects on the body balance condition...understand what I am a saying?
Also, did you following the session...drink plenty of water, eat lightly and mainly raw veg stables, fruits and perhaps soup broth? Did you exercise lightly and also take your 3 lb Epsom salts bath to neutralize all the toxins now wanting to escape into your lymph nodes?
Being I wasn't there to notice what you did or didn't do...explaining your reaction to all the healing energy work that was done on you...is only a mere estimation of what occurred...perhaps or perhaps not...just a throwing it out to you...to see where it will lead, take what you need and please do leave the rest...
Love you girl
Hope this answers your questions to an extent...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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