Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
"When It is Easier to Run and Hide Our Heads, Instead of Facing The Light of Day!"
August 05, 2008
Dear Tom as well as All One Family Members:
This newsletter edition contains the posting of Tom M. and my comments on the synchronicity of his posting to me after the Conspiracy Theory I posted in my last posting.
It could be my imagination, yet I don't choose to call it as such for to me, "all things happen for a reason, as you all should know that is how I look at life, all of the time, now.
To me, I call that further awakening proof, others can call it what ever they choose for right now, all I want to do is concentrate on the moment for as long as I "look behind or ahead, I somehow lose the moment and there within the moment is where all things are a happening." I believe Eckhart Tolle wrote that, yet I can't be sure for before Eckhart there were numerous others futuristic soul beings that tried to awaken me (books, Cd's...etc.) and Eckhart and Oprah successed when all the others couldn't quite completely awaken me and I choose to call that astounding!..."A New Earth, Awakening To Your Life's Purpose," Eckhart-Oprah ten week online classes... www.oprah.com
Dear All One Universal Family Members:
I want to apologize to all that found fear contained within the video that I chose to pass along to all on this newsletter that caused you one moment of fear. That was not my intention.
My intention was simply to offer up another's interpretation as to why our world wasn't a working. A scenerio I realize that more than not symbolize a world that was a chasing its own tail, so to speak. Almost like the movie, "Ground Hog Day."
I like Sharon Destiny,am grateful that other interpretations are being a offered us, so speak to answer the questions that many that are a thinking them, aren't a verbalizing openly and that is,:"what the heck happened?
Now that we have been given one person's opinion, what do we do with that information?
Do we grow more despondent? Or do we take that assumption and decide how to change that outcome that this video author believes is written in stone?
One thing I find the most pressing to discuss at the moment is Janet Reno's ideas (Oklahoma Bombing clip) about what a terrorist is...
I remembered when Janet Reno did the news reel and I wondered silently to myself...this can't be a Christian woman for what she is calling a cult is every God based religion in the world...for each belief that they are the only way Home and each believe differently to a slight degree than the others...
I believe that 87% of United States believes in God and of that 87% of the population, perhaps 90% believe that our government from time to time has exhibited ways that are a bit not completely honest with the people it is a serving.
So are 90% of the population of America, terrorists? I don't believe so, for I believe that Christianity is fully installed within one's being when they can look at another and see the Christ within the other and not see skin color or path differences.
(mirrored reflection-or what I am a saying about you, I am really a saying about myself type of thing-or what importantly; that which I am a doing/thinking of another, I am actually a doing/thinking about/to myself.)
The conspiracy tape lay out format and my thoughts on it...
Am I shocked or surprised? No. Angered or stunned? NO. It is what it is...take the mistakes of yesterday and build from it a new tomorrow...definitely a time for change, for the old isn't a working in a way, it seems that will benefit all of mankind and I believe therein lies the secret and it being...were any nations choices not built on building the nation they were a serving and representing...they were not working in the light of God and thus...those responsible for making the decisions before looking at the reactions possible due to their actions...were not acting responsible in God's eyes and karma was to befall the one a believing that self was more important than all.
Thus I believe that the ones responsible for the wars that cost losses of God's children, those a jointly choosing to go left instead of right, will be held responsible for all the consequences of their decisions, just like each and everyone of us.
Do I want to buy into the conspiracy theory? Actually no, for that would mean that this great land that I love and cherish would represent a lie for which it stood at one time, "One Nation Under God," so rather than go there in judgement, for all I know is the rumors of the grape vine committee for perhaps 20 years now...now coming out in a video on the Internet and published books...how bizarre is that to be real?
Were all of my suspicions real? Do I want to think like that? Absolutely not! For to think in a negative light, produces nothing but (yes, Dr. Phil, I wrote but)negative living...and I am through with the drama and the world should be as well...for drama is what created it and drama could cause it to evolve and completely re-arrange itself...2012.
So what I am going to do is to focus on what is good about America and get down on my hands and knees and pray and ask God to lead us all out of it safely by awakening up our world leaders and future leaders to the fact that we are in this all together...and a pleading with all to do the same.
I believe that many mistakes have been made and now what all I believe we can all do is; take the mistakes of yesterday and learn from them and as Dr. Phil would state, when we go in search of those "how did it serve our purpose?" answers; we would soon learn that a new and better way was in order to be manifested.
Especially since the old was a doing all that it was supposed to have been doing, a keeping us a chasing after our own tails a trying to gain control of the world, yet the only one in control of the world is God and thus all a long we all have been a playing God...One dab of God's spark doesn't make us total...
Change your thinking, change the outcome of your world.
Dear Tom:
Thank you for your wonderful posting. I know that one day your book will sit on the shelves of my library at the Angel Foundation Research Center. You might even choose to do lectures there as well...who knows for sure what tomorrow could bring.
I only know that the first time that you wrote on your Eckhart Tolle blog site, I knew that you definitely were one that pushed past the box into a reality that you along with myself and the world is a trying to re-discover.
I find that you and I resonate quite similarly in many directions...thank you for being one of my guides, in this life-time that is going swiftly towards the direction of cleansing either through a nuclear explosion or an asteroid...4 plus years and a counting down.............
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
We are on the cutting edge of an incredible time in human
history - a great awakening.
We stand at a pivotal moment in time where mankind stands
to expand its consciousness and transcend the holographic
illusion of what is considered reality.
The Law of Attraction, the Art of Conscious Creation, the
Secret, the Bible's "what you sow you reap" - whatever
tradition we wish to call it - the great avatars and
masters throughout history have always taught...
We Create Our Reality
What we think, feel, believe and expect to receive comes
back to us. In other words, whatever we focus on becomes
our reality. Realizing this - and remembering who we truly
are - is the 'real' secret to changing our personal world
and the world we live in.
We are connected with the Source, or the 'All That Is'. We
are a spark of this creative energy some people call God.
Thus I teach and share an actual living of, and reclaiming
of the power to consciously create our reality, and the
experience of knowing our true nature and our connection to
all things and to each other.
We have a natural potential for balance, harmony,
perfection, beauty, complete health, abundance and
happiness. As we remember our true essence, we begin to
see the link between our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and
actions... and our power to create.
We live in a world where everyone is a creator and all we
see before us is our creativity manifested. Since most of
us are unaware of our creative power, it is quite natural
that our world is chaotic and dysfunctional. My books and
courses detail the what, why, and how of our current state
of affairs and the ways we can 'consciously create' a future
of peace and prosperity.
We are present at the birth of an opportunity to truly
change the world. We are living in a time of the most
rapid change in our history - an expansion of awareness and
consciousness. We truly hold the keys to unlocking the door
of the future of our planet and humanity. Now is the time
to do what we came here to accomplish and remember we were
Born to Manifest!
There is so much more in my new book,
"The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness"
===>> http://borntomanifest.com/manuscriptbk.html
Wishing you an amazing day,
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