Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Mess or all things as they are supposed to be?
September 27, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I don't know how many of you bothered with the presidential election debate between Senator Obama and Senator McClain. I did.
My thoughts for those a wondering...hahahehe...is that I felt that they went well.
I got a chance to see both sides of the ticket and now I understand why they are basically a running neck and neck.
They both are basically similar to what our country needs, except different in two key aspects.
John in spite of his love for our country, still I feel moves more towards those that have more and Senator Obama...more towards the man and women that are the key backbone of this country...the middle and lower class.
Too long our country has put into office those that serve up themselves instead of the majority of this country a paying their way to do such to us.
Kind of ironic wouldn't you say?
I have gotten so many not so kind or truthful emails a trying to down grade Senator Obama from everything, but the devil...that I just pray for those misguided individuals that proclaim such lame mistruths...for isn't it one of our Bible's commandments that we don't bear false witness?
Just a throwing it out there if anyone cares to know what I am a thinking and a feeling right now that our country is at its worst level in the history of our country since the Depression back in the 1920's.
Do I feel that Senator Obama is the man of the hour? Absolutely right!
Do I agree with each and everything that he is about? No, yet does anybody agree with all things told them by others? I personally don't have any in my life that I agree with 100%. I pray that you do, yet believe that were one really honest...they perhaps would find the same factor...rather that person be a family member, friend or such... Just my thoughts...
Tonight's news was pretty depressing to me...especially the part where Senator Obama was a stating that not one American should pay one dollar to bail out those responsible for the crashing of our economy. Mortgage companies, Banks, Wall Street and such.
My question to Senator Obama is thus...if we don't help, what is the long range effect..."for every action, there is a reaction." Have you thought this one looking out of the box?
I also believe that if man kind can dream it, he can create it...such as the television show, "Numbers." I believe that the show has some validity in that all is a numbers game...all things can be put down and analyzed/calculated and come up with a summation...I believe that those folks that live within the numbers world, can help you bring forth the proper calculation figures and that is what the American people want you to do.
Find these folks, and not like what you state are Senator McClain's associate friends, Lobbyists...for these persons who are more for the self-interest groups; the multi-billion dollar corporations...for these are the responsible parties I feel will hold the major crux of the blame were our nation to fold.
So I would say to you this...pick your associates wisely...both you and Senator Biden...and I would say to Senator McClain...you might want to re-evaluate your own comrades in light of the fact that we have become a very fear based, non trusting nation of Americans and others...
We see how hard it is to pay our bills on time and how slow and sometimes non existing our work is becoming...we are in trouble here and we all know that our government is responsible for it seems all were asleep and no one was a watching and wasn't it only a few weeks ago that Senator McClain stated that our economy was sound?
Does Senator McClain feel that we are all asleep? Some of us are a working two and three jobs to keep their heat/air, lights, water, food on the table, for themselves and their children...just a throwing it out there.
As for my thoughts on Iraq...should there be a pull out? I believe that we should have a scheduled pull out, for this nation in case you aren't a noticing...is borrowing money from China in order to keep funding the war efforts..yet Iraq isn't a helping with our presence there and that bothers me...for I thought that they were going to help fund the endeavor, especially in their own rebuilding...
Yet I could have been a dreaming it...one never knows...Just like I could still be a dreaming that color means nothing in America anymore...yea, right! Yet just remember something that is real...The Jewish nation believes Senator Obama is white...because his mother is white...for the nationality of the birth mother is what determines ones race.
I personally believe that the soul essence of each and everyone of us, is the color of water...and that our outer garment is not as important as what is our inner worth...for there is where God lives inside of each and everyone of us...
Thus when Senator Obama and Senator McClain clashed on Senator Obama a wanting to go into negotiations with other world leaders without demands first stated, I for some reason believe that how can you know what the other is thinking before a asking them?
The old way that we used to think as a world, was that to "shoot first and then ask questions." To me it just makes good sense to sit down at the table and talk things through first...then if the talks aren't a going as good as you would like...formulate a plan that would benefit both parties and not just one or the other...
To Senator McClain I would state that it made me quite worrisome when I heard you state that you would suspend all spending that wasn't earmarked by you...that sounds like some more programs for the little person a being cut and here we go again on that magically down ward slope...how can we trust someone that doesn't feel that open ended communications are good? Just my thoughts and I do hope and pray that I am wrong about this analogy of you from just your debate speech last night. do please forgive me if I am wrong.
The polls state that Senator Obama took the debate last night...again I felt that both are making a good attempt at trying to have us believe that a turn around in our country is possible...I do hope and pray you both are right...
Back to today's news cast...
Along with Senator Obama's words earlier expressed in my newsletter...Senator Obama's blirp...showed him talking on the phone to the committee meeting a trying to bring together the bail out...and personally, he looked a bit gloomy...and I feel as well, that he too is having doubts that this bail out will work for the whole of the American people and not just those responsible for letting us all down...
I hope and pray that I am wrong...and it was just my paranoia a working overtime again!
To Senator Obama and Senator McClain, I would like to finally add...you both are rather brave men...please choose well your decisions...understand that lots is at stake here for your fellow Americans...and our history books, historians are a recording all of your actions, just like they have for all actors and actresses in our nation's history...you are a helping write history as you go...make it a grand and nation blessed journey...please?
My thoughts tonight
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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