Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
After The Storm Passes, The Sun Always Shines!
September 06, 2008
Dear All One Family:
What a beautiful day it is here...the storm waged on all through the night and I paid very little attention to it...for all things are in God's Hand's...all things...how wonderful it is to bask in the Light, Love, Peace and Comfort of God, knowing that He is totally taking a hold of the reins of all things that we can not control or change...
By basically changing how we feel about things within ourselves...helps change the world around us...it is so true...we are a blessed world and don't even know it for the most part...
I am so full of peace, comfort and joy from the events of yesterday now unfolding down upon myself...and as I look through all the soot and ashes of people's lives so changed by a moment in time...I am in awe that inspite of my world being so rocky and bumpy at this time...it is still better than some a still trying to make out some meaning from the meaningless...
Just my thoughts today...
May All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Yes, I know that we have the hurricane named Ike a moving in close proximity of us...yet with it as well...it is what it is...will I pray to help diminish its impact upon all those caught in the wake of its storm? Absolutely, for that is what I would want done for me as well..."Do unto others that which you would have done unto you."
By the way, the county and area that I live in was perhaps the hardest hit in my county...the floods, downed trees and power lines and road closings are all around me...and I was spared by less than 5 blocks? Too cool!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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