"Do You Want Us To Come"
October 15, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family: For all those that didn't get my personal email about Blossum Good Child's You Tube broadcast...please allow me to share with you the following... All Be Blessed Love, Light and Peace
October 15, 2006
Dear Shark Bait: No kid, I don't have my ringer off...I haven't received any recent phone calls on either of my two phones and even have a new portable phone being the old one hit the curb...hahahehe...
I already told you that you have to leave a message for when I get out of the area phone calls, like one of your phones shows up with, or private number, I have been fooled by the bill collectors a using that method as well...so unless you leave a message...ah, I would like to determine mentally each and every caller that calls through, yet that takes too much energy and recently, just a staying a float is all that I am able to do...energy wise and financial wise...
Saving my energy for God's work...and the children He sends me...is what I am doing...psychic energy used for my phone callers...identities...is rather silly being I too have been down and out with my own physical condition...
I guess the physical problems with myself and others is just the planetary energetic times we all are a moving through, you know? Besides you have busy with your mother and step father's visit and doctor appointments...so be honest here...little one...okay? Headaches, knee problems, feet problems, neck problems...is what I have been experiencing...plus...what all my clients have been a going through...keeping them straight and myself straight...is rather time consuming...
I am still very thankful to God for my hypnosis tapes, He brought my way...they have saved me from the madness and fear energies of our world...have you been a doing them as well? I haven't worked out on the K1 for over two weeks. My left knee cap has been the reason for that for it went out when my dog tried to carry me totally down my steps, all at once!
As for communicating...I have...several individuals are going through mental stresses and strains...as I have covered them all on the newsletter...no it hasn't brought me any financial compensation...yet I know that by helping them, I am helping myself out as well...you should be a receiving them...for you are on the list of ten that are receiving them and no I haven't had any of yours returned to me...so I don't understand why you aren't getting them.
What do you have to do to get insurance coverage? First of all, only workman comp cases and auto accident cases are covered by insurance...and if you have either one of them going, all I need is for your doctor to write a script for massage therapy and verification that your insurance provides for that coverage... Recently I have spent so much time on the phone a counseling folks-sometimes past 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning... that I know that I have probably ignored your needs as well...yet, my needs are being covered totally by myself...
It was several weeks since I had heard from you and you are the world's worst for picking up your phone...so please...don't throw stones if you live in a glass house...hahahehe...shark bait!
I have been trying to put together some format for advertising...yet, I don't know how much that will help me...for I can't get my folks to even read my newsletters...when I give them the site...with each of my correspondences...such as the one...Federation Light Ship...
That is why I am doing so much work with my tapes...hopefully I will discover what it is that I need to be doing that won't cost me much money and something that I can do by myself...and will be highly effective in generating me income...that I so badly need... I really do hope that you understand...
As for the response that you gave me about the Federation of Light, Ship...I did see a space ship this morning at 4:00 A.M...actually I believe that it was several small ones that I saw...and one larger one that seemed to be moving in flight for I saw many colors a radiating below it...first one that I have ever seen...my whole life...I believed that I had saw others...yet couldn't determine because of the large distance that they were off if they were stars or my imagination a running wild...
This ship that I saw this morning...came into my conscious mind when I demanded that the large one promised us...from the channeler from Austraila...make its appearance and this is what I telepathically got from the ship that was quite obvious to be a star ship..."the time isn't right for us to make our appearance for the fear that it would generate at this time would add more fear to an already over fear filled planet...it might even cause problems of its own...our time will be soon...keep your eyes to the skies...as more and more humans request our appearance...we will make ourselves known...to all..." Having only two beers to drink all night...I don't believe I was intoxicated enough to imagine that...yet...time will tell the tale...you know?
I believe that we would be basically rather narcisstic to believe that God made all of our distant planets and only placed life on ours and if that is the case, then knowing what I know about the selfishness and greed and self serving interest that most hold here on planet earth...I for one wouldn't call God's experiment with divine beings having an earth exsistence was a success filled one...would you?
Besides being I just had my first experience with a space ship...I do know of others that have had their own experiences...one being my sister and sister in law who were a driving my brand new Cutlass Supreme...down a dirt road to our father's house atleast a hundred miles an hour to escape 7 space crafts that were in their imagination a chasing them...of course I didn't believe them until the next morning which was Sunday and we sold sunday papers...and I had to fill the sunday paper with the ads/and fillers for our customers and there on the front page...was a picture of 7 space crafts a flying towards the Grand Traverse Bay...of Muskegon Michigan...
The Grand Traverse Bay of Michigan is perhaps the largest recorded numbers of space crafts ever to be spotted in Michigan...a fact that I learned of...about five years ago... The time frame of my sister and former sister in law's spotting and following morning newspaper article was I believe around 1976...(we all lived about 1/2 hour from Muskegon, Michigan...and the road that ran by our father and mother's place was in direct line up with the Grand Traverse Bay area...or there about. Did I keep the article...no, I just figured that by the paper having a picture of the space crafts...that our government would have released to the people the truth that we weren't alone...how niave can one person be? They still haven't... A.K.A., the reason for them having to make it known to the world...that they are real...
Do I believe that they will do as they are a channeling to others that they will do...not destroy, only help our failing planet, and help remove the evil that is helping cause our planet to fail...absolutely...for I have heard of their plans perhaps about 5 years ago when the web site blog that I was a participating on...Harmonic Concordance...brought forth...a channeling back then that basically stated the same thing...yet didn't give a date...it was called, "Do You Want Us To Come?" It wasn't signed by anyone for that person didn't want to appear weird or crazy...like Blossum Good Child...was labeled...the fact that someone half way across the world, came through with the same channeling and with a date that it was to happen...actually gave me goose bumps...and like her...I don't care if anyone believes I am a nut or not...
I just didn't want my loved ones to go into a panic and bring harm to themselves or others that they love like what happened when Orson Wells created in his spoof on the radio back in the 40's...when he did a fiction show and forgot to mention to his radio listeners that it wasn't real...that an invasion was occuring...the Federation aren't here to hurt, only help for what happens to our planet, happens to there planets as well...for they are all in the same galaxy as ourselves...
Who brought me the message of this about to occur at this time? It was the guy that started my actual research center...the guy that purchased for me the K1 and the BioMat...and introduced me to the Light and Sound Machine that I and others that are participating in its effects, absolutely love...the guy that I call my Messenger, from Wilmington...Tim Long.
Everything that Tim has brought to me, has been a benefit to my work...of helping others...I didn't react to his message with fear...for I know that like myself...he knows that he has lots of work to not only do on himself...yet that which he seeks out to help himself, has always helped others...
What else I find interesting about this news that I got the evening before the event was to occur...was it was only days after we got the news that our nation's economy was set on destruct if we as a nation didn't provide the bail out...that would also impact other countries as well...to me and others that have wrote me...and are watching the skies at night and day as well...it was a sign of hope...for our nations smartest, aren't able to figure out a solution...perhaps other life beings on other planets have their acts more together than we on planet earth does...know what I mean?
Also about 4 years ago...a psychic by the name of Glen who also has made his transition...told me in a reading that he gave me that I shouldn't be concerned about other aggressive countries wanting to handle their need of control and domination by sending to our country nuclear missles because the extraterristerials were a intercepting them in flight...and if you went to any of the sites that Blossum Good Child had on her You Tube Site page...you would see a military expert that actually wrote just that...did you catch it? Confirmation...
Glen is now on the other side with God...I believe Glenn made his transition about two years ago...
around the time that my mom and sister in law made theirs as well...
I believe what Blossum Good Child gave us was previews of coming attractions...and the extraterristerials are giving us time in which to prepare others for that event...
One more thing before I close this conversation on the channeling...one of my nephews and one of my brothers...also claimed to have seen a space ship as well...my nephew Charles saw one about two weeks ago in Michigan...and my brother when he was a young child on our farm in Michigan. My mother's step mother in Panama saw one in the 1940's...in Panama...and a client, a retired Marine...on his way home from a job that he worked in Greensboro, N.C., on Highway 220...along with about 25 other cars saw one a hovering over a cell phone tower...this was about ten years ago...near Randelman...this guy was about as honest as the day is long...and it changed his world...and because he told so many people about it, I believe that it caused him to withdraw from his friends...because I believe he felt that they were a believing he was crazy...I didn't and still don't...
I also wrote about a friend of mine Herman Meinke in Michigan; in my newsletters...a man who grew large vegstables with his pyramid power tower that he built in his back yard...in an area like what one would see in a wealthy neighborhood in any city, town in the world...Herman told me that he has seen hundreds of them a watching him... and that was back in the mid 80's...If he is till a living, he probably has witnessed thousands by now...for his vegstables for making state news back then...I am sure he still is making the news headlines...for he didn't use fertilizers or pesticides...Mr. Organic was his middle name back then...rock on pyramid power man!
Enough for now... As for when I can work on you...how about 5:0clock this fri. I have a doctor's appointment at 3:00 Oclock and Doc states that it will probably take about an hour for the complete exam...and no, I know that you are having a hard time a paying...so don't worry about it...and no, I haven't kicked you to the curb...have been rather busy...lots of interesting stuff has also been a happening to me and if you don't keep up with the newsletter...you are missing a lot... Love you girl still...
Be Blessed Love,
Light and Peace
P.S.: 2012...is when I believe our planet will be into the cleansing state of its exsistence...I don't believe that it will be an Armagedon experience...yet will seem like one to many that won't survive its vibratory effects... I believe the ship will make its appearance soon...just like Reveleations tells us we should keep our eyes focused on the skies and pay attention to the signs...
Correspondence From: L.M. A.K.A.,Shark Bait Subject: Re: Federation of Light Ship To: toniewallace@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 9:39 AM
EEEEKKKK SHE'S ALIVE AMD COMMUNICATING!!! Do you have your ringer off???? I miss you I wish something like this would happen, it would shake us out of our me me me attitudes Even I always here the voices in my head tell me it will be 2013 that life as we know it will change, have heard those voices for over 20 years, I have looked forward to that year for a long time Please find time for me, and let me know what I need to give you so you can file on my insurance and get some money!!! I love ya, even though I have been kicked to the curb!!!
Original Correspondence of Tonie's
On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:12 AM, Tonie Wallace wrote: Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies www.onlinetoniewallace.com http://tonie-wallaceblogspot.com --- On Tue, 10/14/08, Tonie Wallace
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 12:03 AM October 14, 2008 Dear All One Family: I really and truly don't know if this is real or not...I just know that a dear friend of mine told me about this site and that a good friend of his, feels confident that it will happen. If it happens, it happens, if not...oh well, I will just have to go back and put back my silver hat on my hat...hahaha...for those that know what I speak of... Anyways, all I am a doing is a putting it out there to calm down your fears, if it does happen... For everyone knows that fear of the unknown is more damaging than the known. Happy sightings or whatever! It is what it is.
Be Blessed One and All Love,
Light and Peace
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