Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Monday October 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Son, wow 38 years old!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
This newsletter goes out to K.R., who called me tonight hysterical because a dear friend of hers, is channeling Job while he slept and has no idea that he has been doing it for over 6 months, that his girlfriend has been sharing secretly with K.R.
Well K.R., has discovered it for herself, while locked in a car en route to New York City and back to North Carolina where they all live...three days of her girlfriend's long term boyfriend a dozing and doing the channeling thing that basically had her terrified...a.ka., can't sleep, the clowns will get me..hahahaha...it wasn't until I talked her down from her hysteria with one of my famous on the spot prayers...to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit...that she finally relaxed long enough to hear me clearly...that I have had many channeling's in my presences as well as sent me via email format...and I as well have channeled Archangel Michael from time to time...yet I didn't like doing that...for it took so much energy...and I liked better the format of healing work that I do which is rather physical and difficult as well...yet well worth all the spiritual awakenings that one and all have given me...these last 24 years...
Yet when K.R. first told me of Job a being angry and rather insistent that both she and the host body that he was temporarily occupying, girlfriend...
I got taken quite aback...simply because I had confused the parable of the "Prodigal Son" with Job's story...
After reviewing Job's Parable, I now understand the urgency that Job is trying to convey to K.R. and her friend...especially since K.R. had a near death experience in which she asked Our Heavenly Father to help her feel better and if He did so for her, she would right her world and start living her life for Him...of which I call simply, "surrender to Our Father's Highest Will for our lives.
She told me tonight that she hadn't done this yet and that was back in February, and since that time, her life has been on a radical change pattern...for the better and she knows it, even if tears have to fall, she knows as well that she has spent her whole life a not crying any tears...and she has a large reserve to still draft off of, besides like I have told her before...it is all good...yeap, all good...tears cleanse not only the soul, yet also the physical body...heart, eyes especially...
K.R., also asked me to tell all that I love about her Job channeling's...for there is an urgency about his warnings and I know why...2012 is rapidly a coming upon us...for the story of Job is to me...a story about loss...total loss, than total gain from having faith, trust and belief in God...unwavering faith through all kinds of storms that Job had to weather before the storm subsided and he was gifted back double that which he lost...
Job's message is simple to K.R. and that is...strengthened her faith considerable, simplify her life...move into a mode of peace, surrender and trust that God is basically in control, remove the interference, take priority in her life, hug her girls, because they can't respect her until she respects herself.
Pretty powerful message given her...Job as well gave me one...calling me a "priestess", when he told her that she needed to talk to "the priestess, now so that he could rest," as she went to take my return phone call to her.
Too cool, I too am being gifted with his presence...I feel blessed by God.
My next following newsletter is going to be...something that I got from Google search...the author never gave himself credit for the writing...yet I am grateful for it...for Craig will now be able to see with his own eyes...that which is using his physical vessel to help all of mankind...and an divine entity that has been a channeling to Craig's family for generations...
I told K.R. tonight that in Revelations it is my understanding that the veil between this world and our real world of return...Heaven...will become thinner so those on the other side with God, will be able to come through so help lead us all towards the path that God would have us follow in "End Times."
By End Times, I am not talking about Armageddon...yet to some it would perhaps from a distance look like a Armageddon viewing...the world in my perception will continue...yet those that haven't obtained the vibratory level needed to weather that next level...through, taking responsibility for all past actions, through confessing of our past choices and asking for forgiveness...will be too heavy in which to survive...
With only four years till 2012...I can understand now Job's urgency with his message to the world...
Please Feel Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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