Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Thursday November 06, 2008
Trying To Make Ammends For Once Having Been Blind, Yet Now Can See Clearly...
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Enclosed is an email that instead of saying nothing in return to a group that I never would have contributed one minute of wasted time...to support. I have done this in answer to a family member that stated that she felt that I was prejudiced against...same sex couples.
To her, this is my response and if it doesn't make your style of tea or coffee, that is alright too, for it is the best that I have to offer and that is all I can do until God shows me a better way...love to you, and all...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Here is the email correspondence...
From American Family Association:
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.
There is some good news
November 5, 2008
Dear Tonie,
No doubt, it was a disappointing night with overwhelmingly bad news. But there was some good news for those who support traditional marriage. In the states of Arizona, Florida and California voters said no to homosexual “marriage.” In fact, in the Sunshine State, 60% of the vote was needed to keep marriage only between a man and a woman, and our side was able to garner 62% of the vote.
We won in Arizona, too! This is significant because a couple of years ago the marriage amendment was defeated when the pro-homosexual marriage advocates played the fear card with senior citizens.
Finally, in California, our country’s largest and most liberal state, the citizens voted 52% to 48% to overturn the state Supreme Court’s decision to allow same-sex marriage. This is BIG news! Radical homosexual groups, Hollywood celebrities and the liberal media came together to try and defeat Proposition 8, yet the pro-family and pro-marriage citizens of California won a huge victory and, if I might add, put the arrogant California Supreme Court in its place.
Your American Family Association was deeply involved in all three challenges. We kept the people of those states informed and encouraged. In fact, AFA contributed $500,000 to help achieve the victory in California. We had been saving the money over a period of years because we knew that one day it would be needed for a fight like the one we had in California. Of course, these funds came from people like you.
So despite some discouraging news on the national front, 30 states have adopted a state constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriage since the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Massachusetts. That is due to the hard work of people like you.
Dear Donald Wildmon:
Please understand that I by no means was any part of this type of action in your organization or public poll or vote… for I don’t personally see your way to be the best way to handle the rather large population sector of our land that chooses a different way than the mass majority.
Isn’t that kind of like saying, because I don’t think and feel your way, than I am not into majority compliance? Isn’t that not like saying, it is my way or no way at all then? Isn’t that like capitalism gone badly? THIS GROUP IS A SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP*
When one lives in the land, “We The People,” that to me is living in land of democratic behavior…learning how to compromise without “throwing the baby out with the bath water.”
To those that know me, know that I would never support this type of action that your people are about. So you can most definitely take it to the bank that I would not give you even my time on the phone to talk about these thoughts of mine contained within…for I feel almost republican in my need to not bend towards your leadership…for I have heard all the reasons that groups like yours exist and in my perception of what is real…your kind of premise is too controlling for a land wanted less government controls on all aspects of our life.
My way
Call me any name that you want…Just remember that God judges all that judges others and is quite good at handing out karma, in return for all of our judgment calls; trust me, I know this to be true; because at one time in my early life…
I bought into the lie that somehow I was superior to those of rainbow colors, knowing in my heart that I was rainbow colored…as well, yet finding it quite common to judge others merely by their outer wrapping…so I got lots of karma kudos for playing that dumb game that was taught to me in my early copying role modeling pattern of my parents…who got their role modeling pattern from the generation before.
When one fully grows up…
They start to see the world in a totally different perspective than when they were young and copied the closest reality picture given them by their family of teachers.
When One Calls Themselves Grown
Life to a grown up is simply how they want to imagine it, especially when they don’t particularly like always a chasing their own tail and never a catching it. Simply due to some imaginary idio that a well intentional role model laid it upon them at a very crucial moment in their early/medial/adult developmental stage of growth.
Just Being Honest From Having Learned How To Grow Up Being Critical/Judgmental
So to be honest, there was a time that I looked incorrectly at the same sex gender folks. I most definitely felt like perhaps many members in your group. That it was not my way, so therefore…it had to be the wrong way.
That was a judgment that was at that time of my awareness level, was the only correct way to think.
For not all had come out of their closeted thoughts of themselves, as they have today. So now I am kind of looking at their life style to be just simply their way. It is not my way and being I have almost moved into being a senior citizen…I doubt that I would go that way…
Yet, I often wonder…what this planet would look like if somehow we were to lose our need to have intimacy due to all the chemicals that are being consumed and exited in all of our water system through the excretion of waste products that can’t be removed?
That is returned back to us in our tap water system…drugs known to cause impotency…would males and females not want to draw closer to those that can communicate more completely with themselves?
You know that when the boys get together they have a grand time for then they have more things to talk about and females are the same way…I know for one that I can talk to my girlfriends lots easier than to the males that I know currently in my life. We can talk about anything…yeap boys, girls do talk and you boys, don’t stay too far behind as well…perhaps more so than us girls have been given as our natural state.
Trust me, I don’t want to imagine too hard this a happening simply because I believe we can manifest lots by our thinking processes…And these chemicals are in our water system and that is a fact…so please just take this all as a maybe perhaps, possibility…
Just being the futuristic type of person that I am…Having said all previously; I want to ask you now, would not your efforts be better served a trying to get Hollywood to slow down the amount of sexually perversive sex shows…like the current swingers/sex if free, without love, kind of shows? Being it is a known fact that our children are typically seeing sexual intimacy scenes perhaps at least every 5 minutes… And other shows that glamorize sexual contacts making all of the world believing that we are all a running around like dogs in the streets?
Gone from sexual contact today is the word, love, caring…and it seems like we are a moving towards sex for lust and no other reason…get a handle on that problem and you will be doing a great job for all of mankind and not only those that think and behave like you do…for remember, the only red wagon we are a going to be pulling Home to God Our Father…is our own…I want it that way, for it is a twenty four hour a day job, a handling all of my responsibilities…I can’t imagine a wanting to handle anybody else’s…and I am a minister so that must say a lot…for if it is non imaginable to me…thinking about all the Joe Publics out there a believing they can…just my thoughts again for what ever it is worth…
Adding Up All The Facts
My futuristic type of thinking head…know too many folks already a living lives as husband and husband and wife and wife…why in the dickens can’t we come up with a marital name that will uphold the dignity of union so that they can gain insurance coverage and all the benefits of having a marriage, just not the same as holy matrimony that clearly depicts a man and a woman union?
I believe that this type of compromising thinking…has a chance under President Barack Obama’s watch…I even like the ring of a name other than what us opposite sex partners hold…so ministers such as myself and all over the land will understand what type of marriage certificate we will be a drawing up for them.
For I believe, who am I to stop the hearts of love when God tells us that “love is everything.” At least in my own NIV Version of King James it is written many times over…
We have too much in our viewing media world that shows us clearly that we have many same sex gendered folks a filling in lots of spaces…We can have this type of sexual preferred Special Interest Group in the land…and not address the needs of this group as well?
For I hope that you know that what makes a person married or not, is their own doing anyways. For all one has to do is what ministers do…take themselves to God and ask that He grant them their wish of a married contract to the other…So to a lot of folks of this preference group…it is just a legal need for in their hearts they have dedicated themselves to God…they are already married and man’s way is just a necessary procedure…to fill in all the necessary steps that mankind demands of him/her.
We Can Preserve All's Right By Giving Them Their Own Ceremony Name- A defintie win-win for all and then be able to stop the unnecessary drama!
Many Opposite sex preferred couples
Many opposite sex preferred couples, never go to the altar for one reason or another…yet are married in their own heart of hearts…I know that my former long term relationship…that was true for me and in my case, I was the only partner a taking that partnership to God,
Thus that action only served one purpose...I was stayed married and dedicated to him, for many unfilled dream years, and all the time he was a playing single and having a hard time just a calling me a girlfriend...And that was a bitter sweet place and time in my life until God allowed me to divorce him.
No Regrets, Because Grand Lessons Were Learned From It...So It Was a Positive Time in my Life
In other words, I can only atone for my own actions to God and no one other than that. In that grand judgment chamber…again it will only be my own wagon I will be allowed to pull.
So unbeknownst to many, there are many kind of marriages out there…Not all go down on paper...The most beautiful marriages are those done in an in love state...how all want to perceive that love state is between them and God and no other! Just my thoughts again am I throwing out there for all that choose to read it...
Again I Believe
Your money could be better spent a going after the FDA that wants to take away our herbal supplementation/holistically harvested vitamin/mineral world…all because they want us all to support the pharmaceutical industry, first and totally…and our FDA is allowing all kinds of genetic work to go on with animals and gene splicing and other kinds of artificial foods and foreign non inspected food supplies…so there are lots of projects that you can throw yourself into…than this one. Of course, take what you need and do please leave the rest for history…
Saying all of that and still feeling good about all that I wrote to you…I feel that I might like to pass this little bit of snippet over to Oprah or perhaps put it directly on the www.barackobama.com website.
For the time has arrived to stop the national dramas, stop the self righteousness of all of those that believe that by controlling any Special Interest Group one will stop it/or slow it down from occurring.
This Special Interest Group is growing and has for longer than I can remember…
Medical research has shown that very little facts have become known about this social condition of caring…It has been found to be present in early childhood years, right up through one’s whole life.
They also don’t know what is the real trigger to their way of caring in said manner…for all cases are different as each snow flake is different…and who are we to judge what is right or wrong about this way of being…again, it isn’t my way…yet it is many others…way, and their voices are just as important as my one vote. For this is America, the home and land of the free and the brave! And the greatest place to be on Earth…
Again I ask that you again consider putting your valuable dollars/timeto a better use… and I am sorry that it took me this long to write those simple thoughts to you…yet like I told you earlier in my correspondence…I tried that way of thinking within the programmed box that mankind stated was the only way to be…and I have since learned that it is a form of judging and being I don’t want to be judged-back to the magnitude of ten fold action… For Native Americans (first-real American Citizens) believe that one should never judge another until one walks in their shoes for at least a mile. I do thank you very much for trying to gain my support dollars…for it has allowed me the opportunity to get my thoughts out to you…and all those that may one day read my ideas, thoughts and considerations...
Again I Ask You To Consider…While looking outside the box … how many states are starting to see the same vision as myself?…does that make them wrong, because you feel you are right? Just think about it is all that I ask…
Just a throwing my thoughts out there…I believe that with President Obama at our country's Helm…we all are going to see the world in a much better compromising light…we are so blessed!
Since President Obama Was Elected! Hope In America is Alive Again!
I Thank God, Jesus and Holy Spirit!
I thank Oprah Winfrey for a telling President Obama that in him she saw his ability to fly and obtain all that he was a wanting…I saw her show the day that he was a quest on her show and President Obama, Senator Obama then…told her his thoughts on the war and the failing economy that President Bush stated was stable…so basically I heard Senator/President Obama’s…first campaign speech ever on The Oprah Winfrey Show and he left the show a telling her that he didn’t know if he would throw his hat into the ring…for he saw lots of difficulties in the administration…I remember Oprah a asking him that when he decided, would he come back on her show and announce it to her viewing public.
He did exactly that…yet I don’t believe it was his first public announcement…yet he still honored her request to make the appearance…and I believe it was his second public appearance that he granted her, her wish…
Just some old data that kind of stuck in ONE OF MY MOST memorable Oprah Show viewings…especially since I am on cloud nine like she is about President Obama a taking the nomination…For President Obama is the hope this country and world has been a needing for a very long time…
May You Be Blessed in all endeavors you feel God has called you to provide for mankind…
"Not My Will, Not My Will, But Thine Be Done In Me"
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
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