Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Image The Possibilities
February 20, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
When one lives in the "Land of OZ" and "Alice In Wonderland," one can dream large and expansive dreams. My dream is taking me to write our beloved President in answer to him a asking all of us to do such.
Hard to imagine isn't it that our president would request such a thing. Imagine the amount of complainers and criticizers he perhaps have encountered.
I know in my everyday below modest income level, no matter how hard I try, I still find those that would find fault with what I say or do. I can't imagine trying to please not only our grand nation, yet all the nations in the world.
So as to not take up too much writing space with my introduction and/or give too much of what I want to say to our president, I will just simply say, I love you all and thank you for following thus far with all that I and Jada want to express to you all currently and those that will find their way to our destiny unfolding adventure.
God/Jesus and Holy Spirit Bless You
Love, Light and Peace
Dear Mr. President: Barack Obama
You asked all that want to share, "how it is living in America under our current economic condition."
I must be truth filled and tell you, all isn't so well in "milk and honey land."
I have seen a grave difference in my research health practice since 2001. So dear President as I make it known all of my concerns and the difficulties and struggles your unseen public is a having; understand it is not you I could ever blame for we have been in an economic down spiral for a long, long time.
While it is important that you understand that finding the problem areas is on top of being important to know; what I believe we as a nation would like to see, is that you fix it.
I for one realize how immense is your mission and thus to have a president that not only wants to know what we the common folks of the land are a thinking, and what our ideas are, is the coolest of the cool!
President Obama, you give me hope at a time when hope is hard to find. I thank you for all that you are doing and have done to help change that which is obviously broken and by so doing; help do your part to bring in a new day for us all.
I remember somewhere in my writings, either here in my newsletters or perhaps on your web site that you still have up for all to leave their postings. I did do a few on your site.
I don't believe I saved them to my hard drive, so perhaps you can appoint someone to check it out...if you wish.
I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister with a dream idea that I believe will work for all of mankind. I welcome you journeying back into my postings...I am sorry that I can't give you an accurate picture as to where they are a posted for I have currently 102 postings, just on this web site alone!
I am just finding it so hard to believe that you want to know how all of your people are a handling our current despairing economy! You have also been the first presidential candidate to have a web site.
That was cool as well, for I live in a land currently that are primarily retired, wealthy and Republican.
I found that I could only sing my joy at you a caring enough for our country, to run. That's right, run for office.
I also remember writing something about myself not knowing if it was such a good deal for you to receive...hahahehe. (Still am wondering...) Absolutely fantastic for our country...perhaps an expensive bum deal for you! Yet, I don't want to focus on that negativity, for I believe like all of us that can see you believe, that you will be the change and the change in a good way!
I don't know how many changes you will be allowed to change for I remember how I felt when I discovered that our first stimulus package went out to help institute the first wave of change under the Republican Watch.
I felt sick and hopeless, for it went primarily to those that perhaps had a hand in the decline in our economic status quo.
When one is of below modest level of survival, the hopes of anyone a believing in me, as a small business owner.
It wasn't that I objected to the large incurred debt that didn't change a thing yet only made us suspicious of governmental insight and direction.
Making it seem as if it played itself out as if the powerful and greedy were getting a longer free ride on the backs and complements of us the tax payers and the victims/subscribers of the National system that is horrendously broken...
I have always heard that history repeats itself. Now that we are perhaps lower in economic stability to the 1920's...I guess that statement must be true.
I heard the other day that the country of Japan put together their own stimulus package to bail out their land and it came to 7 Trillion Dollars in which to do it.
No wonder the leader of that country looked drunk and out of it, after his jet flight after taking cough medicine...I would probably be drunk, knowing how much of a loss that their country will now have to recoup.
How many generations will have to pay back that debt? You know that our Bible speaks of; "the sins of the parents a falling down upon their children for six generations."
End of Part One
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