Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Out of Silence Into the Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus & Holy Spirit
February 23, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All Family:
I know pretty insane believing that I could talk one on one with our President!
Yet, when the phone is ringing off of the wall with bill collectors of long past yesterday still a calling and a leaving their messages, as well; with the trials and tribulations that come with a continuing reduction in research patients a able to patronize my establishment, hope is all I have while I am a working my life long dream.
Many of you know me to be a dreamer, yet when you heard me talk of my dreams; did anyone hear me say that I was only a dreaming my large dreams in order to help myself financially?
No, I was a dreaming my large dreams in order to continue my service to the whole betterment of man-kind; plus put into key job situations those individuals that were awake to their own life purpose plan of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, of helping others as well.
Having stated that, I will now continue with my letter to President Obama. "Working My Dream, Open Letter To President Barack Obama," Part 3
Be Blessed As Always
Love, Light, Peace, Hope and Joy
Dear President Obama:Here is what the site that I order my sage incense supplies from, www.mynativespirit.com states about their product.
The power of spiritual healing. As the white sage (salvia apiana) wafts across your body, breath it into your soul. Let your spirit find its balance with the emotions and the physical body. Feel its power raise your spirits, feel yourself stand taller and stronger. There are holes in the spirit when it is sad, let the sage fill those holes with good thoughts and positive attitudes."
About the Owner of the sage company
" I have been a gathering sage for many years, ever since I was a little boy my dad used to take me with him. I used to get mad because I didn't like getting up at 5:00 in the morning everyday in the harvest season (which is in the summer when I was on vacation from school). over the years I have come to understand the importance of what my dad did and still does by gathering these sacred herbs. My dad is a grown man now, he's not as young and strong as he used to be. It's now time to take care of him and gather this sacred herbs.
Now I wake up at 4:45 a.m. everyday with pleasure knowing what I'm about to do.
We have come to do business with most of the companies that sell online, every year we get more and more orders from them, I supposed they like the quality of our product and that's why I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.
We have always tried to be the best at what we do, simply by doing it the way our ancestors wanted to, and that is with respect."
Mr. President, now do you understand how grave of an importance it is to not only myself yet also the world! For I am one of many persons that believe that sage incense should be burned in all public businesses and homes and not eradicated simply because the FDA wants to help the chemical companies, hold the market on drugs and the heck with vitamins, mineral and herbal supplements.
Deep Research Study into the ancient alternative world is what I am a have been doing since I became a body electric works practitioner since 1984.
I know that you have heard of the saying, "healer heal thyself," and that is exactly what I have done for myself and for those family and friends that have sought my experimental treatment format for years.
I am 57 years, and have had the advice of medical doctors to have surgery performed first on the hole in my lumbar region of my back, caused I know by a work related accident that set me up for numerous losses in the emotional,financial and mental realm of my life. (1981)
A time I would like to remember as a time that I went in search of answers that after helping me, I used to help others afflicted with same or similar injuries, and resultant pain patterns.
Then just when I thought my days of suffering were nearly gone, along with the $10K settlement that the insurance for my company where the injury resulted paid (I got the settlement reward; simply due to my suing the company for sexual harassment, during a time our country hadn't awakened to the reality that some companies had a hard time a dealing with female workers and thus treated them unfairly and thus I had to prove that my supervisors didn't allow me the assistance of male co-workers when having to lift large parts out/or put them in my machines)..
Later in Life
I was involved in two separate car accidents, with the first one; Nov. 2001, and the second one; less than one 1/2 year later.
Both accidents were the fault of the persons driving the vehicles that hit me. The first one sent me back into extreme and chronic pain patterns and I wasn't completely recovered from the first before the second one occurred.
The second one sent me back into the world of pain with a vengeance being now I was left with two-three herniated discs in my neck and two torn medial meniscus in both my knees.
Both car accidents left me with the inability to return to work for quite a while and for over a year, I could only work at half the amount of sessions I could do in the past.
The first car accident settlement I received was $2,300; the reason it was so low (I was told by my attorney-supposedly from the best law firm in my area) was because I was self-employed and I didn't follow the medical route, instead went alternative with medical evaluations.
The second car accident, I not only got medical evaluations, I also got a Cat Scan, M.R.I. for the right knee, and xrays. The rest of my treatment protocol was alternative assistance. Thus I got I guess the $7,000 settlement even though my total health care costs was over $13,000. Ahhh the luck of the Irish, German, Scottish, English, Chinese, Panamanian, French Canadian, and Danish mutt!
This past November I got a full medical physical and even though I got an A on all of my tests, my doctor told me that he, "could get my total disability started if that was what I wanted."
I told him that until the money I received from my practice got as meager as it did, I was able to pay for my supplements and my alternative work such as bodywork, chiropractic care and such.
So my turn around in well being was hampered a bit, yet I am still very strong and can work and believe that once my income straightens out a bit and I am able to obtain more of my research supplies and treatments, I will be just fine because approximately $800 disability pay a month is not enough to pay the bills on a place that I have been a renting for over 9 years, for just the rent, and utilities alone, I was a needing at least $1200 a month, and that wasn't my food or clothing or car expenses...
I also told him that once a person gets labeled disabled, their mind follows suit and before you know it...I would just quit on life and I wasn't that bad off to want to do that ridiculous number...
So if it seems like I am a bit embittered at our current insurance companies policies of slapping the victims/consumers when they are down...perhaps now you cam understand better why I am so displeased at a system that states that only medical intervention is adequate and compensation is given.
I can't take pain meds, and I don't want anyone a cutting on me...I have had one surgery for a tubuligation and one exploratory test that resulted in the doctor a taking out a well appendix...
Mr.President: I believe that alternative care is much more cost effective than medical care. Alternative care in line with medical evaluations makes greater sense than having a nation turned onto chemicals as a way and pattern of life.
Yes, we have had many successes in the medical world and lots of it is definitely needed in a sick land. Yet when did we change?
Besides, the herbal, mineral and vitamin world hasn't been studied by the medical profession, so why do our television ads tell us to consult our doctors for these supplements usage? Do you know how many doctors tell their patients, "I don't know what it will do for you, perhaps it won't hurt you," so just take a small dosage of it and I will see you again in a couple of weeks to see how it does."
Isn't it about time that we start to evaluate these natural elements?
Especially since the FDA can't patent them, unless the studies are done on them, and they can't patent anything that is natural. That is why the FDA allowed the drug companies to make bio identical chemical substitutions for them. Kind of like one of those axi-moronic moments wouldn't you say?
Anything chemically reproduced can be patented.
Bio identical chemical substitutions is the reason I believe that some supposedly genetic engineered supplements were found to not be effective...I don't use the chemical version of God's herbs, vitamins and minerals.
I purchase/use only the natural source ones and wonder if that is the real reason the FDA allowed the chemical companies to do this type of experimentation on those individuals not aware that we are being sold junk products for our hard earned money.
Thus it is my suggestion because the FDA has such a case against the natural world, that before the FDA rule this vitamin or that mineral or supplement dangerous/useless, the distributor of the product should produce the real source of their product rather it be natural or chemically reproduced. I hope that makes sense to you, Mr. President.
For I am only just thinking out loud.
I also want to state that more medical doctors than not, believe/tell their patients that chiropractic care is dangerous to ones spinal vertebraes...yet why is it that chiropractors have a much lower Mal-practice insurance costs than the medical doctors?
Why is it that medical care is the third largest killer of the American People? And chiropractic care isn't mentioned in the stats? Thinking out loud again.
Chiropractors as well, in my case; saved my life and got me back walking when physical therapy from the work related accident, didn't...what else that helped me along with exercise, acupuncture, bodywork, were supplementations...pain pills like I already stated, don't work on me and I didn't want to become chemically depended on them or to move and have my well being in the world.
We definitely need better insurance handling being I just heard an ad for a law firm that states that what happened to me, happens to 90% of all claims...interesting isn't it? One has no money, one gets little to none help...even if one has insurance coverage for the drivers that I might run into one day...doesn't seem fair does it?
I keep thinking about the lady that got $4 Million from McDonalds when she spilled a cup of coffee on herself...she must of had money to hire the attorney that she did...
Back to Insurance Companies
I also want to share a true story of my niece who house burned down almost two months ago. My niece wasn't late on her mortgage.
Her home owners insurance provider on top of having her take a lie detector test that proved she didn't torch her house, and as well, proved that she didn't have anyone else do it; yet they still havn't paid her for her damages in spite of the fact that all of her stuff and her three children's stuff was lost, along with the house.
I believe the insurance company was a doing this to her; simply because they perhaps are a having lots of cases where the home owners are back on their mortgage and stuff and perhaps they have proven that they have torched their homes and businesses.
My niece wasn't behind...and I believe it is a sad day when the insurance companies have taken to such low tactics...putting all in the same boat.
I know that many home owners insurance companies have taken down quite a few storm victims...of hurricanes and other natural disasters ( I have also heard that some of the largest insurance carriers have even moved out of the states that have more than their fair share of such claims)...I guess if one's home burns down...it now falls into the same category, wait around for compensation when the insurance company chooses to compensate you for your losses after taking you through the mill and treated like a felon...what a sad state of affairs we are a moving towards.
That is why I am so happy that you have come on board. We have hope that some of that which ails our country will be handled by you and your team. Thank you again, for caring enough to run and hold the office of President. God Bless you and yours, always!
Making those companies that are going to receive the bail out you just got signed into operation, to be held accountable for what they will do with the money and keeping the fat cat corporate executives from gaining more than the consumers they are representing is a fine start dear President!
End of Part 3
More later
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