Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 30, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate
Dear All One Family:
Quite an interesting few days it has been for me. Many new avenues of thinking processes, for as all know, "to those that much is given, much is expected." I believe in a couple of weeks, I will be having my moving sale.
I am wanting to get rid of all things, except my books that have been a following me around for most of my life it seems...hahahehe...perhaps much of the older vibration medical/alternative research equipment, for I am a dreaming of the new stuff that will one day take its place.
Also being I am so into mind expansion research work, my musical listening pleasure has been all but limited to Steve G. Jones, and Bruce Springsteen's "Working On A Dream CD, I will be putting my CD musical collection for a large part...into the sale...for yes I have been a dragging them along with my books and now that I have moved into a different vibrational medicine mood state, all other music seems to be not necessary at this time and they are all just a collecting dust anyways!
I believe I might even get rid all my furniture...you know kind of like a total clearing out of old energy to make room for the new kind that comes with an all new change about.
So perhaps in a month I will be totally gone physically from this area, yet simply due to the power of computers, always here with Jada and myself as near as you a clicking onto us...Contact will be only lost to those not wanting to keep it...
I believe Jada is a wanting to have some time now as well. Since Jada's last writing she had received communication from her youngest son and all isn't all that Jada had hoped would have happen, yet as Jada knows, all isn't all our way each and every time, for His way is the most important.
So with out delaying further...Be Blessed, life is good and is getting better all of the time...I have had several years of dreaming of driving around and trying to find my home, for I know that I have wanted to move years ago and just kept a waiting for the time that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit will give me a sign that it was a time to move along...lack of all things, is perhaps the greatest red light one could ever receive.
The eating of free coalition food is another, for I want to be the one a giving food and other stuff and support towards, not with drawing it...know what I mean? Besides, there are so many others needing it worse than myself...I at present, don't feel whole or complete, yet I know that is because I am surrounded by the energy of limitation and what one sees within themselves, they see in all others... kind of like the mirrored effect.
I know unequivocally, that I was sent here to help hold the light, love and peace of this area and to also help build up the alternative health field. That was the reason I had so many (first) positions.
Some of My Firsts
First non state licensed massage therapist to get hospital board approved hospital rights to perform medical & body works massage therapy on their health club general membership and staff.
I also headed and implemented their "first" massage therapy healing sessions section.
My title back when the health center first opened? "Head Massage Therapist"
I was their first ever to receive hospital publication and advertisements, and to date I know of no other therapist to receive that recognition and support.
I was also the "first" non state licensed massage therapist to ever teach at our local college, the medical massage and body works curriculum certification that would lead those wanting to take their national boards in order to get state licensing from our state's massage and body works bureau.
I was also the "first" of my area's established non state licensed massage therapists, to ever open their own medical massage training schools. Up until the time that we got state licensed (a statute that I personally fought to obtain, with calls to my senators and legislatures and did a few newspaper release stories on the plight of the alternative health field a not getting recognition...and respect from the medical fields and thus no insurance compensation.) and lost the ability to teach simply due to politics and lack of funding and technical support.
I also set up several salons and teaching centers with their first ever alternative health program and left them with the client base generated by my presence there.
I was also the "first" alternative health Reiki Master, Teacher and Lecturer to ever offer up Reiki Mastership Training to our area local college students a taking Massage and Body works Training there.
I was also the "first" alternative health, teacher, lecturer, licensed massage therapist, etc., etc., etc., to take the job of Bodyworks Supervisor at our largest and world renown health spa at same golf resort and was asked to step down from the job, two weeks before it became known to the world that our spa had became a "five star," spa with my department and that of the skin care supervisor, a paving the way...for that golf digest report and magazine coverage.
I have had many other "firsts" than what I reported above...the reason I wrote all of this down was not to make anyone think I was a whining, I wasn't a complaining, I was a explaining that simply due to all of my "firsts", I know with out any shadow of a doubt that I am research/university center material...
Each and everything that I wrote above wasn't to brag as well, for each victory that I had, I celebrated it as a win-win for each one became my teacher and guide through the doors of alternative health and it kept automatically just a moving me closer and closer to understanding this great mission of service that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit had lead me towards.
So it doesn't matter who didn't wake up to my worth or value, what mattered was that I took the lesson and gathered slowly, additionally ducks of knowledge to place in my large and highly accumulating basket of abundance or sometimes not moments.
Thus it was all good and thus I hold no grudges against those who couldn't or wouldn't awaken. I gave this county all I had for over twenty years...and that as well was all good.
Where I & Jada to go from this point forward is totally up to where God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads us, for right now...I am definitely seeing many clean out/closure, and simplifying moments ahead!
Please keep Jada and myself in your thoughts and prayers of wellness and divine goodness bearing beingness in a world that used to see us both as the misfits in a world too upside to see right side up...
For did you see Dr. Phil's son's show The Doctors, today? It was dynamic! The Mind Body Connection! Totally awesome and they even had Montel on the show as well! I love that man as well...Dr. Phil even appeared on the show and he along with the other team of doctors...know what I know...people we have no other choice but to change how we are a looking at health care today...
Go on line and see it for yourself...the move is on, yet many are still caught up in do I need to change or does the world? I say if one is waiting for the world to change, good luck...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Obviously again, I took too many words to say what I felt I needed and had to say...Jada will command more attention in my next newsletter. I promise.
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