Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Batter Up!"
Dear All One Family:
Jada hasn't said all that she needs to say to Shark Bait. She has said all things to her that she needed to that came straight from the heart, soul and spirit of Jada, asking God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to open the door so to speak, so that Shark Bait can get a better viewing of herself, and while Shark Bait is a getting a bird's eye viewing of who she seems to be to Jada, Jada is also taking inventory of her own self, to make sure that it isn't a mirrored reflection or/and simply "Memorex."
For Jada believes that she has many more mountains that she had to move to get from her stop and go moments in life than Shark Bait ever could possibly imagine and thus feel almost like an expert being the count was too numerous to ever possibly remember...
Yet Jada feels unlike Shark Bait, in that she feels that the especially bad moments that took her breathe away and made it seem like tomorrow would never arrive...it did and in its wake left the most stupendous moments ever imagined before...the positives contained in those difficult moments were the lessons hidden...too cool...lemons into lemondade, and so forth...
Jada as well as myself also believe that gratitude to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for all things, is perhaps the wisest boat one can be a floating in these gray times of our reality...
Follow along, for I believe it will be another "learning lesson endeavor" you might not want to miss.
Shark Bait Stated In Last email
"That is not what I felt guilted into, it was what he did here I am glad he is fixing his double wide up, I get so mis understood and I try to be so blunt, and yes I have let my dad's play area go, but ya know when that is where his other family lived its kinda understandable why, and should also explain alot of things, dont assume you know everything or my reason for things."
Jada Responds
What he did there? Tried to help you get your lights back up to snuff? Waiting until now to allow you to not even mention that he did it while waiting for some other work to arrive, knowing that you couldn't pay for it at that time...he did work on credit and that made him a bad person?
You asked him in...was I a prompting you to do it? Yes, because you were out in the woods all by yourself and needed lights to see by at night if only to feed your horses...and be able to make out shadows in the dark of the night...now if that is a bad thing...I am sorry again dear one...woops, my mistake...I thought he was needed and that there wasn't another soul able to do it for free at the time..please forgive me my misunderstanding.
As for trying to understand all things, I don't. I understand only that which God/Jesus and Holy Spirit makes clear to me and generally when I do that...I discover so many things out side of the ordinary box of thinking ways and patterns...
So basically because I give all things to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, that also means you up front and personal...sorry, just the way things are and I am not sorry...God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, are my Captains, I am merely the child servant of Theirs...
Shark Bait Response:
"what was it that occurred that changed all this?? and where is what was accomplished with this 1800?"
Jada's Response:
This was already covered in the last correspondence to you where I compared your behavior of "judging," with a similar moment of my father's and told how he and my mother went from the land of plenty to the land of barely known, just by judging the actions of another, based on appearance sake alone...can it be a warning to you to ask for forgiveness, or just me having a good time a dreaming it up...you judge for yourself...know I love you, and I have asked God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to forgive you, for you obvious don't know what you are a doing." So I have already forgiven you for you are probably just acting out of past reflective moments when you were a thinking about playing the Annie Oakly story out.
Just my thoughts...take what you need and do please leave the rest...
Shark Bait's response to my stating that she left her beloved dad's play area to go back to dust from which they came...probably because "that is where he left them"
Jada's Response
Just thinking out loud again, how does a leaving daddy's beloved cars out in the fields and such just how he left them, make that memory long term? I don't know, telling my brother that he needs to put them all into the hangers and out of the weather, even though he stated that almost all had been deteriorated by the weather...and probably would bust up in pieces when moved...and all of the wonderland creatures that called it home for 8 years, a perhaps a having to be moved...praise God!
Oh well, it is your journey, I can only a judge my own...know what I mean, Annie?
Shark Bait's Response
"once again I am mis understood, I have no problem with him being in the trailer, and by the way I said no deposit was in payment for what he did here, what I am talking about that I cant live forever on his excitement is the property, the $380,000 worth of property, how many years I am expected to hold it????? hmmm? jeez, this is why I dont rent to family, friends or friends family."
Jada's Response
Shark Bait, you call a month and a half, forever? Oh my gosh, are you that much of a princess that you can't see how impossible and non-reasoning you are a creating in yourself?
Is this a tool that you use on men that you find unacceptable to your own standards? One and a half months is forever to decide...especially one a just a coming out of his cocoon...(you thought I was going to write coconut head, I fooled you! hahahehehe)
Impatience is not a pretty thing to watch go down, especially when it is totally unfair of a judgement call...now I could be wrong...perhaps others need to weigh in so that I am not a looking so unbelievably soft visioned and non-realistic.
Kudos on the renting to family members and friends...yet if you don't, who will? That's right strangers...that is why I am having so hard of a time getting you to understand me. We are too close and thus I and all that I say is invisible and not understandable...the need to move me from all such family and friends is so great, because I am praying to be moved with folks that aren't so much into their own agenda and realize that my agenda isn't to aleviate my "cramped style problems," my agenda was to make it a win win for you both and again...I am some how caught in the middle...once again...that is alright...just another day in Paradise...I say...hahahehehe..
Shark Bait's ResponseIn line with additional costs and labors that my brother has incurred to get her rental property suitable for occupancy:
"no I havent, I dont have it and I really didnt want to rent it, I wanted to sell it as is, understand??? he is fixing something that will be his, so why should I?"
Jada's response
Yet when I first visited that rental property of yours, I looked it all over and went, oh my God, if she doesn't do something with it soon, it too will be just wasted opportunities like all of the rest of her daddy's playground stuff, and especially buildings...
I was merely looking at saving, (like always) and you were looking at keeping the same and perhaps, what, a getting maybe $5,000 for the double wide trailer in the shape that it was, were you to find a buyer that would risk a moving it in the shape that it is in and the condition of the road that leads to it?
So you would rather have a bird in hand, without a venturing into the bush to see if anything else could be given up? More like a stopping before a going? Yeap, perhaps nothing is wrong with you except the princess syndrome that equates to "hurry up and get here, yesterday."
You are absolutely right, a land lord doesn't have the responsibility to put out for costs on remodeling, heater, paints, lights, landscaping, clean up and such...especially in light of the matter that you were ready to just dump the headache, rather than incurr another..."Run Forest, Run!" Or Annie get your gun moment...now tell me again, who is a holding onto the past again?
Oh well, just a more thoughts of my own a throwing it all out there...
Shark Bait's Response about not offering my brother a glass of water, when he gave up several days of electrical labor for only $300.
"excuse the hell out of me, if you think back I was barely able to be out, and no I have not forgotten, as I said twice before, that takes care of deposit and that is the best I can do, and I am sorry that is not good enough for you"
Jada's Response:
Dear one:
It isn't rather it was good enough for me or not...I just know that we are all instructed to give all a drink of water if they need it or not...I didn't know that you were exempt from that Biblical truthism...You said that you were barely able to be out...yet I remember that you were, lots more than you realize...numerous friends and visitors a having you go this place and that.
As for the deposit amount being applied...towards rent on the $300 dollars...and that is fair enough for you...what ever it is that Our Heavenly Father,Jesus and Holy Spirit would have you do in the name of fairness and justice should be all that you are a concentrating on...I am concentrating on only that Our Heavenly Father would have me do, be and say to all others...for it is only me, myself and I that will be present when I make my graduation pleas to God appearance, know what I mean?
I didn't respond to your question about perhaps I was a changing my mind on the deal that you both made with other...dear one, again, it isn't a deal cut between my brother and myself and you, it was and will always be, one between the both of you.
My brother states that one month ahead is just fine, just don't start a charging him until the place is habitable...at least...
Shark Bait's Response on getting her act together comment by me.
"we are not alike and I dont know what you mean by get it together, if you think I am not together then I guess we have differenmilyefinitions of together"
Jada's Response
Again you are wrong...I see you both very similar, yet different...both of you are back from the land of being taken advantage by others...and not very trusting, for my brother has already stated from the beginning that he was a wanting a contract for you were too up and down...and he didn't want to lose again and that was after I had tried to convince him that you were trust worthy and fair and kind...so again, my brother is more than willing to get it all down on paper...
Yet getting the bank out there to access the property is probably first and far more important at this point...for neither of us are real estate people...and don't have a clue as to what is valuable and not in the way of land holdings in this county...know what I mean?
Together is as together lives...and if your life is all that together, again forgive me for being so tact less...yet your writings don't represent it...especially since you believe that Florida was such a hot time for me...it wasn't for I found a victim a looking at life and not caring what became of her...as she bathed where baby sharks were recently caught...and it mattered not...so to go back to having to try and help you rescue yourself, I am getting tired...
I told you that you were a awakened light house, that kept losing her flame and a needing a re-lighting...and all you really needed was one good igniting...and I know of several I have personally given you and here you are again, back to no flame, spark...dang...
Shark Baits ResponseRev.
"and what kind of trash have I dumped on your brother??? I am just telling you how it is, lets see if I can spell it out a little better this time 1. the thing I felt guilted about was you pushing for him to come here and do electrical, something that I could not afford to pay for2. renting him a double wide that would get him out of your hair, at a cheap price, even though I wanted to sell it not rent it, yes it needs work, it will be his, I cant pay to fix it, he does the work and it benefits him, and by the way just in case you havent noticed, I am not charging him anything yet3. he wants 35-38 acres of land, wants me to wait God knows how long, and even then finance it myself all this after hearing that I really dont want to sell it, if I did I would have sold it with the rest now wouldnt I??? but I may have to to keep from losing my home4. I did not ask him to do anything5. I have no problem with helping people, but I have done it so much and been shit on, that I just dont have the "understanding" any more"
Jada's Response
That was my brother's earlier vision. Now he is hoping the banks will see the same vision that he holds in solar power industry that will bring jobs here to the people a needing it and the technology so bad.
Shark Bait's Response/Summation to the whole dilemma, that she is creating all the drama over:
"if it is sooooooo much trouble and effort, do yo want to forget it??? thats what it sounds like to me. I am aware of all that he is doing, and I appreciate it, but he saw what he was getting into with the double wide now didnt he??? and he still wanted to do it"
Again, this is a deal between you and me cut, it was between you and my brother...
That I think is enough for me right now...
I hope that lots of things have come into your consciousness with my writings this far...am rather bored with the whole subject right now...for obviously my brother isn't quitting on the idea, for he still is working day after day a trying to get the place fixed up...and now he states that he has perhaps a month of trash to haul off from all those folks that found your vacant land a great place to dump their trash...cheers little one...love you always. Jada
Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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