Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Love Is A Non Judgmental Thing And Subjective And Interestingly, Objective to some.April 21, 2009
Dear All One Family:
When I continually look around and try to find what is right in the world versus what is wrong...things start a looking better and better...
Something like, that which we concentrate upon becomes our creation...kind of thing...see poorness, be poorness; kind of thing.
Just by looking at one object, all others simply fade away...take for instance the following posting...one of those spoof moments in time when one sees the world through the perceptive of another...kind of thing.
The sad part about this posting letter is that it hit a memory trigger in myself and remembered the nightmare dream I had about my sons dad before we finally quit the marriage together.
It was a dream where I had killed him and cut him up in a million pieces and tried to bury him in the small back yard of our first home owned together. Suburbia life...perhaps meant to be a happy time, appeared quite to all paying attention, not such to myself; for violence only begets violence.
So needless to say, this posting kind of struck a familiar cord...not good, I realize...yet oh so very true at times! All should admit that there were for the most part, more people a feeling similar or there wouldn't be so many firings a going on all of the time...especially now with the national divorce rate being well over fifty per cent and heading ghastly towards the sixty's...holy baloney!
So I can see quite clearly that communication problems plays out louder than sexual lack of interest moments...All learning to communicate with each other and understanding that what you have going is a team work action plan and it is both of you in it forever, come what ever storms lying in wait for you both to solve...
When one views this little ditty...understand that leaving is almost always better than staying in a bad place all of the time, for pretty soon something will blow...for chaos isn't a very pretty place to raise anyone...and the first person that is a growing up is ourselves and when we think we are already too grown to have to listen to the opinions of anyone else, for it is only that which we believe to be real, is real...than that is where the Biblical passage of "pride cometh before the fall."
Everyone I realize has a different definition of fall times, I realize that...to each their own imaginings...
those can dream of horrendous future results and those that can dream of magical results...what type would you want to choose?
Doom and gloom...or brightness and hope and a land one is still able to have their dreams...marriages between those that are committed to those loving them forever intentions.
I personally am tired of a place that calls everything upside down and I know that if I hang out with those kind of folks, I will find myself lost in the negative talk...simple, one becomes the energy that surrounds it...
Anyways, I have spent too much time like Jada a trying to explain, well knowing that most would view me as; venting...when at times, some out there in my magical reading world have been enough to make a minister cuss...yes, that is right I admit it...those dreaded curse words that come out of my mouth from time to time...
Some people I have discovered also base ones value and worth through the causal utterances of others...
My line of defense, sometimes one has to use strong words to show meaning to the situation, especially if one is found in the company of one wanting to remain asleep when I say the time to become unified with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is upon us...
The time to take on our mantle of protection...simply because the next few years are going to be lots rougher as we struggle to right ourselves in a world that decided that God should be thrown out of school and school activities...and the throwing out of The Ten Commandments in the political justice making decisions arena...perhaps wasn't such a great idea...
Just a throwing it all out there...and one last thing...this time around...hahahehe...were it true that those in our government would allow, our television ministries to be taken off of the air...I call horrendous! I do hope that it was a spam and not the truth a trying to rear its ugly head again...for I kind of like the ability to have choices in life...you know, those times I don't have all the energy that I would like to own...and want to stay at home and express my self to others on the computer...I kind of like the fact that I can switch on any of my fabs...such as Dr Joyce Myers, Dr. Stanley, and so many others...what a terrible thing that would do to our already losing hope land...know what I mean?
Just a throwing it out there...when I google Snoops.com, I couldn't come up with any investigative study on it...so I have to believe that it is a fairly new trick of our government approach to perhaps insight more fear of our rights being abolished....for yes we do have groups a wanting to keep our differences separate...at any cost.
I say, at no other time in the history of our country, have we been able to simply write our president with our ideas of what change looks like to you...Of course the most outrageous and off the wall...especially if the ideas don't serve all equally in the mix...is going to have a hard time of taking off...
For right now we are seeing more and more dissolving of the middle class and the prophecy that Nostradamus saw, along with other early philosophers was that the middle class would dissolve and in its place, more of the poor class arising out of the ashes...
I see that as a reality until we can somehow bring our unbalanced state back into balance and that may take a while, as we battle the storms around and face the natural disasters created by that unbalanced way of thinking and being on the planet...
I therefore feel that all ministers, and church leaders of all denominations should be a teaching...the pulling down of the mantle of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit protection, reminding them of their heritage so that they will teach them how to be great fishermen/women, themselves...WE are Children of God...that is our heritage...plain and simple...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
One key example that I want to leave all with is this...on the national news service channel that my brother and I were watching, the station showed the latest photograph from space...so I believe that nasaspace.com, one could probably find the latest shot from what the research team speculate is an asteroid a splitting apart...how I can tell you is the picture looked like a large hand of God with light emanations coming off the end of each finger that looked quite unusually, well defined...oh well, to each their own illusion of the big post bang party...
I see the picture from space that took so many years in which to capture it...quite seriously for in Revelations it talks about "End Times," (of which I say, end of the world as we know it now) keeping on our eyes on the sky...and besides I still get goose bumps when I think about...and goose bumps are a pretty good indicator as to something that I should take inventory in...and sometimes run from...hahahehe...
I personally imagine it as God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a putting Their hand out as a way of saying, stop the old crap and get on with the new now please, my little backward thinking children...
Those are my thoughts, all can have their own...anyways, here's my sis's posting...
"I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it
all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I
was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband.
What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product.
Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people."
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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