Sunday, May 31, 2009
What Side Do We Choose To See Things From?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Life Is About ChoicesRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone-Associate Editor, Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Wow the weekend has almost flown by again! It is amazing to me how time just flies!
So much to do and so little time it seems to do it all..yet, I know that I must, no matter how much collateral damage others might believe it is creating...
Today I found this little piece on the Yahoo News Service...
I feel it is an excellent news reporting and states the opinions of one Republican Senator so well!
Please do take the time to read it...for I truthfully believe and feel within my heart that what this judge stated a few years ago, is actually true and concise...for she didn't state an untruth...please take that from this 1/4 Latino, and 1/4 Chinese, and 1/2 mixture of my dad: Irish, Scottish, German, English, French Canadian, (dad's mother, almost 100% Danish) person.
So what nationality rating did our government give me? Hispanic, being my mother was from Panama...
Trust me, where I was raised in Western Michigan on two 200 acre dairy farms, and attended schools that were primarily Holland descendants...thus fair skinned, blond or green eyed persons.
The only dark ed skinned families back then were the immigrant workers, that didn't have children with them, for none went to my school. We did have one Italian family yet the father owned the town bar and thus I feel that my best friend was allowed to associate with the other town kids easily, was simply because her father and mother were making big money then...for it was primarily a farming community and the high debt that all farmers were a having to keep their farms upgraded and functioning, perhaps lead lots of them then, to seek out the darkness of the local bar...
My kid sister yesterday reminded me of my high school graduation and how I had gave a speech after getting my diploma...for the life of me, I couldn't remember doing such...of which her husband, my brother in law, stated, oh oh, Alzheimer's...of which I stated, too many bangs in the head from car accidents and just too much plain ole stress of others and my own!
Some call it plain ole life and I call is good.
I also told her that at that time of our lives, both our parents drank alcohol heavily and most of the time were not present in our lives...really.
I also told her that I doubt it very much that our dad or mom at that time, even understood why the school would select such a student who hadn't attended that long at that school...and wasn't the seniors class president or highest grade point I probably wasn't even given a compliment for my high achievement efforts...speech.
Perhaps that is why it didn't register like it showed have...then again, perhaps it was the fact that I stuttered, and was so God awful shy, that I was only glad to put the speech behind me and move on...I don't know why I chose to forget that moment in time...for my sis said she remembered it because mom and dad were a taking lots of pictures of me...yet back then, parents of post depression parents, left lots to the, praise and respect was something never spoken...only assumed to be known by the children, because that was how they were raised.
Shortly after being reminded that I had indeed spoke at my high school graduation where my oldest brother as I had wrote a while back, both graduated...on that same day...I remembered my speech contents and it went something like this...
I was asked to speak to all present here today to tell you why I was selected to talk today to all of my classmates.
When my parents moved our family here in the middle of my Junior year of school...perhaps the thoughts of the Principal and board were a bit hesitant...for they didn't know if they should be placing my brothers and myself in special classes because we were being transferred from a Class C school and were now placed in a Class B school and usually the odds are good...or were in the past...that students coming from a lower academic school, couldn't catch up to a higher level of education...
I was able to blow the doors off with that statistical stat...simply because I had one teacher that told me that I could fly if I wanted to and that what happened to me longer needed to be kept silent as she told me to write about all those times that others tried to keep me an immigrant and told me that I had to ride in the back and just be silent...and all things will pass without my comments/feelings being needed...
A child that was only allowed to play with the other kids her age, that were as poor as her family, or poorer...a child labeled near mentally retarded...that somehow magically became a butterfly from the moment she entered a school filled with students that weren't a judging her and a telling her that she wasn't enough because of her skin coloration and parents financial status in the community...
I believe with all of my heart that one teacher, Mrs. Carr, my English and Creative Writing Class teacher...recognized in me the tortured inner child just a itching to gather all of her words and reach out to the world, asking her country what it is that she can do for them, instead of what her country could do for her.
I graduated 33 out of my graduating class of students...and I hit the B honor roll each semester after attending...not bad for a failing student at my old high school...that only one person told me good Italian girlfriend, Pat M.
My whole growing up years...only one friend...not bad, perhaps those that didn't have one friend to cry and tell them good by, would say I was lucky...
This English teacher, Mrs. Carr, also pushed me towards Debate Class, and we had a regular competition that Mrs. Carr thought I should enter with a speech I had prepared on LSD... late 1960's...although it was purely analytical...because I had not road tested it won me the local competition and then this shy little girl...had to deliver her winning speech to the regional competition...where I had to stand up and speak to if my fellow high school classmates were not enough...
My pushing motivation factor was my high school English teacher, Mrs. Carr...she believed in me and blew me her energy when she felt I wanted to lie down from the embarrassment...thus keeping my wings a flapping as I pushed for my next waiting star.
Thank you Mrs. Carr, where ever you are! For I was 26 years when I first heard the words from both my parents that they loved me and were proud of me...Something that would never had happened, had I not asked my parents if they loved me or not, or were they proud of me...for I heard either words from them...
Another example when I went to college arose...proving that I wasn't the near mental retarded child that this Northern Michigan long ago farming community of Holland dwellers, high school counselor, labeled me as: I was inducted into my local college Phi Theta Kappa Society...I was also elected by my student body at the school to become their Parliamentarian for that year...not bad.
So I can relate to Sonia Sotomayor story of struggle and reaching for the top...I am personally proud of her...first because she is a woman and second a Hispanic one at that for all know that the Hispanic race is not all that welcomed here...and to raise to that level of power and accomplishment, just because it was her next star to reach me continued hope that racism will one day be exactly old term that means absolutely nothing...for it doesn't live any longer in the land.
All those that know how experience is our best teacher...know that what she spoke of in the past is real...and all know that men and women do not think alike or act would be nice, yet I know if any position in the land needs someone with experience, plus a good handle on the issues...this job of Supreme court Judge is the job...thank you President Obama for caring enough to give us this country's very best!
It matters not to me what others might want to drag up about her...we live in a time where word play is always a going on...and anything to take us all off of the subject point of where our real issues lie, will be done...can you imagine the Republican Party saying, they want no one that is a futuristic thinker, that can think outside of the box, or can dream of better ways to handle things?
I ask you, could this be one of the biggest reasons we are in so much dilemma's in our government?
The Republicans in office kept it that limited and so unresponsive?
We are all living in challenging times in our land...and I don't know why so much clatter is a having to go on...I just guess it is what it is...and until it no longer will just be what it is...since when does thinking outside of the box, fail the land?
Just a throwing it all out there...take what you need and do please leave the rest...
Just remember one other my Junior year of high school, I begged my guidance counselor to let me take two was Spanish and the other, wood working.
I was told that I was a failing English and would not be able to handled Spanish even though I argued that my mother spoke it fluently...I was still denied the right...too stupid of a girl. The next class I was told that I couldn't have because I was a girl and girls don't play with wood...I can't wait for Sonia's life experiences stories...I bet they can hold a strong theme line with my own...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
GOP senator: Stop calling Sotomayor a 'racist'
Sun May 31, 9:35 am ET
WASHINGTON – The top Republican involved in the confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee says he would prefer his colleagues refrain from calling Sonia Sotomayor a racist.
Sen. Jeff Sessions said Sunday that he would prefer fellow Republicans stop attacking Sotomayor over remarks about her background as a daughter of Puerto Rican parents. Sotomayor in 2001 said her experiences affected her decisions on the bench.
Some conservatives, such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have said Sotomayor should withdraw her nomination.
Sessions says he looks forward to meeting with Sotomayor this week and to hearing her explain her remarks about her experiences and her decisions.
Sessions spoke on NBC's"Meet the Press."
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Allow Freedom To Totally Ring Out!
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Part 3 Opinions Run Rampant In The LandRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
May 30, 2009
Dear All One Family:
Again I haven't quite gotten around to posting J.J.'s favorite newspaper he called quite good...hmmmm...I found it quite limiting and fear provoking, yet I could be wrong...I will allow all to see both sides of the opinion polls...and please don't forget about all those in between snaps and synapses...I personally like to see myself in the middle...kind of like a watching both sides for either direction...too left, too right, can be limiting vision wise...
I like to call that my neutral place position...just like I like to keep my diet and all other things to a middle or moderate position...for too much of anything can kill a know?
So I try my best to stay out of the way of others that seem to want to go there, in spite of all those things I have tried to show them differently...that would lead to a more relaxed type of lifestyle than the one they were a wanting to choose for themselves...
So to the author of this newspaper editorial published commentary...I want to thank you for the opportunity that your article has offered me as a catalyst for change...for even though I do not agree with you as a whole, I still see your opinions as being necessary in the whole of things and how they seem to be a playing themselves out...
I believe as well, that what I have to say in response to your posting in the editorial opinion page...of our local key and valuable to the whole picture...for not only will I have a chance to put my opinion out there, perhaps it might as well give you another window in which to view things perhaps a bit differently and if not, that is okay as well...just let's agree to disagree and be over it, for I am so over all the Republicans that are still in anguish over the President that I feel God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, intended us to have or why would the election results be so far off the great middle?
Our President received 10 million more votes than the Republican Party...why doesn't that have any value in the whole of things, I don't know, yet I still offered that snippet as one example...
Now on to your posting...I will first post your thoughts and when I break off of your thoughts, it is to go to my own that your thoughts have generated a need to respond...okay?
Again, I am only allowing my thoughts to flow, just as you have your thanks for the opportunity to be able to put my feelings down in such a manner...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
D.Z.'s Editorial Opinion PagePresident is lacking.. The president's conduct on his recent trip overseas has convinced me that he is not an adequate representative of the United States.
Tonie's Opinion
Dear Mr. D.Z.:
Right at the get go, I disagree! You find him lacking and I say,"in what category?" For a man in office a little over 100 days and got the excellent report card that he did...and what was it yesterday that the stock market that controls not only United States, yet other world countries economy...rose so high that it a 4 periods back, hike...and that stock market system is based on consumer confidence and if consumer confidence is higher, why such the negativity?
I say chill and stop the negative energy for don't we have enough already? Get over it please...pray if nothing else that our president awaken to all that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have him have...please? All those that know what I say to be real, please say Amen sister!
He is so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim World that he has abdicated the responsibilities of the President. He should be representing the citizens of the United States. He is not responsible to the peoples of the other countries. I recent that he goes around the world apologizing for the United States, telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world.
Tonie's response:
Dear Mr. D.Z.:
Please once again allow me to offer up another viewing...with so many hot spots that our president has to handle at this current time...wouldn't it have been more fair had you actually heard the full context of his speech as given us by our news service?
Our president again, I disagree is responsible not only to the American people, yet also to the world...for what happens over there, happens here...or have you not heard of "The Hundredth Monkey Story?"
The speech that I thought I heard, didn't go as you have imagined...I believe what the president was a doing, was a saying in essence, man I don't know what all has transpired before in your dealings with America...
Today is a new day and we need to all be on the same page when it comes to the security of not only your land, yet mine as well...can we work together or if that is to you a sell out...I don't see it as such...yet I could be wrong, yet in the interim as I wait and you wait to see who is right or is wrong...I want to hold a flavor of inner peace and thus just keep on a praying and a believing that one day we will hop out of where we have landed...
The message that I thought I heard D.Z., about our president not a caring what their country's status is...I didn't hear that part and being you are the first to bring me that data...well all I can say is this...I would find it hard to believe because what I get my our president's speeches each time...that he holds our heart interests the whole while...for he knows that when we are happy, all is happy in the land he has chosen to preside over...
For that is what a commander in chief is all about...keep saying over and over in your head, 10 million vote difference between him and Senator McCain...
Does anyone expect an instant miracle and proof? Obviously you and others like yourself goodness, don't tell me you might be one of those types that always has to find something wrong in order to complain about something right?
What does he think the First and Second World Wars were all about? Does he not know the history of the 20th century? Where does he get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Has he not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and they remain the principles governing this country. His bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our president does not bow down to anyone. He doesn't show Great Britain, one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve, yet he bows down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare he!
Tonie's response:
Dear D.Z.:
Once again I am lost as to what it is that you are a meaning...How can one assume one knows how much history our president has learned...In line up with our president a telling a Muslim country that United States is not a Christian country...I already posted on a different posting...
To summarize: One Nation Under God, is not the same as a Nation under Jesus and Holy Spirit...together a forming the Trinity...
As for the bowing down to a King is not something that brings shame to America, for do you know how the cultures and habits of all lands? If you do, than you would understand that in some lands when one looks into another's eyes, that sometimes means, disrespect given...yet in my cultural upbringing, it means honesty...know what I mean...sometimes that which once seems obvious, might be, yet to others, not...
As for showing Great Britain disrespect, when did that happened? For I saw a totally different picture and to see the Queen of England wrap her arms around Our First Lady's supposed to be against the Kingdom of England's I am lost to this trail of thinking...oh well, just call me lost in space...hahahehehe...
He couldn't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because he didn't want to offend the Germans, but he did make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. He offended every veteran when he gave the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. I am convinced that he and members of his administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle.
written by D.Z.
Tonie's ResponseThis person lives in the same county as myself...not a neighbor though, thank you God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...
My goodness D.Z.: Again you label our president politically incorrect because he didn't visit the graves of our veterans of past wars...are you sure of that? And if he didn't...can you not imagine how much this man has to waddle through with his mud puddle of a brain?
When our president spoke on Memorial Day, I didn't see the disrespect to our vets of all wars, past, present and current; that you have so judgmentally have thrown at him...yet it is your picture that you are a carrying and if it makes you happy than please by any measure, hold on to it...
Just understand that our nation is under lots of undue stress and hardships and if this type of energy helps you become more than you were yesterday, than celebrate the moment is all that I can say.
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie C. Wallace
Opinions Are Like Given Freely By All In America, Home Of The Free And Brave!
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 30, 2009
Is It Safe To Presume, If My Thoughts Aren't Respected, Than What Divine Channeled Work I Do On Such Assuming Persons:
Doesn't Count In The Present Moment Of Time;
Yet Might One Day Take Root and Sprout?Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Director/Contributing Editor
Part Two -Opinions, Everyone Has Their Own
Dear All One Family:
Again I am just a dropping off a couple more email postings that I received from J.J...and a adding my usual.
I will try to not be so wordy, yet as God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads me, I must comply and if it sometimes seems too much...all that I ask is that you look around you...yes, take your head out of the sand, for you have been a asleep too long and lots of things are a happening...and for those that have their heads still up their tail feathers...checking out and seeing what condition, their condition is in...please also understand, that just because those things I present aren't real to yourself, they are to others paying attention and for right now, it is what it is...I am only giving all my very best and if that is found to be too delusional for yourself, I am sorry...yet, am not really...hahahehehe...I say potato, you say tomato...both in the vegetable grouping, both contain nutritional benefits for most not allergic to it...similar, yet different in different ways...
Anyways to my heroes and heroines that teach our children...I pray that most of all your numbers will not diminish due to our economy woes...for we need each and everyone of you, now and forever!
This little email posting came to me again from J.J., and I just love it! For it speaks of also my own heart for I am a teacher more so that an energetic vibrational medicine body electric research therapist.
My love is in teaching, yet not a full one hands on year love is taking the graduated working body works therapist and placing into their hands, the many additions to the job at hand, that I had discovered in the 24 years of hands on practice and vibrational medicine therapists that I personally trained and saw all but a couple out of the 25 students move into the licensing field of our state...
For it was not only my job to take them physiologically, and anatomy board testing ready, I had to also teach them all of the professional skills necessary to eradicate energy blocks and break pathways...recharge them.
Yet I had to stand down when it came to the most important part of the training...The God/Jesus and Holy Spirit connection...for my God Connection Ideology Mission, demanded that I institute it in the work that we were all a trying to do, acting as channels of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit divine Spirit work...
I remember one student of mine very was about the time that I introduced Carolyn Myss's work of "Medical Intuitive," that I hit a road block with this Divine training student...for she had perhaps googled Carolyn and had discovered that in her bio...she was Jewish!
This student due to her popularity with the college dean and such...remember when I told all here...that the area college where I live, fought the introduction of my first college training facility course, of vibration medicine body works therapy training and it took Zenya influences and petition signed by all of my students initiates from my Massage 101 class, in order to have been able to teach it there...
So I wasn't a flying so high in the clouds, when this battle with a long term practicing massage person, without professional training, initiate, decided to lock horns with me and took me to the dean of continuing education...over Carolyn Myss.
So I did become panic filled for a moment, simply because Carolyn Myss's work is so out there for just hands on types of folks...and having to explain such a maneuver as what Carolyn Myss not impossible for all those that believe, for I am able to do this and more...
So after too many nightmare nights created by my faith and my inability to speak my faith in a profession that if it isn't mentioned than the effects of it on ones clients would also be limited...for that is just how unlimited one begins to imagine when they can state one hundred per cent that they own at least a mustard seed size of can fly is what I college...The doors of faith are being shut and only allowed in certain sciences classes...and being I was at the time an Ordained Spiritualist Minister...when I taught this year long class...with the college's first graduating class of 1999...I too was told by the dean to drop the mumbo gumbo and stick to the rules... My first verbal warning...
So I know well what it is when one can not bring God/Jesus and Holy Spirit along for the visit...and not being able to opening broad cast that it will be Them that would decide their future as they relaxed and surrender unto God/Jesus and Holy when the 2 year Associate Degree class came into being later the next year, I wasn't allowed the job because I didn't have a Master's Level Degree in which to have done so...even though the teacher they selected to teach the classes, had a masters in science and had only been through massage school for three years and because he taught Chemistry full time, his massage practice took on a sometime thing...
So all in all, I am not all that unhappy I didn't get the teaching job...even though it was my dream and they somehow changed it all a bit...and called it all matters not, for it definitely wasn't of God/Jesus or Holy Spirit's design or it would have been a done deal...know what I mean? Yet leaving Them out of it and at home, would have been too ridiculous to entertain...
So again,thank you teachers of all walks of life...for when one takes on a year long teaching mission...oh the walks and talks we have...this is celebration of teachers month...
J.J.'s email posting:After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
'Let me see if I've got this right.
'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
'You want me to do all this and then you tell me. . . I CAN'T PRAY?"
Light, Love and Peace Always
Be Blessed
Another Sunset or Day Break?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
May 30, 2009
Religious Talks With One Of My Favorite Jewish Friend
Dear All One Family:
Before I respond to Lucinda's posting...To God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, for you know I feel prompted to, simply because Jada and myself are always doing the help the brother/family out number and because Jada and I both have the same common ground mission; sometimes a group forum mind ideologies are better than just one a plowing through it alone.
So be prepare for that posting to be written.
Religious Talks With Jewish FriendRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
K.P. and I go back to the hospital health center, opening days for both her and I were hard at work there and sort of kind of met and she and her husband are regular clients/friend of mine...perhaps ten or more years worth...
K.P. and my own religious ideas are not a match for she believes in God, yet she isn't totally convinced that Jesus was anything more than a prophet of God...because her and I are not of the same total conviction...on this matter, for I say and believe that Jesus came in the disguise as an ordinary man, He was absolutely not, and was actually God in disguise a coming here to discover why it was that His children were not all He had hoped and wished that they were...
K.P. and my own difference on this was never a problem being I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister and believe that all are entitled to their own belief systems and being we aren't supposed to haggle over politics and religion...while in a treatment session...this part of the equation was never greater than the whole sum...know what I mean?
What K.P. and I do have as a common ground is that we are both Democrats...with myself an actual Independent being I vote for the best candidate, that I feel lead by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to vote for...
Anyways K.P.'s last treatment session we both discovered that we were under heavy word and fear attacks by the Republican conservatives that are still mad and fear filled as the devil, because we are in the hands of a Mos elm black president...
She told me that her and her husband were basically clobbered at a elaborate dinner party of eight couples and she told me, "you know I am so happy about getting the president that we have, that I wasn't going to keep my mouth shut, yet I noticed that my husband did a fine job of slip shod ding the edges and saying and committing to nothing..."
I remembered laughing and told her that is what College Professors do...for they know what they know and getting all worked up for nothing isn't going to change things much with those persons that are mind set upon things they are set in stone over...
Her husband I also told her; has learned these things a long long time ago...for holding a light hearted approach to all things, keeps the heart from over working and besides he can see lots of things ahead for us all and knows that some of it perhaps won't be pretty, and thus he is just trying to focus on Now in the moment...for he has learned through the loss of his mother and the failing health of his father...that a moment in time is all we have anyways...good, or bad or indifferent...they are just all the same moments...
I also asked her what does socialism mean to her and does she believe we are moving towards a form of it?
She said basically the same thing as her husband: Government control. We are told what to do and how to do it...In return the government takes care of most of our care, food, housing...
I asked them both if any country before now has tried the socialistic approach to government and they both stated, Russia and China...and neither found it totally beneficial...
I wonder what it would look like if all could share from the same crock pot?
I don't see how it could work...being we have so many large and powerful corporations and large businesses...yet maybe one day, it an all for one and one for all number/land, yet I won't hold my breath.
I believe that we aren't a headed in that direction at all...perhaps a few tidbits of it, such as socialized medicine...and government owning small portions of big business that they are a helping stay tangent in a declining financial economy...due to declining, escalating health care costs, and our state increasing deficits that are also reaching into the government pot for bail outs...
I say that our president isn't looking to turn us into a socialized country because of just one speech he made about his stand on abortion rights...For he is like myself, I am not for abortions, yet I don't believe that it is a government control needed thing...for how do you make that decision, "a one size fits all thing?"
Were our president into socialized national government land, wouldn't he be wanting this additional government control factor?
So many issues are on the table before our president and yet, we still have those individuals that are so intent on finding what is wrong with the man instead of looking at all the issues before him and having to decide what lives and what dies and why and does it really have to?
Yet on and on so many things are being spoken concerning our president...take for instance the email I received by one of my long term friend and client...supposedly this was taken out of our local newspaper...the editorial section.
When I asked him what he thought of the editorial piece he sent me, he stated that he thought the local neighbor was right on target...and felt it important enough to send on to all of his friends.
I don't know if he noticed or not, I said nothing...for I had this same argument just the day prior and her and I left the conversation with the excuse that her and I were like all the rest of the people in the world...we have our own opinions and I told her that I would rather circulate optimism versus pessimism...for if we all didn't practice this, imagine our children and grand children a growing up in a world of too much fear and hopelessness...and how it would be duplicated in them as well...being our own parents were post depression parents and the residual of that generation can be seen in us as well...
"The sins of the parents a falling down upon six generations," kind of thing...
Just my thoughts a throwing it out there...and because I had already had my talk with this client/friend about our Nation not being founded on Christian principles...just like President Obama spoke to a mentioned leader in this article...
I have my proof and verification in the oaths of the states that were mentioned in another email sent me concerning this same word play email...for if you look at all the oaths that each state took, all state, their state is founded on God principles...there is nothing stating: God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...for it is my interpretation that Scripture demands that in order to reach Our Father, we must first pass through Jesus and Holy Spirit...
I also told this friend that perhaps 37% of our population believe in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and that approximately 78% believe in God, and that Jewish persons believe in God as well as all the other hundreds of religions that are contained within our own American there is where those that are Christians and those that are of other religions are differing...One Nation Under God, is not the same as a land that is free due to Jesus Christ a sacrificing His own life so that we could have life and live it more abundantly without the blanket of sins left to us from generations past...
Just a throwing it all out there and a hoping that those caught up in the fear element would stop a looking for the flaws and start a praying that our president will be able to stay in communication with Our Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit and that all the decisions that come to him are of Them.
Yet before I place J.J.'s previous posting...that he is so proud of...I want to place the one that he send me today...thanks, J.J., I just want you to take notice of the fact that when you told me that this was how you felt, I grew quiet and sad at the same time, for you told me that you fell down at the golf course and had to have people help you up because you couldn't do it yourself...
I wonder how much this energy level of yours that is filled with so much fear and hopelessness; is contributing to your weaken status...for in everyone that I work on currently that are caught up in it...look so much older than what they used to...and are not all that strong as before...some are even using more alcohol as a way of sedating themselves excessively...that isn't a very good idea for sugar of all kinds and sources, helps feed a blood system that should be alkaline and helps move it towards a acidic state and acidic blood level states are what contributes to cancer and other immune systems crashes...just a throwing it out there for even fear, worry, anxiety, and especially depression...all help the body move into a higher acidic level...
Yet J.J.: I just love what you posted today and yesterday...
Be Blessed One and All
Love Light and Peace
This is something we should all read at least once a week!Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.
It is the most requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to
90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.
Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie.
Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25 No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years,
will this matter?'
27 Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you
did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,
we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
End of Part One
"New Judge, Looks Good To Me"
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Again Hope Continually Flows Towards A Better World Emerging From The Dust Left Behind
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I just pulled this off the news associate service and wanted all to see it. To some it won't mean much, yet to persons such as myself that believe we are at a 1/2 cup full time of our great land, brings us hope enough to float a boat...because I agree, who would better know the hard ways of surviving in the land than one like our president, who has walked it...
Just my thoughts a throwing it all out there.
Please take what you need and please do leave the rest...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, Associated Press Writer – 18 mins ago
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday personally sought to deflect criticism of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, who finds herself under intensifying scrutiny for saying in 2001 that a female Hispanic judge would often reach a better decision than a white male judge. "I'm sure she would have restated it," Obama flatly told NBC News, without indicating how he knew that.
The quote in question from Sotomayor has emerged as a rallying call for conservative critics who fear she will offer opinions from the bench based less on the rule of law and more on her life experience, ethnicity and gender. That issue is likely to play a central role in her Senate confirmation process.
Obama also defended his nominee, saying her message was on target even if her exact wording was not.
"I think that when she's appearing before the Senate committee, in her confirmation process, I think all this nonsense that is being spewed out will be revealed for what it is," Obama said in the broadcast interview, clearly aware of how ethnicity and gender issues are taking hold in the debate.
The president's damage control underscored how the White House is eager to stay on message as the battle to publicly define Sotomayor picks up.
Obama's top spokesman, Robert Gibbs, told reporters about Sotomayor: "I think she'd say that her word choice in 2001 was poor."
Gibbs, however, said he did not hear that from Sotomayor directly. He said he learned it from people who had talked to her, and he did not identify who those people were. Sotomayor herself has made no public statements since her nomination became official Tuesday and was not reachable for comment.
A veteran federal judge, Sotomayor is poised to be the first Hispanic, and the third woman, to serve on the Supreme Court.
She said in 2001: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." The remark was in the context her saying that "our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging."
Sotomayor's comments came in a lecture, titled "A Latina Judge's Voice," that she gave in 2001 at the law school of the University of California, Berkeley.
After three days of suggesting that reporters and critics should not dwell on one sentence from a speech, the White House had a different message Friday.
"If you look in the entire sweep of the essay that she wrote, what's clear is that she was simply saying that her life experiences will give her information about the struggles and hardships that people are going through, that will make her a good judge," Obama said in the broadcast interview.
Sotomayor appears headed for confirmation, needing a majority vote in a Senate, where Democrats have 59 votes. But beyond the final vote, White House officials are pushing for a smooth confirmation, not one that bogs down them or their nominee. Plus, Obama wants a strong win, not a slim one.
Obama told NBC that part of the job of a Supreme Court justice is to stand in somebody else's shoes and that Sotomayor will do that. "That breadth of experience, that knowledge of how the world works, is part of what we want for a justice who's going be effective," Obama said.
More than one line in the 2001 speech has helped drive the debate over Sotomayor's judgment.
She also said, for example: "Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see."
"My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas in which I am unfamiliar," she said. "I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage."
At the time Sotomayor gave the speech, she was in the same job she is now, a federal appeals court judge. She said then she was reminded daily that her decisions affect people and that she owes them "complete vigilance in checking my assumptions, presumptions and perspectives."
"I willingly accept that we who judge must not deny the differences resulting from experience and heritage," she added, "but attempt, as the Supreme Court suggests, continuously to judge when those opinions, sympathies and prejudices are appropriate."
In announcing Sotomayor as his choice, Obama said he wanted a judge who would "approach decisions without any particular ideology or agenda, but rather a commitment to impartial justice." But he also called her life experience essential, saying she had an understanding of "how ordinary people live."
Next week, Sotomayor will begin face-to-face meetings with senators as the confirmation process begins to take shape.
Friday, May 29, 2009
159Th Edition/Can I Twitter Or Not?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I hope that all's week went and now are anticipating a better next day like myself...and I do mean that oh so much!
Now where do I begin? The sick, the elderly the bed ridden ones or just the plain ole missing in action ones?...
I could twitter forever...simply because my life is so full of the miraculous moments in time that takes ones breath away before the joy, peace and comfort arrives...and fills that dashing moment in time...that only moments prior, all seemed so hope less and confusing...and absolutely meaningless...then the next moment falls and clarity arrives and one steps out of the illusion of sleeping into the new day.
To all that believe that moments can't mean all that, to me...they do and for all those same folks I would also like to say this; while you are a sleeping to the changes all around yourself; the rest of the world isn't...
for some of us are a "Working on Our Dream," and know that by paying attention to the mundane, sometimes necessary steps taken can be averted and the energy necessary to keep a working our dream, faith filled dreamer...given it instead of the disillusions of others that helps keep them stressed out and stress filled...depressed, anxiety filled, more panic moments than not...those moments when we totally surrender to fear, worry, anxiety, self-doubt, lack of love, lonely moments in time, etc., etc., for I know you all must have experienced all of those times as myself and for me it used to generally lead to those moments that also make you want to cry and throw the biggest, I got victimized party ever!
Yet when one realizes that they gave their choice to how they wanted to respond or not...thus fifty per cent of the moment in time, belonged personally to themselves...then who again was the victim and who was the perpetrator?
I say that until we receive the gift of discernment, one never fully understands how critical and vital it call on The Spirit of God/Jesus with every decision we make...for unless we do will we know if it is God's Will for our lives or not...know what I mean?
Take for instance an incident that just transpired today...this story is coming from a sentient being's perception.
What is a sentient being?
Sentient beings are earth bound soul essences of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...energies that have some become highly vibratory and sensitive to others energies...for these folks can't live with just anybody...for they are camel on like in personality and become the personality handed them...from the energetic exchange of energies a trying to mix and blend...
A sentient being when found in a situation where the energies are so different than their own...become drained alot and rather tired of always a trying to bring fresh and positive energy to the one that old and negative energies are what makes them feel good about themselves so much that finding fault in all others is the only way to move through the world...
To a sentient being, this form of energy exchange...only causes them to dream of the day when they see it fly away to where ever...just please go kind of a thing...for when no one else is around and when the phone doesn't ring...a sentient being's world is just the coolest!
When they have to share, they can; of course the shorter the time with those of low end energy, the better for a sentient being...and all those that know what a dark cloud it is when these types come to visit, please say, Amen!
For sentient beings such as Lucinda
She knows all too well the difference between a dark cloud and a rainbow colored soul essence...for they are different as night and day and before too much further delay...I will present her story of "Just Another One of Those; Upside Down Rainbow Moment- Energy Life Form Presentation"
As a way to further emphasis the need to pay attention to each passing moment in time and to perhaps help her process more effectively through the moment that when it first presented itself to her, she wanted to do a stomp number on the weak energy her that wasn't a good or Godly mind reflected thought to experience, even for an instant......
I am including it right now as well to further help me awaken all to understanding that yes...passing by the mundane moments may work for some lives, yet in Lucinda and myself...each moment is a chance to see things in a different way and try to understand that sometimes...what is appearing isn't all it first appeared to be...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
My Brother's Keeper, I Am and Sometimes Don't Want To BeDear God/Jesus and Holy Spirit:
This Is Your Daughter, Lucinda
I pray that you hold upright my brother Jose...He be kind of a hard head and doesn't understand that all he has to do when others speak to him, is not jump on the opening sentence of someone a wanting to give him a message or a thought reflection.
Take for instance this morning when he called from work and told me that he was a going out of town to work and needed for me to prepare him enough work clothes for two days...reminding me of time and half pay given him for this out of town job...and even though I had some work I had to do and get prepared to do...I had to break from the format and run and get stuff all done by 12:0clock...wash clothes for him...for he only has 3 pairs of work jeans...and if he is a wearing one, than the one he wore yesterday is in the dirty clothes...
So on top of working the job that has paid 98% of the bills for the last 6 months of his visit here...I had to run and get things ready for him...and then when he pulled in the drive-way at lunch time, I could drive him back to work so that I could have my car for the weekend...
So as I was already outside with my purse a wanting to make this mad dash into my being free of your gift God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...Mr. happy comes in and I tell him of the phone message of his as to one of my long term friend and client that he had already promised to do the odd jobs she wanted of him tomorrow of which he already agreed to do...whereas I told him that she had called his cell phone being she was at the hardware store and needing his help...
You would have told that I told him that I needed $180 of his check to pay the light bill was due to be shut off on Monday!
I forgive him God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and ask that you do as well, for he really is a hard head at times and thinks maybe sometimes that we are married and that I owe him all the, the, the, the....things that have been granted him since being here with me.
Yet sometimes I wish he would just stop for a moment and fully become present in the moment and hear all that is being told seems at times that he has selective hearing and I know that it is a condition that many of the males in my family hold...
I don't feel it is male DNA related...I believe it is a condition that is taught...and I believe it is a condition that isn't only handed to women from men yet to both sexes...perhaps the inability to multi-task and the thoughts he has in his head are the only one that is important...
Yet dear God/Jesus and Holy know better than I the problems this kind of behavior can bring another, for not all are willing to forgive those moments of words first uttered by a person too self absorbed in his own stuff.
I keep doing it not because I have to, yet because I feel that somehow my brother Jose has been brought to my door step so that he could hear the things that others his whole 55 years of life, should have told him. Perhaps they did and he chose to not listen, somehow trying to make the conversation confutation, the other person or persons fault...
I also know as well as he does, that all things happen for a reason and if it wasn't Your intention that he was to appear on my door step, it wouldn't have happened...for years ago I turned my will over to You and have been found living alone and enjoying it...fully knowing that when I was ready to be attached to someone, that man that you would want me always to have and to behold...into eternity, will appear and if not...that was alright as well.
So Father/Brother Jesus and Holy Spirit, I am alright with the mission that You All have place with me for safe keeping and continued learning lessons for him as well as myself...yet please I beg you, if other children of Yours are to follow, please can I have them less hard headed?
For Your Jose as You All know has been my greatest challenge thus far in my 57 and 58 fast approaching fact he reminds me of the other males that I chose with the same problem...Their level of "Go Stop, Listen and See," was all upside down...
What I could see and hear easily, was too far for them to do easily. Yet, recalling that I at first had agreed to only a few days a visiting me in my business home...and now that few days had gone into almost six months...tired I am a beginning to experience more than not and that isn't a good sign.
The added expense of trying to keep us both afloat and with a roof over our heads, also hasn't been an easy road to travel, yet I can see the sunshine a shining through the gray cloud that Jose brought with him...more sunshine than gray skies so I would call that a victory...Yet, Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, when the gray sky mirror starts a shining its ugly reflection moments back to me and my brother tells me that I am the non christian one and he is the saint...I can't help but fall into his ugly old man appearing face reflection and become the judge like himself...Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and tell him that instead of calling me the devil child...he needed to understand that what one sees in another, is really within themselves...
I know Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, that wasn't very nice of myself and I ask Your forgiveness, yet six months is more than I can handle at this time and therefore I pray that he will one day read my thoughts and understand that all I do, I do because I care and not because I have too...for there are lots of siblings out there that have casted out their family members long ago and told them to basically live their life the best that they can...for there is no room at the Inn...ever.
The part about becoming equally yoked, is a very real thing...for being equally yoked means...the ability to co habitat in an environment that shows equal respect and honor, and the ability to communicate on all issues without one pulling rank over the other and then be able to compromise on issues of not the same ideologies...
You know all being on the same both be on the same page takes more than my brother and I can process thus I ask that all of his dreams come to fruition so that I will know that all of my time spent with him will not be for not.
Tonight I give him a C-...on his report card, even though he did thank me for bagging up his week end clothes...and he gave me $40 out of his first two week job in almost six celebrate! So maybe I will raise his C- to a B-, for he did offer to give me more and I told him that I wanted him to hold onto his money for he needed to make his break from me...for I was moving and needed the space to fully plan with Your help God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, where that place will be and because that move is so key to my future...having his confused, sometimes anger at the world for how it turned out for him, and him not a knowing that every second of it, he created...I just need more than a few hours break from his down trodden energy fields...and the sad part is that I have been a telling him how to gather his energy and become stronger and more powerful that he is...and he just nods his head and goes on with his own bad self...
Communication breakdowns...aren't the prettiest place to be and I am so longer for when I can take back over my peace filled living space...that is why Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit I tell him when ever he flies in the rage expressed moment, hey listen dude, trust me, you can't wait to fly from here and I am right there with you bro!
For you keep seeing me as the enemy and the enemy you are seeing in me now, is the one that has brought you the most destruction in your life...the life you left where you had the full control and didn't bring God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into your grow up and grow yourself some balls!
I know God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, I shouldn't have expressed it like that...yet what other way can one talk to a hard head? Sometimes putting things in a vulgar manner is how someone like this understands things?
I only wish that my father had lived long enough to have helped with my brother's transformation process...for it seems that I am the only one to ever had this problem with him and thus he believes it must be my problem...okay, what ever...anyways, please forgive me if I had done something wrong in the handling of this house guest, brother...
I also want to thank You God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for all that you have given me so that I was able to stay afloat financially with the financial additional added needs of my brother a also needing to be met, for I know that all abundance flows from Your Source....
I believe that my brother will be alright in the whole of things, as long as they doesn't return to yesterday and stops worshiping and a praying first to You All, I believe he will do alright.
Just please open up his ears so that he can hear the voices of others, instead of only his maybe he has a hearing problem and can't hear his own words...and that is why when he returns after a saying so many harsh and rude judgments and condemnations and expects you to drop and forgive him this one more time...
Yet what he doesn't know is that, each time a judgment or condemnation is given...the road back home to trust keeps getting further and further away...and sometimes a not a saying my true thoughts, helps prevent another misunderstanding...for if one is wholly involved in the communication, sometimes key words or thought phrases are lost and that is how easily difficulties can arise...
That is all I am a wanting to disclose at this time...for now it seems that a relaxing in my first weekend in six months away from him , has arrived and I spent the first 5 hours of it...a trying to relax into a world I held only six months ago and couldn't till I dropped this lenghty is good and funny at the same time...
Peace, Love and Understanding unlocks all doors of Self-Discovery, thank you God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for loving me enough to forgive me all my misguided moments in time...
Lucinda, the sometimes faint
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I hope that all's week went and now are anticipating a better next day like myself...and I do mean that oh so much!
Now where do I begin? The sick, the elderly the bed ridden ones or just the plain ole missing in action ones?...
I could twitter forever...simply because my life is so full of the miraculous moments in time that takes ones breath away before the joy, peace and comfort arrives...and fills that dashing moment in time...that only moments prior, all seemed so hope less and confusing...and absolutely meaningless...then the next moment falls and clarity arrives and one steps out of the illusion of sleeping into the new day.
To all that believe that moments can't mean all that, to me...they do and for all those same folks I would also like to say this; while you are a sleeping to the changes all around yourself; the rest of the world isn't...
for some of us are a "Working on Our Dream," and know that by paying attention to the mundane, sometimes necessary steps taken can be averted and the energy necessary to keep a working our dream, faith filled dreamer...given it instead of the disillusions of others that helps keep them stressed out and stress filled...depressed, anxiety filled, more panic moments than not...those moments when we totally surrender to fear, worry, anxiety, self-doubt, lack of love, lonely moments in time, etc., etc., for I know you all must have experienced all of those times as myself and for me it used to generally lead to those moments that also make you want to cry and throw the biggest, I got victimized party ever!
Yet when one realizes that they gave their choice to how they wanted to respond or not...thus fifty per cent of the moment in time, belonged personally to themselves...then who again was the victim and who was the perpetrator?
I say that until we receive the gift of discernment, one never fully understands how critical and vital it call on The Spirit of God/Jesus with every decision we make...for unless we do will we know if it is God's Will for our lives or not...know what I mean?
Take for instance an incident that just transpired today...this story is coming from a sentient being's perception.
What is a sentient being?
Sentient beings are earth bound soul essences of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...energies that have some become highly vibratory and sensitive to others energies...for these folks can't live with just anybody...for they are camel on like in personality and become the personality handed them...from the energetic exchange of energies a trying to mix and blend...
A sentient being when found in a situation where the energies are so different than their own...become drained alot and rather tired of always a trying to bring fresh and positive energy to the one that old and negative energies are what makes them feel good about themselves so much that finding fault in all others is the only way to move through the world...
To a sentient being, this form of energy exchange...only causes them to dream of the day when they see it fly away to where ever...just please go kind of a thing...for when no one else is around and when the phone doesn't ring...a sentient being's world is just the coolest!
When they have to share, they can; of course the shorter the time with those of low end energy, the better for a sentient being...and all those that know what a dark cloud it is when these types come to visit, please say, Amen!
For sentient beings such as Lucinda
She knows all too well the difference between a dark cloud and a rainbow colored soul essence...for they are different as night and day and before too much further delay...I will present her story of "Just Another One of Those; Upside Down Rainbow Moment- Energy Life Form Presentation"
As a way to further emphasis the need to pay attention to each passing moment in time and to perhaps help her process more effectively through the moment that when it first presented itself to her, she wanted to do a stomp number on the weak energy her that wasn't a good or Godly mind reflected thought to experience, even for an instant......
I am including it right now as well to further help me awaken all to understanding that yes...passing by the mundane moments may work for some lives, yet in Lucinda and myself...each moment is a chance to see things in a different way and try to understand that sometimes...what is appearing isn't all it first appeared to be...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
My Brother's Keeper, I Am and Sometimes Don't Want To BeDear God/Jesus and Holy Spirit:
This Is Your Daughter, Lucinda
I pray that you hold upright my brother Jose...He be kind of a hard head and doesn't understand that all he has to do when others speak to him, is not jump on the opening sentence of someone a wanting to give him a message or a thought reflection.
Take for instance this morning when he called from work and told me that he was a going out of town to work and needed for me to prepare him enough work clothes for two days...reminding me of time and half pay given him for this out of town job...and even though I had some work I had to do and get prepared to do...I had to break from the format and run and get stuff all done by 12:0clock...wash clothes for him...for he only has 3 pairs of work jeans...and if he is a wearing one, than the one he wore yesterday is in the dirty clothes...
So on top of working the job that has paid 98% of the bills for the last 6 months of his visit here...I had to run and get things ready for him...and then when he pulled in the drive-way at lunch time, I could drive him back to work so that I could have my car for the weekend...
So as I was already outside with my purse a wanting to make this mad dash into my being free of your gift God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...Mr. happy comes in and I tell him of the phone message of his as to one of my long term friend and client that he had already promised to do the odd jobs she wanted of him tomorrow of which he already agreed to do...whereas I told him that she had called his cell phone being she was at the hardware store and needing his help...
You would have told that I told him that I needed $180 of his check to pay the light bill was due to be shut off on Monday!
I forgive him God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...and ask that you do as well, for he really is a hard head at times and thinks maybe sometimes that we are married and that I owe him all the, the, the, the....things that have been granted him since being here with me.
Yet sometimes I wish he would just stop for a moment and fully become present in the moment and hear all that is being told seems at times that he has selective hearing and I know that it is a condition that many of the males in my family hold...
I don't feel it is male DNA related...I believe it is a condition that is taught...and I believe it is a condition that isn't only handed to women from men yet to both sexes...perhaps the inability to multi-task and the thoughts he has in his head are the only one that is important...
Yet dear God/Jesus and Holy know better than I the problems this kind of behavior can bring another, for not all are willing to forgive those moments of words first uttered by a person too self absorbed in his own stuff.
I keep doing it not because I have to, yet because I feel that somehow my brother Jose has been brought to my door step so that he could hear the things that others his whole 55 years of life, should have told him. Perhaps they did and he chose to not listen, somehow trying to make the conversation confutation, the other person or persons fault...
I also know as well as he does, that all things happen for a reason and if it wasn't Your intention that he was to appear on my door step, it wouldn't have happened...for years ago I turned my will over to You and have been found living alone and enjoying it...fully knowing that when I was ready to be attached to someone, that man that you would want me always to have and to behold...into eternity, will appear and if not...that was alright as well.
So Father/Brother Jesus and Holy Spirit, I am alright with the mission that You All have place with me for safe keeping and continued learning lessons for him as well as myself...yet please I beg you, if other children of Yours are to follow, please can I have them less hard headed?
For Your Jose as You All know has been my greatest challenge thus far in my 57 and 58 fast approaching fact he reminds me of the other males that I chose with the same problem...Their level of "Go Stop, Listen and See," was all upside down...
What I could see and hear easily, was too far for them to do easily. Yet, recalling that I at first had agreed to only a few days a visiting me in my business home...and now that few days had gone into almost six months...tired I am a beginning to experience more than not and that isn't a good sign.
The added expense of trying to keep us both afloat and with a roof over our heads, also hasn't been an easy road to travel, yet I can see the sunshine a shining through the gray cloud that Jose brought with him...more sunshine than gray skies so I would call that a victory...Yet, Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, when the gray sky mirror starts a shining its ugly reflection moments back to me and my brother tells me that I am the non christian one and he is the saint...I can't help but fall into his ugly old man appearing face reflection and become the judge like himself...Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and tell him that instead of calling me the devil child...he needed to understand that what one sees in another, is really within themselves...
I know Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, that wasn't very nice of myself and I ask Your forgiveness, yet six months is more than I can handle at this time and therefore I pray that he will one day read my thoughts and understand that all I do, I do because I care and not because I have too...for there are lots of siblings out there that have casted out their family members long ago and told them to basically live their life the best that they can...for there is no room at the Inn...ever.
The part about becoming equally yoked, is a very real thing...for being equally yoked means...the ability to co habitat in an environment that shows equal respect and honor, and the ability to communicate on all issues without one pulling rank over the other and then be able to compromise on issues of not the same ideologies...
You know all being on the same both be on the same page takes more than my brother and I can process thus I ask that all of his dreams come to fruition so that I will know that all of my time spent with him will not be for not.
Tonight I give him a C-...on his report card, even though he did thank me for bagging up his week end clothes...and he gave me $40 out of his first two week job in almost six celebrate! So maybe I will raise his C- to a B-, for he did offer to give me more and I told him that I wanted him to hold onto his money for he needed to make his break from me...for I was moving and needed the space to fully plan with Your help God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, where that place will be and because that move is so key to my future...having his confused, sometimes anger at the world for how it turned out for him, and him not a knowing that every second of it, he created...I just need more than a few hours break from his down trodden energy fields...and the sad part is that I have been a telling him how to gather his energy and become stronger and more powerful that he is...and he just nods his head and goes on with his own bad self...
Communication breakdowns...aren't the prettiest place to be and I am so longer for when I can take back over my peace filled living space...that is why Father/Jesus and Holy Spirit I tell him when ever he flies in the rage expressed moment, hey listen dude, trust me, you can't wait to fly from here and I am right there with you bro!
For you keep seeing me as the enemy and the enemy you are seeing in me now, is the one that has brought you the most destruction in your life...the life you left where you had the full control and didn't bring God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into your grow up and grow yourself some balls!
I know God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, I shouldn't have expressed it like that...yet what other way can one talk to a hard head? Sometimes putting things in a vulgar manner is how someone like this understands things?
I only wish that my father had lived long enough to have helped with my brother's transformation process...for it seems that I am the only one to ever had this problem with him and thus he believes it must be my problem...okay, what ever...anyways, please forgive me if I had done something wrong in the handling of this house guest, brother...
I also want to thank You God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for all that you have given me so that I was able to stay afloat financially with the financial additional added needs of my brother a also needing to be met, for I know that all abundance flows from Your Source....
I believe that my brother will be alright in the whole of things, as long as they doesn't return to yesterday and stops worshiping and a praying first to You All, I believe he will do alright.
Just please open up his ears so that he can hear the voices of others, instead of only his maybe he has a hearing problem and can't hear his own words...and that is why when he returns after a saying so many harsh and rude judgments and condemnations and expects you to drop and forgive him this one more time...
Yet what he doesn't know is that, each time a judgment or condemnation is given...the road back home to trust keeps getting further and further away...and sometimes a not a saying my true thoughts, helps prevent another misunderstanding...for if one is wholly involved in the communication, sometimes key words or thought phrases are lost and that is how easily difficulties can arise...
That is all I am a wanting to disclose at this time...for now it seems that a relaxing in my first weekend in six months away from him , has arrived and I spent the first 5 hours of it...a trying to relax into a world I held only six months ago and couldn't till I dropped this lenghty is good and funny at the same time...
Peace, Love and Understanding unlocks all doors of Self-Discovery, thank you God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for loving me enough to forgive me all my misguided moments in time...
Lucinda, the sometimes faint
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Rush You Pull Way Too Much Right!
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Memorial Day!
May 24, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate Editor/Contributor
Dear All One Family:
I know Happy Memorial Day, is one of those bittersweet memorial honoring to all our fallen heroes that have served in all United States country related work service jobs...These folks gave to our great land the greatest of all mankind service kudos possible.
I am humbled by their memories...and Jada and I would like to extend the largest thank you to all of them...whatever service they may have held...or still do!
I love each and everyone of you, rather living or fallen asleep like Colin Powell stated this morning on "Face The Nation."
I as well pray for those that have taken their departure pass; that where you are is where one day I will return...and there as well I will be proud of you still...thank you for volunteering for this save Earth mission.
I count all of your successes and failures the same, for unlike others that just stand by and say nothing...and eventually sometimes, do nothing with their all knew that to love this country truly is to take a stand...however small or meager of an effort it might be...thus believing that to say something is so much better than a saying nothing. You know what I mean, all that do, please say Amen.
Yet I ask you to not just jump out and say anything, just to say something...all I ask you to do is your homework...then when you speak you will at least have some data in which to back up your stance.
Today I felt off centered a bit and just wanted to take some time to my self and be here with you all...and write these "matters of my heart" felt intentions.
I am glad that I missed church, yet not...know what I mean? Anyways because I felt moved to stay home, I got to see another American hero of mine, Colin Powell speak to Harry Schafer on the "Face The Nation," Sunday morning, 10:00 clock A.M., show...and that made me feel probably as good as if I had gone to Sunday service...
For in it, I regained hope again for our land...Colin Powell when talking about what Russ Limbaugh had stated about him...since he put forth his vote for Barack Obama for president.
Were I to sit down with Russ Limbaugh, this as well is what I would have said.
Call me a political activist if you want to...I am merely a calling things as I see them and this is what I see with you Mr. Rush Limbaugh.
I too voted quite similar to Colin Powell...more times Republican than Democrat...and being I am more of an Independent Republican like Colin Powell...I vote for the right person that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit leads me to pull the voting booth handle for...
After doing so, I feel confident that because my vote took harvest that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...will be done for the greatest good for all of mankind...
I like yourself Mr. Limbaugh...had my reservations in the very beginning for I too as well had to throw down the racial eyes of yesterday, to see more clearly that our great land is truly a moving forward into the Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
What I heard come forth from one of our nation's grandest hero's...was that he really cared what became of our land and finer service can a nation receive from one of their finest!
Mr. Colin Powell...Sir!
I am so humbled and thank ful to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit for your presence in our nations many years of your life you have given so unwavering...
When I heard you express that you gave the country all of the reasons you felt that a democratic vote was necessary and vital for our country's security and growth and development.
Yet all of your Republican peers, chose not to see what you vote. I experienced the same kind of anguish...until I realized, of course I was going to get opposition from those that know me well or at least think they do...we are too close in energy and thus I can't be seen by them...
I am grateful that I had gotten to see/hear what it was that made you feel like a Democratic vote was necessary, for as I compared notes, I discovered that all you had covered were on my own same page...
I guess that is what one would call...confirmation that my prayers and answers were on target!
The other day I had a even more staunch Republican...who probably as well feel that Mr. Rush Limbaugh is the all in all...that when she prayed and asked God to direct her vote...he had her pull the Republican button...
Then she asked me if I had ever voted wrongly...I told her no...all but one/two that I have voted for...came into office.
Many times even though I moved back and forth from the Republican-Democrat...I was a doing so as I moved towards voting for the man after looking at both of them carefully and then a praying for the results to be given me.
I feel Mr. Limbaugh had you really paid attention to that which Mr. Powell had stated you would have seen quite clearly that what he saw is exactly what is occurring...
Yes I know that it is hard for conservative Republicans to bend and become flexible to the changes as their thinking has to move out of the box...yet move out of the box is how we have no other option but to make...for we are in the process of rebuilding from the ground upwards America and by so other lands a needing to discover a better way to be...
Mr. Limbaugh you are a bit too traditionalist to play the political go round wheel...and besides it seems we have too many traditionalist Republicans in the wings anyways...We are in desperate times and through desperation comes enough anguish, stress, worry and the Republican Party Die Harts a wanting to continue the low level of fear...I ask you, how are you being of assistance?
Mr. Limbaugh you knew that our president Barack, is a fine man, educated, deep thinking outside of the box kind of man...perhaps that is why you are so hesitant to accept him into the country honoring fold...
Perhaps you are fear filled that if he receives too much acceptance and knows well how to deceive, we will fall asleep to all the things that he is a doing that are unacceptable to your own thoughts and ways of doing things.
Yet when I look, I see how the campaign promises delivered quite similar to that which he originally stated that he was a aiming towards.
His speed is unsurpassed when one looks back on all the presidential selections we have had since I started voting proudly in almost all elections...I believe that I might have missed one or two, for I felt that I didn't really have a choice, for all given us were hit and miss kind of fellows...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!
I for one believe that the ability to vote for our president and cabinet is a privilege and an honor...and it makes me proud to be an American and have this right...Especially being I am an American woman and lots of countries still find women to be the lesser species...and to all those that helped America became the great land that it is...because of the stands they took...I am humbled and honored that they lived and had their being in our land...Founded In all the past and present human rights groups wanting to make a difference...I celebrate your efforts as long as you realize that we all have rights in the land.
Also I would like to mention to Mr. Limbaugh and all other human rights groups, that not only do we all have to learn how to share, and become flexible to the needs of well, learning how to compromise with each other, is also a good thing...throwing God out of schools was a dumb thing...having legislators vote on amendments insuring the rights of kids to not have to obey the rules of the home if it differs from their own is a dumb thing.
I say with the horrendous "sows ear," gift the President Obama and his team received when they volunteered to help this country turn back the tide of bad choices made by those in all levels...and for several presidential terms Mr. Limbaugh are a pushing too hard for immediate change for you know that isn't possible...yet you still keep a pushing and then I hear Mr. Powell saying that our president is perhaps a moving too fast and needs to slow down a bit before a moving too fast...
Go, stop, move slower...can you see Mr. Limbaugh how difficult it must be to hold high office positions...think about all the 10 Million voters that it took to blow past Senator John McCain....they too must have felt like Mr. Powell and myself...Senator McCain...too traditionalist, too inside the box and conservation...and this country needs a large change and not the same oh, same oh...
Mr. Limbaugh:
Albert Einstein speculated that, "what we fear, comes at us greater." I say when the Harvard Professor of Psychiatry told the nation (Face The Nation) in how to handle their children in these recession times...he stated that we should keep optimism going instead of pessimism...I say to you Mr. Limbaugh..."if one isn't part of the solution, doesn't that make them part of the problem."
I believe that the greatest gift we can give our land is this spirit of I could be wrong...yet don't believe that I am...
When former vice president Cheney spoke about his preference being you over Colin Powell...I knew so very uninformed of a man that it truly is...for just consider that former President Bush, Jr., wanted Gitamino closed and Vice President Cheney was against that move then.
How do I feel about the war prison camp being closed? I haven't studied the issues both pro and con like our President Barack, Colin Powell and former President Bush Jr. has, and if they are viewing it as a good thing...than it might be...I am just a giving God/Jesus and Holy Spirit those prayers for understanding and protection...for that is all that we truly and really do know?
We in America are a nation of more cultures and nations represented here...agreeing with all things done is something that all nations all over the land are in battle over...if we can stop the battling here, perhaps we can obtain peace in all lands and worlds...
I am also comforted by Mr. B. Gates, last Sunday's "Sixty Minutes," showed me how much we have in an government official whose job is to watch over our soldiers and allies and I am humbled by the thoughts of him a being there in the office.
Thank you President Obama for seeing the value in this man that has served I believe, 8 terms of office
Those are just my thoughts today as I sit back, relax and think good thoughts about all those brave and American loving soldiers, and government and civil workers, both past and present are giving and have given our great nation.
I am humbled and grateful to all that have given our land and nation the best that they have to give...thank you and God Bless You All, Always and Forever...
To all have a very blessed day tomorrow...My memorial weekend starts I savor the holiness of this special day...and all other days which are as well special to me...
Be Blessed One and All
Love, Light and Peace
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