Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 11, 2009
Traveling Through Eden
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Today I watched Dr. Phil's show (rerun) Wasted Youth, so self confirming it was to me that I decided to make a response to his community website responses site...for today's show re triggered perception thoughts about how common perhaps this problem is in the land...
Personally in my own alternate health care practice field I am seen both in it and in my own personal friends and family world...it being more common than not...especially if the child at an early age sought drugs or alcohol as their way to unwind...just as they viewed their parents a doing such.
Even if the child never saw the parents a doing such, the friends of the parents and family members as well; could actually help influence the child as times become difficult for him/her as we all know that they sometimes do and they reach for that moment to escape from time...
So for the large part, our children are our carbon copies of ourselves...so when one finds themselves with such child now turned young impressionable adult...then largely maturing adult...do we throw them out with the bath water or do we try to reach out to them?
There have been many parents tell me that they have basically given up on their children...now adults.
I keep telling all my parents and grandparents, that you can never give up on your children...never, ever!
Even when they don't like you all that much and tell you that they weren't asked to be born...
I believe that every mother who has ever heard these "blah, blah, blah, words," perhaps in the initial first-ten times of hearing it; reflect back to the God awful, pregnancy caused body ailments from carrying this ungrateful kid, and then the morning sickness that was...and all the fat jokes, and the LABOR pains and thoughts of dying for if this was hell, it sure the hell felt like it! Moments.
In my own defense for my immature behavior that arose out of the above ,"blah, blah, blah moments," was perhaps different than most moms. Mine went something like this:
Oh no, I am sorry son for your discomfort in being here. When I think back to the entire mess of first becoming pregnant, the morning sickness, the aches and pains in my body for having carried such a large rascal as yourself, the jokes that others thinking it was a good thing to hammer away at my already too poor body image of myself, then the labor and then your birth that almost killed us both...my being separated from you due to you a having to stay at the hospital for over a week, because you had to stay longer than myself due to your difficult breathing and jaundice condition...so that bonding never really occurred between you and I and your dad...
Then the chaotic nature of your dad's and my failing marriage and then all the residual effects of all of that drama...I can truly see how you would feel lost and confused...
Yet son, I have good and perhaps not so good news for you...because I believe that all things happen for a reason, and that "there are no accidents in life," I have to say that your life has been one about survival of the fittest...
As for your thoughts of not being asked to be born...I would have to say that is completely incorrect...I believe that everybody on the planet is here for a specific reason...our mission is to save the world from our own disastrous thinking patterns...
I believe as well that all of us were given different assignments in this life in which to complete. Many religions call this factor; "karma."
Our job in this simple game of life is to simply, try not to harm another as we move across the game board of our life's path...
Sometimes we have to in the name of showing support of our land and that is totally understood by God because of Jesus coming to earth as God's eyes, ears and heart, Our Father saw for Himself how badly we had fallen since leaving the Garden of Eden that we were given compensation for our human weakness...
In others words son, Our Heavenly Father knows that His children are coconut heads more times than not...a bit retarded...yet only mildly...and thus as any parent of a disabled child knows, that one leaves with the hope that one day their sons or daughters; will one day see what they see and get it...why all the words were necessary in order gain what the heck they were a saying all along...
Yet till then...I ask God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to watch over you...to keep you strong when you feel like being weak...to help you see that you asked to come here, and that you also asked to be given to me and your dad and thus be exposed to all of the karma's of your dad, myself, family and friends...as we all try to make our moves across the board of life game/journey.
Thus...your job is to rise above the fall out of all of your own belief and perception of life, as being viewed through the eyes of others...and find that space within yourself that is God Himself that is a handling and helping you see more clearly His plan and Will for your life.
I believe that once you do this and make it a definite pattern of your now moment in time...life will become more illuminated instead of so dark and gloomy...something like see the path, be the path you yourself would gladly follow...
So until you surrender your life over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, I will simply keep you on the altar and pray that your fall downs in life will be repairable...
Love you lots and that is why I take the time to tell you these things...for I have been at the point that you are at and understand all too well how fear filled life can become when you choose to do things your own way...and don't allow God/Jesus and Holy Spirit into your world until the hole that you have dug for yourself is almost cutting off the vision and memory of the life you had in Heaven before a coming here to visit/assist mankind for a short time....
For it is also noted among those that understand this type of earthly existence thought perception...I mentioned above, that life in Heaven is measured in a time frame that one earthly life time is simply the time it takes for an angel in Heaven to blink one eye...life is really short, even though you at times think it is not...so enjoy the moment son, every moment...don't have any regrets for those times that you didn't get it right...and definitely stop blaming the generation before for that which you couldn't quite get right...
Learn by the mistakes of others, thus you won't have to learn from your own personal hardships...just my thoughts dear lovely sons of mine.
It has been said many times in many books that by learning from the mistakes of others, not only will it cut down on the amount of ones own personal hardships..you will also be able to see how the actions of others, could come back and bite your head off were you to judge the actions of others...
For as Scripture tells us Christians, "judge not, least thee be judged." Or again as I have always told you, the ancient American Indian proverb, "do not judge another until you have walked a mile in their moccasin."
Now I am going to add some email postings that were sent me the last couple of days...I hope that you will find them thought provoking...and if you have already seen them...revisit them once more...for you just might catch a dangling participrocal or two...hahaheheh...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Taking Control of Your Life
Life is Like a Box of Chocolates.. .
By Phylameana lila Desy, About.com
Guest article by Dr. Erika Duffy
You never know what to expect next... or so they say. What if I was to tell you that you have much more control of your life than you think you do? What if I was to tell you that you are what you think you are, and that just about all that occurs in your life is a projection of your own thoughts? Does this mean we are supposed to blame ourselves for everything that occurs in our l life? No... it means to take responsibility for what happens in our life so we feel more in control and realize all of our choices. Deepak Chopra says "We think we live in the world, but the world lives in us;" meaning, all of us may live in the same world, but the way we live is based on what we are taught.
Life Comes from Us, Not at Us
A lot of times we can feel like a victim of circumstances. Yet life comes from us, not at us. Now what exactly does all this mean? Let us understand the power of the mind. We have a conscious mind, a subconscious mind, and an unconscious mind. We have different brain wave patterns: from conscious (when we are awake) to subconscious (light dream like state that communicates to us in our dreams) to unconscious mind (total deep sleep). As children, our unconscious mind houses beliefs and attitudes about life and about ourselves. These impressions we pick up from society, and people who have influenced us the most. So whatever the beliefs in our family and society at the time, become our own. From these impressions we create thoughts and feelings about ourselves and life buried in the subconscious mind. So, if the biggest impact in our life were people that did not feel very good about themselves and felt life was supposed to be tough, then, these too become our own feelings and thoughts. From these thoughts and feelings we subconsciously store we make conscious choices and decisions about what to expect and how we will live our life. The problem, therefore, is that when we desire new experiences and positive change, our subconscious can get in the way and there becomes a conflict and the subconscious wins. Hence the statement "Be careful what you wish for, you may get what you want." It may not be what we consciously want. It just may be something familiar based on feelings, events and beliefs from a long time ago.
Negative Patterns Can Be Inherited
We always tend to stay in familiar patterns because we get comfortable there. Negative patterns can repeat themselves and unfortunately very severe issues can be passed down from generation to generation. Alcoholism, abuse, and self confidence issues to name just a few.
The biggest problem I find in my practice with my clients and when I do a seminar, is that everyone has learned to blame everything and everyone for situations they do not like in their life. People can blame work spouse, children and everything else for their life being stressful, not realizing they have the power within themselves to change their beliefs and attitudes to create a whole different life. All these thoughts remain in the subconscious and drain us of our energy. We are exhausted at the end of the day. To try to overcompensate, we learn unconscious methods of manipulation and methods to control others to make us feel better. Sometimes when other people want to better themselves, their personality can become unfamiliar to us and we no longer feel in control and blame them once again for bringing up our fear which was already there in the first place. If we fear change, then we will try to prevent others from changing as well It can become a psychological control battle and create great conflict and separation as we continue to blame everyone else for our stress and unhappiness.
Life is Suppose to Be Easier
Ok... well, how do we start? First, by becoming aware that life is supposed to be easier. Yes... there will be challenges, but we create a lot of stress ourselves. Take responsibility for whatever is going on in your life you do not want. Don't take it out on others. Notice and stop negative patterns by addressing the subconscious reasons why you may still be thinking and doing this. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Have the courage to notice what you are doing to create or allow these particular things you no longer want and stop projecting it all onto someone else. Learn to go with the flow and stop trying to manipulate the world and others so you will not experience feelings you don't want to feel. Feelings need to be addressed so we can move out of them, heal, forgive ourselves and others. Stop suffering. We can possess an unconscious desire to martyr and suffer. It makes us feel sorry for ourselves and creates others to feel responsible for us. Being grateful for what you have changes yourself and creates more happiness to come into your life. As the saying goes; "There are no problems, only solutions." Smile more often and take an interest in others. It's catchy. Notice in others what you do not like in yourself and have the courage to change. We cannot change others, only ourselves. Have faith. Any fear of worry comes from being disconnected from our source. Having faith reconnects us.
Stopping Negative Patterns
Have you ever noticed that when you feel down the day just gets worse? I like to say "the Universe provides a match." Watching yourself and having the courage to change instead of focusing on others makes us take responsibility for our own life and puts a stop to negative patterns that keep us disconnected from our happiness and source (faith).
Don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself. You will feel happier; and therefore the Universe will provide a match. Like attracts like. Most of all you will be stopping patterns from being passed down to the next generation. "Don't let the past dictate who you are, but let it be a part of who you become."
Why Women CryWatch her eyes
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry..
Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort..
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
Author unknown
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