Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Where Free TV Has Gotten To
In This Present Moment In Time
June 12, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Today was the big day in which all television stations were to go digital...at 12:55 P.M.
At 12:50 P.M., I sat ready and primed for the moment that I could shut down the set and get both my remote control boxes ready for the mad dash to try and find my beloved channel that about 70% of my total television viewing hours is spent, at its side, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Ghost Whisperer, Almost all of my C.S.I. shows, Two and 1/2 Boys, Katie Couric, Inside Edition, my local news, sometimes PassWord...Cold Case..., and on and on.
Outside on top of my rental duplex is a antenna, large enough to my two brothers, to perhaps telecast Mars...and even had one of my brother's put a remote control on the antenna so finding these channels wouldn't be all that bothersome...
After two to three hours of hitting the converter box's remote control button...menu and playing the scan game...I am tired, and have already resigned myself to imagine a night without Ghost Whisperer and any of the other fav. shows...tonight.
Since the creation of the dream of digital becoming standard for the nation...I have seen a few other fav. stations go to sleep as well...and so I am kind of in a state of loss tonight...yet I have hope that all will turn out better in the long run, for the picture quality is superb! As long as you don't lose signal and then after that point, you try and play the fill in the missing words and pictures...hahahehe...hey it is like the state of our country at this point in time...
In spite of the flaws that may come down upon the land, in the morning we still do have hope that with the dawning of a new day, a change for the better is being worked upon.
One of the latest advances to come about from this latest technology move, is that persons with phones can watch television...while driving? I really hope not!
Just like I don't believe text messaging while a driving is all that smart of a thing...yet I could be wrong in that feeling as well...yet, I don't believe so for I have had too many close calls from drivers just a talking to others on their cell phones...and had even one driver that was a following close behind my brother and myself, one day we were in the car together and I saw her car swerve over the yellow line several times and a couple of times slam on her brakes so as to not rear end my car...
I as well have had a few moments myself, reach for a ringing phone and sometimes had to re correct my steering wheel direction in the nick of time...and I have talked to a few while they were a driving and heard them say, "snap! I also did this or that...
Making it a federal law to text while driving...to me isn't all that bad of a sounding idea...yet I am not into giving government all power over the people, for we are being ticketed and taxed enough...pretty soon before you know it, we will have become a police nation and I don't believe there is where we are all a wanting to head...yet perhaps I could be wrong here as well...
Just a kind of a leaving it all up to each other's discretion...as all things, for we all have our different strokes that makes us folks...good, bad or indifferent...know what I mean?
Anyways, I am without for a while, yet trying to find more positives than only the picture...being wildly wonderful when it isn't raining or the wind a blowing like all the folks that have satellite TV already know and understand what I am a saying...
So the next miracle that I got was channel 11 and that folks is the Oprah show...I Praise and thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit. For I haven't had the privilege of watching her show since all this mess began...so one channel arriving, with still three a needing to be found again, isn't all that bad...
Actually Oprah's first show that I watched had John Walsh, from "America's Most Wanted," and the Senate Bill I believe 1763.
Her reach out to America is simply astounding and like always it as well, pushed me towards deep thoughts and out of the box reflections...like she always does to me...so much so that I went over to another poll website favorite of mine that I know do watch her and love her as much as I do, and thus feel the need to respond to her shows; that simply force them to speak when silence is generally their standard rule.
"Allow others to look stupid, and only jump in when others pictures are too weird and bizarre for one to imagine."
So again, that is how else Oprah is helping our land and all lands as far as the eye can and can not see...those that once were silent, through all the wonderful guests that she brings on her show, somehow have learned how to speak their minds again...and that is always a good thing.
Sometimes people become so full of themselves that no one else can ever see or believe to be true, that their voice becomes silent and numb to all that is a going around them...
What I brought back from the website were these thoughts:
Tonie's Thoughts
Sometimes I worry again that when we try to label our land, this or that...is it a good thing?
For how can we take sexual offenders of all degrees and put them all into the same neat little box, when they range from Sexual Offender #1...the most extreme offender...children, adults, rape, incest. Sexual Offender 2...Internet offenders and such. Sexual Offender #3. Touching, placing one out in streets, naked...etc., etc., etc.
It is my understanding that only a small per cent age of those dummy's, go on to recommit those same horrendous crimes...I heard two out of ten offenders go back to the old ways or worse.
What else came to mind is this: We as a nation of people believe in our judicial system even though we know that the majority of our offenders are poor people...thus most had court appointed attorneys...I don't know about anyone else, I have had many tell me that they have served time for this or that and were not guilty, yet found as such.
I will not try to ring their bell, for that is a trying to judge them...and the only one that has that job and ability for He sees all things, is God...so I will leave that job up to Him.
What I will do is this. Keep my eyes open on not only that one, yet on all persons near and around my grandchildren, just like I tried to do when my now adult children were babies and too young to fend on their own.
For the stats are greater the perps that could bring the greatest danger to ones children and world, aren't on the list of prior offenders...ones family and close friends of the family, are.
So if that means that one sleeps with one eye a open...than I guess that what it means...for I know of quite a few persons that have served their time and got out and made a much better world for all...yet, like what always happens...a few ruin it for the whole!
I say, instead of waiting to put this person out on the streets, after their time served and then make it the general public's/police department's problem...why not fix the problem while they are incarcerated...for it has to be some kind of mental wiring inside their brains to cause them to lose their mind, and do something harmful to one of God's children...for everybody that is a Christian knows that God knows the count of each of His sparrows feathers and how many of them that He has...and if God is paying attention to just a plain ole bird that mankind finds to be non essential...just imagine how essential His children gifted to us, are to HIm?
I also have known a few perps that after doing #3 Sexual Offense, have lost friends, family, jobs and the opportunity to live anywheres they choose.
Some states have a mandatory 10 year being on their list, and some I heard 20 years...
I guess what I am saying is this: Dear Oprah: I hope that you don't find my comments out of synch with what your thoughts are on the subject. I know that we both have past histories of offenses committed on us when we were young and impressionable children...
Yet if you consider what I said above, you will understand that most of the offenses committed on me were by family. The one by a past supervisor, was just something that I had to walk through so that I could hold the hand and heart of someone that it had happened to them so that I could show them how to move past the nightmare, forgive and live again.
For I know that the one key to getting over anything is first by learning how to forgive and not hold so dearly that baggage to ones heart that it causes them to always keep a missing the boat as they rush to meet the train...
Our state's budget cuts, due to our great declining economy; is a really bothering me especially when I consider all the cuts that are needing to be made currently...my greatest sadness is:
1. the amount of teachers and programs
2. law enforcement officers, Medicaid, Medicare...social workers, fire men...
3. state funded day care centers and free lunch programs
4. art & music grants and other grants a helping keep this state in a stable and tangent forward motion position...
5. libraries, non profit organizations and the list is on going...
So even though I feel that Mr. Walsh is doing what he is being called to do...I don't feel it so much...for mankind would like to put all things in one box and place and operate from there...yet, I believe that while we might be totally focusing on the perp just released from prison...the ones never caught, might be a sneeking up to our kids as I write...
Besides, it used to be called double indemnity, when one is tried for the same crime...isn't keeping them all on a list for x amount of years, also increasing their sentencing time?
I have even heard that all prisoners upon being released, have to submit to a DNA sampling...and because of that factor, many unsolved crimes have been solved and prisoners who were convicted in the past, released from prison...so I like that factor...DNA submissions, 6 months residency check.
Other than that...are we not a adding to the boogie man around the corner kind of theory?
I would rather see those funds being spent on our children's education, health, food and housing...yet that is me, I understand that...
Besides, I have an adopted daughter whose husband has been held without bond, since December of 2008, and all evidence thus far presented...were they presented correctly, point to him being innocent of the charges...yet if found not innocent...on top of the prison time...being placed on the Sexual Offenders List, would just further destroy a man almost already destroyed by lies...
Just my thoughts, for I do have a personal interest in this subject matter...for not all things appearing real, are real...thanks dear Oprah for all that you do for our world.
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
For Tomorrow Is Another Day! Thank You God, Jesus and Holy Spirit!
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