Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone -Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
May you take this day and pray and wish all fathers, where ever they are...far and near...or Home with God such as my own dad...A wonderful day as you honor them for their great task of helping you grow and become the person that you are, simply due to them...and if they weren't around to assist with your upbringing...just remember that many can be called father, yet one only has one biological dad, just like we all have Our Master Father, God.
Rather he was good, bad or indifferent...never less...as all mothers know, most gave it their best expression and sometimes, ones best isn't good enough for all...simply because that one was never give the job description properly described/role modeling task from their own instructing father...
Forgive them and pray for them...so that you can celebrate each and every moment of life and as well, role model that same example to ones own child...
Those are my thoughts on this special holiday of a honoring the fathers of our land...
Be Blessed
Another Moment in Health Care Reform Ideas...
The below email came today from LA:
Tonie's response to LA:
Dear LA:
Thank you for your email this morning. I am grateful that you made it through the intestinal ischemic colitis attack that you state that research indicated past food poisoning incident... and side effect from new sleep medication given to allow you to get ready for colonoscopy test.
Goodness dear one! You have been through the ringer so to speak...
So many issues to address...Here goes. Chinese Medicine as I have told most all in the past...when looking at the body, mind and spirit aspects...relating to the digestion system...suggests that one look at how they are assimilating all things in their body, mind and spirit realm.
Gut feelings, gut reactions. Does one use his/her stomach as a sensing brain more that a digestive factor?
Women it seems have more of this gut reaction kind of thing a going, versus men, yet there seems to be more of move with our males to start a trusting their intuitive nature...and thus more stomach ailment are a being seen in them as well.
So overworked gut reaction taking for one a always a caught up in the what if's, before the next shoe falls moment could be creating more gastric juices than they need to be producing.
I have also seen cases where digestive upsets were cured from the refraining of drinking liquids with ones meal.
For any and all liquids should be drunk at least 1/2 hour after a meal and not with it as we had been doing for ever.
With the theory being this
What seems to be a happening is that the liquids that are being drunk before and after bites of food when eating ones meal; can cause the digestive juices that are produced naturally in the stomach to assist in the breaking down of our food solids and particles so that they can pass into the intestines where digestion takes place; in a format form so that our bodies immune system doesn't attack each chunk of food, a believing that they are invaders...
(can you see how this also could be a problem to someone with an over active immune system that sometimes their body attacks itself?)
When one dilutes the acids in their own stomach...all processes are slowed down...and the person that eats too fast, takes in too much liquid...talks while a eating, thus swallowing more air...than needed...can cause their own selves, lots of difficulties...
In Chinese medicine as well, in dealing with the septic system of ones body...that area of the body is where all of my nutrients from our foods and medicines are broken down in particles small enough to move into our blood system and feed our body, plus the waste products left over are stored there until they are able to leave the body through evacuation...a.k.a...bowel movement.
In Chinese medicine again...intestines...storage unit of past things...mind, body and spirit...
Usually what I see when working with persons that have difficulty letting go of past things...is all kinds of elimination difficulties...from too loose of a stool movement to constipation, different bowel dysfunctions, and right down to colon cancer.
When you spoke of food poisoning as a possible precursor of your colitis problem today...I can understand how that could possibly arise...especially if you weren't able to remove from your elimination tract all of the invading viruses or bacteria that were taken into your system when you ate the problematic food source...
I do believe that our majority of medical doctors do not have a handle on the parasitic world...for that is a specialized field called "tropical medicine," and because their is so little interest in it in today's world...I doubt very much that most lab tech., are given that specialized training as well...and I can see a need for that to change in our land.
The only school that I know today that teaches "Tropical Medicine," according to my Duke graduate M.D., is at Tulane University in New Orleans.
Along with digestive upsets and problems stemming from that condition, I believe that our food sources have become primarily synthetic and chemically based...the Al Natural...I guess according to the FDA, is obsolete...for remember when the FDA allowed the drug companies to bio simulate, vitamins and other herbal products?
I believe from that one move of the FDA to help drug companies now patent their own vitamins, herbs and minerals...we are ingesting unbeknown st to ourselves...different supplements that are not a natural based product, yet one if one were to look at the substance under a microscope...it would look similar...yet does the body handle it in the same manner...
The problem I am a having with this chemical based supplements is that I no longer know if it is the real McCoy or a simulation? The only way that I do know for sure is that I patronize product lines that I know are safe and shop at health food stores that I know that the owners are up to date on what took place in our land, not all that long ago.
It is no wonder to me that doctors are again telling their patients that the taking of supplementation is unnecessary...for mysteriously supplements no longer show themselves to be valuable...yet when one looks at the studies to see who prompted them...one somehow finds out that it was the drug companies that want to take and patent their own products for all of us die hearts that refuse to stop taking supplements and have no other alternative but to take their patented products because the FDA has helped them remove all natural ones and only have the drug companies products on the shelves...
Also as well, I have found that my consumption of salad greens and vegetables have been greatly hampered by several factors...imported from Mexico and other countries, vegetables grown in places where contaminated water quality is used for irrigation and human waste products are used as the primary fertilizer.
Then as well, we also have the vegetables that have been hit with a process to keep it fresher, longer called irradiation...the FDA allowed this to happen and personally I am not all that sure that the vegetables break down in our system as it needs to break down...
So because of food source and preservative factors...causes me to shy away from the vegetable area of my super market..."Let The Buyer Be Aware."
I believe that we are at the turning point of our land...many folks see the world as upside down or sideways...I see us all a paying more attention to what changes are upon us...and our president and cabinet a trying their best to not, "throw the baby out with the bath wash."
As for the 4 doctors LA a not informing you about the food restrictions, to the doctors that is a hard call...for they probably want you to go to a food allergist to see what foods you could be sensitive to...for each person is different as you know..
Right off the top of my non medical head...I would suggest limiting peanuts, nuts...and being bananas tend to be a constipating problem with many...perhaps that as well..
Also too, I feel that dehydration could also play a part in the problem for we need liquids in our body for all of our major organs,systems and tissues...for I have discovered with my own health history that without enough liquids in my diet, my fecal matter had a difficult time a moving through my system to be eliminated...
No alcohol doesn't count as a liquid...for it as well...can cause a world of its own problems...all those that know what I mean, please say, Amen.
Plus I have seen many clients/friends and family members down through my professional journey that didn't drink enough water, yet took lots of medicines and that too could play a role in elimination problems for if the intestines hold too much uncirculated through the system chemicals and food products...the intestines don't know that the food products that are still remaining in a plugged digestive system, have already extracted the necessary nutrients and are now in the process of circulating in our body's circulatory system, the waste products over and over again that is decaying and perhaps filled with unimaginable parasitic hosts...Candida Albicans...yeast jumps to mind...
Just my thoughts... WebMd.com is a great site to gather general ideas...I am not sure about dietary suggestions...if it would present there or not...I know the health food stores usually carry the book, "Prescriptions For Natural Health," by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC.
If the WebMd site doesn't help much...try your luck at your nearest health food store or go to Amazon.com and order up the book from them...
Be Blessed Always
LA's Email
"Best to Fathers and all who nurture/ mentor young folks in such
inspiring/creative ways!
I'm slowly recovering! What a nitemare to discover first hand what
ischemic colitis attack is all about..... pain/hemorrhage from bowel
three days. Research indicates direct result from my food poisoning
symptoms six months ago, plus weeks later, whole system being stunned
(bad reaction) to a new sleeping med docs used for routine
colonoscopy... Tho such attacks must also relate to diet, four docs said
nothing about food recommendations or restrictions, so far.
Thanks for your prayers and support past week! LA"
This is a web posting email that I got from Californiapsychic.com. Perhaps many won't care much for it...all I can say is that today is Father's Day, and as I honor and remember him and all the other father's in the world, Our Father in Heaven comes first in mind...
The story below is one that I can relate to for my mother, sister in law and father, all signal that they are near me with the lights of the church's parking lot across the street from my house.
For anytime I am a thinking about them...all I have to do is to look toward the direction that they have indicated in the past...that they turn off...individually, indicating that they are present.
Several of my friends and family I have shown this to be real...yet how could that be you saw? Anything is possible in today's world. Belief, faith and trust...will move mountains with our eyes, ears and mind.
Anyways, have a grand day all fathers in our land...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Stories & Thought Reflections On Dad
My beloved father passed away last year after a long bout with heart disease. It was devastating to see his health slowly deteriorate before my eyes, but the time we spent together in the hospital, and later at a post-care facility, turned out to be a blessing. It gave us a chance to endlessly chat about anything and everything, which we ended up doing over the span of several months.
Still, when he went quietly in his sleep one night, it rocked my world to the core. I missed him, and the finality of his death was overwhelming. I would never see him or hear his voice again... or would I? In the months following his death, I frequently felt his presence. I even "saw" him in the supermarket one day. He was casually standing sideways with his hand in his pocket. He began telling me a story, but he stopped communicating with me as soon as my husband walked up behind me with the shopping cart. I never mentioned it to my husband because I didn't want him to think that I had completely lost my mind.
Our small dog, Rudy, also sensed my dad's presence. On more than one occasion, he jumped off our bed in the middle of the night to go on a wild sniff and search mission around the house - something very out of character for him. Following Rudy's strange behavior, my husband told me that he experienced a hair-raising encounter in the middle of the night when he accidentally fell asleep downstairs on our couch. He awakened to hear things that sounded like my father was in the room with him. It was at this point that I finally told my husband about my dad's supermarket visit.
When I mentioned these odd occurrences to a friend, she suggested I speak to a Medium at California Psychics. This is when I turned to Darcy ext. 9488. I told her that several members of my family had felt my recently departed dad's presence, and I needed her help making sense of the visits.
When Darcy called on my father to come forward, she told me he was wearing a suit with light gray pants, which was the attire he was buried in. She said one hand was in his pocket and he was standing sideways, which was coincidentally how he presented himself to me at the supermarket. She also told me he had piercing beautiful blue eyes, which again was right on the money. I immediately knew I was in good hands.
Darcy then asked me if I had been finding pennies lately. My jaw dropped. I had indeed come across several loose coins in recent weeks - on the sidewalk, at the office, in my car, on the couch and in the parking lot. What's with all the pennies, I asked myself? Darcy explained that it was a sign from my dad. "He's putting them out there for you," she said. How appropriate, I thought, since my dad was a coin collector. "He says he's going to keep showing you pennies," she added. "So whenever you see one, just think about your dad, I mean, dear ol' dad." I smiled from ear to ear as she corrected herself because my father often referred to himself as "your dear ol' dad."
Next, Darcy told me that my dog Rudy was continually being shown to her. "Your dad enjoys teasing him," she said. "His energy is more on the Earth than it is on the other side. He's adapting, but he's pretty stubborn."
It's true. My dad was set in his ways. He also had a habit of making bold declarations. So when Darcy told me, "I have to give you this because he's continuing to tell me that nitrates are bad for you," it sounded like something he would say. "He feels it's because of nitrates that he passed away... they affected his arteries and were the reason why his heart quit."
Suddenly, his supermarket visit began to make a lot more sense, I thought. "Nitrates are in hot dogs, sausage and bacon... and he's trying to protect you," Darcy added. "He says that they're in everything, and you should read the labels."
I don't eat red meat, so I couldn't figure out why my dad wanted to warn me about nitrates. However, when I later researched them on the Internet, I found out that the pressed turkey sandwiches I get off the lunch truck at work contain nitrates. I now order salads or grilled chicken soft tacos.
Shortly after my reading, I received some disappointing news on my way home from a business trip. As I drearily plopped myself down in the airport shuttle like a wilted flower, I found a shiny coin waiting for me in the seat. I couldn't help but smile because I knew it was a penny from heaven. Author unknown
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