Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 08, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone, Associate Editor/Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Did you happen to catch the Dr. Phil Show today about mind control and cults? This wasn't the first time showing of it...and somehow I got caught up in the midst of all the controversy and started posting my comments...and what I got from that experience was that to all, mind control is what they call it...
Just like Oprah being taken to the wood shed again about having Suzanne Sommers on her show with her book, "Break Through, Eight Steps To Wellness," with the accusations that she was a trying to lead the country with unproven preventative health care ideas. The ones a slapping her with this accusation were medical doctors that hadn't researched this far into bio hormones...I especially liked it when Oprah gave her response to the allegations... Don't take me literally word for word what she said...this is my interpretation: She said something like that she would hope that all advice that one receives that all will be responsible enough to run it past their physician...
When it comes to bio hormones...one has to be monitored by a physician...and besides people, not only Suzanne Sommers is a raving about bio hormones...Dr. Phil's wife, Robin has also wrote her own book about her own personal experiences with it and when I look at Suzanne Sommers and Robin McGraw...I know that what they write...has been taken to their own physicians...so give me a break here, now...hahahehe...see why we need...a research center as I am a dreaming to come into place...there is too much of this kind of stuff a going on and...instead of being thankful for persons like Suzanne Sommers and Robin McGraw...we tend to run with the mind set of only the physicians we have always patronized...
I personally believe that our current only medical care program isn't a working all that well and is a costing us more than we can afford or continue...so a change is in need...
I discovered in my travels through Revelations, a passage that never left me and it went like this...In end times, "the need to stay flexible to all of the changes is needed."
That equates to me, a "Flexible spirit, a flexible body."
Just my thoughts...a throwing it all out here...
Also because I want to share with you my additional thoughts on Mind Control...I am presenting the ones that I placed on The Dr. Phil Community Response Site...
Please take what you need and please leave the rest...
Be Blessed One and All
Love, Light and Peace
Dr. Phil Community Response Site:
June 08, 2009
To Dr. Phil Community 1 poster
Please excuse me for having strayed a bit from point here...I just can't help it for it seems that more time than not, I have found myself defending our president and Oprah for allowing us to think beyond that point we call, reaching within the box .
I believe that what is the problem here is that to many folks, "mind control," is according to their own definition of what mind control is...that makes sense, right?
I personally believe that mind control is exactly what one says it is...some say it is the president's fault, and some say it is my fault or Oprah's fault...or even Dr. Phil, sometimes...fault.
My definition of mind control, is when one allows themselves to be lead away from good behavior, into bad behavior...for everyone knows that if it won't make Jesus happy, it definitely won't be making Our Heavenly Father happy...for Jesus is our leader...all must remember those bracelets that were so popular a while back..."W.W.J.D?"
That is the only form of mind control that I want to house within myself...yet I will allow all others to voice what ever mind control that they feel lead to accept...
Thus when I am at a turning point in my life and the decision to go left or to go right, is made after I say a simple prayer, "Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit," please put it on my heart what , where and when you would have me move towards, thank you, Amen.
The way that I decide which step/choice I will make is a God/Jesus and Holy Spirit one is how it feels a moving towards it...
For all things that result in good a happening to another, is a sure sign that, that is how Jesus would have responded...The Golden Rule is perhaps the largest indicator of what it is that I am a trying to say at this point...
"Do unto others, that which you would have done unto yourself..."
That to me is a pretty good indicator...left or right, ones choice...thus when I hear of persons caught up in a cult like setting...if the cult mind set does harm to anyone...sexual exploitation of children and such...multiple group sexual marriages...Simply because the God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that leads and guides my life...holds only one union with Them...
Now I understand that is my understanding...and we all have our own understanding of various things, so as I allow my opinions to be placed on this Dr. Phil website...I also allow all others to also live here...
Just like it is my understanding that Barack Obama won the election by 10 million votes...now I just have to believe that all things happen for a reason...am I sorry for that vote? No, not ever....for this man did not take on a prize...I feel he took on a sow's ear and now with the help of all of his cabinet...he is in the process of creating a silk purse."
I am not mesmerized by this man, I am in awe...for when we all leave our work day behind...this man's job continues...hopefully into his slumber land...and for all those that are a wanting to verbal and mental do this man harm...because he doesn't look the way that they feel he should and because some many persons like myself believe and trust in him....we are basically under mind control...no mind control here...just simple faith, trust and belief in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...a speaking here.
I believe that every religion has its good, fair and indifferent points...I accept all religions that extend good to the planet...those that serve only their own religious members, I guess are still fulfilling somebody's learning experience here on planet Earth...for that is how I look at all things...must have been a reason for this or that to occur or it wouldn't have happened...
I say that we are all creators of our own planet earth experience...for we give 50% choice in all things of our choosing and that means that there are no victims...unless you had no choice...such as a child roped in following the steps of their parent...and I do believe that God has a special place for you...and for the parent that should have known better, yet perhaps their own parent was lacking in divine eartthly human behavior...
I also believe as an ordained spiritualist minister since 1994...that all religions that serve man kinds highest good...is a good thing and to start looking at all religions too different than our own...is somehow just a futuring the negative fear energy of our planet...sort of like a witch hunt you know....
For I believe that when we sit down with God and try to explain away why we went left and not right or vice a versa...the only witness to our defense, will be ourselves and ourselves alone....and then I can just hear a Dr. Phil's words, "what were you a thinking!" Coming out of God's mouth...hahahehehe....
So again, please forgive me for going off point...I have certain idio's when it comes to those that haven't given Oprah, a fair evaluation....for Oprah offers us the best information out there and all can take what ever they choose and leave the rest...
Now if that made her a fortune....that is wonderful, for those that help others...help themselves, are always blessed...in return. I for one won't take anything away from her for that....she is still a beacon of light to our world and it doesn't matter if only a few million all over the world understand that or not, life is exactly what one wants to call it...good, bad or indifferent...the choice is ours in how we are to feel or believe at any given time...
Those are my thoughts...lengthy perhaps, not on target again...again I am sorry, yet it is the best that I have...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie
Give Me A Break - poster
Dear Give Me A Break:
Hard times, calls for hard measures...One question: Were we not a sinking into a black hole prior to our President a taking office?
Has not the stock market come up from the bottom it was a sitting at?
Does that not suggest that consumer confidence is up? Being the stock market as all know, fluctuates back and forth due to consumer confidence...
We have not visited this level of financial loss since the Depression era...I don't know where we are headed, I just know that focusing on hope is lots better than focusing on blame and lack of anything...
Just my thoughts a thrown out ...take what you need and do please leave the rest...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie
Unbelievable poster:
I can't believe this! The first reply to Dr. Phil's Show today that I come to is this one!
What Oprah has done for this country is totally a good thing, yet when she put forth her recommendation for president , being Barack Obama, the fundamentalist religion people took bits and pieces of all that she stated and picked it totally apart, using her own words against her...
Being in the Now Moment is where all should be at this turning point of our land...all that watched the entire ten weeks of Eckhart Tolle and Oprah, caught the sun beam that they were a trying to shine upon us...
Those caught up in the fear energies of our planet, added their own voices to it...we all fear the unknown...Oprah is a breath of sunshine for our planet....when I look over all that she has brought forth since she began her shows...I am totally amazed at all that she has attempted to uncover for us all...
Oprah doesn't have a church...yet she has been accused of having one...there is lots of non truth information out there...on the Internet... Just remember, "that which you fear comes at you greater," Albert Einstein...
Could the Yahweh minister be right about the Nuclear Baby? Perhaps, for we do have two countries right now a moving towards accomplishing this end...yet, I don't want to focus on doom and gloom kind of thinking, for I believe that what you concentrate on, grows...
What I am focusing in on is taking one day and one foot step at a time...and giving all of it to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...when one surrenders their will over to our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit...the road becomes smoother and less worry and fear filled...
For the planet is full of fear based living and believing...I want to focus on our planet a making it through all of the transitions and obstacles ahead...by focusing in on the moment, as Oprah and Eckhart reminded us all in the ten week series...we are in essence a not crossing the bridge before we got there...
In Revelations it is stated that "in ends times, that which is good, will be called bad, and that which is bad will be called good.
Take for instance Jesus...He was and is good, yet His earthly life was taken from Him...
How do I personally feel about today's show? I agree with Dr. Phil's uncensored taping...
There are so many different religious splits that have come into being, so being careful of where one treads is important...
I personally believe that The New Testament was needed to replace the Old Testament, for The Old Testament is basically our history book and The New Testament is where is contained all those things that we need to incorporate in to this today, Now Moment...
Peace, Love and Light
All Be Blessed
Rev. Tonie
Just a sharing my thoughts...
Be Blessed All
I am truly sorry that somehow you have correlated mind control to be an American problem...there is nothing that would ever level me to that format of belief.
Yes, our country has made many mistakes in the past, yet I have never put our whole country at fault...yet our country is currently down, yet I believe that it will get back up...
For I am one of those people that believe that hope is all that we have and when we further circulate the fear element that several religious groups are a wanting to continue in...for what ever ways and means of themselves...they are in my estimation...becoming part of the problem, instead of part of the solution...
Those are my thoughts at this moment on your response...
I love being an American and still feel that we have lots of good versus the little bad that is out there...and that we are in the height of change and I believe we need to stay flexible at this time of our country's down moment...
Be Blessed All
Rev. To
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