Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 06, 2009
How Many Episodes Of Temper Tantrum Moments Does It Take To Sink Ones Ship?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Editor Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I feel that it is necessary to comment on my previous posting of "Health Care Reform Petition." Originator is Michael Adams.
It to me is a pretty out of the box type of thinking ideology...Do I believe we will get all of the things on it...It would be quite a dream were it to happen...yet, I feel like asking for the moon, stars and heaven...can only do one important thing and that is to create that which you would like to see happen.
Now my largest thought about the petition...is I am not sold on the conviction that all vaccines given our children, should be left up to the parent to decide if they want them or not...for when I look at all that which did ail our land in yesterday past...and not to see them around in today's world...somehow kind of told me that whatever it is a doing to our bodies in the long run is better than no run at all...
You know, one of those plain ole oxymoron moments that slap one in the head and tells us to turn around and look at the tail a wagging the dog, kind of thing...hahahehe...vaccines of today, only need to be re-evaluated and re-adjusted...
so that we can continue to have eradication's of different viruses and such...to just throw it all down and state that it has no value is sort of like saying; one wants to throw the baby out with the bath water...
If the addition of mercury is the leading suspected cause of all kinds of maladies...than why can't these rocket science, scientist put together a substance that has the preservative powers like mercury, yet not all that further perhaps complications of massive dosages of it...in our system, being it is being suspected as the cause...
Would not that be a better idea than just a tossing away the whole kit and kaboodle?
Just my thoughts, take what you need and do please leave the rest...for I believe that if we only obtain a tenth of what is contained within this petition...that is still better than the system we now have in place.
By the way, I was able to finish my vibration medicine reports to the two leading law firms in my area of residence that are a handling my clients cases.
I put into the reports the Health Care Reform Petition, and the two news capture articles of my Yahoo News Associate Press...that is contained in my previous newsletter here.
I enclosed them so that perhaps it will help awaken in them the need to head towards alternative health care practices if not during their clients onset of injuries a weighing in the results of their injuries...
Acute, Chronic, Permanent or Life Changing Injuries:
This beginning time frame to me is; period of time; I feel is the most valuable time element of the acute injury and a period of time that alternative health care practices would have assisted the patient more than later down the road, after the medical route didn't accomplish all that they had set out to do.
Because by then, the injuries have taken the muscular body to all positioning of compensation, which as I mentioned earlier, could have some beneficial aspects, yet most than not, it does quite the opposite, thus making the road back to normal, sometimes never ever reached again...
"Timing is as the saying goes, everything!"
The aspects of compatibility:
I would like to now talk about compatibility...I know that I have tried to broach this subject before...so here goes an additional attempt at it.
For one to be compatible to another, means that one can see through each others eyes more clearer than they can their own.
For what one sees within another, generally lives within the one who is mirroring back those images...in other words; suppose one person feels that another has bad intention for their life purpose, does not the person that sees this in another, also have within their own selves, the same reflections, or else why did those feelings come to surface to begin with?
Those that have equal compatibility factors are generally on the same page...or at least near the same page...yet having equal compatibility factors doesn't always equal a long lasting relationship, if the couple are not able to communicate it...
Also as well, if couples can't communicate what is on their hearts because the other is lost in space somewhere...or too afraid to commit their whole heart into the relationship for fear of loss of all sorts of things, than being on the same page or near it, isn't enough...
What I see missing in relationships that aren't a working is simply, lack of communication abilities. Both have to be actively communication ally linked up for one the wife/girlfriend has to be able to let go of her day and not feel that what she has to say is meaningless and only what the male has to say or think is all there is...
Most men are also under the assumption that when a woman says this or that is a bothering her...she isn't wanting the male to come back with a solution response, no, quite the contrary, what she is a wanting is for the male to know that she is distressed about this or that and to show that he cares that she is troubled for the moment in time.
So instead of him offering up a solution to the problem, were he to simply say, and mean it with all of his heart and not text messaging it, yet telling her face to face that what she had told him, bothered yet, he knew that she had a good head on her shoulders and with giving it to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, the answers that she will need to carry her past this, will come...
For those that don't believe that women already have the answer to their dilemma when they are able to put it into words...for that is how most women process deep thoughts...and because men somehow believe that women are looking towards them as the heroes...they always seem to try and fix things when they know they can't, they still try...
For those that believe that I am all wet and off the wall on what I just wrote, please read, "Men are From Mars and Women Are From Venus," for I believe that Dr. John Gray, PH.d., did an excellent job of describing the differences between the two sexes and being I am a woman...I know that just by my fellow a holding onto to me to help stop the shakes and upheavals when life sometimes catches you unaware...
To me, that simple gesture didn't cost a lot, yet unfortunately for some, a simple hug, suggests something else and to those guys...I am fine not being hugged, for I know you care, anyways.
Your voice and tone tells me more than the words that comes out of your mouth...energy is everything...as I keep telling all...this same energy is what a baby sensings when picked up...instantly the baby knows the energies that cause them to become upset...fear, anger, hatred, regret, unforgiveness...is something that one can't extract from their energy field...
The same with a intimate couple, they know by the tone used on the phone, what is not right with the other caller...long before any words really are put into it...so if persons that have attitude adjustment troubles try to convince another that they are fine when they aren't...that person is just a wanting and an itching to do the drama dance...for then is when the drama begins, for you will never convince the other that there isn't a problem and then that moment becomes a problem because the other person is a feeling that you don't trust them enough to confide in them...and pretty soon the divide becomes a greater divide, until pretty soon it won't matter what the other doesn't feel secure enough to reveal...
That is what I mean that we capture the energy around us...insecurity starts to feed insecurity and pretty soon..."that which you fear, comes at you greater, " Author, Albert Einstein.
Just my thoughts for tonight...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Just my thoughts for now a throwing them all out there to see where it all lands...
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