Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday again, Rich!
Dear All One Family:
I feel since my last prayer to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, much lighter and freer...I know that what I am attempting to do by bringing forth my inner out of the box thoughts and giving them birth...is right, if it makes me feel better by saying all that I have.
For no longer do those words stay in the dark recesses of my inner being...and make me feel heavier and constricted...
Lots of people I have walked life paths similar with, have decided that to speak anything, brings it forth and because they want to be exactly where they are on the wheel of things...they choose a path different than Jada and myself.
To those folks that choose the silent world. It is your world as you create it. Because I choose a world different than your own doesn't make me wrong and you right or me right and you wrong.
We are just different and basically a world that is so different in thinking leaves one with no boredom.
A perfect world I believe is one where all thoughts move towards the same page, will it ever happen in our time?
Scripture in The Holy Bible tells all believers of it, Yes. A time span when, "the lion lays down with the lamb." A time when Jesus returns.
I believe that the Holocaust Museum murder's son...showed this Divine reality flash back in a large way...
"The sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations."
I wonder how many generations of this 88 year old great grand dad...will pass by years in review and still somehow tie up their family's name with this deep of a stain of tarnishment!?
Time will tell all stories, real or not...
I know by the stories and pictures left us of the past that the Holocaust was real,and as well, I was fortunate enough to work on a Holocaust survivor...if her body didn't hold the emotions of a child that watched the horrific things done to her family and people by a nation blind sided to skin color and heritage...than I don't know my energy body fields that I believe I am interpreting...
I even told her perhaps ten years ago, during our only treatment session time together, to write her story so that the world never forgets that these things did occur...I didn't know then, that I would have to recount her story told me today or I would have written it down in my memory cells.
I didn't write it down, because I was too busy a handling my regular life stories...clients, families and friends members.
All I really remember of this sweet older lady...was that she was a visiting this area and had heard that for grief sufferers, I was the best to seek for I had perhaps ten life times of grief in one that I had to handle so that I would be better suited to handle the grief and sadness stricken land that was upon us all...
Moving On To A Lighter Side of Life-Hoping To Help Re-Establish Light, Love and Peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit in the land:
The other day, I found it quite synchronistic that our dear president, on his most recent trip to the Middle East, visited a pyramid and just happened upon a pyramid wall carving that showed a drawing of a ancient being that did resemble President Obama a bit...hmmmmm...perhaps the star seed connection mentioned by a few today world viewing futuristic philosophers; isn't all that a non reality mental hint bit...
Do I look at President Barack Obama as a god? No, as well, I don't look at myself as a goddess or priestess...I along with our president and all other awakened light house keepers, that have been assigned varying and different jobs/missions for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is only here a trying to do our job to help mankind as best as we can do.
Intention is everything!
Enough for now...I do hope that all are having a wonderful day...I am for I know that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit are a holding the helm for all that want Them to.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
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