Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 20, 2009
Taking My Love and Devotion to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, Public...
Plus Looking Through The Eyes Of Astrology Vibrational Word Sound Therapy
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
Today I went into my over 50K unopened yahoo mail account...Spam account...I believe perhaps 50 by now...
These two posted emails...were so delightful and interesting in their design...Of course I couldn't copy the format that they were presented to me in...yet I hope I was able to catch the words correctly for they both show us a way of thinking things out differently, yet the same...
I hope that you find them interesting and educational...thank you A.S., and thank you Spiritus Sanctus...for all that you do to help man kind awaken to the divine in all of us...
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Read only if you have
time for God
Let me tell you, make sure you read
all the way to the bottom.
I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end
when I received this
e-mail, I thought...
I don't have time for this...
And, this is really
inappropriate during work.
Then, I realized that this kind
of thinking is.... Exactly, what
has caused a lot of the problems
in our world today.
We try to keep God in
church on Sunday morning...
Sunday night...
And, the unlikely event
of a midweek
We do like to have Him
around during sickness....
And, of course,
at funerals.
However, we don't have
time, or room, for Him
during work or play...
May God forgive me
for ever thinking...
That... There is a time
or place where..
HE is not to be
in my life.
We should always
have time to remember
all HE has
done for us.
If, You aren't
ashamed to
do this...
Please follow the
Jesus said, 'If you are
ashamed of me, I will be
ashamed of you
before my Father.'
Pass this on ONLY
Yes, .....
Love God.
HE is my source of
and Savior.
He keeps me functioning
each and every day.
Without Him, I will be
But, with Christ,
HE strengthens me.
(Phil 4:13)
This is the
simplest test.
If You Love God...
And, are not ashamed of
all the marvelous things
HE has done for you...
Send this to ten people
and the person who
sent it to you!
Now do you have the
time to pass it on?
Easy vs. Hard
Why is it so hard to tell
the truth but Yet so
easy to tell a lie?
Why is it so easy to
delete a Godly e-mail,
but yet we forward
all of the nasty ones?
Of all the free gifts
we may receive,
is the very best one.....
There are no costs,
but wonderful rewards...
Notes: Isn't it funny how
simple it is for people
to trash God and then
wonder why the
world's going to hell.
Isn't it funny how
someone can say
'I believe in God'
but still follow satan
(who, by the way,
also 'believes'
in God).
Isn't it funny how you
can send a thousand
jokes through e-mail
and they spread like
wildfire, but when
you start sending
messages regarding
the Lord,
people think twice
about sharing?
Isn't it funny how
when you go to forward
this message, you
will not send it to many
on your address list
because you're not
sure what they believe,
or what they will think
of you for sending
it to them
Isn't it funny how I can
be more worried
about what other
people think of me
than what God
thinks of me.
I pray, for everyone
who sends this to
their entire address
book, they will be blessed
by God
in a way special for them.
The Moon Angels of Sunlight on the Moon
Angels of ‘E-M-P-E-B-Y- N’
26th Day of Lunar Cycle
‘We explain the influences that the sunlight has on the moon
and from there onto humans, the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms;
in mental, emotional and physical respect.’
"As above, so below."
Every divine virtue manifests on all levels of
pure being, will, intellect, flowing feelings, and form.
Every physical thing in creation has analogous correspondence
with the divine virtues on these levels.
The Sun is analogous to, or is the physical manifestation of the
Divine Creative Electric Masculine Power of INTENT, or WILL
for the divine virtues and the highest good of all.
The Moon is the manifestation of the Feminine magnetic receptive power
of FLOWING FEELINGS of the highest good of all and the Divine Virtues.
Will is electric in nature and Feeling is magnetic. Together they form the
Electro-magnetic energy that flows and forms the hologram of Creation.
The ancients call this the Electro-magnetic fluid.
When the Sun’s Light hits the Moon, will unites with flowing feelings.
Electrical energy transforms and becomes magnetic.
Magnetic energy of flowing feelings is the precursor of
change in the physical realm. Magnetic energy ATTRACTS.
All miracles in the physical realm are preceded by,
and depend upon, the generation of appropriate flowing feelings.
Each degree of the zodiac that the Sun focuses on the Moon determines
the specific WILL or INTENTION that the Moon changes into flowing feelings.
By knowing the INTENT, you know the FLOWING FEELING that expresses it.
If a specific change is desired upon the physical realm,
even though it can be manifested any time, it can be most easily
and powerfully manifested through flowing feelings during the
appropriate zodiacal degree of the sun.
The second factor is the day of the Moon Cycle.
Each day of the 28 day Moon Cycle has a specific receptivity.
A person determines which day of the moon cycle
corresponds with the specific flowing feelings that need
to be generated for a specific manifestation.
For example, the 25th day of each 28-day Moon Cycle is attuned
to plants. Anytime a person desires to create and manifest a
miracle concerning plants, it is wise to do it on the 25th day
of a moon cycle when the feelings are magnified.
For example, suppose a person wishes to grow medicinal
plants that enhance EMOTIONAL attunement to Divine Will
for the highest good and the divine virtues.
The specific time to meditate and generate the being, will,
concepts, and flowing feelings to manifest the most powerful
plants of this nature, would be anytime during the sign of Cancer,
because the entire constellation of Cancer is the attunement to flowing
feelings of Divine Will of the divine virtues and the highest good of all, with
particular emphasis on the 25th day of the Moon Cycle, the moon day of plants.
The 25th day of the Moon Cycle is governed by
the Angels of Plants, the Angels of ‘Lavemezhu’.
By looking at the Angels who govern the sign of the zodiac
for each day, and seeing which day of the 28 day Moon Cycle is in
effect, a person aligns flowing feelings of meditations accordingly, in
order to ride and influence magnetic waves of Universal Flowing Feeling.
‘We explain the influences that the sunlight has on the moon
and from there onto humans, the animal, vegetable and mineral
kingdoms; in mental, emotional and physical respect.’
By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters in our name,
and calling on our assistance, the following is gained:
‘E-M-P-E-B-Y- N
Through the virtue of omnipresence, we are attuned to
cosmic consciousness as it manifests in terms of materialization
and dematerialization and the power to create new realities.
We are masters of fluidity and the emotional
flow and receptivity of the moon.
We teach divine nostalgia and the longing for merging with
perfection of spiritual realization, the outpouring of light from the Sun.
We confer special INTUITION and the faculty of
universal transfer of consciousness.
We reveal cognition of Universal LIfe and polarity; yin and yang,
sun and moon, male and female, will and flowing feelings, and
how each compliments the other, leading to profound wisdom.
We teach understanding of the rhythms of light and darkness
of the sun and moon, the dance of male and female. We
teach how the application of these principles explains
many of the miracles spoken of in holy books.
We seek to bless humanity with supreme happiness and to awaken
recognition of the state of spiritual evolution of every being.’
The melody formed by the letters and virtues of our name are the notes:
D ~ D ~ B ~ D ~ A ~ C# ~ A.
In the time of the Alpha and the Omega, the time of
Heaven on Earth, which is now birthing,the Children of God
flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Web of Life,
the unified field of energy.
Every 26th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings
of earth with understanding of flowing feelings of Divine Will as it
expresses through the sun’s rays on the moon. We do this so that individual
will aligns with Universal Will in the cycles and rhythms of flowing feeling.
Sigil of
*** ECSTASY ***
Revised Document: 17 November 2006
spiritus@mindspring .com
*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02- 6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13- 4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.
For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you
can purchase these books online at:
www.amaluxherbal. com
Feel free to share these messages
Together we are One,
Sharing love and light in ever-expanding
Harmonic Waves of Pure Being.
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Love Brightens the Day, Love Lights the Way
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