Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 16, 2009
How Many Times Around The Mulberry Bush Do You Want Me To Travel, Again?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I'm back again and believe that I what I have to throw out to all is rather interesting stuff...perhaps not so much to those that have plenty and don't have a care in the world...I say to you, always remember how blessed you are. You are not more blessed than myself, even though it feels that way to you.
For you are only going strictly by appearances and do not allow appearances to be your all in all when it comes to a judgment summation.
I say this because for several decades now, actually ever since I found out that there were psychics out there that could tell me that which I already knew or surmised.
I have been told a few things that didn't come to pass yet who knows, I could have intentionally missed the time travel gate way, so that my life wouldn't flow in the wrong direction as it had always done so many times in the past...
For what I have discovered is that we are basically creatures of habit and we more times than not, act out of habit or pattern.
Thus I found that I kept choosing men that were lots like my daddy or a better example of him.
Even though I can adequately state that my dad wasn't a very good example in his earlier years when he knew God less...Perhaps the last five years of my dad's life, he and I got to be friends and I he finally grew on me...I don't know.
All I do know is that I miss him and wished beyond all kinds of regret filled moments that it hadn't taken him as long as it did, to get it right.
Yet because he did get it right, before he passed; March 21, 2007 at the age of 77...that means that I as well could never settle for a man that didn't put God first in his life.
I guess that is what is meant by even in the passing of our loved ones, great lessons are revealed that help stimulate growth and change. Of course those lessons never seem to be realized to those that aren't a looking for them... Oh well, I can't worry about how anyone else interprets life's passage moments.
In my father and mother's eyes I see my grown children, in my grown children's eyes, I see my grandchildren, in my grand children's eyes, I see myself, my parents, my grown children.
Interesting cycle of life isn't it?
Happy Father's Day to all parents and grandparents. Make it a very good one...just because you want your own children and grandchildren to honor themselves one day with such a fabulous holiday...God Bless.
Before I get all wrapped up in other things, I want to take a moment and tell you of the changes that have already occurred due to DTV:
I still haven't found two favorite channels yet...my brother is considering putting a booster on top of a booster...hmmmm...perhaps I will not only be able to reach Mars, yet maybe even talk to them...hahahehehe...oh well, it is what it is...
I did get to watch CSI-Miami, on a channel foreign to me and quite a distance from where I live so the news on that channel won't benefit me much...yet I have put a marker on the arrow spot...so maybe, just maybe...I will be able to watch Dr. Phil and The Doctors tomorrow morning...yes, I know I got Oprah back after about a two year absent stunt...(DTV in its early growth..yuck days) yet because I am a creature of habit and never watched anything at 4:00clock except some goofy sit com, that taught me very little...so getting in the habit of watching her, now that I can...didn't happen today.
Yet there is still tomorrow...
I also am having to get over the absence of my nightly and day time news casters and yes I miss that bunch of channel fivers...yet the news tonight on channel 11, were quite interesting for the news caster in making his comments about the Iranian election that I put an associated news release in a recent newsletter...stated that in spite of where the election results lead the people of Iran...he was proud of them for wanting a change and not the same...same oh, same oh...
I say, good job young man, newscaster...I totally agree...all nations need to sit down with at the round bargaining table and realize that we are all in this together and the days of cave men existence...is over.
No one wants their land...No one wants their country and they sure as hell will have a fight on their hands if they can't learn to become civilized...one man shouldn't be responsible for the destruction of a whole country...and surrounding ones as well...gone are the days when all lands want to worry about someone a pushing the red button and all of us a going bye bye...birdie.
For long ago, those of us baby boomers that were a growing up, didn't know that tucking and rolling under our desks, wouldn't save us from nuclear fall out of which at that time, we could never longer trust...
The reason we couldn't trust them all that much was simply because they had it in their heads that the cave man type of world, still existed...All for one and no one else at all...
So now it is 2009, and with our Mayan calendar a expiring 2012...hmmm...is it still a land of dog, equal dog? Or are we just first starting to get the glimpse of living ones life the very best that we can a following the Ten Commandments...and keeping our eyes set on Our God/Jesus and Holy Spirit?
Fo that is truly all that God is a pleading with us all to do..."lay down the arms, pick up the cross."We have to, to save ourselves for too much is a happening in the world...the world is starting to awaken and we all must somehow follow the awakened go round...large corporations need to stop the pilfering of the small people....regulations that were put into place end days of old, when the door to greed was held shut... should be reinstated if found to helped the greed that went down in our land, shamefully...never to return to such a selfish behavior...
Some in my life would call the actions of corporate greed mongers, to not be so all different than mass killers or rapists...for doesn't one of our Commandments state that stealing is not allowed...and because it is in place with all the rest of the Commandments, does not that mean that all crimes of the flash and spirit are counted the same?
I have heard horrendous stories of financial losses in the stock market...having to file bankruptcy due to all the rising medical costs...and no insurance and no job...and I could go on and on...about the suffering of folks today...yet the other night I heard the story about the homeless single parent mother of six children that have placed her children in a strangers home...until she got back on her feet, so that our government wouldn't place her children in state foster care programs and that isn't a area that I am a wanting to start down the path towards...so I am telling you all to go to www.drphil.com and read for yourself about his thoughts on foster care...not all that wholesome, yet they are a working on the system...and one day if they have the right amount of funding that is...it will be better than it is now...
So when I review all the stories of those I know personally that are a struggling from stop to go...and hoping like myself to not land up in jail or prison...because times are what they are...I would say to those that believe that what you are is measured in dollars and cents...those that know what I know, know that we have never seen a Hearst a pulling a UHaul trailer...so take what I offer up for consideration if for not else at all...
I also got to see Night line for the first time in perhaps ten years...since I went to local channels and rabbit ears, for some of us just can't afford the high cost of cable and satellite TV.
Tonight's show was about Suze Orman...now I want to tell you, she would be my financial guru...were I to be in a financial level, still able to be helped...hahahehehe...folks, it is what it is...
Suze did state though, the same thing I have told my own grown children...Basically it went something like this..."Parents explain to your children the value of a dollar and tell them, that you will do the very best that you can to help them with college, yet at this moment in time, without them a changing their large dream, they might not have a dream outside of community college an then on to grad school, unless they worked and saved and got school grants...that could also be a tough call...for it is what it is...
Now don't take my quotes literary, to me that is what she said...see the tape yourself on the Internet...
Suze Orman also on the subject of paying off credit cards, she states to not move that way, until you have about 8 months of saved up emergency cash in the event that one or the other got injured and couldn't work...
She said that after 8 months of saved up emergency earnings, if one chooses to pay off all of the credit cards than do it...for she stated something about knowing people that once they paid off their card, their line of credit was dropped and never renewed.
So I gather quite a bit from satellite dancing all over the remote control box...I have even started putting stickers on key locations on the antenna remote control box...it came with the converter box...no, I haven't gotten into Oprah's reading book sticker habit...I am a high lighter...type myself...hahahehe...
So folks, I believe that I am going to sign off this early mornings, Twitter catch up moment...
I love you all and keep you all in my prayers, and on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's altar...regularly...please pay forward and do the same for myself and all those that love and care about you...and especially for those that don't...
I do, and it works out really well...for the praying for others, is better than the praying for yourself...interesting thought, isn't it?
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Just a throwing some more seeds of thought reflections...take what you need and do please leave the rest...
Hey, I can only call a spade a spade...If anyone chooses to call this anything else...they are free to do that as well...free choice is what Jesus gave us...
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