Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
July 01, 2009
Life Is What You Want To Call It!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Director-Contributing Writer
Dear All One Family:
I have been resting/deep in thoughts for the last two weeks. Wondering am I nuts or just plain ole crazy or what. Until I watched Oprah's Show yesterday...now tell me all you that have followed my visions for a while, if she wasn't a considering my offer of handling the vibration medicine bodyworks therapy section of a research health care center where the residents along with those in the research groups that come to the center to discover a better way for them to get back to basics...participate together...
I say, would her programming of being able to live past 100 plus years, have come into manifestation?
That one show of Oprah's was worth all of the losses that have come to me since I got this new form of television viewing...yeap that be right! That show was absolutely the dynamic bomb of the century!
The gifts to mankind that her and Dr. Oz gave us yesterday, just plain ole simply, takes my breath away!
The man David who is 85 years old, mission of finding a cure for cancer was the key for his research center is researching cancer due to him loosing his wife after taking her all over the world to discover a cure...is the center that our research center could send our urine and blood samplings as we research the various supplements and nutritional approaches...that are undeniably a leading us back to fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries and such...
Pretty cool, I tell you! Especially when one imagines that the information received from this teaching and educating research university will be given to other information centers all over the world...
Instead of just a guessing this works or doesn't due to how one is a feeling...we will know exactly how the foods and supplements and meds that we are a consuming is effecting the whole of things, going on within our own body systems.
Just too cool I keep telling you!
Did you also check the part where Dr. Oz who joined Oprah on yesterday's show...took us to a research university in North Carolina that was a working with stem cells and regrowing body parts...imagine that?
Did I tell you about my research client that was in a terrible semi truck accident and had sustainable damage done to his facet joints in his neck and I told him that one day he could possibly have neck surgery done where stem cells were used to permanently fix that which was damaged and here that rocket science is a reality picture and not all that far from the future as I thought it would be...too cool I tell you, just too cool!
Thank you, thank you Oprah and Dr. Oz!
Like Oprah stated on the show, yeap the Jetsons are here...
Then Dr. Oz went on to talk about the reservatrol products created from muscadine grape seed extracts...again, too synchronistic to not be a reality check!
For I already told you that muscadine grape seed extract is my latest research move and to be truthful...I too like the fact that instead of having to drink two bottles of wine to gather the benefits of reservatrol two pills...daily...I am a seeing large benefits to those a taking it.
I have just recently gotten into a company called promedx...and in that site...one is able to purchase reservatrol, as well as the muscadine grape seed extract for a cheaper price than the product as of today that I carried there on the site at www.onlinetoniewallace.com
I like the fact that sign up is free and one can not only purchase the reservatrol or muscadine grape seed extract...yet other products such as CoQ10 and other quality products, yet also share the information with others and do as I am a doing...
Thus one has the opportunity to purchase either reservatrol or muscadine grape seed extract...I like that, choices...
Dr. Oz is highly recommending reservatrol as a anti aging product...I like it because it not only makes me feel more in balance, I also feel more youth filled...and with all the stress in our world today, anything that isn't chemically based, is a good thing...yuck, see all the stuff in the news today about prescription drugs and now the stuff about over the counter items that the FDA wants to make less stronger?
Sticking to the basics isn't a bad idea...you know? Just a throwing it all out there...
Also, did you catch the part about the far infrared sauna? 700 calories burned in an hour. You know I have the biomat which is also far infrared technology...along with a negative ionizer and quartz crystal technology...
Too cool, I tell you, just too cool!
Enough for now...I had a tough time sleeping last night...probably because it was at 1:00 clock in the A.M., when I finally got to watch Oprah's show, being my new dtv system wouldn't allow me to watch a single program yesterday...and so I had to catch Oprah's second showing...oh well, it must have been meant to be or it wouldn't have happened that way...
It just made it a bit hard to sleep...too excited about the prospects of a research center a studying not only the effects of alternative complementary health modalities on the physical human muscular and skeletal structures...yet also ones cells, tissues and organs...
Not to mention, ones emotional states...
I do so like seeing my glass half and almost full, versus, half empty...as so many around seem to find such large comfort in...
Also, before signing off for a while...I wanted to tell all as well, that even though I have lost my viewing of Dr. Phil and The Doctors shows and all of my CSI series, Ghost Whispers, and such...I now have sort of kind of...the opportunity to see Rachael Ray and her delightful shows...and cooking tips...even though I have been told I am already a great cook...I am also getting more ideas, just in the event that Mr. Right, happens along with his happy,long overdue self, hahahehehe...
Also as well, I have been gifted with the ability to watch The View and let me tell you, what a dynamic show that is! I just love the different hot topics that perfect combination of personalities/ages brings forward...to watch them is a great treat, even if all aren't on the same page, they still try to find a medium point...I am thrilled that I am able to see them for free, for free these days, is a hard thing other than advice to gather...all those that know what I mean, please say, Amen Sister!
Enough for now...know that you are all loved and cherished...rather near or far...
Be Blessed Always!
Love, Light and Peace
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