Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Open Commentary of Editorial on: "Is Barack Obama a Post Racial President?"

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

July 29, 2009

We Were All Told in Isiah in Our Bible, "In End Times, That Which Is Good Will Be Called Bad, And That Which Is Bad, Will Be Called Good."

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

Just a small brief before I post here a letter that I wrote this morning to a syndicated columnist, Mr. Sowell, in response to an editorial that he gave a newsletter website that on one hand, they say that what they are all about is the furthering of God's word and works, yet I finally took the step today to unsubscribe myself from them...especially when I saw how much approval this Mr. Sowell received for his very narrow viewing of how our president handled the moment in dealing with the police officer and Harvard professor...and then this Mr. Sowell went on to criticize the works of our president and that is all I needed to respond, for like I told him in my below response, to me, this is the greatest effort any president had ever given the people that he serves!

This should also show all in our great land, that when one becomes president, no longer are they able to give an instant response to anything, especially being when one holds the office of president, everything they say, do, is under scrutiny, right up to slapping a disease and bacteria carrying please, give me a break!

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace

July 29, 2009

Dear Mr. Sowell:

When I looked over your article, it didn't leave me a feeling well at all, for it hit me, that there are some out there that have totally bought into the premise that racism is dead, now that we have a black president in office, as if the blacks were the only ones ever discriminated against...

It would really behoove you to read what I have experienced in the almost 58 years that I have lived...and because of 1/4 Latino blood/1/4 Chinese in me, that part of me of my mother, that part of me that gave me the beautiful side of myself, I was made to go through such horrors that anyone with the birth rights of Senator John McCain, like you sir, An American Citizen at birth...simply due to my skin color?

That part of me that gave me most all that I am, came from my mother's side and sir, that is the side that I still cherish, even though I had it more than adequately demonstrated to me, that in America and all those that I walked, worked and try to give them my all in all, was found to me to be, not ever enough…due to my mixed heritage DNA blood line up.

I realize to you that now that we have a Black president, the plight of the African American race is in all of their struggles to gain recognition, respect and fair justice given you in the legal system and such is over, it seems to you; based on where it is that you live and have your being…

I would like for you to consider this small premise: Ever since our great land, became this great land with the importation of all squatters and thus settlers from all over the world as we knew it back then in the history books kept of our forefathers and foremothers…This great land of ours, started out by trying to destroy all those that were here when our ancestors first arrive.

Thus saying that fact…America has always had an under dog…first the Native American Indians, then the Mexicans that held a couple of states now considered part of United States, than your race, Black Americans, who were at that time brought over to be the slaves to the white skinned squatters/settlers, then the Asians, and few remaining Indians (Hopi) and then back to The African Americans and Hispanics…

Now that we have our first Black American President, your race can take a sort of kind of back seat ride to our latest and current under dog of our land, the Hispanic people.

Sir; at the end of our former President George Bush Jr. elected and last term in office, did you not see all the Hispanic people that were herded into trucks, taken from all kinds of businesses and directly shipped to Mexico, leaving behind their spouses and children that were American citizens?

I know for me, it was an unsettling moment in time, for I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister and I am fully aware of the fact that skin color or material possessions are nothing more than visuals that detract from ones Divine mission here on earth…The Golden Rule, given us by God, should have jumped forward in all Christians hearts…for I believe that The Golden Rule, were it followed completely, one wouldn’t even need to attend one Sunday church meeting in order to have clear passage way Home.

“Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you.”

The next clue to all those professing themselves to be Christians, is the Biblical example of the Sparrows…”God knows how many He has of these junk birds in man kind’s estimation, yet to Our Heavenly Father, He knows how many He has here, how feathers are on each and everyone of their small bodies, and if Our Heavenly Father knows the count and such of them, how much greater He is basically showing us how He is doing the same for us, in a much grander picture and plan…can I get an Amen sister?

Also, I contend; that the pigmentation contained in everyone’s skin coloration, leaves our bodies when we graduate and go back Home to Our Father, so, allowing the presumption, I would have to state that skin coloration is a neutral color for all that are fortunate to be allowed Home…simply because it is our soul essence, that part of ourselves that is invisible to all that we encounter, that part of ourselves that lives on forever, and that same part of ourselves that is either given permission to advance through the “pearly gates of Heaven,” or are sent back here to Earth, the real hell as I see it…see my commentaries on my walk backwards in time and all that I have shown God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that mankind was capable of doing to others in those places that my American born feet traveled from the age of 3-almost not quite, 58 years of life, then ask yourself if what you wrote to the fear generating web site, that after this last entry of yours that I read, I will no longer open the emails from…was a fair testimony about what is a happening in the land and you are a saying basically it isn’t…

For you know the saying, “if one isn’t part of the solution, they are part of the problem.” This bringing forth of negatives, isn’t a helping our land, it is a making it worse…we have enough negatives in which to contend with…and your rough handling of our president with your views, aren’t as well, all that factual or even in my estimation, a politically correct ideology, for as I see it, the Black American person in our country, since the first were sent over to our great land, were held in bondage and racially profiled and until this brave Black American, decided to help change for the better a land that was rapidly returning back to the late 1920’s…financially, emotionally and mentally.

This one man who is the “The Turning Point of our country,” not only turned around how your own “white is always right,” colleagues viewing of yourself with all of your past hard earned credentials, has done this by simply winning the election by 10 million votes of the American people, those of us that don’t have the African American blood line of your race, even though some like myself was skeptical of voting for a Black American, for president; being I too was raised racist and grew up having seen how far this racist problem extended itself, up and including to today and this moment in time…yet I knew we needed a change from the direction we were a headed and I did the unthinkable, I listened to Oprah’s views on our President, I watched every segment that he put himself out there in the news media’s face with his views, and I went deeper into those views to see outside of the box of what our country would look like, were these changes to go into place, and I am feeling towards this President that I helped elect with my single vote, and I thank God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that we have him!

I have seen so much that this man stated he would do, do or attempt to do…that I have to totally disagree with your large scholarly background on that which you wrote about Our President and his handling on that delicate subject of the Harvard professor and the police officer…

For did you not hear the 911 taping of the call in of a neighbor? When asked what the two guys looked like that was attempting to gain entry into her neighbor’s house. She said something like, “one had his back to her and the other appeared to look Hispanic.”

Now a person wanting to look at both sides of the coin, which to me is a sure sign of intelligence…would have asked; To the police officer: “when you received the call to investigate this suspicious activity, were you told that suit cases were present and that one was Hispanic looking”?

If yes, than perhaps racial profiling had occurred…for the Hispanics are the now old racially profiled Black population of yesterday’s Roots Identified…Same say potato, I say potatoes, while some say rotten tomatoes…see my past newsletters reporting done here and you will see what I mean, for what I have posted here, is a happening at this current time…my adopted daughter going against her family’s wishes of not marrying either a Black American or a Hispanic man and when she did five years ago, the degree of punishment brought down upon her head today, with out evidence to validate such action, and what evidence that was available to prove her and her husband’s innocence, completely hidden…some would say, why am I giving so much energy to this trumped up law case, when it doesn’t concern me? I say because it concerns all of us that want to remain in the United States forever, until we graduate and go Home to Our Father, and we want our children and all our heirs to come forth from our visit to Earth, to also have pride, honor and respect for this great land of ours and theirs and to remember always all the sacrifices that all that went before us made to insure we could continue to call this a great land…and the home of the brave and the land of the free…know what I mean?

So in conclusion: I gave your commentary a not favorable response…because of your take on our wonderful and best President ever to hold the office before him, and because I feel that more than just the two parties that were mentioned in the news reporting were at fault here…

Looking outside of the box and not wanting to “Judge least thee be judged.” These are my thoughts and perceptions on the situation.

1. When the police officer received the Harvard professor’s identification card, it wasn’t necessary for him to call the professor outside of his house. He had the proof he needed that this was the professor’s home.
2. Also, he heard that the professor had just returned from a long jet flight and perhaps had jet lack and was not himself.
3. An apology from the police officer, would have defused the situation fast.
4. The professor who perhaps had he not been so exhausted or perhaps even a bit angered by how he was handled overseas, should have understood that this brave police officer was only doing his duty of serving and protecting all of his area residents, and not try to transfer all of his flight and trip experiences onto the police officer who perhaps was a acting in the moment, he felt unsympathetic to him or the plight he/or family members had to encounter with the legal system before Barack Obama became president.
5. So I see both parties here as being insensitive to each others ways and means…
6. What else that troubled me is this, this concerned neighbor of the professor that made the call to 911…I know my neighbors, even if their backs are turned to me…so I am just wondering, whose fault is it that the professor’s neighbors don’t know him?
7. His or both? So in conclusion Mr. Sowell in your editorial on “Post Racial President?” I say this, many persons that I know personally have stated to me that they are support of Rush Limbaugh’s feelings that he, “hopes our president fails,” I say, how ignorant can one good ole boy be, for if our president fails, we all fail…and if our president fails, being we are a land that likes to chase its own tail and repeat history, even though yesterday caused our great land lots of losses and we aren’t really all that good, learning from our mistakes of yesterday, and thus not repeat them…
8. So I am a wondering now, were our wonderful president to somehow no longer be our president because of things said and written about him unfairly and unjustly by those with so much knowledge and credentials to prove it and of his same race, would the Hispanics go back being second to last in the listing/labeling of people found to be unacceptable, no matter how much education they had obtained in their field of knowledge and greats works they had done for the land that loved them not in return?
9. For as our president’s supposed poll of acceptance per cent age is a dropping nation wide, and my acceptance/joy and gratitude to God of my vote casting decision is rapidly accelerating…and increasing daily…I am just a thinking out loud, perhaps what those of our president’s own race is not accepting of him, is the fact that he isn’t 100% Black and thus like myself, fits into his own category of living and belonging in no where land…just a throwing out my thoughts, please take what you need and do please leave the rest…just remember this dear child of God, of course your editorial thoughts were welcomed by this group, because it serves the purpose of bringing negatives into an already over abundant land of negative thinkers and believers…I feel you were duped and used to further their need to bring forth the crap that they are a wanting to use to bring our president down…and I feel that even though all of your knowledge gathered in the past, was the means they needed to feel it would impact their negative loving readers…we need health care reform and all kinds of junk and crap reporting such as yours and the website that took your submission are helping those that don’t want to help the little guy or girl in our land, receive the health care that they need…yet you call your reporting what ever you want to call it…for I believe that if Senator John McClain, had he gotten the office of president, your article wouldn’t have made even the cutting board…what do you think?

Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace

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