Thursday May 22, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie Wallace, founder-director.
Volume 93
Dear CC, H.H and all one family members:
This enclosed newsletter is one of my favorites that I receive. When one views this newsletter, they quickly see who I am as well, for many of the thoughts expressed in it, are thoughts I have expressed already to all that read my emails...so I feel quite drawn to all the writers in it...for it is like they are a adding confirmation to that which I have already told most of you all, already...
Especially about Barack Obama...I too feel that he is the only true choice that we do have. Yet I know that is my own opinion and everybody is entitled to their own view point.
I too see clearly what the writer in this newsletter saw...so I guess I am his confirming opinion...
Think about it, what other president candidate do we have that doesn't already have almost $200 Billion in company earnings given the IRS, last year.
Why doesn't it make sense to put into office, one that recently walked the similar paths of the common person? Who could better relate to the common man, yet one that i s a living the reality? Again, just my thoughts, all can have their own...for to me; that is what harmony is all about...each having different opinions...yet all a understanding that it isn't what we think that defines us, it is how we act our parts a going through this ole world of ours...
I don't know why it is that when companies turn into giant commodities traders, they sometimes a lose touch with the common man/women and average persons. Again that is what I have been shown through my rose colored glasses...yet I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first or last time, perhaps...
Yet at this precious moment in the Now time...I feel the same way as the writer in the enclosed newsletter...
Also thinking even more out of the box...What presidential contender do we have that is part Mos elm? Who remembers that way for the most part, and could better relate to the most different thinking ways of the persons of his lineage?
Some have fearfully expressed to me that he is a trap...I say he isn't simply due to the fact that he does love America and will take his role and seat not only proudly, yet admirably...
Those are my thoughts on the subject...I really hadn't intended to make this a political newsletter...yet when I think about how much terrible stuff was a thrown at Oprah...due to her supporting him for president...I almost want to weep for Oprah is truly good stuff and all that believed she isn't...even though that is your reflection being mirrored back to yourself...understand this one premise...In Revelations it is written that in end times, that which is good will be called bad. So having that little bit of information is enough to allow me to not take so harshly those that find me nuts...hey it is a good thing...all is as it is supposed to be...
So when I find myself in an area that feeds that kind of mind set that perhaps what I do isn't all that special...then I have no other choice but to act on that results orientational presentation...understanding fully that I gave it my all and my all is all that I have to give and it has to be enough.
And that leads me into my mountain adventure trip:
It was very exciting. Filled with action packed high adventure. Good company and many memorable moments in time shared.
The weather was great and we saw lots and lots of areas that we tried to visualize the healing and research center a being at...
We even visited a Bu d dist Monastery in Hendersonville... http://embracingsimplictyhermitage.org
I got the low down on the housing requirements just in the event that I wanted to throw the towel in completely and retire to a life of simplicity...
There is a saying that goes something like this..."never say never." Even though I know that the life that I envisioned for myself is one of simplicity yet never letting go of Jesus...He is one of my heroes...as I have already written all, several times...
My man has to be a God, Jesus and Holy Spirit freak like myself, or we just can't dance the dance of eternal love...for it was in what Jesus did for all of mankind that rocks my wor ld...each ounce of suffering He endured for all of mankind, past, present and future...so we could act freely being we were so small thinkers of reality and the reactions we reap from our self centered ways... The secret key that He left us, was the key about, "doing to others that which we would have done unto ourselves."
The way that I believe is that, following that one special key, will open up Heaven's Gate to those that didn't get Baptized, saved or had ever not gone to church... I guess that is why it is called, "The Golden Rule."
I personally don't know who is or isn't in the Illuminati...I only know that it is rumored to exist...and supposedly it is a group of powerful elites that basically put out the call as to how things in the world are to be...Basically what is up or down or to b e eliminated completely...
Are they in my estimation, were they to really exist a successful project? I would have to say not...toxic air, water, food, thoughts...low amount of jobs, low pay, high taxes, wars and rumors of wars...high medical costs and high amount of illnesses...
If something isn't part of the solution, it then becomes part of the problem...
Do I believe that Barack Obama is in danger of being silenced. Not really for I don't worry about his safety for if he does win the people over to him...all of the prayers of persons like myself a praying for him will keep him out of harms way and God help the individual or individuals that believe that what they do to others, doesn't come back and slap the m harder... Those again are my thoughts.
I do believe that Buddha and Jesus are one of the same beings...Buddha came and went during the time of mankind that he lived...He tried to help mankind be a divine way and mankind turned their backs on him for the most part...
Jesus came in when He was supposed to...to help even clarify more for the times He was a Now visiting...being His first attempt at Buddha, didn't quite do the trick...
So what I am really saying is that I have a time element thing a going here...nothing more and being this center welcomes all religions honoring that we are all on our own individual paths and all paths one way or the other, will lead us Home...
I would like for you to also read all the other authors in the newsletter...all give some pretty wonderful pictures of tomorrow as they see it...I see the same for the most part...
All special writers and lovers of life, people and world...
I would be honored to join such a group of persons...perhaps one day we will all meet...
Enough for tonight
Am tired and have been experiencing lots of anxiety these last two days...I know it is simply due to all of the stuff I am now carrying on my full plate...on top of lack of financial support...yet it is what it is...until it changes...
I am currently working on the research, healing and education center. At this current moment in time I see it in the Mt's. I believe I am seeing it being somewheres surrounding the city of Asheville, N.C.
What will it house?
Spa and healing center-Body Spirit and Mind
Teaching Center
Nutritional research
Acupuncture and other vibrational modalities under research
Chiropractic Center
juice bar
Water modalities research center...
Light and Sound Therapy research center.
gift shop
grill area
Lecture and conference rooms
My home
Guest House -10 Bedrooms
Staff house - 4 double apartments.
Vehicle and maintenance buildings
All green buildings, so that our local schools and such can sign up to see some of the plus signs and sights living green can bring. Sort of spread the word...one child at a time...plus allow them the advantage of understanding that a center of its kind can exist...
I am now into the largest part of my dream manifestation...obtaining financial assistance...am checking into grants, and loans ideas...know any research grant writers anyone? Will they donate their time to a non profit organization like this one?
With that note, I will now sign off for the night...tomorrow is another work day...
Again be all blessed
Love, Light and Peace
That at this current time is my vision...my leap of faith...
Once one throws their vision to the wind,
anything can happen...
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