May 25, 2008
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie Wallace, Founder, Director
Volume 94
Dear Renessa and All One Family Members:
Thank you for this confirmational dream vision concept given me. You Renessa are the absolute wonderment. Yes dear one, I know that it is large and all encompassing...and do I worry about it being the right time for a center as its self, or the need for financing not being met? No. My only problem has been in gaining those other visionaries, not so locked into their own self absorption needs.
Yet, I must allow that type of negative self talk to leave my side, for that was the story of my whole life. That was yesterday and today is a brand new day!
When one such as I throws out to the winds of listening ears that, "If God be for you, who could turn against you?" One has to take those dance tunes to the next level of reality, for if one doesn't, are they not only a blowing smoke in the eyes and ears of others?
I must take my manifest ion powers granted me by God to the next level in order to show all that a place like this is possible provided one has faith, trust and belief. "Faith the size of a mustard seed," that will move self created mountains in ones life.
Renessa, I like all of your ideas presented in your email response letter.
Most of them, I already hold in my dream vision...
I especially am interested in the five pointed chapel concept. Could you elaborate more on why you feel that is so important? I want to believe that it holds some relevance to the 5 pointed star of David. How close to that concept am I?
When I first came up with the chapel idea, I was somehow a drafting it off of the Light Center in Black Mountain. www.urlight.org
I thought I would incorporate a pyramid design into the ceiling of the chapel that I will not only have learning classes taught within it, yet also perform weddings. in it as well.
Did I ever tell you about the man that I met a short time after I became a body worker in Michigan back in the mid 80's? He was a very unusual man...He met me at a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo that was being held.
He walked up to me and told me that he knew me from another life time and that I had changed a bit, yet he could still recognize me and that all of my chakras were open and a radiating the most beautiful spiritual emanations.
Of course back then, I was still a newbie in the healing field of endeavor and had only a slight clue as to what he was a talking about...years now later, I have grown quite comfortable with the idea that he was perhaps one of my most favorite encounters of my life-time.
This man Herman M. from Farmington Hills...invited my close friends at that time and myself to his residence in a neighborhood perhaps like some of the finest we have in this country...lots of wealth, and well manicured lawns.
Herman told us that we wouldn't miss his place for he was the only one to have cat of nine tails a growing in his front yard...To his neighbors, he was a hindrance to the type of setting his neighbors were trying to elicit and many had signed protests against him due to his naturalistic ways...Being the cat tails and all that he grew were enormous in size...(The cat tails were 9 feet plus in height, and he was right, we all instantly recognized his place instantly)
Herman also not only showed us his place and all of the oddities of that time, yet also the device that he used to create all of his abundance and size of vegetables and such...a pyramid over 30 feet in size in his back yard of which he germinated the seeds with, before a planting them.
Herman's pest control, was not pesticides, yet a large covered grate of crickets that he was a incubating in his basement...the noise that they made were highly sedating...and not deafening like most that don't like any of the bugs in nature...would first imagine...
He also had a copper healing chamber that was first realized by Wilhelm Reich back in the 1800's...so I don't know if Herman is still present on the planet or not...I imagine he is...for the healing chamber along with the natural lifestyle of himself and his family...I am sure aided longevity and wellness.
So to Herman and all those pioneer leaders of yesterday that first opened the door to the wonder filled world of endless possibilities and to all those masters of border less dreamers of manifestational and thought created self thoughts since to current time...I thank you all once again...I also thank God for each and everyone of you and to Him, for allowing me to come into presence this life time...
When I do finally am allowed to return Home this time around...I know that were this moment I would make my transition...all that I have been about, helped many along their journey...and that is what it was truly all about from the get go...
Life to me, "was what it was supposed to be." No regrets, no remorse...all in perfect timing and place...even when it didn't go as I had originally intended or planned...no accidents, no, not a one. It is what it is.
Renessa and all...when I talked to the editor of my written works...the other day, she stated that she didn't see, Osteopathic Medicine in my dream vision line up...all she saw was chiropractic care...so then I realized that she was right...in order to have a well rounded educational and healing center...Osteopathic Medicine...has to be included, along with Naturopathic Medicine...for both hold a place in our world or why would it have even been allowed to exist in the land?
So now I am going to expand my dream vision even more...and to allow all to see the new changes...I will put them into a purple type...
Spa and healing center-Body Spirit and Mind- total regeneration of ones body.
Teaching Center
Nutritional research
Acupuncture and other vibrational modalities under current research
Chiropractic Center
Osteopathic Medicine
Internal Medicine
juice/ nutritional drinks bar
Water modalities research center
Light and Sound Therapy research center.
Eco Research Company, bringing forth the latest survival homes and living designs...
gift shops -gifts of all sorts, as well as the latest innovations in total health areas.
grill/restaurant area
Lecture and conference rooms
Exercise -Fitness-Yoga Teaching Center
My home
Guest House -10 Bedrooms-Bed and Breakfast Center*
Staff housing - 4 double apartments. 4 individual homes on property for other management field staff members.
Vehicles and maintenance buildings
Walking trails
Sweat Lodge -for all those wanting to experience the Native American way of meditation, healing and earth-spirit love relationship way of being in the world.
Camp ground
Rv parking
perhaps a facility located near a pond, lake, river or with any of these life generating wonderments of life housing within its perhaps now over 100 acres center space needed idea spot.
So we could have lush gardens/Gazebo/pyramid designed format on the property, with a greenhouse, large enough to grow the vegstables and fruits that would furnish the total facility, plus the bed and breakfast center...I know everyone...has Tonie finally flipped over to the side of crazy this time...no, just a thinking outside of the box...in a larger than grand way?
Absolutely...and I can't take all of the blame/credit...for I have to include all the masters that have assisted me to this very point in time...Eckhart, Oprah, Wayne Dwyer, Depak Chopra (yes, most definitely Avedic Medicine will be on board at the center...for it is the natural way you know as well) and not to forget to mention; Dayu and her wonderful dna attunements, and Diane and her dna activations...Dr. Phil, Unity Church...Greg Braden, Dunvelo Melchizedek...and all the other master mind-futuristic-past teachers that walked into my life through book reading or live workshops that I have attended...you all were great...and I have just begun to turn the next pages over in my life...for I see a new day a dawn for mankind...not the same oh same stuff...that most would rather a have and a hold and call real...
I see all of my teachers of current and hold, a bringing their presentations to mankind at the center of my dream manifestional vision...For it will be their centers...and I see them all over the country and parts of the world...for we are centers that needs to be visualized...a coming together of the visionaries at key strategic points...I believe it is a dream center whose time has come...so I am a shooting it out to Oprah's Angel Dream Foundation, first...being I wrote her years ago about such a center, yet never did the back up work of actually awakening to its total relevance in today's world, a needing a totally new direction...
All that I am asking is that I have total charge of the first prototype, and with the hiring/firing of all staff members/plus hire the alternative/medical practitioners that would house the center office spaces...and from my total net earnings as director and founder, and sales of my books...I will forever donate 20% back to Oprah's Angel Dream Foundation...being I believe that a gifting back to mankind is what we are all supposed to be a doing.
Besides what ever is gifted to Oprah's Angel Dream Foundation...goes back out into the communities that she and her board of directors choose...
Simply because all things are gifted us from God and back to God's children is what we are all supposed to be a doing...
Because I am simply needing to take care of my most immediate needs of back bills such as rent, utilities and taxes and other small debts under $10K...Through grants and such I have heard are available to those a needing them...
I don't call my debt amount deplorable...especially being I have totally with God's help, got to where I am a standing currently...with only His help along with Jesus and all of my Angels...both present earth and heaven wise. And all know who you are...
The reason I am a keeping my housing space limited is because in the world there are all kinds of persons whose thoughts and perceptions form who they are...and being I am a sensitive and don't choose to have in the environment that I will live and work near...I would rather keep the energy in the community, quite similar to my own and thus a small group of land sharers...being able to gather like minded staff/guest individuals will be a lot easier to obtain.
Besides if it backs up Tiger Woods dream vision of a golf resort...all the golfers, family and friends that visit Tiger's place...will have a center that would compliment the needs of the golfer and those they bring with them...plus serve the community and the world...one small group of researchers at a time.
Golfers, tennis and bowlers...and other hard physical endurance individuals will definitely profit from the center's concept...which I just heard today....that several countries already have in place...with all alternative and complementary health practitioners along with medical have decided to join together in those Universal Health Care providing countries...
A place where not only are all the lectures afforded Continuing Education Units...for doctors, nurses, PT Therapist, vibrational medicine body workers such as what would be trained and put into practice at my healing center...and other licensing fields needing health care management training....due to the level of their high stress careers/society that they impact as well as their own individual life...needing to discover a better way of surviving...in a world that has somehow lost its way.
Renessa and all one family:
Please be sure to read, Volume 95...that will have the news report from Yahoo News about the rising interest there is among those of us that believe that preparing for survival needs to be at the top of the list as we move forward towards 2012...I haven't read it yet...yet our own special premed student caught it and she will be sending me the news article of which I will have it in there plus her thoughts of the world she and her husband are a wanting to be manifested...It should be quite enlightening and informative.
All green buildings, (Eco Research Center and proof positive buildings, greenhouse and such) so that our local schools and such can sign up to see some of the plus signs and sights living green can bring. Sort of spread the word...one child at a time...plus allow them the advantage of understanding that a center of its kind can exist, right in their own time and land...too cool!
Color coding of this vision:
Please remember...blue...vision I saw yesterday, purple...vision I am seeing currently...
Now Renessa, do you see how you have helped create an even larger viewing of my past edition posted dream vision? Thank you dear sis...I can't wait for you to see it or even perhaps even assist in its manifestation in some way or sort...think and dream big thoughts about it...I can tell that you already have...now step a little deeper into its fiber and magnitude...and get back to me what else you can see...
One more closing thought...dear ones...How need would it be were this dream to be taken to the producers of "This Old House." Wouldn't they love a chance to help build an economically sound infrastructure such as this center's project?
Perhaps even be part of the Eco Research Center...a center where all participating teachers, and business owners such as myself...off erred back to The Angel Foundation...a 40% split, while the founders such as myself, kept 60%. I believe that to be a realistic figure, being we are the ones a working it...and a designing the state of the art center...in all fields...just my thoughts...
Just my thoughts...am interested in any other viewings...others may have on what I have already given here...
Renessa...I do so love the copper wires flowing over the different gem stones crystals that would encase our water foundations in the center property. It is a wonderful idea...dear one...thanks for that one as well...
That part of the musical and high technological ideas...Renessa, I have spent the last 23 years of my research practice...a discovering too numerous to mention...high tech concepts with music and light and sound studies...it will be quite the center...trust me...
Do you remember the vision picture that Cor sent me about a person that he saw a similarity with, that was naked and a sitting on crystals in the middle of a river, with the mountains in the distance...perhaps he saw in me what I couldn't...for this place might be situated right on an energy crystal vortex center...near or on a river...and as for me being naked to the world...I kind of feel like I am exposing all parts of my inner being...yea, kind of naked I would be a feeling...hahahehe...
See email picture attachment...I will be a sending along to all...What was that about three years ago that Cor from the Netherlands sent it to me? How so very interesting...no, no accidents...nope, not a one...
Also see Newletter Volume 93 attached...to see what it is that Renessa is referring to in her correspondence...
Again, thank you Renessa for all that you have done today and yesterdays past...I am better due to awakened angels like you in the world...namaste dear one...
Be Blessed to all
Love, Light and Peace
love your vision. . . for healing center. .
combine or incorperate it with a labyrinth of healing plants with copper coil water works splashing over the Amethyst Rocks . . . and enter into the 5th dimension of healing with a 5 sided Chamber Chapel? ? ? since the musical harmonics are at their CONCHorDance BEST . . it will have the plants dance and with it release
in fact, I was thinking of some one ought make up a set of plans incorperating the best of nature SCENTIMENDicinal and musical aids. . .
music loosens the tangles. . . of mind's trying to keep their thoughts straight. .
enjoyed the news letter. as well.
if space nuff to do. . . have people bring their pebbles and stones for a labyrinth of the treasures of the earth we so intuitively picked up and brought home with us oft, once upon a long ago
to have their selves be shared with all, would be such a gathering of power play tokens, a gathering of all the good vibes people have picked up an instilled with their own sense of being. . .
wonder if the world is ready and if there would be some one to sponsor such a state of the art. . .
then again, haven't ever wondered a such, without turning around and seeing it a happening else where.
every thinK happens in its own sweet time
take care
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