Monday, June 30, 2008
Politics, Is Not My Favorite Topic of Discussion
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Politics Can Be A Source of Irritation at Times
June 30, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Since the Primary has passed us by, I am still hearing lots of stuff still about Obama being a Moselm, and all kinds of claims to that end and just plain ole fear tactics being thrown down to one and all that will listen and pay attention.
Being I am still getting the old emails about that kind of emails, I would say that those family members must not have read the newsletter where I sent one and all to the website that made it quite clear the differences between fact and fiction.
Family please understand; I am still not totally 100% sold on Obama. I am just one of those persons that doesn't judge a person on the way he looks. What has been going around about him isn't the truth and when one circulates things that aren't truth filled, they become part of the problem, instead of part of the solution. Now doesn't that make sense?
If one wants to hate Obama, simply due to his environmental background...than how judgemental do you want others to handle yourself?
Just using my own background base, I would state that I may have similar traits to my father and mother due to genetics, yet, I am totally my own person, even my own religious thoughts and organizations.
Obama is a man of mixed races, as you would discover were you to take a trip down the lane.
Nothing I have discovered about Obama, reigns in fear within myself. I see him currently as a politician. Nothing more and definitely nothing less.
I am hoping that he starts to stand out more than a politician, for looking at all the politicians of the past...very few have made the mark of excellence in my book.
Hopefully when all of our candidates sit down with the trying issues of our governmental problems and give us a viable solution out of them...not just state over and over what the problems are and how they would handle them...I mean; actually lay out the battle plan for them all...then and only then; will I take any of the candidates serious as to bringing about the necessary changes that our failing government is going to need.
Election year after election year, all we get is a bunch of talk and an end that leads us now where yet deeper into trouble in our economy and social/world affairs.
Yes it is true that under the Clinton-Gore terms of office, we had a debt balanced economy, yet what was the cost to us all? What cuts did they decide to take that were disadvantages to our great land? Cutting military costs and the closing of military bases...could it have lead us into being attacked? ("9/11")
Could President Bush have been given a government that was a getting ready to fall down from the influence of the democratic party in position prior to him a getting into office?
I personally had a sense that he was...yet that is a judgement call and I have no business a making such claims...
Personally again, I like our President. I believe that he did what he needed to do and even though I found his strong arm tactics not welcoming to my own way of handling never less was his way and only his way will be judged by God, just like my way will be my judgement call when God reviews my life's story.
My not favoring McClain, again is simply due to the fact that Mr. McClain should be a looking towards "On Golden Pond Days," for the massive deteriorating and declining situation that our country has now grown towards, needs someone with lots of get up and go, and not someone wanting to sit down and have rest periods...And like the news article that follows from today's Yahoo News Service...I too don't believe that being in the military is the same qualifications one needs to handle this great land of ours.
I realize that this is my opinion and we all have our own and that too is what makes this land of ours so special...the freedom to choose which way we want to believe.
"Some on left target McCain's war record" Ben Smith-Yahoo News Service
Mon Jun 30, 5:54 AM ET
"The highest voltage third rail of this presidential campaign may not be race, sex, or age, but Senator John McCain's military service.
McCain's campaign Sunday issued a pair of outraged statements after retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark said he didn't think that McCain’s service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. Obama has consistently praised McCain's service, and called him "a genuine American hero."
But farther to the left—and among some of McCain's conservative enemies as well—harsher attacks are circulating. Critics have accused McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in Hanoi in the 1960s. Sunday, a widely read liberal blog accused McCain of "disloyalty" during his captivity in Vietnam for his coerced participation in propaganda films and interviews after he’d been tortured.
"A lot of people don't know… that McCain made a propaganda video for the enemy while he was in captivity," wrote Americablog's John Aravosis. "Putting that bit of disloyalty aside, what exactly is McCain's military experience that prepares him for being commander in chief?"
"Getting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience," Aravosis wrote in the blog post, entitled "Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?"
McCain's camp responded sharply to the Americablog posting Sunday night.
"The American people know that John McCain's record of service and sacrifice is not a matter of debate. He has written about and discussed his service as a POW extensively—often in excruciating and painful detail," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers. "The American people will judge harshly anyone who demeans or attacks that service."
McCain has written repeatedly of his service, including a long 1973 magazine article and in his memoir, Faith of My Fathers. A Navy aviator from a military family, he was shot down on his 23rd sortie over Vietnam on October 26, 1967. His mission was to bomb a power plant in the North Vietnamese capital. Already suffering from broken limbs, he was beaten by a crowd before being taken to a POW camp. After being tortured there, he participated in some Vietnamese propaganda efforts.
"I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine," he later wrote.
But he later defied his captors by refusing to meet with anti-war delegations from abroad, he wrote, and also refused the most valuable special treatment he was offered: Early release.
"I did not want to go out of order," he later wrote. He was finally released on March 14, 1973.
Obama and the Democratic establishment haven't challenged McCain's record. Indeed, even Clark's words came in response to a direct question from CBS's Bob Schieffer on the specific relevance of McCain's service to the presidency.
West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller in April cut a bit closer, suggesting that McCain's days as a fighter pilot were themselves a critique of his character.
"What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground?" he asked. "He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."
Rockefeller promptly, abjectly apologized, praising McCain's "honorable and noble service to our country" and deploring his own "inaccurate and wrong analogy." His apology reflected a conventional political wisdom that McCain's heroism is too well established, and a climate of respect for soldiers too strong, for attacks on his service to do anything but backfire.
But Aravosis, who reiterated his criticism in an interview with Politico Sunday night, isn't the only one to test this line of attack.
The newsletter CounterPunch published this April an article by Doug Valentine headed "Meet the Real John McCain: North Vietnam's Go-To Collaborator."
Valentine suggested McCain contemplated suicide—something the candidate has written about, and attributed in part to his guilt at not withstanding torture—because he was a "war criminal" whose bombs fell on civilians.
McCain, who sought—along with Senator John Kerry—to debunk claims that Vietnam still held American prisoners into the 1990s, has been attacked in similar terms by leaders of POW/MIA movement, whom he and Kerry cast as charlatans.
That movement has produced the most outlandish attacks on McCain, including widely dismissed and unsubstantiated claims that McCain was not tortured and a smear casting him as a "Manchurian candidate."
But most of the attacks on McCain's war record are now coming from the left. In a Huffington Post blog, a former editor of Mother Jones magazine, Jeffrey Klein, called—in tones reminiscent of right-wing attacks on Kerry in 2004—on McCain to release elements of his Navy record that the candidate has not made available to the public or the press.
"Some of the unreleased pages in McCain's Navy file may not reflect well upon his qualifications for the presidency," he wrote. As to why, Klein speculated that "From day one in the Navy, McCain screwed-up again and again, only to be forgiven because his father and grandfather were four-star admirals."
David Fenton, a prominent progressive public relations executive who works for MoveOn and other groups, also inquired about details of McCain's Navy sorties, a source familiar with the inquiries told Politico. Fenton declined to comment on the inquiries, and a person familiar with them said they were unconnected to his work for MoveOn.
Some anti-war activists link McCain's current position on Iraq to his time in Vietnam.
"I wouldn't characterize anybody who fought in Vietnam as a war hero," said Medea Benjamin, a co-founder of the theatrical anti-war group Code Pink. "In 23 bombing sorties, there must have been civilians that were killed and there's no heroism to that."
"Anyone who can't look back and admit how wrong it was to be in Vietnam and be killing civilians deserves to be challenged," she said, though she stressed that her group is more focused on McCain's present support for the war in Iraq than on his past.
Benjamin said she had her doubts about whether criticism of McCain's record could catch on, and she's not the only skeptic. Even Valentine, the CounterPunch author, said McCain's wartime experience could only be questioned "off-Broadway."
Others, however, disagree, and the increasing buzz of emails and blog posts—the new equivalent on the left of what, in the 1990s, would have been stirrings on conservative talk radio—suggest that this line of attack won't go away, at least not from elements of the energized pro-Obama grassroots, and from parts of the anti-war left.
A search of Obama’s community website,, finds two posts calling McCain a “war criminal.”
Noam Chomsky, the linguist and activist, said in an email that he thought Americans should question the relevance of McCain's torture in an unjust war to his campaign.
"The questions could scarcely even be understood within the reigning intellectual and moral culture—though I don't doubt that much of the population would understand," Chomsky said.
And Aravosis was unapologetic about his charge of "disloyalty," citing the similar charges levied at Kerry from the right in 2004.
"McCain is running for president of the United States, not the student council. He should stop feigning shock and outrage and start answering some very legitimate questions about his character and his experience," he said in a message to Politico. "Well, the Republicans sported Band-Aids to mock John Kerry's medals from Vietnam. They mocked his injuries in war."
"McCain isn't being mocked, he's being questioned," he said.
For now, that is a minority view on the left. Democrats took from the Vietnam era the lesson that they should not attack soldiers' service, and McCain's Senate colleagues of both parties—including Obama— have expressed deep respect for his service and his suffering. He also worked after the war to heal some of its open wounds, winning the unexpected appreciation of some anti-Vietnam war stalwarts, who are now damping down the attempts to attack his war record.
"I know and like McCain," Tom Hayden, a former California State Senator and prominent anti-war activist, told Politico in an email. "From my own perspective and that of many anti-war activists of that era, the fact that he bombed North Vietnam some 25 times, probably killing civilians, gets blurred with the facts that he suffered through that long prison ordeal, then also went on to promote diplomatic relations between the two countries."
"It's like asking a guy that served his jail term here—you'd say he's done his time so that's behind him," Hayden said.
This as well came from one of my email family members: You might want to look it over as well...
The real John McCain
Rev. Williams Oil Manipulation Thoughts:
Just copy and paste them individually onto your browser and fly there...
Last few comments, before I finish...
I have heard many democrats state that if Obama picks Hillary as his running partner...John McCain would take the presidency for they don't like her ability to lie without a second thought...Liars to these folks have made up the White House Staff for too long already and having a Clinton in office again is just too much for their hearts to tolerate again.
These same folks were greatly dismayed to hear of Obama a wanting to have our country help bail Hillary out of her 22 million dollar campaign debt by giving her 10 Million of it back.
My own personal thoughts on the subject is this: I am glad to see that Mr. Barack has empathy and compassion, yet; according to Rev. Williams in his oil manipulation tape, this country is already at a fast approach towards 9 Trillion dollars in debt and I realize that 10 Million dollars in retrospect is like a fly on the wall in the whole of things, yet...imagine what 10 Million dollars could do for the remaining victims of Katrina in governmental loans that would help take the persons still a living in tents, perhaps into low interest loans to help them rebuild?
Or to the victims of our current natural disaster in the Mid West...or put that money into grants and loans to help small businesses get up and running so that more jobs could be made available to them...or our homeless problems that we are currently facing.
Yet I realize those are my thoughts on the subject. The Clinton's are a raking in over 180 Million dollar income range a year...perhaps being they took the gamble, they now need to join either gamblers anonymous, or learn like the rest of America that isn't a faring all that well in this Recessional Times of Our Land, and have learned how to totally down size their living styles...perhaps a judgement call, perhaps just my honesty a speaking out here...First Admendment Right...Freedom of Speech.
All Please Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Master of Despair
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Despair is all that one has to carry;
When anyone can't let go and forgive another their transgressions/life's learning lessons of wrong choice decisions.
For each and everyone of us have made wrong choice decisions...can I get an Amen out there?
Dear All One Family:
Tonight I allowed myself the time-out to watch "48 Hours Mystery Show." It was quite an interesting journey into forgiveness and one that I saw my dad also take with both my brothers that had found themselves imprisoned.
So again dear all one family members, I am a lost in yesterday a remembering my dad and seeing quite a similarity to the Mr. Whitaker, a man that lost his wife, youngest son, in a attack on all 3 members of his family and himself.
An attack that was orchestrated by his oldest son; Bart Whitaker. The reason being greed from the thoughts of a 1.5 Million dollar insurance policy.
Now this father's oldest son is facing the death penalty, this man's last relative from a night that should have been perfect, yet had the ear marks of total devastation...all within a blink of an eye...the place this took place? Sugarland, Texas.
Yet this father who knows that several plots against his life, his wife, and youngest son, all based on greed from a son that even though given quite a well endowed/financially privileged childhood, somehow grew up believing that his parents only loved him on condition that he perform at their high standards of perfection.
A standard he stated he couldn't maintain and pretended to be a graduating from college that year, yet the college showed that he had only attended the first year of their 4 year school.
This father a knowing all this current information from the trial hearing on "capital murder charges for his wife, and his youngest son," still pleaded with the court to not sentence his son to death, yet only give a life sentence; thus he still could have his son in a physical presence.
A son as Bart's father states, "knows that his son is sorry for his actions and has changed."
A father perhaps like my own, who knows that while his sons were a growing up, he was caught busy trying to provide for them in the only way he had been shown to raise them, for Bart did state that love was never handed him by his parents, only money and gifts...hmmmm...
The DA called Bart a sociopath personality...yet was he really? Or was he another victim of "Absence Fathers, Lost Sons," with myself adding to that book's title, "Absence Parents, Lost Children."
What deems a parent absent? One that takes for granted that tomorrow, lots can happen when you are found asleep...
Time marches on, taking the time to tell your kids that they are everything to you and how very proud you are of them...and telling them that they can fly one day if they choose to...yet only have to walk the path of good intentions towards all, and have faith, trust and belief that God is real and is alive...
Tell them also that God loves them unconditionally, all they have to do is to say that they are sorry and mean it, He will forgive them. This Mr. Whitaker, told the court room all of this as well.
My thoughts on the subject should be already present in your mind and if not, here goes my long winded version of it...I believe this as well. Mr. Whitaker is absolutely right..."no one has the right to judge another." "Only God."
I believe a life sentence for this very young man...would not only give his father additional hope and time to insure his only remaining son/family, with his visits and letters, would help insure that his son is able to find his way Home, where his mom and brother are now residing...until dad follows, and I believe that perhaps won't be long either...even though he is still a very young man himself and perhaps my age, in my mid fifties.
What would take Mr. Whitaker Home sooner? The same things that it took my daddy Home as well...the thoughts of a life lived without my mom, his soul mate.
Mr. Whitaker is a good man. One I can see my dad in...Remember something else about this case. Even though today Mr. Whitaker is seen as a very devout Christian, no one knows what kind of life he gave his children in their days without God a leading the way in the home.
So will I judge the man named, Bart Whitaker? Not I, for only God has that ability...all I can do is insure that I have all my own "t's. crossed and my I's dotted," if you know what I mean?
All can call Bart Whitaker what ever they want to call him...a manipulator, a liar, a thief and a killer... I choose to call him an asleep young man...
Bart also had three good friends that also came from affluent backgrounds and they all three considered helping him...was it simply due to sympathy being he was supposed to be a walking down the graduation ceremony aisle and wouldn't be able to, and perhaps knowing how their parents would handle that deception were the shoes on their own perhaps these kids as well, were raised with the attitude that success is all that matters and saving face.
I know that is how it was in my father's viewing of us kids, perhaps the same is true here... Don't tell me, show me. And God please, don't show your flaws to my neighbors, for I am only trying to show them my successes, not failures.
Trust me, I am not a whining or a complaining. My father did the very best job that he could do with the amount of training and insights from others close to him, which really didn't number a lot for he was a rather closed off man, and rarely allowed anyone a close look through...
I was only allowed rare moments to get close to my father...for he was always too busy for anything but a securing his future and that to him was his show of love...the letters that he gave my two imprisoned brothers, was more than he ever gave me until my Christmas before last...letter and that letter to me, is worth millions...even though again, not a lot of words, yet enough to make it matter to me...
Bart told the court room that the time his dad gave him while he has been in prison, has already changed the way that he viewed him in the past. That told me lots, for I feel that both my former imprisoned brothers, have a part of our dad, that I don't, and I am grateful that they carry those precious treasures of words, that dad didn't give all of his children freely.
So perhaps there is something to this thing that bad behavior is a single for help...for even bad bahvior and the attention it gathers, is better than no attention at all? Wow, those are some pretty astounding thoughts I am a having tonight.
I guess I am a missing my dad tonight, for when I heard Mr. Whitaker a pleading for his son not to be killed...I saw my dad, myself a doing the same thing.
Wow, powerful night tonight for me. All things happen for a reason. I believe that most conclusively.
I will be a putting Mr. Whitaker and his son on my large pile of loved ones...on God's Altar for prayers...I wish Mr. Whitaker, all the time that God will allow for him to be with his son. Be Blessed Each and Everyone.
I think that I will close for now...for I just want to think about happy thoughts about my daddy now...and I know that he knows my love and lonliness without him in my life...yet I do know that one day I will see him and mom and all of my loved ones that have graduated before me...
To all a very good and special night...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
It is What It Is
Friday, June 27, 2008
Love Is The All In All
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
June 27, 2008
Love Is The All In All
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear KR and All One Family:
Thank you for the following email. I would like to add my comments towards its realness in my life as well.
"You can live your whole life and never know who you are until you see the world through the eyes of others. Wake up and open your eyes. Live your life through those who love you." KR
I dear one, lived my whole life through the eyes of others and never once looked within myself to make sure that others around me, didn't have it wrong.
Since looking within myself, I found that it doesn't really matter what others around me believe about myself, to my own self, can I only be true, if that makes any sense at all?
What also I have discovered from living my life through those that supposedly love me, which I am sure that they do, yet the love that they give me in return for the love that I give away, is never equal...or at least it hasn't been to this point in time and thus I have decided that it is a common thing for those that supposedly love you the most, one is generally invisible to them and I don't really understand that concept fully yet, I only know it to be more true than not...
Invisible to family and friends.
Oh well, it is what it is, you know?
I did come across this the other day. It is from T...Red is my Dog.
He didn't write it, he only chose to send it forth to all of his subscribers on his website...Eckhart Tolle, New Earth Changes.
Thank you Tom, it rocks and I mean that sincerely! Powerful stuff and I am grateful to pass it along to all others.
Thank you Tom for all that you do...
[Eckhart_Tolle_A_New_Earth] This Moment Right NowSunday, June 22, 2008 10:20 AM
From: "redsmydog"
Be aware of what is in your mind, and gently move to control it. If
you are having negative thoughts, stop and restate them as positive
affirmations. State the opposite. If you are full of fear, stop and
breathe and fill yourself with love instead. If you are full of doubt,
stop and breathe and bring in faith...
The antidote to fear is action and love, action and choices which stem
from a loving connection with your true self. The antidote to doubt is
faith, a deep belief in yourself and what you are capable of, as well
as all of the help which is there for you...
Be aware also of your body. Realize that your body is a tuning fork,
in tune with your higher self. Pay attention to your center, your
solar plexus. Learn to know its feelings. Learn how it feels when it
is afraid. Learn how it feels when it is settled and calm. For now,
just pay attention...
As time goes on, you will want to make all your decisions from a calm
and settled place in your center. Begin by learning your body,
learning all of its signs. And then, stop before you speak. Stop
before you make choices. Stop and breathe and make sure you are in a
calm place in your mind and in your body, make sure that all fear is
gone, make sure that your center is relaxed and open and settled. Make
all of your choices from this place, and your entire life will begin
to transform...
Fear yells in your ears and in your mind. Doubt is a loud, insistent
whine. But truth speaks differently. Truth is strong and quiet, lying
inside your body with a settled strength, informing you of its
presence. And angels whisper gently....
You must learn to quiet your mind, through the training ground of
meditation, and through vigilant monitoring of fear and doubt, sending
them away. Quiet all of that noise down and then move into that calm
and settled place within you. Reach yourself down there. Learn to find
that place. Train yourself, through daily exercise, to build up a
connection to the truth which is you...
Create your life from the voices of fear and doubt and you will just
repeat old patterns over and over and over. Create your life from your
center of truth and you will shed those old patterns and begin to move
forward. Yes, with baby steps. Yes, with occasional falling down and
even a step or two backwards as you learn this new way of being...
Just one foot in front of the other, slowly, slowly. If the way is
clear or if it is shrouded in fog, still can you walk forward, step by
step, always moving with faith and courage, always feeling the truth
within you in your center and streaming into your mind from your
higher self...
Make these connections. Consciously work on them. Pay deep and close
attention to what is going on within you and then gradually learn to
bring it through, learn to bend it to the way you wish to be. And how
is that? You wish to be full of love, for yourself and for life
itself, and then let that overflow into a deep connection and love of
others. And you wish to be full of peace, a deep peace which is
focused in now, this moment only. Without worries over the future.
Without regrets from the past. Just peace, right now, right here,
inside an acceptance and understanding of things just as they are, in
all their perfection. And you wish to be full of joy. And this joy
will flow naturally out of the love and peace, when you have driven
fear and doubt out of your mind and body...
Joy. Yes, joy. You can have this. You can awaken each day greeting the
dawn like a bird, singing away in the tree, glorying in each moment as
it unfolds. This is the life you will create....
You can do this. It does not matter if you have tried before and think
that you failed. It is a process, a process which will continue all of
your life. No matter how well you begin to walk, there will be a next
stage, a next way of being which is even higher than that. Stay
focused always on what is inside you. Pay attention. Know that you
create the external from the internal. And that the most important
thing you can do for yourself is learn to take dominion over yourself,
over your mind and your body. This is the only control which matters.
You cannot control the world outside. But if you learn to control the
world inside, you will begin to have great influence on the world
You have great creative forces inside you. And they will out. Your
personal expression wants to be seen and to shine out in the world.
But it begins with controlling the other forces which you have allowed
to dominate up until now...
Right now, own this. Right now, take full responsibility for what you
think and what you do. Take full responsibility for everything that
happens inside your world. Watch your thoughts and take responsibility
for them. Take responsibility for your actions. Take responsibility
for what you do to and with your body...
The past does not matter. All that matters is this moment right now.
And the future will flow out of this. What you think about right now,
helps create the future which is moving toward you, flowing out of
you. You are creating your future with your thoughts, with your
choices, with all that you are...
So get to know yourself. Get to know the creative organism you are.
Begin to create a mind and body inside yourself which reflects the
truth of what you are, the joyous truth, the loving truth, the
peaceful truth. Create yourself from the inside out....
Now KR and All One Family, isn't this the most powerful stuff to have and to hold?
I also want to thank Oprah and Eckhart once again for the creation of so many after thoughts a putting additionals spin on " A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose," book and ten week workshop. See them all on, for free!
Also I would also suggest you check out on, not only the Soul Series that Wayne Dwyer and others has been doing with Oprah on Monday well as Dr. Oz and Oprah special when they had Dr. Brian Weiss...Past Life Regression Therapist, M.D.
For all those skeptics that still believe that we only go around one time...oh well, you probably won't be interested and that is okay too...I believe that I have been here, many lifetimes...and remember quite a few and have been given confirmation of several other key I am a is just my nature, you know.
I also was sent an email to sign up for a telecommunicational class that had DreamHealer as the guest speaker...what a phenomenal one hour class...check out his website at
I have read two of his books, and loved them, and I also was given a CD of the healing visualizations and trust me...I love the CD and have had clients also a viewing them that wanted to come into healing balance.
I am sorry that more didn't get a chance to hear the conference call for it was astounding!
DreamHealer is also a college student, and currently is studying microbiology and has a rather left brained the clashing of medical with alternative medicine he knows is the future as well...this call was the all in all and I am hoping that Cheryl Richardson who stated that she was a taping it on her computer, has and will distribute it, for it was totally priceless...and because Adam is a healer...I could feel healing in areas of my body that I know haven't reached full strength and potential...quite interesting, not only did Adam's word strengthen me, his energy coming through the phone wires, did as well...just too priceless!
Thank you Cheryl for your gift of love to us all...
That is enough for this newsletter...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Thank you for signing up for the DreamHealer newsletter and updates.
Monthly Telegathering with Cheryl Richardson
Monday, June 23
9 PM-10 PM EST.
Join Cheryl and special guest, Adam Dreamhealer, a gifted distant energy healer and author of DreamHealer - His Name is Adam, DreamHealer2: Guide to Self Empowerment, and The Path of the DreamHealer, as they discuss Adam's healing techniques and his insight on the science behind healing.
For information on how to get the most out of a telegathering call and to learn the appropriate phone ettiquette, please e-mail
To join us, call 646-519-5883, pin code 2346#
Friday, June 20, 2008
Reaching Into Spirit, Body, Mind Dis-Ease States
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Life Is Simply Whole Vibrations
June 21, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear CG and All One Family:
CG: Thank you for your response email. Before I post it, I wanted to post something from Dr. OZ, that I grabbed off of Oprah's website. For all that haven't taken the journey over to her site, and don't catch her are missing an awful lot! If you can't catch the show, which I can't. Her website is the next best thing!
This caught posting is of Dr. OZ. CG you might be personally interested in it, for it talks about insulin resistance. It perhaps will be of interest to you being it addresses the condition of diabetes of which you know lots already, having walked those miles for several years.
Insulin Resistance and Disease
Original Air Date: June 17, 2008
Insulin resistance may be most closely associated with diabetes, but according to Dr. Jay Lombard and Peter Morgan Kash, it's also the culprit behind many of the diseases plaguing Americans, including heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's. Dr. Oz talks with Dr. Lombard and Peter, co-authors of Freedom from Disease, about the role of insulin in the body and how to keep insulin levels in check for good health.
Insulin is a hormone that helps the body use glucose, or blood sugar. When sugar intake is too high, Dr. Lombard says insulin and glucose levels get out of balance and glucose builds up in the blood, leading to insulin resistance and inflammation linked to various diseases. "Your entire metabolism is thrown off kilter. … Insulin resistance is not just diabetes—it's a multiconverging pathway for a multitude of disease processes," Dr. Lombard says.
Insulin resistance can be prevented and possibly reversed by eating a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing stress and getting regular exercise, Dr. Lombard and Peter say. The key is to control insulin levels and to keep the entire body healthy before medical intervention becomes necessary. "We're treating diseases at the end stages of disease as opposed to early stages of disease," Dr. Lombard says.
Related Resources
Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin by Peter Morgan Kash and Jay Lombard
Catch the audio or written taping of Dr. Oz's show at Don't stop there, travel to all the other wonderful areas of Mind, Spirit and Body is quite an educational adventure for those wanting to know lots more than they already do.
Now on to CG's email posting: June 17, 2008
"Tonie, being a diabetic with the usual diabetic health problems, the K-1 and the Quad 4 Harmonic Zapper has really made a difference for my legs, circulatory system, and my neurological system. For years my legs have been so weak that it is difficult to walk up and down stairs, to get up from chairs, or even get out of my car.
After using the K-1 along with the Quad 4 only four times has made a great difference in the strength of my legs. I felt a dull ache in my legs after using the K-1. It was not painful, but just enough discomfort to tell me that my legs are getting stronger. The color of my legs and feet has come back from a dull purplish color to a healthy pink color.
I have noticed that the feeling of my feet and toes have come back considerably. In just a couple of weeks, I am very ticklish on my toes. Considering I could not feel my feet or toes a couple of weeks ago, are amazing to me.
Also, the Quad 4 has reduced the nail fungus on my toenails, and has started to clear up. I could tell this by my toenails turning a white color that signifies that the fungus is dying, and my toenails are getting thinner. I think it will take about three to six months for my toenails to be clear of all nail fungus.
I am glad that we have been taking pictures of my feet and legs to monitor the improvement. It will be interesting and exciting to see the progress unfold in the coming months." C.G.
Again CG, thank you for this email. You left out that you have congested heart failure, as well as being into kidney failure and are on home dialysis and at the time of you beginning treatment with me, you faced the possibility of having both legs amputated at the knees, due to limited circulation from your diabetes condition.
I also believe that your current age is 52 years old and diabetes has been your constant bed fellow for over 20 plus years. I believe it was a couple of years ago that you had cataract surgery for both eyes as well.
So like myself, what ever God brings you that would help your condition further reverse itself, you are grateful for each and every improvement.
You and I have walked through your health research patterns for well over 15 years by has been a long a winding road. Many times you couldn't handle all the things that came out of my mouth for you simply didn't want to believe that the road back home was simply through learning forgiveness for those things that you couldn't see were later the best things to ever happen to you.
Life is simply about learning the lessons given us, so that they don't come back around like, "Ground Hog Day," (the movie) to slap our faces time after time after time. Can I get an Amen, fellow coconut head? Fellow means, I admit that I have my coconut head days as well, we all do if we choose to be honest about it...think about it...
Walking the path of total disability, is one that was offered me as well from my 17 year patient/client M.D. I chose it not for many reasons, because it meant that I had to allow the medical doctors to put me through all of their grueling tests and treatments and in the end, I would perhaps have been the worst for it, for when one is labeled, it sets their minds into a mind dive and instead of taking an alternative direction, they stick totally to the medical end of it...and unfortunately, they are great for treating the symptoms, yet not the cause...
Those of you present here that know me personally and had been privileged to have had my research continuation project given you, know that all I have ever wanted to do, was to be the best that I could be...with God's help that is...and thus be able to give my best to one and all.
To those of you present and reading my newsletter in its entirety and not just a skipping around here and there...haha, caught you! Know me well enough to know that I have always believed that there was a link up with illness and parasites that can inhabit the body. I have already posted that here on this another newsletter and I am sure it won't be my last posting on it.
When did this parasitic being the root cause of all illness begin? About 20 Years ago when I met this most phenomenal woman from Austria, the country. She had to have been in her 70's then and my base training Myomassologist Founder/Instructor, brought her from Bolder Colorado to a seminar that contained about 200 individuals in it.
What this little lady who stood about 4 feet tall, and weighed perhaps 50 lbs...maybe, and I remember her wearing shoes like the Amish do...What made her so phenomenal was not her looks, it was what she was a doing...she walked down all the rows and rows of persons a sitting down at convention style tables, and stood in front of each person and not only told them what was wrong with them, and what herbal formulas that they needed and how to take it.
This lady name was Hanna Kruger, and she has wrote many fabulous books...still in print.
Hanna not only read the person energetically and told them the herbs/minerals and additional needs, she also read the picture energetic energies of their families and pictures of pets and such...she was the bomb! I saw her twice and paid only $25 to see her plus the cost of the supplements as well.
They really weren't all that expensive and they were grown at her Chapel of Miracles in Bolder, Colorado...which still exist today, for her son has carried on since her passing.
What did she tell me that was wrong with me? She told me that I had bugs, lots of them and had I never heard of cleaning out the bugs, twice at least a year? I told her that my mom did us kids to a black doctor that told her to do some natural agents twice a of them was Castor oil...yuck! Even with the sugar that my mom would put on the tablespoon with was still a terrible naturally I wouldn't have copied something that was good for me, I would withdraw from the thought of it...makes sense right?
About ten years later, I ran into Ginny Irwin, who is also on my site, . Ginny also hailed from Bolder, Colorado and not only is she a master herbalist, she is also a master iridologist...which is a study of the eyes...and she has this machine that takes the pupil of ones eyes and magnifies it enormously so she can read the eyes more easier. Unfortunately, those days of reading the eyes are over for Ginny and now she only does consultation for herbal and nutritional phone or email...see her site on my site...
Ginny and I worked together and I took some of her wonderful training in herbology and Iridology...I never went forth and got my certificate in it...simply because I worked with Ginny at her herbal store, yet I didn't live in the same area and where I lived was strictly medical...and I would have been tar-feathered and taken by rails...away from the area of my residence. Ah, choices we make, you know?
Ginny actually when she read my eyes, told me that what Hanna Kruger had told me...was real. Ginny actually saw that I had at one time, held a large colonization of parasites...yet she also saw that I had had a massive healing cycle...and was successful in killing off the majority of them...Yet still need some assistance in that direction for everything holds, water, air...pets, other persons...
So to be gifted a Harmonic Quad, bug and metal detox a foot bath format...I feel so special...and the first person I thought of that could benefit the use of it...was you CG, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to see how functional it is for your needs and mine and all the others wanting to experience it...
I too like how it has made my feet feel...I do feel the influence of the vibrational energy that according to Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, "The Cures For All Cancers," it is supposed to be working on the possible parasitic link up to disease...and according to the book, "Guess Who Came To Dinner?" which states that there are over 5,000 different parasites that can host ones human body."
I found it amazing that you are wanting a unit yourself so bad, that you ordered Hulda's book from and now have constructed some of the devices from her book for your own go guy! Great way to show that you want to call back your body's health...Finally, I see a large spark in you...and I know that the K1 as well is a helping you, for exercise alone helps develop ones endorphins, which are natural pain opiates...
To be even more informed about the K1, all can do to my site... to see all the research that has gone into this FDA approved medical device which I would love to place in your home residence to see the continued results of its effect on those with near to none flexibility in your feet.
I was grateful that you took all the information to your holistic health-medical doctor who told you that he would write you a script for it, yet he doubted very much that Medicaid would allow it for you.
So again...alternative health isn't allowed to expand...for the K1 treatment is only of ten minutes a day...your chronic health condition could benefit from it, even more than the only two times a week...for as it stands, both treatments that you do, is over two hours in duration time...having your own K1 that you could get on daily would make lots more sense...yet we are seeing an improvement doing the research only twice a is what it is.
Now that I have your total attention CG. You still have a ways to go with forgiveness and acceptance...please go and listen to Eckhart and Oprah on her I promise you CG, you won't be the same. Look how big and large I am a dreaming...Yes, I am a shooting for the moon and perhaps if I catch just one star...I will still be happy for my life isn't about being famous, it is simply about what our former president, John F. Kennedy stated, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
My dreaming and visualizing into existence the research, teaching and healing a doing all for my country and the world...for I am truly a "Pay Forward",(the movie) kind of person...for all that we do, comes back multiplied and turned over...So if we do good, good will be our return end product. Maybe not in the beginning of the storm, yet at the conclusion of the stormy weather, the sun always shines through and sometimes you can catch the glimpse of a rainbow if you are very lucky.
I would love to be able to explore all the other devices that Hulda Clark offers up...yet the cost of them isn't in my already frail budget that is getting considerably smaller each week that passes...I have already told my landlord that I might be a giving up my home residence soon...the need for me in this area is a getting slimmer and I am being asked to go door to door and with gas prices and the time lost just isn't worth the effort...and I don't want to put that kind of stress and strain on my body that is also in recovery...three herniated discs in my neck...two torn medial meniscus...and a low back injury in 1981, that I have babied since then...
So to all of my friends and family, just keep me in your prayers...somehow God will help me ride this storm successfully, even if it only means that I am to move to grow...just a tossing it out there, not a whining, just a explaining...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Reach For Allowance/Clayton Anthony Herrington
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
It is What It Is:
My answers to the political questions of my kids and family, friends: Plus a retraction from an earlier posting on Clayton Anthony Herrington...and an update.
Dear Christy & Joey and All One Family Members...please forgive me my inaccurate reporting of Clayton's biological I originally stated that Clayton wasn't loved by his biological parents, when in essence he was, and not the story that I had gotten second hand...please forgive me, plus now knowing that Clayton's biological parents are also family members, makes this story even more beautiful...I know that Clayton with you and Joey a taking care of him plus all the other family members...Clayton will be one lucky little man...hope all is well with him, as I ask all of those receiving these emails to also keep him in their thoughts and prayers, especially since he is facing some additional abdominal surgery...and I heard how much the formula and diapers are a setting you all back...I pray that God helps you through all of the rough corriders ahead...thank you for being Clayton's bright and shining star...thanks Becky for awakening me to all of these details, even by accident...I still love you lots too, you little monkey...
Be Blessed
Aunt Tonie
Now on to my oldest son's email...
First of all, with the article of my oldest son/daughter in law...about it being true that Obama didn't salute the flag or hold his hand over his I know that is a tragic mistake to have been a making since it isn't all that soon since 911 and a time that we still haven't recovered as a country from...
So yes, that was a large mistake, especially since he is supposed to be convincing us of his great love for this country.
Yet, one he did come through and demonstrate his love for his country by doing it at other lets all agree that he can put his hand over his heart and recite the words to the Pledge of Allegiance...okay?
Remember, it isn't easy for anyone to walk through the world and never mess up...that is why God came through in Jesus to see for Himself, what He had created and realized that we all had a bit of coconut head in us...also understand that even though Obama was born in the United States...he really wasn't raised our custom it would only make sense, wouldn't be his primarily, since...a lot of American and American kids aren't a honoring that pledge as well, for I have seen this a happening more and more at public events...thus is it any wonder that this custom wouldn't be present within Obama's subconscious, like it is for those of us that eyes start to tear up at the Pledge of Allegiance...
Different strokes for different know? I believe that just Obama a wanting to help this country become a better place and a knowing that more than not will be a saying he is wrong rather than right...than that to me is love for this country...a country definitely divided...and I believe a country still racially divided as well...
Too many voices are a being heard to say that the Moses Code interpretation my oldest grand daughter told me that a teacher told the this is what I did...I went to Google search engine and punched in Obama, Moses Code Interpretation...and what I got was similar to what my grand daughter had stated...and this is what I left them on the site that i joined so i could do this...
Message from Tonie Wallace:
I first became acquainted with the Moses Code from Dunvelo Melchizedek book...It told all about the Moses Code and the ability to see all of our names written in The Bible.
So I went to Amazon and ordered the CD Rom...I paid for it and everything, yet it was never shipped to me and then I was told that the old version, had been pulled to make room for the new version...
So how does one know if the information that was posted here is from the old version or the new?
Were this methodology of utilizing the Moses Code device been that real...why haven't our government officials a using it, to help straighten out this failing economy?
Or to stop us from going into Iraq? A War that has been fought over in The Middle East, since Christ lived...
Just my thoughts on the Moses Code...
I just recently discovered that Obama and the Moses Code had been linked into discussion...this information came from my grand daughter who just passed the 8th grade...
Her teacher supposedly stated it to them and also told that Obama would be killed in office and Hillary would take his place...
I am a person from the old school of thought...that which you imagine you can create...I believe all is in God's hands...Trust, Faith and Belief...
Besides, if President Bush is already stating that after "We The People," put into office the democratic House, Senate and Congress, President Bush stated that he could no longer utilize his role as President, being all three divisions were basically a fighting his efforts...thus, what would make John McClain...have any better luck were we to vote him in...just think about all that I am a asking...
I didn't buy the new version....for I felt that being the old was a working perfectly well, what need was there for a newer version? Perhaps the old didn't work as good or did it work too good? Again, thoughts to consider...
Pray dear you have never prayed before...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
So once again I am in a neutral mode and putting all things on the table...I believe that the vitality that Obama refreshing, for it will take one dedicated to change to be able to weather the I think he is the all in all...not at this current time and place...for he has to put on the table for us all to see, the direction he will be a taking us or at least attempting to.
I have the entire government in my prayers, for I believe that only prayers will bring us through the terrible storm that wasn't only created in President Bush's watch...and all like myself could see that President Bush wasn't going to walk through no cool waters for he was a hot head...a wanting things his own way...
The proudest moments he gave me were recently...when he stated that he knew that he had acted in ways that indicated hard headiness, and that being his hands are tied as how to assist anymore with different policies and such being blocked by the democratic House, Senate and Congress...he would spend his remaining time in office a doing good for the country and world...
Now I say, let's give him a chance to put the cap back on our economy through learning how to negotiate better relationships with the world...sort of kind of leading the way kind of thing, you know?
Also, I want to also reiterate the fact that sometimes the old in us is greater than the new that can become flexible and see outside of the box...for the president that will lead the country out of this mess, has to be a spunky kind of person, a never giving up that which is right and good for the world, not only ourselves...
He will have to stand clear on all of the things that he is a planning to do for this country and that means doing his homework, for information such as what was on Rev. Williams video tape contained in past newsletters...were to be true...think of the ramifications? I would hate it for Rev. Williams to have put out there false testimonies...yet being the latest speech of President Bush...showed that he had error ed in the ways of handling the country in the past and was a wanting to change for the better...who knows for sure?
I am going into the voting booth after hearing all the things that McClain and Obama will be a giving us all over the next few months up to election time...and a weighing all the pros and cons and just before I pull the level for president and vice president of this country...I will pray, Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Your Sweet Son Jesus, Our Brother and Precious Holy Spirit, I pray that you place on my heart, who it is that will be president of this great mixed up country of ours...all this I ask in Jesus Christ name, Amen...and then I will pull the handle for who ever it is that I am be guided to vote for.
Afterwards, I will accept who ever it is that will become President...for it is in God's hands totally...anyways. And no, I am not calling the super delegate votes in the mix about being God...and a having more voice than the popular votes of the times.
What I am a believing is that lots of people all over the world are a praying that we get our acts together...and thus to the one that they call their Supreme Being of power, they are a taking all of us into their prayer were one to combine the efforts of those of us in the United States that believe in God...86% to be exact...prayers...oh my goodness...see what a great world we can bring into manifestation with just our country alone a praying for peace, financial stability, freedom and a stable government...dedicated to working with and for the people, instead against them...and not for themselves...that to me is a pretty hard number to follow up with...for the lure of greed in all directions, has taken many a visitors through the wrong door of awakening..."Tail Wagging Dog." -movie.
And sometimes that door opening is erasable and sometimes it isn't...lots hope and pray that what was given forth...isn't real...or do we have the candidates for president tell us if it is real or not...for shouldn't they know the truth?
Haven't they done their homework yet on it? I am sure that they have a better understanding of it being out there...for I didn't create it, I only sent it onward to all those that I love and care for...for if it is real, shouldn't we be a working on that problem and a deciding how we can stop the crash and burn effect that is given forward in it, that could possibly happen?
You know like the movie with the asteroid that was predicted to crash into the earth and bring earth to the poles reversing situation...prophecies by the Mayans, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus...etc., etc., etc., Native American Folk Lore as particular...In the movie, our country got all of the world's most intelligent and sat down with the problem...why hasn't the summit's been called on this one? I am just asking the question, not a venting, a only explaining and asking hard questions...for that is just who I am...
I wish everyone peace and I do pray that when the time comes around to voting day, the right candidate according to God's Will for us, will be in power and not slain while in power, for that is a terrible thing to do to our country and who ever finds that kind of behavior real...understand one thing..."what goes around, definitely comes around," I know from personal experience of myself and others close to me...and our country needs all the committed helpers we can get...too many like to sit on their tails and complain about the world, yet never take a moment in time and send into the policy deciders that we elected into office, our thoughts on anything...
So by chance we elected into office some self serving individuals that were caught asleep at the helm...of being the people they serve; watch tower...and we lost in the decision...I say to you all...please ask God to forgive you your transgressions...for I can only ask for my own to be forgiven...and know truly that I am forgiven...I can ask that "God forgive you for you knew not what you did," for that is Biblical, yet it is also up to you all, to get down on your hands and knees well..."two or more in prayer," kind of Biblical know?
Those are my thoughts this evening...I have had quite a productive day...I feel fantastic...not worried...only grateful that God, Mary, Jesus and Holy Spirit, know me better than I know myself...and grateful that I am not alone a walking through the world...know what I mean?
Life is good
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Tonie Wallace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
One more thing: This was on the Yahoo New Service Site: Today:
Many historians see little chance for McCain
David Paul Kuhn 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
One week into the general election, the polls show a dead heat. But many presidential scholars doubt that John McCain stands much of a chance, if any.
Historians belonging to both parties offered a litany of historical comparsons that give little hope to the Republican. Several saw Barack Obama’s prospects as the most promising for a Democrat since Roosevelt trounced Hoover in 1932.
“This should be an overwhelming Democratic victory,” said Allan Lichtman, an American University presidential historian who ran in a Maryland Democratic senatorial primary in 2006. Lichtman, whose forecasting model has correctly predicted the last six presidential popular vote winners, predicts that this year, “Republicans face what have always been insurmountable historical odds.” His system gives McCain a score on par with Jimmy Carter’s in 1980.
“McCain shouldn’t win it,” said presidential historian Joan Hoff, a professor at Montana State University and former president of the Center for the Study of the Presidency. She compared McCain’s prospects to those of Hubert Humphrey, whose 1968 loss to Richard Nixon resulted in large part from the unpopularity of sitting Democratic president Lyndon Johnson.
“It is one of the worst political environments for the party in power since World War II,” added Alan Abramowitz, a professor of public opinion and the presidency at Emory University. His forecasting model — which factors in gross domestic product, whether a party has completed two terms in the White House and net presidential approval rating — gives McCain about the same odds as Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and Carter in 1980 — both of whom were handily defeated in elections that returned the presidency to the previously out-of-power party. “It would be a pretty stunning upset if McCain won,” Abramowitz said.
What’s more, Republicans have held the presidency for all but 12 years since the South became solidly Republican in the realignment of 1968 — which is among the longest runs with one party dominating in American history. “These things go in cycles,” said presidential historian Robert Dallek, a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. “The public gets tired of one approach to politics. There is always a measure of optimism in this country, so they turn to the other party.”
That desire for change also tends to manifest itself at the end of a president’s second term. Only twice in the 20th century has a party won a third consecutive term in the White House, most recently in 1988, when George H.W. Bush replaced the term-limited Ronald Reagan, who was about twice as popular in the last year of his presidency as President George W. Bush is now.
But the biggest obstacle in McCain’s path may be running in the same party as the most unpopular president America has had since at least the advent of modern polling. Only Harry Truman and Nixon — both of whom were dogged by unpopular wars abroad and political scandals at home — have been nearly as unpopular in their last year in office, and both men’s parties lost the presidency in the following election.
Though the Democratic-controlled Congress is nearly as unpopular as the president, Lichtman says the Democrats’ 2006 midterm wins resemble the midterm congressional gains of the out-party in 1966 and 1974, which both preceded a retaking of the White House two years later.
One of the few bright spots historians noted is that the public generally does not view McCain as a traditional Republican. And, as Republicans frequently point out, McCain is not an incumbent.
“Open-seat elections are somewhat different, so the referendum aspect is somewhat muted,” said James Campbell, a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo who specializes in campaigns and elections.
“McCain would be in much better shape if Bush’s approval rating were at 45 to 50 percent,” Campbell continued. “But the history is that in-party candidates are not penalized or rewarded to the same degree as incumbents.”
Campbell still casts McCain as the underdog. But he said McCain might have more appeal to moderates than Obama if the electorate decides McCain is “center right” while Obama is “far left.” Democrats have been repeatedly undone when their nominee was viewed as too liberal, and even as polls show a rise in the number of self-identified Democrats, there has been no corresponding increase in the number of self-identified liberals.
Campbell also notes that McCain may benefit from the Democratic divisions that were on display in the primary, as Republicans did in 1968, when Democratic divisions over the war in Vietnam dogged Humphrey and helped hand Nixon victory.
Still, many historians remain extremely skeptical about McCain’s prospects. “I can’t think of an upset where the underdog faced quite the odds that McCain faces in this election,” said Sidney Milkis, a professor of presidential politics at the University of Virginia. Even "Truman didn’t face as difficult a political context as McCain.”
Again, I didn't write it...only pasted it here...
Love-Gratitude & Acknowledgement To My Dad
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Happy Father's Day God and Dad, Grandads And Everyone Gathered Here Today and in Celebration!
June 14, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
My biological father is in the heavenly spiritual realm...He left six months after my mother did...and it was a hard time for all, for we as well saw graduated a dear sister in law of ours...who went first and ahead of my mom, ten days later...two days after my birthday, September 15, thus the 17Th.
So when my dad left, our family was already heavily laden with the grief of losing such two closeness in our family of caring individuals.
I knew that my dad wanted to pass, along with my the actors in the movie..."The Notebook," did. He also told us all that if that couldn't happen, he wanted to leave before my mother did, for the thoughts of living in his world without her...was just too much for his already lonely heart...and all she was a doing was telling him of the beautiful lady in the garden, that is a asking her if she is ready to go Home?
As I watched him from a distance, I could see his health rapidly going down hill as his spirit ached for him to join my mom...My father made his graduation, Home, March 24Th, 2007...six months after my mom, September 17, 2006.
My father was strictly planted with the thoughts of going Home, and thus God gave him His blessing..."Ask and Yea Shall Receive," come alive.
For even though my father sometimes walked backwards in life, when he didn't know what was real or not...and was coming off strictly programming of his parents, peers, social world and such...and a time he didn't walk strictly for Our Lord, all that he knew was forgiven him, when he confessed his wrongs and stated that his will now was turned over to the Lord...and from that day forward...he took less and less steps backward and more forward than backward...
Thus my father left a very special legacy of being in the world standing straight up and no longer having a bend to our spine from years and years of having ones head stuck straight up their hiney, and checking on what condition, their condition is in and forgetting to look out into the world and a keeping a watch on our a world which is a changing right before our eyes...
My father couldn't have left his drunkard ways, along with my mother...if it hadn't been for God...a holding him tightly in His hands for almost 40 years...the days before my father asked for forgiveness, and walked without Him...were forgiven, once my father asked for forgiveness, and was told Biblically, that once is enough...and not to look back again on those days...provided one was sincere of intention, that is all that is necessary, and my father did an outstanding job, when he finally got going in life...To that moment in time, I celebrate the man he tried to be, instead of the one that once lived and called himself, a husband, and father of ten children.
I remember when I first sent my father the tape of movie; "The Notebook," at that time, my mother had just gotten over an episode quite similar to the Notebook leading mother had to hospitalized for she was going deeper into her dementia stages and was even becoming homicidal...drugs can do that, especially if not taken right or not given in the right doses for a woman that refused to drink water...for if one doesn't drink water, they can't help the body flush out the excessive drug accumulations in the body...results? Toxic overload, and followed by hospitalization...
I guess my father was just too tired to see his real world, unfold even more for about six months he just held onto the tape...and then one day he popped it into his DVD player...and that was the prompt to write his book...for in the movie, he did get to see the similarities to the leading characters and his life with my mom...for she too was of money, influence and power and marrying my dad, meant a lifetime of limitation...yet she took the run...and told me before dementia became her total mind set, "it was something that she will never forget and one if she had to do it all over again, would have chosen my dad..."
My mother made lots of sacrifices for my dad and never regretted it...and that too is how I have lived my world...all things on purpose, all things for a reason...not one, not one...
As all today take the time and reflect on the love story that one is a leaving their say that this one more reflects the life of 57 years, were they both here today...of my parents, is an honor and one that I will always cherish...for this is real love folks...I would be surprised if it didn't take all the awards...the year it came out...Now do you understand why an average acting guy won't be able to make me daddy set too high a table...thank you dad...for I have had enough of the average...I want the God Divine Inspired One, like you became later in your you lots Dad and always will...
I also love our Heavenly Father, Mother Mary, Jesus and Holy Spirit mostly and therefore today is also a celebration to Our Heavenly Father of which I will pray..."Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and our Precious Holy Spirit, I pray that you be with all the fathers today...touch their hearts and show them how much love you have for each of them, and hold them close as they start to see more and more how their thinking is a shaping up our world...
Guide Them Heavenly Father, through all of their trials and tribulations as they start to struggle to awaken, and please show them Father, how You would have them be in the world...that is a seemingly wanting to bring itself to a crashing halt, like the world/city of Atlantis. A time again where self centered, power and greed driven ideology ways were the norm...and "doing unto others, what you would have done unto yourself" not even considered, times.
Bless and Be with all Father as we move through these trying times in our us and lead us Father through it all...the way you would have us travel...awaken our presidential candidates and all power to the people grid workers- to the fact that it will no longer be a world, set on self appeasement for the wealthy and the will have to be a system of greater sharing and caring than what it is today...for I believe it is about the love and nothing else...for if one can't love another, what does that say about the one unable to do this? Love all, rather they are right or wrong...simply due to the fact that we are all children of One God.
Understanding on the same hand, that yes sometimes, we just don't have to like their ways at all times or follow their ways when we choose not to...and sometimes when I see individuals of great wealth and find them a giving to certain select groups and overlooking other groups of similar needs and lesser provisions than the more popular groups that has lots of benefactors...I wonder why? It is just my nature...
Again Father, I pray for all those I love and love me as well and for the world...all this I ask in Jesus/Your Name, Amen.
Blessed Be To All
Love, Light and Peace
Thank You Heavenly for the gift of watching The NoteBook...last was like having a visitation from my dad as I saw the last few years of his life with my mom...a kind of sort of...unfold and began a new day in Heaven...what a gift...Praise Be To God!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Rev. Williams, Oil Manipulation?
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Could These Thoughts of Oil Manipulation, Represent Our Demise?
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
All One Family:
This was perhaps one of the most thought provoking pieces of email that I have ever received...It makes me want to pray even more intently for our land...for yes, it also confirmed to me that a guy of the age of John McClain...just in reality might be too old to handle the deteriorating condition of our country...for it is going to take more than hard work, it is going to take the country and its most intelligent body of bring our country back front and center...
I know that lots of people that I have talked to about my thoughts on United States a becoming a third world country, fast, were met with laughter...
I also heard laughter about my dream of an attack on New York and the White House...(Pentagon, same thing, sort of) and was told basically two years prior to it, that it could never happen for no country would ever be that stupid as to come across the greatest country in the land...
So when I come across correspondence that back up my thoughts a being realized...that is nothing more than divine confirmation...
Especially in light, love and peace, it seems that more are trying to prove me either insane, too big of a dreamer, can't write, am not a very good business head, evil and God only knows what please, just let your heart and head rule as you listen to Rev Williams...then and only then, will you kind of need for an alternative health research center that has the medical doctors on site that can do the necessary follow ups with all being researched, especially the founding members and their families...
A research and teaching facility, unlike any other in the world...for here not only will the world be able to come and study here...we as well will be privileged to see what the world as well, has to offer us up in the way of getting the people back to basics...sound living for an unsound world...
Rev. Williams confirmed the need for such a center...just by commenting that we are fastly becoming a third world country...just due to oil and oil alone...
Please give it your attention...
May You All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
"L. email...Dear L.:
It is too bad that you didn't get the opportunity to listen to Rev. Williams...he makes lots of sense...It is a keeper...thanks for all that you you girl!
I can't open this, so wondering if I should share... Sorry if it's too
extreme or whatever.... My best oil man Christian friend from OK used to
tell me stories in the sixties in DC, and he has been proven right in
some things...tho he passed away and I can no longer ask his opinion,
If you have any interest in why things happen in the world and who makes them happen, this will be of interest to you. A Baptist minister speaks with first hand knowledge. Oil is merely the tool and the international bankers are the ones wielding that tool. All of this dovetails precisely with the information on the two DVD set entitled The Money Masters. I will loan these DVDs to those who may be interested. The presentation is so good that I tell folks that, if they pay attention, they should receive two college credits each in economics and history.
de oppresso liber (the American taxpayer),
Oil in the US
This is rather long, but I promise you it will shock and amaze you.Finally someone tells the truth about what is going on in this country and it's all about OIL.If you listen to every word to the end, most of your life long questions will be answered.I think that this man is risking his life by telling what he knows. This is Serious Stuff ....
Friday, June 13, 2008
Synchronistic Moments In Time with L.N.
Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Attitude of Gratitude Moment in Time
This is dedicated to L.N....I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all those postings that you have sent me...recently that have helped elevate me even stronger forward...perhaps you knew you were doing that for me...perhaps I know that you you lots for all that you do for us all...
June 13, 2008
These are just a few of your most recent postings...I needed each and everyone...I don't know if you know it or first church that lead me towards the ministry of spirituality...was the Unity Church of Warren, Michigan...the same one that Rev. Maryanne Williams, Minister, Writer.."Return To Love." Was a minister at...yet not at the time I was attending...Jack Boland was the minister...a true lovely giant of a Christian thank you again for those postings as is all a coming back to me...
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Today's Daily Word - Friday, June 6, 2008
I express the joy of living in what I think, say, and do.
Each day I set and fulfill my intention to express the joy of living
in my thoughts, words, and actions. I am conscious of God's presence
in every situation and each person I meet. I recognize and honor the
good in all.
By choosing to show up for the day with an expectation of joy, I
experience happiness and satisfaction. I bring joy to others by
allowing it to flow unimpeded from God's love within my heart. With
each expression of joy, my capacity for joy grows.
I appreciate the accomplishments of others and share in their happy
events. I am encouraging, positive, and expectant of good results.
With each experience of sharing, I bring joy to others and to myself.
"For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains
and the hills before you shall burst into song."-Isaiah 55:12
published by Unity Church
To: nevillequotes@ yahoogroups. com
The 11th [chapter] of Mark is true: "Whatsoever you desire, when you
pray believe that you have it, and you shall receive it." "And as you
stand praying if you have aught against your brother, forgive him,
that your Father may forgive you." But you cannot forgive until you
distinguish between the state, and the individual in the state. You
create for [him] that other state, where he is your friend, bring him
out of his former state, and embrace him. That is the opening the
Western Gate – and then something happens within you. So, who spoke
this? "The merciful Son of Heaven to those whose Western Gate was
open, but sleeping humanity heard him not and slumbered on." [Blake.]
I can speak and you may not hear. This diet may not appeal to you. It
is only a state which you are in at present, for you are still God, no
matter what, and you are still unblemished. But all will awaken, for
God plays all the parts. Therefore "disaster beyond redemption is
impossible." Let no one tell you [that you] are better than the
other. You may be in a more wonderful state than the other, but that
is all. Good and evil belong to the tree of knowledge. We are rising
up to [a] more expanding world as we awaken. You will step into
another world as real as this one, and yet behind you in this world
you [will] discover you have left a little garment – your body. All
things exist in Imagination, and it is one with the supreme imagining
that creates and sustains the universe.
Now, you take the diet you desire. If you are not yet interested in
embracing someone you think is your opponent, and all you want is to
transcend your present level, then live in the state that proves you
have done it. You may never, after it comes about, give credit to
your wonderful Imagination, for it happens so naturally that you will
think it would have happened anyway. You may discount that your
Imagination did it. But the day will come when you will want to
transcend just things, and you will want that which does not have
earthly value. You will see those with great possessions and know they
are actually only moments from the grave, but up to the last second
before they flicker out they are still only conscious [of]
possessions. But it is all right, for they too will awaken in time,
though they do not even know that there is someone who walks among
them who is awake. In the world beyond worlds you are completely awake
and not known because of possessions – because then you own the world.
For there you know that you and your Father are one, and he creates
all out of nothing. Whatever you desire to create you create, and you
do not need atoms to do it; forever those you create out of your
Lecture # 311 – Neville 09/25/1959
Neville Goddard
You are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and
grow and change. What is the perfect age? "Well, it's the age where I
finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free
to create, and it's the age that I am at my most beautiful." And we
say, by whose standards? In other words, who gets to decide the
perfect age? And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age
is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then
discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age.
Excerpted from a workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 10th, 2003
All Is Well
Daily Word - Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Divine Order
I contribute to the divine order inherent in every situation.
My happiness and fulfillment in life are not dependent on having
things my way or forcing others to see things as I do. Releasing any
thought about needing to be in control, I cooperate with the divine
order that underlies every situation.
Surrendering all to God, I open myself to a pure wisdom that inspires
understanding regardless of the circumstance. With a deeper
discernment of the spiritual realm beyond the world of appearances, I
know that divine order is present.
My choices are framed with greater clarity as my awareness of divine
order continues to expand. Selective in the thoughts I hold, the words
I speak, and the actions I take, I contribute to the order of the world.
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of
partiality or hypocrisy."- James 3:17
"The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; the world and all
that is in it-you have founded them."-Psalm 89:11
published and created through Unity Church
__Learning To Decide
Virginia was thirty-eight years old when her asthma became
unbearable. She had lived with it most of her life, but now finally
it had reached the point where she scarcely was free of it for even
a few moments of the day. Anything set her to wheezing, even the
slightest emotional stress. She had taken pills, "shots," tried
diets, moved from one corner of the country to the other, but still
she continued to wheeze. At last she reached the point where she was
both physically and mentally exhausted. She entered a sanitarium in
an effort to regain her strength. There she settled into a state of
complete apathy, refused to communicate with others, seemed decided
not to disturb herself in any way. Her symptoms disappeared, of
course, because they had been caused by emotional disturbance and
Virginia now had suppressed her emotions completely. Eventually she
was discharged and sent home, but her family was horrified at the
change in her.
Her husband said, "Frankly, I'd a million times rather have her with
asthma. At least she often was gay and charming and always a warm
human being. Now she walks around like a zombie."
It was quite a problem to restore Virginia to life. By an act of
will she had almost anesthetized herself completely. She not only
had become incapable of feeling things emotionally, but physically
she evidenced much the same anesthesia. She had an extremely high
pain threshold, being insensitive to pinpricks over much of her
body. She was completely involuted. The ego had turned in on itself
by an act of will, and the rest of the world no longer existed for
her. She had suffered, no doubt about it, but not enough for the ego
to die. Rather it had magnified itself, grown inward in its
isolation, until at last, in its little microcosm, it had become an
entire universe.
Little by little Virginia was led back to life. One day she was
persuaded to umpire a ball game between the youngsters of the
neighborhood. Much persuasion was necessary, but eventually Virginia
took the field. Though she once had been an accomplished player
herself, for the first two innings Virginia obviously was confused.
Each time the pitcher threw the ball she stared at home plate with
visible effort. She was being forced to make a decision! After what
seemed minutes she would call a ball or strike. Her voice always
ended on a questioning note. In the third inning the team that
had been behind managed to get runners on all bases, and their
leading hitter came to bat. He hit a sharp grounder to left field,
and it rolled beyond the fielder. The three base runners scored, and
the hitter decided to stretch his triple to a home run. Meantime the
left fielder had retrieved the ball, and he threw it toward home
plate. The ball and the runner arrived at the same time. Everyone
was on his feet immediately. The runner was safe! He was out! It
depended on which side you were on. It was up to Virginia to call
the play.
Thirty faces stared at her, each in the grip of his own emotions,
each daring her to call against him. She could not possibly satisfy
more than half the people. She blanched, seemed to quaver for a
moment. Then in the summer sun, with the dust yet floating on the
warm air, she announced, "You're out!"
Shouts of approval and disapproval were equal. Those who stood to
lose by Virginia's decision surrounded her in a moment, shouted at
her, glared at her, seemed to hate her, demanded that she retract,
tell the truth, not lie. Then something happened. A change seemed to
come over Virginia. She straightened, seemed more poised, more
resolute, possessed of greater powers. She did not answer. She
turned and walked back to her position behind the pitcher's mound.
Those watching her sensed immediately the finality of her decision.
They retired to the sidelines.
It was only a small thing perhaps, a game between children that
occupied two hours of a Saturday afternoon, but it changed
Virginia's life. In those two hours she discovered herself,
discovered she could decide, could refuse to retreat, and she
learned that her decision could change the world. Today she is a
happy, integrated, vital person, all because she learned the power
of decision.
The Secret of Secrets:
Your Key to Subconscious Power
by New Thought Author U.S. Andersen
posted on SSConnection@ yahoogroups. com
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