Saturday, June 7, 2008

Part 2 - Gratitude For Prayers

Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.

Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director

Dear All One Family:

When One is primarily fear Based Thinking: That person in my estimation has taken a permanent residence in the house/world of fear. Most all things become part of that mind set...So instead of seeing hope as an option, one generally believes that ones ship is a sinking and nothing is going to stop that movement forward in time.

I choose simply to put all of my worries of tomorrow into God's hands. Thus I have more than enough hope to float my boat and I have been doing that exactly with God's help.

It wasn't until I watched the lecture workshop that Eckhart and Oprah gifted us together for ten weeks, that I finally spread my wings and took flight.

Spreading My Wings and Taking Flight

That drop off point,(mind shift) wasn't an accident and it wasn't a mistake. I have finally learned that I needed to allow that small portion of my brain, that states that anytime I am rejected or denied something that doesn't conform to another's imaginings as being real, I don't have to allow myself to feel the pain and discomfort of their rejection due to our differences of belief.

To do so is simply the adding of unnecessary drama to ones life. If I want drama, all I have to do to converse with my clients...for were their minds and body connected...the need for therapy would be very minimal...wouldn't you assume?

Life is all about choices we make. All can fall down and bemoan the situation and call themselves a victim, yet one that is trying to end the drama in their lives really need to do that...for all I want to establish is the fact; that each of us have our own opinions about what is real or not about what others think/say about us...For no one can make us feel bad, unless we give them the permission to do so...if that makes sense at all.

A Fear Based Thinker

I believe if allowed to state as such;
is one that graduates to the level of fear energetic balance point that frightens them so much that they will turn away from good, simply because they believe that they might fall/fail simply by seeing as is stated in Revelations..."In "End Times, that which is good, will be called bad."

Anytime anything is a happening that is good for the soul essence spirit, they call it a bad moment in time(perhaps the nature of the time/space continuium that we are in)...that probably doesn't make a lot of sense to some here, and I am sorry that it doesn't for you...just entertain the feasibility of that probability...that is all I have ever asked..."take what you need and do please leave the rest." kind of thing.

I have allowed all others their choices of beingness on the planet...yet, I still am a doing it wrong in the opinions of a few...that doesn't feel so good right now, yet that is alright...I too must learn how to live among the opinions of others, even when they are a aimed at me... Dear Heavenly Father in the name of Your sweet son and our brother Jesus and precious Holy Spirit, I ask that you forgive them for they know not what they do, and forgive me as well for anything that I might have done to ever give them the opinions/actions that they carry of the world that is not correct. All of this I ask in Christ's name, Amen.

Dear CFW:
To those that know me, know that I am elated for your response letter, for it has given me even further evidence of my need to clear up the confusion...and celebrate, for you are generally small in words and for you to feel the need to reach out to save me, I am grateful...and for no other reason, at least I have gotten your full attention...and no dear kindred sister, daughter...I am not angry or upset for anger and getting upset, upsets the one a carrying the dark emotions...hardly ever the one that attempted to send them along...also, who ever one holds emotions over, that person controls rather than give my power away...I would just rather try to discover the reasons for this not being an accident time...

Thus remember please, that I love you no matter how you think about me.

I remember little one of the time when you and your boyfriend then, now long term husband... church elders, turned you both away and called you both "publicans", simply due to a picture that was taken of the two of you a smiling into each others eyes..

Your church elders ruled that you were heathens and needed to be labeled as publicans before the entire church group.

Publican...Old Testament verse...meaning member/s found to be basically the dirt beneath the feet of the church members. Remember my horror as you told me that meant that no one in the church could look upon you and must turn their backs on you when you pass in their public presence?

I refused to stand with those kind of Christians that were supposed to follow the instructions of the church, and thus I made it a point to be seen out with you...Now, in your estimation I have since joining Oprah/Obama and Eckhart found unworthy in your eyes, simply because after years of absence from that church that even your children and your ex husband attended...and were ordered to turn away from you both along with the rest of the church body...I knew and accepted you both, just the way that you are...yet that is me...Obviously your church means a lot to you...You and I have only 15-16 years of knowing each other.

"Judge not least thee be judged."
Again, let me reinterate, your church elders are not the God that created us all...for only He in my belief system, has that power, yet I could be wrong...for I live primarily out of the New Testament...for that was the reason Jesus leave us that...B. I. B. L. E...Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

Did you notice my tone of dismay when I discovered that you had returned to the church that judged you and your boyfriend/husband so severely...and is it any wonder that you would judge me so that only held your best interest at my heart/mind, if that isn't fear based duplication of actions...I don't know what is.

Yet that is your journey to forever land...I can only call my own real...and yet I really do thank you for the opportunity CFW...for without your questions, and thought reflections...I couldn't see clearly my own mission plan as it is a good thing.

Please also remember CFW, on top of being fundamentalist religion trained...I also held the Baptism of The Catholic my honor and praise of Mother Mary is pretty great in me...especially when I attended two of her monthly appearances in Conger's Georgia...and smelled roses both times...too cool...and took pictures of the sun during the time of her scheduled arrival...12 noon...and saw pictures in the sun...with a Polaroid camera...just as stated by all those that shared their 12 Noon pictures...and talks about all of their trips to Congers, Ga. Some had large albums filled with the pictures of the sun at 12 noon...the 13th of each month...many books have come out of those visits of Mother Mary...they all talk about the coming chaotic times and the need to stay into prayer, unceasingly...

I still have somewhere, those my putting Mother Mary in the mix and all that we should be grateful with the plan and purpose of her life mission...that began at the age of 13 and at a time in our land when 13 and pregnant...without a husband, was a, no...just imagine all that she must of went through to bring forth the Savior...

Being a sensitive, on top of heightened hearing, visual sights and sounds...I also have extra sensitive smell. Both times I smelled roses and none were present...and what did Mother Mary channel during those two Mother Mary Pilmages? The message most explicitly was to continue constant prayer and that is basically what I am a doing when I am not a dreaming my dream and answering the questions of those that find my dream and myself, not acceptable or acceptable...

A explaining myself and like my memory cells go back to the concept that Eckhart tried to express in his book, "A New Earth, Awakening To Your Life's Purpose." where a monk took in a child that was a needing assistance and later was falsely accused of doing unnatural acts to the child and unacceptable to his mission... A man of God that felt that to explain his position on all things unnecessary for God would handle all the points of judgement dished out upon him, for all things swept under the rug would resurface one day and he would be vindicated...of which, this monk did become vindicated...yet at what a cost? With that conclusion being totally drafted up by the one a judging the whole...the monk.

I also have the bad habit of allowing lots more to spill from my mouth, than is sociably acceptable...for many are the outcome of grand parents/ depression days, kind of thinking. Which is all things are about survival and less talk...yet I say, how can we change the world if we are afraid to talk?

Did you capture the email about Bill Moyer and him a telling all that if they want to change the world, they need to state to the world, that is what they as well are a wanting...a change in being in the world...

What I would like also to see on Barack Obama's running ticket is Ron Paul...for that is the kind of person that we are a needing to help put this sagging...economy and yesterday thinking kind of representation in play mode action...the two could balance each other out...where one can't see all that clearer, perhaps the other can...both are visionaries...

If it is true that the big business of oil gains and profits, kept the Eco fuel cars away...than shame, shame shame, everyone will one day know your names...take it to the bank...these are the times like stated in Revelation that all things sweeped under the rug would resurface and all shouldn't be surprised...sort of like a karma balancing gig..."what goes around, comes around." Or what I like to imagine as "Ground Hog Day," the movie.

We continue to live each day, just like the one previous, until we get it that we are the creators of this life drama...and God is our Leading Man!

To love Mother God, is to love our planet...and can't you see clearly that to show my love for Mo the God, our planet...that God gave us and we have basically destroyed...that perhaps by keeping her ever in our sight...we won't forget how much "global warming warnings" we have already been call me a sentimentalist...and stop trying to find fault with me...for if I was the most evil thing to have ever come into your life...why is it that you always hugged me and thanked me for helping you and your loved ones? Just a throwing that one out are too far gone into your judge another moment in time...thing.

Just my thoughts at the moment dear kindred sister in Christ...yes, this one hurt...and I am not sorry for allowing you the moment to slam and dunk me...perhaps I just needed another wake up call to show more conclusively that this area needs me not...not complaining or a whining, just a waking up to other possibilities...being all things happen for a Divine reason when one surrenders their life completely to God like I told you years ago that I now...I am the is okay for I still love you and I forgive you for judging me so harshly...I thank you again for allowing me to clear the air a bit...

For I was concerned that I had lost your faith in me...when I got your last email about Oprah and all the crucifying statements that were dangling particles that held only substance to those that didn't catch it in its entirety. (Oprah's workshop with Eckhart).

For those that didn't catch it, it was absolutely magical...what a gift they and all that participated in its production, are to the world...I am so awed by her and Eckhart...and no I didn't jump on her email when you sent it to me...for I was a hoping that you had caught my dangling participles...and now I realize that perhaps you hadn't read in its entirety, in what the heck I am a trying to do for Planet Earth...

Perhaps if you had weighed the weight of my thoughts, versus jumping on the band wagon that I had fallen into sin and sin filled ways...these postings wouldn't have been necessary...yet perhaps they were necessary never less...understand dear one that I still hold you in high value... for everyone is entitled to their opinion rather based on church teachings or God instructions... "Judge not, least thee be judged." Just my thoughts, as always, take what you need and do please leave the rest.

I now feel strong enough to move forward from this another sign that my time spent living where I am here was in spite of being valuable, almost over...another door closing...

Dear one, to lose your closeness wouldn't hurt all that much monetarily, for our relationship gave to me not all that much in monetary gifting value. Our friendship was based on my doing more of the gifting than ever yourself...perhaps you don't see it as such...and I am sad to report that I do...I could be wrong, you know? ...just a observation...rather real or just makes sense to me, for I have always heard that if one doesn't hold themselves to a high value point, most people will judge that lower costing commodity to not be all that special...Yet unlike a copy of a divine designed copy, I was not the knock off design...I was the original...again refer to Revelations, "In End Times, good will be called bad." It is all simply a sign of the times...don't get hung up in my venting, for I am not really,..only an explaining.

There Are Many People That Will Tell You What You Want To Hear, I Tell Everyone What They Need To Hear, and there in lies the difference...

I am different, so different that at times, I don't even believe that all that tell me that they love and care for me, really have ever seen the large picture containted within myself...

What I see contained in myself is something like I...Cinderella...Alice In Wonderland, and the Wizard of Oz...kind of thing. Truthfully, all won't believe it until I get there...kind of and friends are truly the hardest coconuts that one will ever soften...strangers will give you more of their time and day than those closest to you...And I believe that is part of the divine plan as well, for if your family and friends supported you, there wouldn't be a struggle, now would there?

Now I am a wondering if that struggle thing is real or not...for life shouldn't be a struggle...that is why God gave us The New Testament to replace The Old Testament...we needed a change for the change from fear based living to free choice was a grand thing gifted us from Jesus...and what He went through for us all...

I kind of feel that churches that don't recognize this in Jesus mission are kind of missing the point, yet again...what do I know? And also consider, are you willing to take a chance that I could be wrong, especially with 2012 a fastly approaching and no it is nothing like the Y2K kind of thing, for I never heard the Y2K prophezied to be a happening until the computer wizard kids, said, "hey the computers could a shut down, causing a global shut down, even of the planes that flew in the sky...being no one thought ahead to make sure that the program would continue on and not stop at the 2000 time period and not go beyond it into 2000...

Yet again, many churches decide to stay at the Old Testament period and just visit The New Testament period and I say, hey, this along with the other 10,000 Dead Sea Scrolls that should have been included in the Bible...and weren't, only stored...until the 1950's, when they were discovered and many books have already come out of the translations and many more translations are yet to for anyone to call their reality all there is and not even cover The New Testament, well enough...or any of the Dead Sea Scroll books...well, I am glad that you believe such as you do...will I miss you in my life?...most definitely...

Also, I would also like to mention another dangling piece of myself; I am glad that I don't choose friends lightly...for the loss of close friends has been the hardest thing ever; imagine not feeling getting kicked when I feel that I should have been supported...yet what do I know anyways...Right? Different strokes for different folks, you know?

Wrong, I do know one thing for sure...what goes around, comes yes, I do recommend that before one throws out a judgement call, they need to make sure that they have all of the facts...and aren't only a jumping on a few statements flung casually, because that is what kind of person I am, a very casual individual...can my feathers become riffled? Can yours? Of course we can...especially when so many of my feathers are being allowed to become riffled...for somehow I felt that I was more important than what anyone here, ever tried to make me feel...and I knew that one day the light at the end of the tunnel would arrive and no more would there be struggle or worry about this or that or this one a stopping their treatments with me and a causing me even more financial hardship, all because I didn't own up to it all being about them and only what they felt about all yes, I know that God loves me and is moving me exactly where I am supposed to be heading and I feel that time is near...I am not talking about dying...I am talking about the dream visioned research center a going into place...

Like I told all before..."when I would be making my leave is when God has shown me that my time here was over...and it is time to move to my next location." If I am not being supported verbally, emotionally or physically than obviously that is a sign that the end of my stay is near...just like the movie, "Chocolate."

Her magic was no longer a needed and God was a moving her onward...

Those are my thoughts right now...
I believe I am at the end of this train of least I pray that I am...for it is rather energy draining to imagine that one that I always supported, now feels that I should be spanked by God...not a happy thought...yet I will get through it...I promise...for God and life is good...

All Be Blessed Everyone
Love, Light and Peace

So I am not all that were one of the last to make their thoughts public...I thank you for your honesty and please don't take what I wrote to mean that I loved you no more...each and everyone are entitled to their own way of being in the world...I only know full well this perception because I am a vibrational medicine health care provider..."that what you fear, comes at you greater." Albert Einstein.

So rather than keep myself worried that the sky is falling and God is coming soon being He has to be pissed...I am simply relaxing into my life, one moment at a you choose to spend these next years a going through the changes, is your own directive...may you find yourself, exactly where you believe yourself to go and arrive.

I love you all still...

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

Rather you want to buy into that or not...those are my truths...and I know yours as well, dear kindred sister, CFW...and I understand completely everything that you are a trying to tell me and because I do...don't you see that at least for the moment in time, this we did share that enough or not?

How many years do we wander backward in time CFW? Perhaps 15 or more?

Perhaps again all that I have wrote already to you in both postings isn't the case at all with you ...If that is true, than I can only pray that the mirror that you hold to herself; Dear Heavenly Lord, will be changed and a new vision will show her the realities of her thinking base... for what I have discovered in my 24 years of research based work of energetic balancing is this...we are what we think we put it ever so simply...and what we see in others, we see in ourselves or how else could we ever make a constructive criticism about it...think about it.

Those are my last lecture thoughts up to this point in my continued response to you CFW...I think I have moved past the storm of feeling bad for not being as righteous as bag, tomorrow I will feel better...I promise All One Family.

Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace

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