Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Email From Renessa, Canada:
"yes, my friend, it is time to unsubscribe from your mailing list, I am as full of my own stuff as you are with yours. I shared with you my thoughts on the subject. I have now come see plants as each mirroring some aspects of all those who have come to live on air, the plants produce as well as the food on the table, shade over head while the sweet scents of success are a flower at our feet.
It certainly is not my way to push things through or ask others for help. . . Life has made it abundantly clear that I am only to chronicle and share the aspects of my story which will serve the cosmos to the highest good.
holy moly what a ruckus on the board. . . John's on now. . first he's looked at it since opening it up"
Dear Renessa and all one family:www.harmonicconcordance.com as well
I am not quite sure of why you would be a wanting me to delete your name from my email list... what are your grounds Renessa? That I don't have the time to serve your needs or what? I am a bit confused so please clarify this reason for my firing and thus my deleting your name off of my email listing.
Was I fired because I was found too busy to respond to your immediate needs... I can hardly respond to my own...catch my fluttering butterflies? My whole aim and intention in life is developing the research/teaching/healing holistic health center prototype that the world will want a copy similar to it...
Renessa, simply due to the fact that I am a member of so many expansive mind web sites...what reference are you a making to the one called John...are you talking about the harmonic concordance site of Jan & Johnny? Are you talking about the posting that Cor sent to Johnny a demanding that Morlokk be thrown off the site, simply because he didn't want the group to be a harbour for the dark thinkers...
My thoughts on the controversy?
In all groups you are going to find thinkers and believers of all things...what is being argued over in the group, is simply the differing of different belief systems a coming to a head...who is right and who is wrong...
I myself have butted heads with the best of you...and I know better than anyone how hard it is to be the one looking in and never feeling ever accepted...some did and some didn't and that is al right in my books...those that found me lacking in fact, were driven to look deeper within themselves to find that which makes sense to them...so in the whole of things...it was all good.
I love Morlokk, yet not his beliefs...and those that believe that darkness is the only way, that too is their choice...we are living in the free zone now folks...would I want to party down with those not of the same vibration as myself? If so, for only a short while, for the energy of God that I draw down to do the work He sent me to do, tends to become easily exhausted in the company of those exhausted all of the time, simply because they don't know how to draw it down to not only help themselves, yet that of the world...one person at a time...
So even though I love Morlokk for who he is...I don't accept for myself, that which he calls to be his reality energizer... My thoughts will always be: Father-Mother God, Son and Holy Spirit and all the Hierarchy Angels of God, from which we all originated from that group. Yet it is alright that Morlokk holds his beliefs...as long as his beliefs don't include harming any others...for what you give out, comes back ten times in what ever direction one has decided to cast out the first stone...justified or not...
I also believe that all have the ability to change in the blink of an eye...no one knows when it will happen...most of the time, I have found it happening after some life changing event...For me, it was three near death car crashes...and it was those seconds within the minutes that were the longest...everything went into slow motion, so I would have time to think about what was important to me at the moment...and would I survive the obstacle of awakening, so that I could finish my mission here...
I have already written about all three, I believe right on h.c. website, as well, as my own hard drive- I believe that I gave about three years of dedication time there......and like I told Kyle...when he asked me for the copies that I held on my hard drive of those early days of us all a trying to get it together and move forward in time a helping mankind in the mix...that I only saved that which my stuff contained, being the majority of the family members were in favor of me not including them and their stuff in the mesh...for all they were doing was a having fun...and too bad for me that I was a writing a book...and believing I was a making a difference.
Thinking about on those frontier days of our website...
Numerous times I have been asked to leave by various members, to leave the site, for I was found not acceptable...others that were savior types, hurried up and tried to keep me a staying tight with you all...yet what was the purpose or reason? Few found validity in what I wrote...and most just put me in my place, until, I felt coming home more and more difficult...perhaps too, God just got me busy enough that the pangs of all the gang at www.harmonicconcordance.com absence in my life, didn't sting so bad...
You know...anytime anyone one calls it the only way, other ways will always try to show you a different way...and sometimes that is a good thing...and sometimes not so good...that my dear ones is called...what goes around, comes around...sometimes that which you are a fighting for...doesn't make a lick of sense, yet to the beholder of the dream illusion, all the sense in the world... Isn't that more like capitalism at play...you can't belong unless you are this or that?
Is not that the very reason at we have unrest in the world? All a believing themselves to be right and doing things to show that they are the only right ones...like killing, stealing, maiming, holding back...casting out before giving another look...
My motto, if one wants to capture the show...they must perform the show as if the world is a watching...What Would Jesus Do with Morlokk, simply due to his lack of belief in God? Think about it.
How do any of you in the group that is a protesting and taking sides...that Morlokk is really taking into consideration all that you all are showing him to be is good? One becomes more of a believer from actions/versus ill set words...and yes, in the past, Morlokk and I did bump heads as well...yet that was before Eckhart Tolle and Oprah's "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose," shot me a badly needed whirl wind of creative insights... check it out on oprah.com@oprah.com...you won't be sorry...
Also, I would like for you to entertain...
What if Morlokk is an alien? What if his god is one from a different galazy than our own...and one that has forgotten the true Creator and the story left us, lost to his planet of origination...
What if all of his blirps, and dashes...actually mean something and you could catch the milky stars of dreams by trying to interpret it...you know Renessa...The blirp from The Daily Guru...was all about dreaming the impossible...and it caused you to want to drop me...I am definitely confused...so be sure to not only send this along to our family website...yet also take the time to drop me a little ditty about the impact it had the group...
I will allow you to share this insight with them..being you have been sending me emails for quite a long time since I left the group...
I might check in...with the group and I might not...for I still saw lots of egos a hammering away at each other...
Perhaps that was too harsh of a critical eye...for I did learn lots from one and all...look in my guest book and see what I wrote about how much the group helped me...and I will always be beholding to one and all...even those that rattled my chain the hardest...I guess I must of needed it...or it wouldn't have happened...for all things happen for a reason, for sure!
Be Blessed One and All
Love, Light and Peace
If you are serious about my a deleting you from my email...so be it Renessa...it is your journey and if you don't care to see how my ends up...well, I guess I just have to accept that it is what it is...
What I do for Morlokk, I do for all...for we are all in this journey together and it is better to become associated with that which can't stand your guts, for they make the best of teachers in how not to be in the world...Simply because that which you hold straight out in front of you, is your reality show come true...
If one simply wants the learning lessons of life to keep coming at them, all they have to do is to set up the conditions that will produce it...time after time after time...until one learns the lesson of "do unto others that which you would have done unto you."
Just my thoughts, take what you need and do please leave the rest as usual...
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