Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Calling That Which Resonants; Real
July 23, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
I believe that with this posting, I will just post some of the neatest postings I have received recently...enjoy them, for like everything else that is a happening synchronicity wise, these postings...are right up there with nothing but the top of the line. Thank you Tom, Deborah and Aseem...God Bless All.
Love and fear are the only emotions we as human entities are able to
express. All the others are just sub-categorical emotions. For
example, on love's side there is joy, peacefulness, happiness,
forgiveness, and a host of others. On the other hand, fear reflects:
hate, depression, guilt, inadequacy, discontentment, prejudice, anger,
attack, and so on.
Love and fear can not coexist. Where one is, the other can't be also.
The one will leave immediately, should the other enter its presence.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are experiencing great
joy, and are suddenly overtaken by fear, the joy is gone!
But it works the other way too: If you are terrorized, frightened, or
otherwise threatened in any way, all you need to do is turn to the
love within, and the fear disappears.
Learning to make the active choice to love and not fear in every
situation is the way to find inner peace in this world. Yes, I said
choice! We all choose what we wish to see in every situation, at every
moment. Most of the time we choose based on what we learned in the
past. It is what we were taught by our parents, teachers, peers,
doctors, employers, etc. and what we were brought up to believe we
should do.
We act on laws that we made to control our behavior and that of others
so that we may live in an orderly society. When someone gets "out of
order" they may be disliked, fined, incarcerated or killed. Sometimes,
entire countries get "out of order" and our answer is to declare war
on them. These are all things that are done out of FEAR. We fear that,
if someone is out of control, that is, not following the rules we set
up for them to follow, they are a threat to us, and we fear they will
harm us in some way. So we react to our fear by attacking them first.
That is the way of this world. The law of the jungle so to speak; eat
or be eaten; kill or be killed. That is the way of fear!
The way of LOVE is quite the opposite. It makes no rules, no laws, for
they are not needed! If everyone lived God's law; the law of love,
no other laws would be needed.
Laws that protect our bodies would not be needed because we would not
wish to harm another. Property would not be in jeopardy because we
would not wish to deprive another. We would not use drugs because
our love for our selves would prevent self-destruction. We would not
drive recklessly, or at excessive speeds or under the influence
because we might hurt some one or our selves. We would not sue any
one, or lie or cheat or deprive or take advantage of them.
A world without fear would not need lawyers, courts, police, or jails,
because every one would trust and care for one another. Prices would
not go up, work would be done right by service oriented businesses,
foods would not have harmful ingredients, workers would not be
exploited, etc. But that is not the way of a world built on fear!
We as individual entities, sharing one God mind can make a world of
love. We can do this by keeping connected to our Source, which in fact
we are, but need to open our awareness to it. Love is LIGHT. Fear is
DARKNESS. When you turn on a light, darkness is no more. There is not
a trace of it left! There is not even a hint of darkness
ever having been there!
God is LOVE. Love is light. We are all children of God, therefore, in
truth, we are only LOVE. When we act out of fear, we are turning out
the light, denying our truth, and entering into the darkness. We leave
our love behind and attempt to be something we are not. We attempt to
be apart from our Source; apart from God.
Let us try again this day. Let us tune in to LOVE; to peace, joy, and
I'm pleased to announce the release of my new book, "The Manuscript:
Awakening Into Oneness."
You can see more here:
BornToManifest. com
(you may need to copy & paste & remove any spaces)
Peace, love, and light all-ways,
-Tom Murasso
Thank you Tom, delightful as ever. Thank you as well for all that you do for mankind as well. Tom was it you that sent me the link for Steve Jones, Hypnosis tapes? I truly feel blessed that I was lead to him. I have almost 40 of them now and to tell you the truth, getting to listen to them all...isn't easy especially with my time constraints.
Yet they are all wonderful in their own ways...all sort of helping dissolve the broken parts of ourselves...real cool stuff.
Tom you have sent out so many different avenues of wellness to us all on your Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, blog, that it is now hard to seperate who sent me what...yet if it is you that the credit goes to, please take a bow for all of my clients love them while they are on the BioMat Vibrational Medicine Healing Mat...high tech stuff to the nineth degree! Good luck on your book sales as well Tom.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Now on to Deborah from Pivot In Joy blog...
Thank you for this edition as well...all need to experience the power of their God given ability to manifest ones dreams. I feel a special message in this one for me and I am grateful. Thank you dear one...good luck on your book sales!
Dreams Experiences Are Real And Can Change Your Life
When discussing the possibilities of your dream world, it is important
to understand the saying "as above, so below" is very real. When you
undertake nightly journeys into higher realms, your energetic
vibration changes in ways that will soon bring the essence of your
dream experiences into the experience of your conscious, waking world.
The same is true in reverse. Conscious dreams into higher realms
change the tone and essence of nightly dreams. All these journeys are
best undertaken with full conscious knowing of their "realness" and
implications. All explorations in consciousness -- dreams and
otherwise -- are real and will change your life in ways that can't
often be anticipated.
Another consideration is the way in which the nightly dream world
mirrors your conscious, waking world. Dreams are one way you are able
to decipher and decode the meaning of events in your waking world, and
receive inner guidance about them. Your guides and higher self will
always respond to the efforts you make in your waking life to work
with your dreams. The effort you make in your waking world to remember
and interpret your nightly dreams determines the degree to which
decoding takes place within your dreams. At the same time, any
conscious attempt to grow spiritually will expand the range of travel
itineraries available to you in your nightly journeys.
From Deborah's book, Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for
Healing and Transformation
And thank you as well Aseem for your addition of "Mirrors. Thank you as well Aseem for all that you do for the planet, again.
All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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