Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
A Coming To Terms With My Own Spiritual Base
Minister to Minister
July 23, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
This is a letter that I wrote to another Ordained Spiritualist Minister in response to her enclosed letter.
Perhaps you will find something within it that might answer some questions you were a having about me and how I think. Enjoy.
July 22, 2008
Dear Rev.Karen:
Thank you for answering my email so quickly!
Yes, from your correspondence contents; I can see that your precious spiritual instruction work might not be what I am a searching for.
I am definitely in a different perspective of perception of what Life Eternal and present is all about than yourself.
Now like you stated, sort of kind of; we are all on different journeys simply due to our different perspectives of what is real or not.
Our Major difference is that I say that Jesus was God in incognito, so that He could realize what His experiment brought forth, close up and personal.
So to me, He is Savior.
Thus the New Testament is highly relevant in my world.
To me it is simply, yet profoundly..."Basic Instructions Before Leaving Planet Earth."
It is a book about history written 50 years after Jesus resurrected. The writers of it number more than 10,000. "Dead Sea Scrolls." (I know an exhibit of them is now being shown in Raleigh at the Science Museum)
The author’s books that were accepted by the Roman Catholic Church Board of that time, and the rest were placed in a cave in The Dead Sea area.
The small and personal ministry that I have had going in combination with my vibrational medicine practice is one of acceptance of all, no matter what their religious affiliations thoughts and practices are.
I can still keep my foundational base, yet allow all others their own as well, without judgment or criticism.
In my ordinational training, that is what an Ordained Spiritual Minister does...accept all, yet keeping ones own foundational base in check.
The New Testament to me was my guide book through life as I already mentioned. Not only does it contain lots of history as seen through the filters of those that were given inspiration from God to write the stories of those times as a guide book and kind of historical remembrance thing...for all future generations( plus 2,000 years) that were to pick it up...perhaps one day.
It is also a love story about Jesus and how His and Our Father would have us be in the world.
The New Testament has also opened my eyes up to those attributes of personality clichés/glitches that He would us perfect in this life time.
Those personality clichés/glitches are faith, trust, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, joy, peace, understanding,gratitude, generosity, kindness, harmony, gratitude, sympathy, acceptance, balance and Magical Living.
And all that is needed to truly receive a good life is...
"Faith the size of a mustard seed and one can move mountains in their life."
Also when Jesus was about to be slain, tortured and beaten so that we could all become more like Him..."free choices and all." He told us all that He would leave His Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide. Now that is out of The New Testament.
Jesus also told us that what miracles He performed (such as the rising up of the dead, healing the sick, turning water into wine and many more miracles too numerous to mention,) we could all do if we only had faith, trust and belief...
How to do all of these magical feats is found in the Book of Corinthians, Baptism of The Holy Spirit and the asking for all of these healing attributes/gifts.
Of which I received when I was 24 years old and about to go unknowingly into a divorce and becoming a single parent of 2 children...So another miracle occurred...when I received the gift of tongues, healing, prophecy. Of which many of these gifts I had received at birth and thus my gifts were kind of re-enhanced and made more power filled yet.
So yes, I can see where some places we are opposite...and you might find me crazy or silly...yet, that is alright, you first of all wouldn't be the first by any means, nor perhaps the last. I am what I am and that is all I am...yet neither one of us is right or wrong, only different and if the world could understand that one little thought impression...wow the changes that could occur...know what I mean?
All perhaps don't remember that the pilgrims came to America to fight for religious freedom...and the battle in Our Holy Lands, have been a going on before and since Jesus making His Ascension.
All because Jesus couldn't get all to see that His Way was Heaven's Way Home...thus lots got stuck with The Old Testament which was a written record of what God demanded from us all...It wasn't until He came and saw for Himself through Jesus, that He realized our imperfections...and thus gave us eternal forgiveness ability through confusing our sins and cleaning up our intention of "doing unto others that which we would have done unto ourselves."
Anytime that I have ever gone to a church that liked to throw in heaping amounts of Old Testament stuff...I am left kind of fear filled and the God that I worship is a loving, forgiving and wonderful dear and loving Father to us all.
And because I live my life trying to "do unto others what I would have done unto myself," I am a kind of different being than most that also call themselves a Christian, for trust me...I am what most would call a mild unstructured Christian, for I don't have the fear energy of God punishing me over my head, heart and spirit...and that reason I don't is because I am a Spiritual Minister, I mainly work from the invisible to most side; of the world.
A.K.A., Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Vibrational Medicine, and Bodywork Therapist.
I have been a Reiki Master since 1994 and have several Reiki Masters that I have personally initiated. I am also trained in LaHo Chi Healing Energy work that is similar to Reiki...Order of Archangel Michael Healing Energy Work, Order of Melchizedek, Quantum Touch Worker, along with being a Body-worker, teacher, and instructor for over 24 years and seeing over 7,000 persons professionally.
So again, please allow me to state:
Those I have found that find me needing lots of prayers because of the way that I believe, so that I will be saved, have never received the baptism of The Holy Spirit and their thoughts of me, prove it. Yet that is okay as well. It is almost like saying to themselves, if I concentrate on another's failings, I won't have to concentrate on myself, or my own...judgments and criticisms/failings that others may have of me."
For just look at all the different Christian denominations that we have in America alone...what are the chances that everyone that we meet or socialize with, is going to think exactly like ourselves..what are the chances?
I discovered the other day on the world news that I watch on Sunday nights, that in Iraq while Hussein was in office, that he had a couple Christian Moslem's.
After the bombing of Iraq started all of the Christian Moslem's were targeting for extinction and those that were fortunate to escape, were exiled to other lands for safety reasons...
I didn't know that there was such a thing as a Christian Moslem, other than here in the United States...sees, I don't have all the answers as well...still a student of life...hahahehehe...
Still believing that if all put down The Old Testament and gravitated to The New Testament, a new and better world would be upon us, instead of the world that seems to be outlined in the Old Way of being...which was of conquest, battle, revenge, and fear...and some other good things as well...oh well, just call me the same as yourself...opinionated and not afraid to express it...
Besides we all can use prayers right? So that is the positive of everyone that chooses to fly judgment and criticism calls towards me. It is all good, you know? For prayers are worth as you, more than gold.
I also like already the style of counseling that I have been doing since 1994...and because I allow God to be my captain...it is quite interesting and never the same from research client/congregational member...and you are absolutely right...one should always allow God to lead them every step of the way. I do that as well, as you can already tell.
Yet because Karen, I believe that we all carry informational tidbits for all those that come into our viewing space, for a moment, an hour, a day, week, year, years or life time...I also believe that no one on the planet has all the total answers...and being a research being that I am, I am always a trying to gather as much information as I possibly can fill myself up with; so that I can always continue being all that I can be...
I found it quite interesting that your website came a popping up so quickly in the Goggle search engines. It was the very first one and I didn't put a location city or state to it...I do believe that our computers have a mind of their own...
Believing that there are no accidents in life...I decided to confirm what I had already been told...just to be on the safe side. For the way that our law base is set up, "ignorance is no excuse for the law."
So thanks for all that you are a doing for the planet...and thank you for trying to assist me on my journey towards getting my head, heart and spirit straight with God. You are a jewel in our land and I will definitely pass on the Jewish based Ministry training program of yours onto my Jewish, friends.
Be Blessed dear sister in God's Light and workaday world.
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
--- On Tue, 7/22/08, rev.karen@juno.com
From: rev.karen@juno.com
Subject: Re: via POL: After the training course, the next step
To: toniecw@gmail.com
Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 1:30 PM
Dear Tonie,
I don't know if you had contacted me because I am physically located somewhere near where you live, but if that is the criteria and you are interested in pursuing POL courses, I would love to work with you. The courses are designed to be non-denominational and to promote self healing by going within and doing meditation and soul searching.
As for beginning a Ministerial practice, I rely heavily on the Old Testament (having never read the New Testament) and Kabbalah. I serve a community of people that are widely dispersed through out the US and the World with many of my clients residing in Israel. I mostly do life coaching and counseling with the occasional wedding, baby naming / "christening" and of course, I train new Ministers in the POL principals of there being many Paths, yet we are all going towards the same place. Having a BA in Psychology along with my Ordained Ministerial Counseling Certification, I don't even have an EIN or worry about such things.
After looking over your website, I am not sure that I am the Minister for you. I am Jewish through and through. As a Pathways of Light Minister I believe in the healing power of letting go of Separation between ourselves, others, and G*d. But our basic beliefs and principals (yours and mine) are very different, and I would go on to say in some areas, opposed. I am not sure that you would be comfortable with me as I am not one to hold back when it comes to expressing my opinions. Perhaps there is someone else on the POL website who would be better qualified to work with you from your own personal perspective.
As far as advice on how to go about setting up a practice, attracting clients, etc., the only advice I can give is the advice I follow myself. Give it to G*d and accept his will. We have our plans and G*d has his plan, and our only path to finding true happiness is by aligning ourselves with G*d's plan. Meditate on that and ask that G*d reveal to you what steps you need to take to work his plan. Ask that the path be shown to you so straight forward and simple that you cannot miss the sign markers along the way. It works for me, and I am sure that it will work for you as well.
I hope that I have been able to give you some sage advice and perhaps to answer your questions. Please feel free to email me back if you should desire. I am forever in His Service.
Love and light,
Rev. Karen
-- "tonie wallace"
Dear Rev. Karen
This doesn’t relate to your courses, this relates to myself. I am an Ordained Spiritualist Minister. I received my ordination in 1994 and basically didn’t perform any funerals or weddings or put together my own church...I utilized it mainly for the consultation work that I did with my clients in my healing bodywork sessions.
My question is this:
Now that I want to move further, what is the procedure in getting registered other than the federal EIN number?
That is how far I have gotten.
I do find your course subjects other than the ministry training courses to be rather interesting and hope to one day meet you and par take of them.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
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