Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Accepting What Is
July 4, 2008
Dearest All Family:
This newsletter I am dedicating to God for my extreme gratitude for being on the planet at this time of my and our planet's evolvement.
Today is perhaps one of my most favorite holiday's there is, except Christmas and Easter...of course.
I love what our country stands for. I love being free and wish everyone all over the world could see what I have seen throughout my almost 57 years since having been born an American!
I am so proud of all of our military personnel, past, present and future. This is a great land and yes we do have our problems, yet I believe that these problems can be solved by those that truly love and care about this country like I do, for remember; I too wanted to enlist in the Air Forces and I too came from an outstanding military family...father, brothers, son, uncles, cousins, neices & nephews...past and current...
I also took and passed the entrance exam for the Air Force shortly after graduating from high school and was having trouble with the physical part of it, being I weighed five pounds too much.
A weight my caring non military friends, took it upon themselves to encourage me to eat and retain the extra poundage as they told me of the horrors I might discover in this new world of the military that had just recently opened it to females.
So rather I made a bad choice by listening to my friends at that time, I felt well meaning friends; one will never know...yet that doesn't stop me from shedding tears as I watch all of the fire works a blasting through the air...and as I look out at all the different colors of the "Rainbow," a sky rocketing all around, I reflect on all the brave men and women who throughout our country history, gave their lives so valiantly so that we could remain a free nation....I thank God for you all, and I pray for your loved ones that also gave up lots in each and every one's passing.
In America, we are a nation of mixed heritages, cultures...a.k.a...colors of the rainbow.
Thank you brave soldiers and family members, each and everyone for all of your sacrifices for this land that I love.
I am proud for all of your efforts...
May all be blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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