Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
When Everlasting Love Seems a Million Miles From Reach
July 09, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
See the rest of my newsletters at: http://tonie-wallaceblogspot.com
www.onlinetoniewallace.com -Newletters
Dear K.R. & B. T. and All One Family:
It has been my discovery from walking this life journey of my own, that sometimes the ability to give love to another, isn't possible when one doesn't feel love for themselves.
You both are very special to me. Each for obvious reasons that I won't release here in my newsletter.
I know as well that the angels sang in Heaven the day you both arrived here. How your lives went assunder after your arrival on the planet, I believe has to do with the life mission that you both accepted before leaving Heaven.
You both as you know chose the parents that you did, to help fulfill that life mission you accepted from Our Heavenly Father.
Thus from the choices that you made in your parental decisions, came the life lessons that you were to be lead towards, in order to balance out the life lessons of past lives that you didn't fair all that well previously.
When you look out over the role modeling of those of significant influences in your life, ask yourself this one key question and when you do, you will understand the signficance difference between a following in the programmed world of yesterday's influences in that large computer brain of yours, that formulates this thing as your mind filter of perceptions that you choose as real or not.
That key question is this:
From the things that you hold as relevant in your life as being real, did the role models that you role patterned and accepted as being all that in that, did their way work well for them and did it make them happy? If not? Then perhaps maybe, just maybe, that is why your world currently isn't a working well...just think about it, okay?
As I told you both over the phone, I have been doing treatment sessions with various types of hypnosis brain entrainments...These programs that I am a sending you today in overnight mail...helps with repatterning the brains cognitive subconsciousness...were you both to offer these sessions up to Our Heavenly Father for assistance as well...I believe you would have a win win situation...yet on their own...they as well work for all those that believe that Our Heavenly Father wouldn't want any of us, lost unto our own selves...For we are His children and He loves us dearly...
I believe the best way for these tapes to work is for you to use a set of head phones with them...
Also, because I am not God; I don't know how your life story with each other will go...I do see you both as being very happy were you both to choose it together...yet because I know that lots of people can be happy were they to just choose it as such...some never do...these Steve Jones ominiliminial tapes are a step in the right direction...try them out to see if I am right or wrong...
I love you both and do wish you all the blessings in Heaven.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Ps. I suggested to B.T., that he allow himself to relax at K.R. house with a set of head phones on while listening 1/2 hour to them, while K.R. massages his neck and shoulders, arms and hands...to help further relax B.T., tighten muscles, and the next time...roles could be switched.
Perhaps following, a short time of open conversation could follow...and I feel this would also help the child that you both were given together by God, deal with the seperation and perhaps life that you will never share again together, deal with it by seeing that you still care enough about each other, to try to help each other travel a different path...even if it isn't together you will be a doing it.
Those are just my thoughts...
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