Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
In Memory of My Mother
August 04, 2008
Dear All One Family:
This is a response posting to one of web posting family members. I am not really sure why I reached out to her this evening...perhaps in memory of my mom...for her birthday was yesterday and yes...I still miss her alot.
Yet I know that where she is along with my dad and sister in law and all the other family and friends that have journeyed on before me...the place where they all are is wonderful and magnificent and that is what I have to hang on to and also understand...that I too must continue to do and be my best so that I can one day see them all again...
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Dearest Sharon and all one world family members:
This is quite an interesting posting to us all. At least to me it is, for we all are different and we all have different viewings of that which we see, hear, feel, smell, think, react and have our being in the world, as you too have perhaps already surmised as well.
In my 24 years of professional practice as a vibrational body worker, I have become acquainted with persons that one aspirin ( I am included in that statement) taken over a three day period, would cause bruising of our skin.
So we all have sensitivities and react differently to different food substances and medicines.
The combining of different ingredients is where therein lies the difference. I am on no medications for anything and when someone has a headache or a fever, I generally have to decide if the aspirins in my cupboard is fresh enough to be taken by them safely for I don't take aspirins.
Not to say that I don't ever get headaches, I do from time to time. Yet because I know the points to press on others to release the energetic flow a going to their brains" it is quite easy to release them in myself as well.
For all of us living in the real world of reality has those pain in the head and neck, other parts of our body, moments. Especially when we don't accept the world as it is a coming at us.
Living In The Moment of Time, and my understanding/believing that each of us are given a set amount in which to serve out our missions here; has helped me immensely deal with the passing of my parents, and other loved ones.
At the time that my mother passed, (2 days after my birthday, September 17, 2006) and my dear and preciously close sister in law, ten days prior. I was taking 12 mg. of melatonin and 50 mg. of Benedryl, just in order to sleep.
I had been doing this for about 5 years and suffered no ill effect, as was determined by my physcian who had been a monitoring my self medicating measure.
He was a doing this because I was on no pain pills, no antidepression pills, no heart meds...nothing, yet I was in recovery from a serious car accident that left me with 3 herniated discs in my neck and one confirmed by a M.R.I. on my right knee, of a torn medial meniscus, with the left one determined by range of motion exercises performed by a leading orthopedic surgeon's, P.A. as being in worst shape than the confirmed right knee...
Just one of those body dis-easement would have sent the least pain sensitive person on pain pills. I can't take them for they make me weak, tired and unable to work and work I had to do all these years, being I have been divorced for now over 15 years and live alone.
So the natural way back to health is the only way I could have handled my recovery program. I truthfully believe that melatonin is a wonderful product. Yet for some I realize that it might not be as effective as on others like myself.
Just understand as well, the mechanism of producing the serotonin in our brains that it does. I sufferred a concusion that my doc stated was missed because it wasn't large enough in compacity to show a highly visible change in the brain's structure, so for me; I believed my brain needed it to overcome the damage that was created to various nerve centers in it...the impact blow was on the left side of the head, and somehow the ability to hold memories of numbers and time, have seemed the most difficult to overcome, yet it is getting better for me as time moves along.
So I am a counting my experience as a plus...for those of us that have sufferred not only physical yet emotional and mental obstacles in our life that's true person was to awaken us more fully...sometimes this melatonin supplementation is a plus and not a negative.
Especially if one works indoors rather than outdoors, than the naturally supplementation of the sun is missing...and needs to be supplemented. I work indoors and visit outdoors, not all that often...
Also being a sensitive since a young child, the hearing/seeing/feeling of things to come, or pertinent past moments in time...is common for me.
When my sister in law, mother, dad passed; all within a six months frame of time...being able to sleep with so much of their conversation with me a going on in my head...I thank God that I had my melatonin in which to escape their visits for a while to just get some sleep.
I wouldn't have necessarily liked the idea of having a date that one will pass...I just like to look at each person that passes my way, as well as myself and understand that each of us have a contract ended date...and living in the peace of the moment that life is good and that no matter what comes at us, it is all good.
Lots of people that I know, live as if they are a waiting for the next shoe to drop. I don't have time for that valuable time expenditure, for life to me is simply; "It is what it is."
I have a close family member that told me that when she took 3mg. of melatonin...one tablet it made her more aggressive. I truthfully don't believe it as being true, for she was always a very aggessive personality to begin with.
She didnt change until she experienced a near death experience and realize that life is really a short time here and so much of it she missed from trying to climb the corporate ladder so aggressively...that she missed the very moment in time she was a standing upon...true story!
I had two profound near death moments and I know this feeling quite well myself and yes, it does tend to change one's attitude about life...
I don't know why I am a writing all of this to you...Usually I just hang back and let things just ride on by...this time I felt the need to reach out to you...for I sense your sadness and fear about the invisible divine side of ourselves and I pray that somehow this has comforted you somewhat.
August 03, is my mother's birthday and I do miss her so! Yet almost nightly my mom, dad and sister in law come to visit me...and when I don't give them time to correspond briefly with me...the church parking lot across the street. (fairly new church) parking lot lights signal to me that they are near me. Too cool to understand.
One more thing that I would like to mention...I have a discomfort with sleeping in the darkness...for like the Medium Show on TV...that is when my ghostly visitations would always occur as a child...it wasn't until I became an awakened adult that I grew to understand that I am control of who and what I allow to visit me...and there in made all the difference in the world to me...just a knowing that God was in charge and watching over me like He does with the sparrows and such...
And that whatever He leads us towards, He will lead us away from it as well...
Thank you for allowing me this moment in time...for those that aren't aware of muscle testing...muscle testing can tell one if in combination with everything else that they are a taking and are on...alcohol/food and such...will interfere/ or assist with their body's functioning or not.
Perhaps finding a naturpathic physcian might be a grand move for all those a wondering if this or that supplementation is good for ones own body or not...just my thoughts. All can do with their life what ever it is that they choose to be their truths.
Be Blessed
You Are Not Alone
Love, Light and Peace
Rev. Tonie Wallace
Spirtual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Subject: [In_Joy] Mind-blowing Personal Synchronicity
Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 2:49 PM
I'm being blown away with a synchronicity that is just this minute being
re-membered. It was triggered by replying to a friend about a post she'd
sent on the importance of melatonin (chemical produced in the brain during
the darkness of sleep...it's counterpart is seratonin, the chemical produced
in the brain during the light of day (sun). I've been teaching my five year old
granddaughter, Lila, about this for the last couple of years, explaining why
it's important to sleep in darkness. Here's what would like to be shared.
In the spring of 1996, I awoke from a dream after having taken a dose of
melatonin, for the first and last time. Upon awakening, I 'heard'..."soul
number expires July 8th"...there was no year or name given. Just to
be on the safe side, I treaded lightly that year and many other years on
that date. For the past few years, I haven't given the date in the dream a
As I was typing the reply to my friend's post about melatonin, the dream
about the date, July 8th, returned to my consciousness like a comet.
July 8, 2008 is the date my mother died, 12 years to the day of the date
in the dream.
Sending love,
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Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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