Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Ti's Better To Give Than Receive"
August 03, 2008
Dear All One Family:
This posting came to me today and I just wanted to share its contents with you all.
I realize that not all a reading it will understand its full impact on their world at this given point in time and that is alright too.
For me, it told alot especially in light of the fact that the other day a close and personal friend/client of mine, told me that she thought that by my mentioning that I was a having financial difficulties and absolutely didn't know what tomorrow would bring me, and rather than patronize another establishment, and pay out money to another business, plus the 2 hour drive time to get there; why not just purchase the unit she was a wanting to do more research on so that I could gain from the usage of it in my practice as well?" To me that made more sense. Yet my true devout Christian found it appalling for me to do such a thing.
I told her that I disagreed for in the Bible it states, "that which you do for the lowest of my children, you do for Me."
I also told her that the lady in discussion gives large sums of money away to other foundations she is wanting to support, why not myself? What to her made me less than all of the others that her and her family supported in the past?
I also told her that all of my minister clients/friends, I never charge them a cent simply due to the fact that they were all a doing the same as myself, a trying to help all find their way back to God/Home.
Saying such, would that not make me someone that is trying to support another's highest good for their life, did not that make me a valuable endeavor to her?
And if not for the spiritual support, how about the work that I did in trying to help her find her way back to balance and harmony, structurally, physically and mentally?
So I guess the story goes, just because one doesn't find another all that worthy to be assisted, doesn't mean that they are right or the other wrong...It is just their perception at the time.
One doesn't ever know what will show up from the bushes that they shake, until they shake it...
Anyways, that is my story and I am a sticking to it.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Enjoy this posting. I couldn't agree more! Many that know me personally, know that I am a giver, rather than a receiver. When I ask for help, know that it is a serious thing and I am only a explaining, instead of a complaining, yet all can take it anyway they want to, for this is America, the land of the free and the brave, we all can believe any which a way...only check from time to time to see if the only way is a working for you. God Bless us all.
Quantum Mind Power Newsletter
Issue No. 3
The"Manifesting Money From Thin Air"
Wealth Attraction Tool No.3:
Tithing your way to riches
Song Chengxiang
Copyright @ 2008
I am going to talk about another wealth
attraction tool that I have used over the years
to magically multiply my own wealth. As I said
before, wealth attraction is not something that
you can achieve overnight, if there were such
techniques that would allow you to do that, those
techniques would be best avoided. After all, what
you want is a way of life, a way to experience
abundance in your life in an easy and effortless
What I am trying to do is to help you form a
series of habits that guarantee you to be rich.
And whatever I suggest you do, I have already
proven is working in my life. So do your work,
form these habits, you will soon see an abundance
of wealth manifest in your life. I have received
lots of positive feedback and thank you notes
since I published the first two wealth attraction
tools. People are already making incredible
progress with these techniques. They are working,
but only when you use them.
As you read the title of this section, you
probably have already guessed what I am going to
talk about. Yes, this is a topic that has been
taught over the centuries. Those who applied it
in the correct way have made fortunes and lived
an abundant life.
Yes, there is a correct way to apply the
technique of tithing, and there is a wrong way.
Unfortunately, most people are doing it the wrong
way, and wonder why they don't see any results,
and most of them stopped tithing with
If you have tried, but did not make it work,
don't feel disappointed. I am going to show you
exactly how to make it work magically for you.
And if you have already made it work, I am going
to tell you how to make it 10 times more
effective. Sound exciting? I am serious, if you
do exactly what I tell you to do, this is going
to make your life so much better and make you so
much happier, and certainly your wealth is going
to multiply fast!
First thing I want you to understand is the flow
of energy. If the modern scientists are correct
(they are probably very close to the real truth),
then this physical world is nothing but energy
vibrating at different frequencies. Everything is
energy, fire is energy, water is energy, your
body is energy, even the stone is energy, and
certainly money is also energy.
And energy flows. If you want to have the energy
of money to flow to you, you must make yourself a
channel that allows the energy to flow. Imagine
yourself being a channel, your must have an inlet
and an outlet. Most people focus on the inlet,
but forget that without an outlet, the energy
will not flow. If the energy of money came to
your channel, but could not find an outlet that
it can flow through, then it will rather choose
another channel that has an outlet.
Does that make sense? Well, all you need to
understand is that money is energy, you must keep
it flowing. That's one reason that you should not
be negative about spending your money. Spending
your money is one of the ways you can open the
flow. And a better way to open the flow is
tithing your money. When you give away your money
to others, you open a channel for more money to
flow to you. Remember energy always flows.
Then how much should you give? Remember the power
of ten that I mentioned in the Wealth Attraction
tool No.1? There is a magic power of increase
embedded in this number, make really good use of
this magic number to grow your wealth. Most of
the books on this topic suggest you to tithe 10%.
And this is also what I recommend you to do. It
might be hard for you if I suggest you to tithe
10% of all your savings, and then start by
tithing 10% of your monthly earnings. When you
start seeing the benefits, you will want to tithe
10% of everything you own. ?
You might say that you cannot afford to tithe
because you are in deep debt. Well, I say you
cannot afford not to tithe. If you keep doing
what you have always been doing, you will keep
getting what you're always getting. If you are in
a situation of debt, I want you to read the
following conversation I had with a reader
The reader told me that she has been paying for a
debt for 3 years, and recently she became
unemployed, her spouse had to pay the debt on her
behalf. And she asked me for advice to get out of
the debt. Here is what I replied to her:
"...what you need is a shift of focus. Ask
yourself: You have been focusing on getting out
of the debt for so long, has your situation got
any better? If not, why should you keep doing
what is not working? If it does not help to focus
on the debt, change your focus, then everything
will change. Focus on something that you can do
to make more money, focus on something that you
already have and make it grow. What you focus on
will expand, it is your choice to choose focusing
on debt or focusing on the little one penny in
your pocket. There is a world of difference in
this simple decision. Focus on what you have, and
be grateful for it, the universe will give you
more. The little penny will grow with your proper
intention and focused attention.
Ideas and opportunities will appear when you make
this little shift. And remember to express your
gratitude when they do show up."
That is also what I want you to consider if you
are in similar situation. Focus on what you have
and be grateful for it. And one way to express
your gratitude is to give away 10% of that you
have. If you earn $1,000 this month, give away
$100, if you earn $100, give away $10. The value
does not count so much, what counts is a shift of
mindset that allows more money to flow to you.
If you withhold the money, you will probably stay
where you are. But once you start giving,
everything will change. I am speaking from my own
experience, I have been practicing tithing for
years, and I have been seeing how my money grows
with tithing. And every time I give, I am 100%
confident that the money will come back to me
multiplied. Please, make this a priority for you,
start this month, tithe 10% of what you earn, you
will be surprised how the money will come back to
you in the most unexpected ways.
The next question is where you should tithe. If
you read any books on this topic, they will
suggest you to tithe to places where you receive
spiritual help and inspiration. Well, this is
good. If you believe what is taught in your
church or monastery is helping people change
their lives for the better, then give your money
to the church or monastery. This is good. Another
place you want to give your money is the people
that you think need your money the most. This
will give you a sense of confidence that your
money has been put into good use. And you won't
regret the tithing. When I first started tithing,
I gave my money to a charity based in the US
Dedicated to helping hungry children in Africa
and other parts of the world. I felt great every
time I donated my money. I knew that the money
was going to help many children in parts of the
world that are not so well-developed, and I also
knew that the money will come back to me
On 12 of May, 2008, an earthquake measuring 8.0
on the Richter scale hit Sichuan province in
China. Tens of thousands people died in the
earthquake, and tens of millions people were
affected. This is one of the biggest disasters
that has happened in the past 30 years in China.
I knew that these people needed help, and they
needed continuous help over the next 5 to 10
years to rebuild their homes. Since then, I had
begun to donate my money to the earthquake relief
each and every month. If you like, I hope you can
help these people too by tithing your money to
them. You are not only helping these people, you
are also helping yourself to grow your own
wealth. If you want to help, you can check out
the Chinese Embassy or Red Cross Society in your
country. If you are in America, this is the Red
Cross Donation page for the Sichuan earthquake.
You can also donate through China Red Cross
Society. Here is their English website:
Ok, now you understand you should tithe at least
10% of your incom\e, and you also know where you
could donate your money to. The next part is what
confuses most people.
Should I tithe without a string attached, or
should I tithe with an expectation for a return?
Well, you should do both. You should tithe
without a string attached, and at the same time
expect a return. This may sound contradictive,
here is what I mean. You should give the money
away and expect nothing in return from the source
that you give to. If you give your money to your
church or to a charity, don't have a slight
expectation to get something back from them. You
should give freely without asking anything back.
This is what I mean by tithing without a string
On the other hand, you should expect a return
from other sources. This expectation will tell
the universe to bring the money back to you in a
greater amount. And you can make this formula
more powerful by employing the power of magic
number 10 as I have been telling you again and
again. When you give your money away, expect 10
times or more money will come back to you. And
remember to give thanks to the universe. If you
really follow what I am saying, you should see
how powerful this technique is, it combines the
power of tithing with the "Magic 10" formula I
told you in the sample issue. It will make your
money grow fast when you use it.
Here is a summary of the tithing formula:
1. You should always keep your money flowing 2.
You should give away at least 10% of what you
earn no matter how difficult your current
situation seems to be 3. You should give your
money to a place that supports your spiritual
growth or somewhere needs your money the most 4.
You should tithe without a string attached 5. You
should expect 10 times more return from other
Use this formula starting today; you will see
your wealth start growing FAST! I look forward to
hearing your success stories.
If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to me
anytime to support@quantum-mind-power-system.com
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
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