Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
James Taylor vote towards Obama-Biden Team*
October 26, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Here as promised is Kahu Fred Sterling's channeled vision of Kirael...perhaps you will feel comforted after reading my previous posting of my political views...with this submission. Remember it is quite similar to the one that I hold of the greatly prophesied "Great Shift, and Planetary Cleansing" that we as a world is a going through...
May You be blessed and greatly comforted in whatever storm you may be a passing through...just remember that you hold the ability to move forward or backward, the choice is yours...
James Taylor
Dear Tonie,
I grew up in North Carolina. To me, it will always feel like home. And today, I'm not the only one with Carolina in my mind. In fact, the whole country is looking to our state to make the difference.
There's something different in the air this year. I've sensed it in the crowds I've played to, and seen it in the eyes of folks I've talked with. North Carolinians are hungry for a change. And for the first time in a generation, the presidential race could go either way in this state -- it's all up to us.
That's why this week I'm doing my part by traveling around the state I love, using my voice to tell everyone I can reach that it's time to vote for change.
And now I'm asking you to do your bit. Find a Campaign for Change office near you and volunteer to talk to voters. The Obama campaign has a plan to win North Carolina, but they need 100,000 volunteer hours to pull it off. I'm going to give as many as I can, and I hope you'll join me.
We all know that we have some serious challenges to solve: The economy is in rough shape, jobs are disappearing, and quality, affordable health care is out of reach for far too many.
Across the country, folks are realizing that the only way to really tackle these challenges is to work together. If we let ourselves be divided by party, race, or fear, we'll fail. And the stakes are just too high to let that happen.
This spirit of unity and purpose is what Barack Obama's campaign is all about, and it's why I'm a proud supporter.
But proud support is not enough right now. We have to get out there, tell folks they can start voting today, and make sure they do. So please, sign up to join me and volunteer as much as you can this week:
Together you and I, and the great state of North Carolina, are going to put our country back on the right track.
Thank you,
James Taylor
Now the channeled interpretation of Kirael: www.kirael.com
"The Great Shift, what is it and when will it occur?"
Master Guide Kirael, through the loving mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling, www.Kirael.com
"Let us go back before time was measured, into a space and light where the Creator sat with all of its councils and made a dynamic decision to bring life onto your Earth plane, a life that was to be cast into a generative light open to who was interested in evolving. This light was created through the weaves--the mineral, the plant, the animal, insect, human, and all other weaves combined. Each time the Creator brought the Earth plane to a certain level of consciousness, it interjected some sort of an evolutionary being, much like your common, everyday human being.
Throughout time the Creator brought the evolutionary being onto this Earth so that it might experience this beautiful earthly journey through the senses. Each time the Creator brought these humans into the world, they were left to evolve. They evolved through great understandins and took themselves as far as they possibly could, when usually one of two things took place, either they evolved beyond what this Earth plane could bear, or they damaged Mother Earth to such an extent that the Creator needed to heal her. In either case, the Creator always brought its entire human race home, and each time they were brought home, the Earth plane had a chance to rejuvenant itself.
My friends, this time the Creator has decided that, upon this incarnation, the evolutionary experience of human would come to a greater consciousness by journeying
through many different levels of awakening. When the human arrives at certain time and space, the Creator will not call everyone home. Instead, the Creator would leave a certain portion of its human beings here on the Earth plane to go through this most auspicious Shift in Consciousness. My friends, the Great Shift is upon you.
I am asked on a daily basis, "When will this Great Shift take place, Master Kirael," Can you give us a date? Can you even come close to the date?" Oh, I might be able to come close, my friends, but the truth is that when the Shift happens is entirely up to you. "We the People," for it is the Creator's desire to keep itself in the form of human here on this Earth plane during this great shifting process. In order to do that, the Creator must raise its vibration through you to such a level that they can cope with the huge and wondrous changes that will take place.
At some point, you will be ready to go through this awesome event. You will be prepared to open your heart lights and move from one level of conscious awareness into another. So, my friends, the shift will happen when the Creator deems you are ready and you say in your own hearts that you are ready.
The Shift is unfolding at such a crescendo that the world plane sees it in a more intensified realtiy. The signs are all there. You can see them in the great happenings of your world plane. For instance, the physical plane is more aware than ever before. You see Mother Earth removing many obstacles in her way, resettling her form, re-adjusting her center core. This is why you see earthquakes and great storms across her seas and land. You will see the flattening of lands, what used to be mountains will no longer be. You will see what used to be flat turned into a mountain, because Mother Earth is adjusting these projections.
If that is not enough, look at your emotional world. If you can't see a change happening all around you, then you are perhaps asleep somewhere in a cave. The emotional world will no longer let politicians, religious leaders, and others in power make decisions that destroy Mother Earth. Change is in the winds. The emotional energy of this Great Shift will determine the unfolding destiny of each lightworker. The emotions are causing each of you to open your heart and know that change is now a must.
The mental world is probably the most interesting, because it includes energies as the over-mastermind, the secret government, the Illuminati--all that you have blamed for your woes and cares. Only now you are coming to a greater clarity that you are in control. You have the ability to use your will and your words to create an Earth plane of magnificient beingness.
The Spiritual world is unfolding for many at an unprecedented rate as well. People are coming from all walks of life to listen to the spirit world. What used to be solely the realm of religious leaders is now extended to the realm of those who work in the spirit light. The spiritual world is getting stronger, it is a flow of energy in which Mother Earth is awah, awakening We the People into such a grand experience.
You can look forward to seeing the Shift more clearly when you open your heart to recognize that the world is changing in such a vast array of possibilities. You will not know the exact moment of the Shift until the moment is here. What will it look like? It will look as it looked when you woke up this morning multiplied by a thousand. So look at your morning. How did you feel? Did you feel positive? Did you feel negative? Did you feel aligned with the light, or did you feel pressed by it?
Practice opening your heart right now, because if you keep waiting for the Shift it will catch you unaware, and you will be your grumpy self, you will find yourself slipping deeply into the throes of that energy. Practice as if the Shift were already upon you. Practice as if you can already feel the love of a God Creator who is made of love and only wants to be love, and in that light you will see your journey."
Note from Tonie
There you have it dear loved ones...see the love and be the love...and the Shift will occur...
Be Blessed always,
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