Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Life In America After The Elections Are Held
Sunday October 26, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family Members:
The following is a 3 part letter that I sent to the administrators of the Barack Obama website. No part of it do I have any shame or regrets about having said what I said.
Many of my family and friends have sent me emails over the last year and 1/2 a trying to scare the living pants off of me for having stated my support of Senator Obama and now as we get down to the wire...towards election day, your emails haven't served the end that you were perhaps a wanting them to do.
So please to those individuals that have found me guilty of ignorance, just remember this life is my own to live and have my being.
Those that stress intolerance to the differences of others, are in my estimation, guilty of being asleep to the whole of things...just my thoughts, stone me if that makes you feel better.
I can only be true to me and what it is that makes my boat float more securely through the changes that are about us, even though many choose to believe it isn't so...
After my posting to the www.Barackobama.com website to the administrators of it...I will be posting in a following newsletter; a duplication of the letter that was sent me from a Minister in Hawaii sent me...please stay tuned for it as well...for I see the 2012 change that is to occur to our planet, quite similar...still a bit different, yet not enough to count really...for like myself, his and my opinion are our own and all can flow into any direction that they want...fear or love...the choice is only ours to make...please cast your vote! It does matter.
For if you don't, think about it, how will you know if you made the right choice or not? Think of it as a gamble that you placed your vote towards...pray before you pull that handle though...8 years under a current Republican leadership and please stop putting the blame on the Democratic majority rule in place, they have only been in office 2 years...we have been on a down hill slide a lot longer than that.
I know way before even former president Bill took office...so who is to the blame isn't important at this point...what is important that we get someone in office that does and right now, that man is Senator Obama and Senator Biden...let's get real folks...did you not pay attention to the debates?
All three of them? I watched each and everyone...so my opinion isn't half-a...I savored each and every drop and like Craig Ferguson, I got "election itis"!
Instead of the real issues a coming forward, we had to listen to Senator Obama even explained his association with his friends...now I know that the energy that surrounds you, becomes your energy...so I can understand the question being raised...yet please! Lots of my family and friends, are not people that I would totally state similar thoughts, beliefs or actions...Actually thinking about it more clearly...I most of the time, stand alone.
Even though the latter part of my teenage years and early post teen life was spent in study of the Mormon faith, yet I am not Mormon as well today.
For when one grows up and realizes that yesterday held one type of thinking, when one grows up and questions this or that about their thinking if it isn't serving them to the highest level that they want to attain...they change and choose their own direction.
A.K.A, I am a Ordained Spiritualist Minister since 1994. I am not perfect and choose never to wear that hat, were it obtainable. Biblical we are told that it is not...
So this is a toast to you and whatever belief that you hold about what is real, just understand that when the election is over and the right choice in my book doesn't secure the job...I will still be sad and even more convinced that we let the right one get away...
Watch and see if I ever sway from this truth...that is why I am a putting it down in my book at this early date...9 days away?
For all my family and friends that thought by ignoring me during this last year and half and you want to return to me after the election...if I am still here...you can just remember I wouldn't listen to your fear energy before and still won't want to after the election, especially if it goes in your favor...and you know who I am a definitely talking about...love you all still, though!
Enough for now...more later.
Be Blessed always...
Love, Light and Peace
Three part letter to the Barackobama.com website blog.
Re: Hello Obama Landers! We are the ones we've been waiting for. This is our moment. This is OUR time. Yes we can! Part One
Dear All One Family Members:
October 16, 2008 4:45 A.M.
I want to first of all thank, Senator Obama and Senator Biden and all of your lovely family members that visited our state and made all of your attempts to convince us North Carolinians that your way of change was better than the same we have always been given...
Most magically it worked for those undecided voters, who were a willing to listen to some good ole time facts... as for the good ole boy and girl network, it would perhaps take a bomb to awaken them...that is unfortunate, yet that is just what it is...for we live in a free country and we are free to cast our vote any ole way...
This election time around has been pretty darn devastating to me...I have stopped basic communication with some good friends and family members over my vote for the Obama and Biden team, and most importantly I have lost financial revenue at a time that I could afford it the least, yet it is still all good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For I got to see clearly that where I live is basically closed, man's land...the only Obama sign that I saw, was laying in shreds on the ground...quite amazing stuff I would say...especially being any election signs are supposed to be purchased by the person a posting it, so basically it is against the law here in North Carolina to steal and or destroy one...
I will until the day that I am on my way to my Heavenly transition state, that if Senator Obama doesn't win the election, we have passed the greatest card ever dealt us, away!
The McCain-Palin smear/tear/destroy campaign was in my opinion...successful only to those that chose to believe in the lies told...lies based on slim to none fact...
For you see, I live in the land of no change...all things remaining the same...the lowest paying the heaviest load and the wealthiest, paying little to none...
So what does a smear/tear & attempt to destroy campaign do? They present the facts to the public, based on little proof...just enough proof to keep the element of fear a riding high...
End of Part One
To Continue:
I am an element of love and love and fear have a hard time a living together...yet to many that are attracted to their opposite...I am no longer a wanting to live in that kind of world.
All of us Obama supporters knew long before Colin Powell, and James Taylor's thumb up public vote...that we had the winning ticket!
For all of the Joe Plumbers in the world know that a system based on the lowest member a carrying the heavier load, doesn't work...if you make more you should pay more...
For just think about it...why is it so fair that if you make more, you should pay less?
It isn't like our government is going to take all of the higher earnings way...no; you will still get your tax breaks, yet at a higher level...of tax returned to the government, instead of in the wealthiest pockets.
Perhaps you could funnel that extra tax into charitable organizations and still make that tax dollar given away to Uncle Sam, work for the people additional as well that needs that extra funding expenses help.
Another valuable piece of information that the McCain-Palin campaign needs to put out to the people is that when they decide to cut those unnecessary "earmarks," what are those unnecessary "earmarks"? So that they don't have to raise taxes, even though we are fastly moving towards being ten trillion dollars in debt?
Will those cuts be in the social security system? How about the welfare system? How about Education? How about our social services of all kinds? Police/fire/research projects/human development/mental health/FDA/EPA/etc., etc., etc...
The last that I have heard from those non Joe Plumbers, was that they were over worked and greatly underpaid...
So with that being said...what are these "earmark" projects that you will be taking valuable monies away from it, so that taxes won't be raised again? Another unanswered question to the McCain-Palin team...another small example of the little guy and girl a carrying the heavier load...
The McCain-Palin team has only been successful to me in the manner of building the fear element of our land...a trying to get us to believe that Senator Obama is a terrorist and not even an American Citizen...
Were that all true dear believers of the lie...would Senator Obama have made it this far?
Think about it...
Part Three
Dear All One Family:
The grandest thing I saw done for the American People is the free James Taylor concerts...just to get people to think clearly...
My God are we an asleep country!
How can we possibly believe that the McCain-Palin ticket is the right vote for us all! Look at all they have done to gain our vote...is that what we want a leading our country, still? Lies and deception of fact?
Watch how Senator Obama handles himself in public, he is calm, cool and collected...he thinks over his answer...before answering...knowing full well that if he makes one slight slip of the tongue it is over for him and Senator Biden and the American People...imagine loving your country so much that you would put out all for it...perhaps even your own life...for there are no edit moments in live public talks...
Look at how Senator McCain, he haws, makes funny gestures, and funny faces...to express himself...is that what we are a needing to lead us towards the twenty first century? Think about it.
We need strength, flexible body, mind and spirit...not more lies and cover ups! The truth will set you free in America! At least is used to be such.
Anyone for moose burgers? For if one doesn't eat the meat or provides its meat source to those a having a need for its food source...is in my estimation; just a killing for the sake of killing...and is that always such a good thing?...just a putting it out there...you all.
The next prime reason that my vote is for Obama-Biden is on the subject of health care.
Many have the tags of "pre-existing," health conditions a given them...I for one am in that boat a floating no where...and our health care system sucks and McCain-Palin are only interested in playing with the real issues and trying to bring down their opponents logic by giving insurance companies even more leverage to use against us and already they are scamming us to the maximum...with McCain, we will have sameness.
We need the energy of one able to see past the invisible and see that change can occur...if we allow it to happen.
Change is inevitable, sameness is yesterday news...
Go Obama-Biden Team! Stay strong inspite of the obstacles...you have my vote!
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