Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
This to me has been one of the longest and dirtiest campaigns in the history of our nation, since I started voting.
This election in particular showed me just how racist our land still is...Many can say that they didn't vote democratic because of this or that...I know that if you got past the skin coloration and all of the fear inducing campaigns and ads, you would have saw what I saw...A man who like Oprah Winfrey first recognized...who could look past big money and see the real people that have always held this country together...the middle class folks.
A man who could look past skin coloration and material holdings...A man who knows like we all do, that a change is necessary to turn this failing economy around and not keep it headed towards the direction this land moved towards in the Big Depression Era...of the late 1920's.
The area where I live...prior to the early voting that I did on Thursday...granted me one viewing of a Obama-Biden small sign...And I had drove over large portions of this area and only saw the one single sign and it unfortunately was a laying in pieces...interesting especially since it is a crime to destroy or steal public property...
The next sign that I saw was on the day that I voted, for Obama-Biden, and it was also a small sign...yet it stood proudly in line with all the rest.
What I also noticed in this majority Republican area, that when one wanted a sample ballot, they had to state publically their party and being I am now Democrat, I got a blue sheet of paper and the Republicans got a white one...
So basically, if no one around you heard you call out your party affiliation, all in the crowd...could tell it by the piece of paper that you held in your hands.
Many in our area know that we still have a local parade in one of our communities in this county that has KKK folks a marching proudly in it...and I am one of those folks that believe that whatever spurs your little get along...is your get along...it isn't mine...for that is what we are all about in America, a nation built on immigrants that have become naturalized...unless of course you are a true Native American...and your grass roots began and ended here.
In my last newsletter posting, I left you all with the discussion that I had with a close neighbor...
I want to continue it now:
Part 2
My neighbor told me that his girlfriend (college educated person) stated that she felt like Senator Obama was the devil himself...and I told him that is because she listened only to the negative ads and those around who...who believe that money is the language of our land...those that have, not wanting to share any extra with helping fix up our land/government...even though they have been enjoying all the tax breaks given those with the mostest, while the little guy carries the heaviest tax burden.
My neighbor then said, "I for one that want anything not coming to me." I told him that I am also one of those same feeling individuals and that I have worked since I was 14 years old a paying into this system...
I like him, have never asked anything of my country that I didn't have coming to me...and when I could get disability pay from our country, chose instead to try and stay a working...and I will do this as long as I can, for it has been 7 years this month since my last car accident that again, wasn't my fault...that left me disabled and the insurance company covering the woman that hit me..."up the creek without a paddle," and the legal system that I chose to handle the case...a helping them out.
Now I am facing "pre-exsisting health conditions," and perhaps no insurance company a wanting to handle my case unless of course...I go high risk.
Thus like I told my neighbor...I have more than just one little reason to be a voting for the Obama-Biden team...
I also told him that he truly looked over the Obama website and saw the map that he had clearly laid out for all to see...he would have seen a different picture of the man that the Republican party didn't want him to see.
As for my neighbor not wanting a "N," running this country for fear of a take over...I told him that I believe that skin coloration is the greatest cosmic joke that God could have given us...for if one gets past the outer garment that we all wear...and understand that our soul essence is the color of water...he would understand once and for all...that we are all the same and all are equally important to God.
I also told him that many close to me get saying something about being taxed on $40,000 and up and I keep saying to them, have you read his website? or heard his debates? I have personally heard the figure, $200,000 or higher the new tax scale would effect them, yet not all that greatly.
I then asked him where he got the $40,000 figure and he stated he didn't remember, all he recalls is that number stuck and for a lot of folks, it did exactly that and that is unfortunate...yet, it is what it is...
I also told him in line with the racism thing...that my proof of my feelings is what is told us in the Bible...the part about the Sparrow...and how God knows the count of each of their feathers and the amount of Sparrows that He has...and if God loves the bird kingdom so much and keeps a close watch on them...how much could He possible watch over us all?
It was at that point that my dear neighbor dropped his head and stated, "it is quite interesting that you put that out to me like that Tonie, for this morning in church, we sung the song about the Sparrow."
All the fear that he had been experiencing since the campaign of the Republicans hit the airways...had somehow went into a level of peace for him and he stated that he wished now that he had registered to vote...and that were Obama to win, that is only 4 years and if he doesn't show himself to be more than an entertainer...he won't get the vote the next time around...
I told my neighbor...that I made a conscious choice to not go door to door, for I knew just by the 80% remaining of my clients that were Republican...how deep their fears were and I basically didn't need to be going door to door on my podem...a getting myself stressed out a trying to battle the ignorance of my area of which I live...and have my divine work for God.
It had been hard enough a trying to remain loving and calm while a working on those that believed that their little selves were more important than the little guys and girls a living around them...
This election time has showed me lots...and I don't know where that new revelation will take me...perhaps being a bit more discriminating as to who I call my real friends or not...
I just told him that I chose to not post signs in my yard because I didn't own my yard or house and being I was just a renting it...I didn't feel that my landlord would like me putting it up in harm's way...and I didn't feel like putting myself out in harm's way as well...
My adopted daughter told me last night that her dad told her that he would never vote a "N" into office and that Obama was now wanting to build a bridge from Mexico to United States of which I told her...how arrogant is that kind of role modeling to his grandchildren...whereas his children had already been racially inducted since being young babies...
"The sins of the parents will fall down upon the children for six generations"
I also told my adopted daughter that had her dad ever traveled to Mexico he would have seen first hand that the only thing a seperating United States from Mexico is the Rio Grande River and that there were points of that river that seperates us, that is only a few inches deep...and that he got his bridge idealists wrong, that was Sarah Palin that voted for a "Bridge to NoWhere," and when she got the money from our government appropiated to her...decided how silly it all was and kept the money for all other governmental needs.
I just hope and pray that when the election is over and the party that God wants in place...happens...we can stop this fear engine...for it has taken a toll not only on myself, yet on all others that have thrown me away due to my political views, and have thrown family members away, due to their political voice as well...
Oh well, it is what it is...
Let's all stay focused on prayer this day...no matter what your political ideas are...God is the only one that can lead this nation out of the woes that has been exposed this election period...
I want to thank as well, the home owner in my neighboring community that posted a house size Obama-Biden banner on their house. A beautiful house that it is...and perhaps more beautiful than any of the houses owned by those of my client base...and it was sitting all by itself...no other Obama-Biden signs to be seen anywheres...in this elite, golf retirement community...You go people! You definitely made my day!
You did more than I did...you didn't allow the fear engines of our county, frighten you off...
God Bless One and All
Love, Light and Peace
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