Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Thursday, January 27, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Right now I am quite caught up in the survival needs of not only myself, yet that of all others that I love and care about. People quite interestingly that don't know that I have breath and life...yet through the news media, family and friends, God lead me to them.
Many in the medical psychology world have called me a giver, hard to receive from others type.
Yet down through the years I have discovered that by holding all these others in my mind, body and spirit world locked securely in the worry mode, only made me a greater worrier.
So now what I have been forced to do in my 24 plus years of health-care providing in the mind, body and spirit world that I call my mission, perhaps now way over 8.000 people; many of which monetary gain never came up for what ever reason.
So that is to me, quite a bundle of souls and the souls of their loved ones to help carry over the mountains that sometimes comes up in every ones life rather they are aware of it or not.
I am also known as a "mother," to all, even those that are lots older than myself. I try so hard to helping all that I sometimes find my way back to me...all those that know of what I speak to be real to themselves, as well, please say Amen.
So by my placing all on my so to speak, "altar of prayers," I am mentally, emotionally and physically a holding you all in God's hands, for I have given all to He who is our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus, our brother and Jesus's Holy Spirit which He told us was to be our Comforter and most importantly, Guide.
I also ask that every one's Guardian Angel is on call along with calling in all of God's Angels, only.
I do that for all my plus 8,000 friends and clients...and for all of their loved ones...now that is quite a bundle for only one to handle...not to mention all of my special friends, loved ones...I don't have that much time in a day to handle each and everyone personally...this is my best that I can give and I believe it is all that God asks of me..."Ask and yea shall receive."
As I read through Jada's entries of randon thoughts thrown on target A., B.,C., etc. etc...I don't see it as a story of whining or complaining thoughts a hitting and a missing each and every target...I instead see it as one woman's struggle to come to terms with her greatest accomplishment in life, her two sons; a having to be the brave, loving and trusting in God heart and trying to be the best example possible of what Faith, Trust and Belief in God's plan for all a being manifested, exactly on time.
Perhaps the "Land of Oz," to many; to Jada, it is the only way to walk, trust, talk and have her being...in a world that many state is off balance and a needing a re balancing energy that 2012 promises to the brave and daring ones to be the only reality that these out of the box thinking folks want to visualize.
As all now by now if you have been paying attention that is; know about me. Check out again the last channeling of Kryon. I told all then that I believe our next large step will be disastrous for those believing in disasters as their own mode of survival and for those believing "it is what it is," is a better way, I truthfully believe it will be just that.
So as you will soon discover, Jada and I have very similar thoughts a flowing together...for we both are dreamers and we both believe that all can catch any star that they want to hitch a ride on...the only problem that we both discovered as we got older was that anytime we ever forgot to bring God's will for our life into the picture prayer, and thought we could do it on our own, we always had to bite off a portion of our cake that didn't taste as sweet at the time and later was to be discovered to have been the greatest learning lesson, yet.
So to prevent that more difficulty journey road, Jada and I simply ask that God, Jesus, Holy Spirit reveal to me if this is the road I should be a traveling? Somehow magically the answer to my prayer comes through.
Sometimes in the news, sometimes in a randon conversation with a stranger, sometimes in a song played randonly on the radio, sometimes in a sit com and you are a casual observer...quite amazing how God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and angels, some unaware...help in bringing forth our desires of assistance answers.
To Jada and myself, this floating of our hope ship boat, is the only way to respond while living in a world that chooses to see itself as upside down...has the axises change already started? Many in my alternative out of the box thinking folks, believe so...what do you think?
My goodness, I quess the writer's block I was experiencing, I have somehow moved out of it, perhaps Mercury in Retrograde is no longer present...
Thus I find the enclosing of some of Jada's entries here now would make an already highly expressive newsletter, perhaps too long...
Please check my next newsletter for that soul attesting walk...good stuff...you all come back you hear?
Be AT Peace
God Bless one and all
Love, Light and Peace
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