Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
February 3, 2009
Dear All One Family:
So nice to have you back again. I just want to take the time now to announce that I will probably be having to link to another site in order to complete all the continuance of Jada Stone's Chapters in her letters to her sons a journeying on their adventure into same professional work world as here, yet now one located in the Middle East, Iraq for both are proud Americans a wanting to save all that they have accumulated their whole life, as well as offer their loved ones perhaps the only chance to help them have a some what normal and better existence in a world gone upside down and crazy...
Jada in spite of all of the self-doubts and worry of the danger they both are facing with their new found jobs; Jada found in her journey from "Two New Tickets To Hell", to God's Will, was one that Jada had no other option but reach for it in order to save her own insanity a trying to take hold of her.
Jada soon discovered that as she released the worry over to God, and stopped a taking it back over and over again; that the more she practiced reaching for this peace filled only moment in time, became easier the more she practiced/meditated on...Want peace, be peace.
Some of the greatest authors of our time and long time, times past...prophesied this very thing, yet sometimes it takes a long time to get from stop to go...know what I mean? All those that do, please say Amen.
Now because I don't want to reveal too much that you miss the points she is trying to reveal to herself and all those others that could benefit from the lessons she learned along the way to from darkness into the Light of God.
Please continue to allow yourself to wander down her path of self-awakening with God's Love, Light, Peace, Forgiveness, Understanding To Lead Her Way Forward.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
"Who, What & Where", Jada Stone
February 03, 2009
Oldest son still in Houston awaiting flight to Iraq. Youngest son a leaving February 08, 2009 to Houston for second round briefing experience before being flown to Iraq.
Dear Sons:
What a roller coaster ride for even a minister it has been...From anger moments and harsh words said to this ultimate peace that I am a feeling right now...what a blessing you both are to me!
Yes even in the heat of the rough moments a coming to terms with the immense nature of your career decision to this very moment in time, it has been a journey of great enormity, yet I survived it all because you gave me the one thing that I asked of you both.
That was that you turned it all over to God's Will for your life, surrendered to He that gave us all life, breath...Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and all God's Angels of Love, Light and Peace.
No greater gift can a son/daughter give their parents! It is also the gift I wanted since you were both born. I have waited 38 years, and 36 years for this to happen and there in is one of the positives of this career move for you both.
The second positive I have experienced in this new adventure for you both, is that you both love our country that much that for one son is merely is a move back to helping our great land, a complete a mission over in Iraq that you first experienced as a Marine back in Desert Storm times; and wanting to assist his fellow soldiers with their new mission since 9/11.
All the while knowing that this time you won't be carrying a gun or disarming land mines by hand, and this time you will honorably serve our nation and traveling in convoys with our troops and to you never less, still a very important mission.
To my youngest son who wanted to join his brother over in Desert Storm by joining up in the military and was told by me that I would kill him right there and now so then I wouldn't have to worry about him being blown up along with his brother and thus only have one of them to worry about!
Yes, my faith was that little back then. 1992.
My as well being an Ordained Spiritualist Minister since 1994, in order for others to place their trust and belief in me today, I must be all that I can possibly be in action; not only words.
To pretend to have faith, trust and belief in God and not demonstrate to all, would be quite a contradiction to that which I say that I stand upon, wouldn't you agree?
So if it seems that what I write is beyond drama, understand that to me, this very point I stand upon is stronger than the strongest elements known to man kind...I am stronger today than I was a week ago...and I have that to thank you sons for.
So to you youngest son, the positive that you are finally getting to serve your country in a non military fashion, yet military as well; being the soldiers will be the ones protecting on their make shift bases that they have formed over in a land needing to reconstruct/rebuild.
Thank you both for all that you do; you both are my heroes along with all of the military that had and are serving our great land today!
The next positive that I see is that you both are on the cutting edge of the exodus of other professional Americans needing work, and if my alternative, complementary health research business doesn't get the relief or stimulus package that it needs, who knows, perhaps you might see me over there as well...
I know that you will see me when my oldest son lines it up with the USO and pays for my round trip ticket over there to talk to our soldiers, and demonstrate the valuable results of my health care research work to them.
To my oldest son: How proud and full of love you made me feel with what you told me for you my oldest son, utilized my research work perhaps less than you youngest brother in the last five years of you living near me.
I used to whine and complain that you and your brother, never saw the value of that which my research clients had been supporting for over 24 years.
Just you a telling me how much you realize how valuable my work is to others that you are going to help organize my trip over there for our soldiers, made my heart sing with joy!
Like I told you over the phone in Houston, Texas the other day; while waiting to be flown to Iraq...I am very honored to be considered that valuable and necessary to not only your life, yet the lives of others a serving our country over there...wow, I wonder how many other parents have ever had that acknowledgement given them?
Am I blessed or what?
The next positive that I see from all of this happening to you both from this new career move is that: Your time with your loved ones from the period of time that you give this new venture, will be quality, versus quantity.
Especially since only two grandchildren our of my 7 are not in the teen years. Those in the pre-teen years are going to have an easier time than the teen ones for the teen ones have always had you around them and they will miss you the most.
So my suggestion is that when you have those 40 days a year time to spend with them...please do for each of those moments will be the most memorable when they will look down the road after being grown.
Don't let it be a time of criticism...only a rejoining of energies. You can give them the lectures of "do unto others that which you would have done unto you," yet temper it with understanding...simply because like yourself and myself, we all play the coconut head until we finally wake up and get it!
Allow them their mistakes, yet if you see you still have a continuing problem with their behavior, then perhaps look into their action and see if perhaps you are role modeling a need to act up and/or continue to chase your/their own tail...and if not, than give it all up to God by placing them on His altar...again and again and again...for one day they will awaken if they choose to. Just do as I have done, continue to wait for that magical day to arrive!
I love you guys!
Lots more later,
Love, Light, Joy and Peace
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