Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.February
February 18, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
February 17, 2009
"When You Look At The Midnight Sky, What Do You See? I see Jesus and all the Majesty that God Our Father has given us."
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Jada asked me to disclose to all how important it was that I was to gain passage into the mission path of becoming an Ordained Spiritualist Minister for she felt that I was a listening to the voices of those that don't know me and want to consider me narcissistic, instead of real and coming straight at you with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit a holding and a maintaining my "front door," a term quite familiar to former/current 18 wheel truckers, like myself.
Jada felt that by me a disclosing how grand of a new life beginning it was for me to take that first baby step into becoming certifiable for mankind's wellness, that perhaps her a trying to explain to not only her daughter in law, yet the world that she along with me will have to face who stays, and visits our joined effort research center.
So here goes it:
That opening the door to Divine Ministry Channeling, done July 29, 1995; again was unlike any other body work I had ever done! Instead of doing a point specific body energy type of healing, I was now a having to stand on a chair and palpate what "left brained" individuals would call, moving ones hands through empty space.
Yea that's right! Did I not already mention that God has a great sense of humor!
I also was lead to select the heaviest woman initiate in the "birthing into The Light of God/Channel,"graduating class of 13 ministries.
All that I really knew about her was that she was a very friendly, outgoing personality type that loved everyone, yet not herself.
When I looked at her energetically, I saw this great burden and heaviness surrounding her energy and I also saw that if she somehow didn't get the help she needed to break out of her old patterning, she would return Home sooner than I felt her mission here needed to be completed.
Our ministry training classes were heavy involved and we didn't spend time a getting to know each other, for we all worked and had busy life's outside of the classroom and even though we got together I believe once in that year as a group outside of training with Rev. Bill, it wasn't a time to get close, just sort of a get together to share what our lives direction was a moving towards since Rev. Bill first came into our lives.
Please allow me to state as well...I am not sure if my 6 months training in Shamanic Training from a Shaman Apprentice from Peru, held at Gilford Tech. College, came before this training or after or while I was a taking it...
If anyone has ever taken Shamanic Training, they will understand much more about the palpating of what one would normally term, "empty space,"
For it is simply an exercise in getting in touch with the dark side of The Light Side of God.
It simply when I was a doing my "soul retrieval journey work," was the hardest for me to do, for it made me face all the things in my life that I had tried to bury in hopes of it never happening again and most importantly, not in my present imagining world.
I remember quite clearly the first time that our instructor Oscar took us into it...I told Oscar that I couldn't move past the door that would lead me into the dark side of myself and he laughed and stated that it was quite normal for a sage to respond in that manner for sages have had many lifetimes and much to balance karmically in hopes of helping mankind figure it all out themselves...
I told Oscar that the experience left me breath less, and caused my heart almost out of my chest for the fear was so great! He then told me that all I needed was to face the fear and tell the fear that it had no power over me and that by a facing it, I would be free from the shadows, that might one day revisit me.
Oscar told me that until I could reach past the fear, I would never be able the face the fear of others and help them realize/release it themselves.
Back To The Healing of God, Ordination Thesis Presentation
My work in auric healing prior to this session was simply, my doing hands on work, stopping from time to time to balance this meridian and that meridian, unlocking this muscle package and that muscle package and a restoring energy flow where there is little to none and discharging over heated/over charged energies.
I also knew that we have several energetic bands of energy that moved outside and past the physical body with some having energy fields that can extend for miles off of the body...
I had never attempted to balance the fields that reached past the height of a 5'4" inch person while a standing on a chair.
So instead of starting like I normally do with the physical, causal, emotional, mental and then spiritual layer of energies...I started from the highest level of mankind energy fields, the spiritual...and never touching the physical like I had done only yesterday.
In this ministerial initiate "spiritual energetic field," that loomed higher than I could ever possibly touch the ending of...I discovered many of the rough storms of her past life.
I talked slowly and gently to her as I scanned her energy and told her what visions I was being shown and what things I was a hearing coming through that God/Christ/Holy Spirit channeled energy moment in time that I was being lead and guided by God to bring to her.
I only wish that the moment was captured on tape. I was given several tapes to fill a brown paper bag, and I never checked to see if my presentation was on any of them...I have the memories of that time locked deep inside of me and it never left me for what came out was so astounding!
Over and over again, my dear sister in God, cried and told all that were in attendance how no body but God and such and such knew any of those things!
And most importantly she confirmed in me that yes, I was a healing channel of God and the work that I had been doing in the past now held the confirmation that God was a leading my little wagon of healing tools and even though I was the instrument of His work, He was a directing my hands.
I also told my dear sister in God, that when I asked God and Jesus and Holy Spirit to show me that which is my sister's largest difficulty in overcoming in the present moment event I was told the story of a 16 year old that was forced to have a miscarriage.
That one statement threw my dear sister in deep ebbing sobs as she repeated, no one knew that but my parents and they are have passed on. No, not even my husband knew about it and I have hated my parents my whole life because I wanted my baby and they wouldn't let me keep her!
I then told her how important it was to God that we forgive all others their transgressions so that they can see what forgiveness looks like and they can do it as well...follow by example kind of thing.
Especially being we all have been instructed by God, to forgive all others, especially if we want to be forgiven by Him. Again, "Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you."
I then told her that because she was a holding onto her soul baby energies, her baby was still being carried by her, for she was a holding it earth bound. You know we can hold the souls of our loved ones hostage here on earth?
I then told her that was the real reason she couldn't get pregnant even though her and her spiritual ministry initiate husband that was present at the ordination as well...(lucky girl!)had been married for years, never were fortunate to have a baby...together on earth.
I believe in quantum physics there is a law of relativity that states that two objects can't share the same space," kind of thing.
So after I was a done a smoothing and unruffling, guiding and balancing her spiritual energetic field, I got down from my chair and asked our whole group to help me help her release her child to Heaven and to help assist our sister as I took her through a physical, and emotional, mental type of body unwinding...where as the participant moves into any direction that they feel their body wants to travel with all 12 of us a holding onto her...as she unwinds all of the clutter remaining that didn't get taken out in the spiritual realm...
It was my first public unwinding event since I had graduated from Irene Gautier's School of Myomassology, which is really a cover for vibrational medicine therapist...for she was the one that opened the door to that vast field of mind, body and spirit combining...
Her prior teachers were our field's current experts...Therapeutic Touch Master, Creator...Dr.Gordon (last name has left my memory) a nutritional and body electric Chiropractor out of Detroit, Michigan.
Our own Cranial Sacral Master, Dr. John Upledger, D.C., and Irene Gautier also took those after class wanting more information prodigy students such as me, her own walk through Dr. Randolph Stone's work with Polarity Therapy and what points she discovered were even greater than those found by him at the time of his publications...beginning in 1890. Yes that's right, 1890. Not a clerical mistake.
So as not to over boost that audio trail, allow me also to state that I and my class met with our classmates a few years after graduation day to see what each other had done with their training work.
So I am not really sure, if all that happened during the ordination is as I had stated, it is what my mind has thrown out of its memory cells of that grand moment in God's Healing, Light, Love and Peace resultant work result.
For I was really thanked for my work on my sister minister again at the get together and I am not really sure if all that I felt I had said, happened at the ordination or at the few years past, get together of us all...so please be kind if all you are after is a trying to make that day a smaller event than what it was...for to me, it was what I intended/prayed it to be...and more! For me it gave me confirmation as to what God would have me do and be in my work for Him and Jesus, Holy Spirit.
How that has translated today is this.
It has made me more confident that it is my Father's work that I am about. That spark, that connection to Our Father is what is a giving me the intuition of selecting this or that modality out of my fifty now plus tools of healings insights...and as well that which I am lead to express to my clients/congregation/family members and friends...my world.
If what flies out of my mouth, feels like a bomb to you, "please don't kill the messenger," I beg of you...hahahehe...
I have only scanned the book, "Your Body Believes Every Word You Say," (and one day I plan on getting to read all of my books that I have been lead to, for to me, that is relaxation...a praying and a reading and a writing and a growing better day by day.) yet what I have read thus far through, confirms quite nicely that what I have discovered in those that come to me for electrical body work.
Perhaps if you were to read it, I wouldn't appear all that crazy to you all and you all know who you are...hahahehe...
I guess that is all I want to leave with you at this time...I thank you Jada for a leading me back into the past moment in time, in order to grab up more conformational energy through remembrance...especially now that the storm of our land seems to be a kicking up more dust...I needed that flash back. I thank you and hope that this helps as you reach out to your daughter in law with gratitude and respect.
You are a special and warm contribution to our research university project...may you always hold your head up, welcoming the Light, Love and Peace of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Your beacon of Light, Love and Peace is a burning brighter since all of this event began with your sons a making the decision to leave for the war zones of Iraq.
So now I am prepared to hear of all the inspirational moments that instead of taking your breath of air out of your lungs, instead filled you with enough faith, hope and love that you feel more illuminated than ever!
What living truth to the power of prayer being a truly a marvelous moment in time! "As and yea shall receive," it can't get any easier than that. You go girl for you absolutely and divinely rock! Rock On Sweet Daughter in Christ.
Please All Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
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