Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
February 17, 2009
Jumping On board The Joy Filled Moments In Time Wagon, Come All On Board!
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All Family:
Things are going along rather smoothly since I have totally thrown all of my cares and worries to Our Heavenly Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit.
The resultant peace and joy of Our Lord has allowed me to think more clearly and visualize that which I am a called to creatively create. The Research/ University -Living Angel Foundation-Research Prototype.
Follow along with me if you will...
I see a center that all of its founders in all fields of medicine/alternative-complementary medical practices will reside as well as participate in it. That is right, lucky live experimental human beings a wanting to discover what the combining of both ancient and current medical practices could bring forth in a world so badly out of balance due to all kinds of disturbances in foreign and home lands, a more viable/less costly solution to that which ails us a whole.
A place like I have wrote of in the past that will one day have its birth. A place I would call Nirvana, yet those that don't view preventative medicine as our only recourse, might not agree; and to those I ask that you don't apply at Our Center for work because our only focus will be in helping the world become a better place to visit, and have our being.
This place will along on being an educational center where our world's greatest speakers will come to teach what it is like living in the moment ideas, share and give their own views on how we could make this first pro type a dynamic sell to the world, thus not only helping us pay forward to the world by helping create these progressive total preventative health care centers, because they will work in keeping future health care costs by at least limiting the amount of persons needing to go to the hospitals and such in the first place.
It will be a place where Christian Spirituality will live, grow and develop. Those not allowed to live on grounds, will be those that don't adhere to the common sense of our Golden Rule given us all and that is for those that aren't familiar with it: "Do Unto Others, that which you would have done unto you."
It will be a place that is able to come together as a team all working for the same end result, a better way to live, breath and be in the world.
Not only will it all be ecologically geared, as we will not only incorporate the concepts of bio-solar, wind turbine power through our research present within the compounds, we also will be a researching the implications of the vibrational medicine theory that I like and so many others in the field have done for years.
It will be a center that I will compile my thoughts and findings along with others in the field; to see just how far into the mind, body and spiritual aspects, wellness flows...
I will as well, continue to grow and research along with others in the field and finally be able to get my doctorate in alternative medicine and no longer will be considered, just a massage therapist.
Now how cool would that be?
Now imagine a team of progressive futurist thinking doctors like those on "The Doctors Show," (of course there is no team that could ever be them, but them) a being present at Our Center, than again if one wanted to dream further, could I see "The Doctors Show" televising their show from there on The Dream Network Broadcast belonging to Oprah.
Do I dare dream that large?
I can for it is my dream and besides, part of the gift given me in my Baptism Into The Holy Spirit; Corinthians Chapter 13...was the gift of dreams and I have been a dreaming of this center, my whole life and never fully connected the dots...until now.
My awakening from the dream and bringing it forth into manifestation, meant that I had to take the dream from the sleep state and bring it into the light of day by sending my ideas out to Oprah, Dr. Phil, President Barack Obama and others that would listen and could help make a change like that which Our President is telling us he is a wanting to help us change...
For I see futuristic ally a need for change yesterday and that new and bright day is a coming...just look at how progressive The Doctors Show, is moving towards...information geared towards prevention....
We all can see the need, yet many don't have the strength or hope left in order to move towards it.
I have to believe that not all of us have fallen asleep to changes a having a need to be addressed. The time for silence was yesterday.
Before I close for the moment, I just want all to know that some people wait by their door for the mail man, or delivery man, or returning loved ones, I wait by the door for Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, to come and announce where it was that they found the right place to put the research center pro type and Deltec house from the catalog I was a wanting to have built again?
Of which I will answer, "the one on the front cover." Yet I want a hand in on the designing of it, for as all should know by now...even within its perfect design already, I still would like to put my own creative energies into it, for it is where I will spend the remainder of my life residing at.
With so many millions of Americans without health care...and rising illnesses of all sorts...viral, bacterial and antibiotics not effective as before...it is a necessary move...research-education, working together, not apart for the whole well-being of all lands for we are all in this together.
Thus it will be information that we will pass/share with the world, as we believe the world will share back with us.
Another thought I want to pursue is this:
When I hear doctors of all sorts a telling the people that if one eat a sensible diet laden with the fruits and vegetables of the land in order to stay healthy...I start to cringe for our fruits and vegetables I know to not be all that wholesome simply due to all the chemical additives that is now the major way of life.
I personally would like a center that would also research the in and outs of organic versus commercial growth...meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs. I would also like to study the implications of water filtration.
For it isn't only our food, and air that we need to be a concentrating on, along with all the other concentrations we now seem to be a having...we also have to be concerned about our water quality and quantities as well, we also have to be cognitive about its healing aspects as well.
Thus our high light will be research into building ones immune system responses by utilizing, color, sound, light, music, meditations, exercise, water therapy, yoga, in combination with Christian Spiritualist Belief system based on faith, prayer, meditation and good works,(K1 Machine, Mannetek Nutrients, Dr. Weed, Herbal Extracts, vitamins, see my website and click on links as named)
The dream that keeps reoccurring and causing me to have to sedate myself with one or two beers a night in combination with my two tablets of benedryl, so that I can shut off the thoughts of it and its implications to a world a needing a different direction in what our land is calling the only health care system possible is the one that we currently have in place.
I want to also tell all, that there hasn't been too many dreams in my life time that didn't come to pass...and if this dream is one that more than not loved ones in my life, told me was too big to imagine and not possible; than please all be very gentle with me as I pass by you in my borrowed shopping chart, rather than spit on me and tell me, "you told me so!" just gently toss your emptied soda and beer cans in the chart, please a missing my head...even though you believe I might need the blow to the head to awaken to a world that has stopped a dreaming and a hoping that, "God, if He brings you to it, will deliver you through it."
That is all I feel moved to contribute at this time...I believe that Jada will perhaps take the next newsletter...for she has lots of peace giving thoughts to give her kids both home and in the Middle East.
I want to thank all that have taken the time to either participate or share by emails your responses to the direction that God, Jesus and Holy Spirit has lead me towards my whole life.
Perhaps my dream is too large for your viewing eyes, perhaps it isn't...time will reveal all is all I want to leave you with at this time.
I hope that you will take the time to follow along with Jada as she reaches not only towards her non listening and non believing eyes of those closest to her, she reaches out to the world that might be facing a similar learning experience as she.
Please keep her and myself in your prayers and good intentional thoughts. For you know it only takes one a praying along with another to effect a result. The Bible promises us that gift. Two persons a praying, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, not only a listening yet also present...too cool!
Be Blessed Each And Everyone
God and Life is Good!
Love, Light and Peace
1 comment:
Where are you at future Osteopathic Medicine Doctor, Kriston W.?
I have been a waiting your response! Don't forget to catch the following newsletter...for it explains to all what standing above a client and reading their energetic energy is like.
Love, Light and Peace
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