Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Friday, February 14, 2009
More Gifts From Heaven
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Happy Valentine Day!
Again welcome! Whew! Life has been very challenging for me as well as Jada Stone. Many ups and fewer downs! Now that is exciting news, for now I believe I perhaps will be in flight myself and real soon.
No silly ones, not Home to God, of which I would have to admit; doesn't look all that bad, yet I know that I still have plenty of God's work still left to do myself and that time will be what God's will for my life will happen/occur and not before because I love life and feel that in spite of all the fires a being put out or at least, simmering instead of spurring/pieces of the missing purpose/plan God would have for ones life.
For I like Jada Stone believe that life is like a game of life, kind of thing, we pick up pieces of new information and run with it, until we discover that what piece we might have picked up, was a good move or a bad...and we weigh the results with how it made us feel/ good or bad and most importantly did we learn from that piece of past action or did we just place it on the roulette wheel and "let it roll..."
With each move if not brought into God's Counsel Chamber, in prayer; more times than not end up with the results after merely; one night at the casino...all those that know what I mean, please say Amen!
Everything since I have awakened to that one great and grand truth, has changed my whole world. There is a confidence in each and every step that I am now freely and peaceably comfortable to do for one knows when one is a living right with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and those that aren't.
The way that Jada and myself know it, we sense it, we are both sensitives and sensitives need like energy to exists on this planet of so much fear, greed, lust, violence.
Thus we feel it within your energy fields. I believe that all can become sensitives, simply by asking God into their life and because I feel so much closeness to my Brother Jesus/Savior and precious Holy Spirit and believe that once I receive baptism into the Holy Spirit of God, simply by praying for it and knowing that I had received it from experiencing, "the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Deal Between Jada Stone and Tonie Wallace to co-author each other's books...
It is with that blurp out, that I would like to announce that being we both are trying to do in similar ways of awakening all that would travel through these books of ours that we feel will help all those that are a walking similar paths during these difficult times of our nation.
So basically for all of my readers, I would love for you to welcome the new me, as well as Jada Stone as we travel through our obstacles a wondering what lesson was we given then.
That Jada and I believe is what can happen to one when the land on the square called synchronicity...many writers of past, current and present have written about this secret piece of valuable keys as one rolls their dices and make their move in life.
By attention to what appears in ones day and sometimes the animals/incests/beings/things we meet in life in a day to day movements...some people believe that it doesn't matter what pops up, for today is just another day and to those folks I say, you are wrong! All things are on purpose to awaken us to what is real.
That tap in can come in a song played on the radio, the newspaper, a commercial that answers a question that you had asked God in prayer...a stranger, a friend, a family member, a show that wasn't supposed to have been shown, and just magically appeared, showing you a piece of it that you had either over looked or totally missed...a letter that somehow magically appeared in your mail box from someone you had been waiting to send you a response.
Ones life becomes magical at that point.
Not always easy, yet quite eye opening; that is if one wants to move into that level of being in the world.
You know it is a free choice world that we live in. The only real thing that God asks us to do is, "do unto others that which we would have done unto us." Golden Rule Straight out of Bible Land, folks.
He would also like for us to practice the Ten Commandments. Thus I say that The Ten Commandments should be hung at the White House. Look what happened to our politicians when it was forced to be removed?
I as well as Jada Stone are Christian Spiritualist Ministers, which means simply that we honor all religions and see the good in all and the things we don't like about any of them, we don't allow that difference to be a stopping point from holding communication.
Any differences in religions doesn't divide us unless it is a religion that harms or does ill intent to another.
We both received our year long training from an Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Teacher. He was from Gaines ville, Florida and we were honored to have him travel to us, versus us to him.
On the weekend of our Ordination that was held at a ecological house and mountain retreat in Johnson City, Tenn. July 29, 1995. Present were 12 others like Jada and myself a going for ordination.
Graduation weekend meant each of the 13 were supposed to do a thesis presentation that would signify how much growth and preparedness that William E. Perry, M.A. was instrumental in leading us towards as future lighthouses of good news and divine healing efforts.
The one that Jada gave was extra special as each of them were. It was a very magical day for me and it did change me for the good, just like Dr. Bill promised it would. Everything about my life changed when I became a minister.
I like Jada got no recognition for having traveled that far man-made legally for God; yet we both know it isn't others we need to impress. God is the only one that matters and He sees all and knows all and trust me, Is taking notes.
One thing that I would like to kindly remind Jada is that: "family and friends know you the least for generally our family and friends just tend to take us for granted. They don't mean to; yet sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, all things close to us somehow become invisible.
No wonder so many of my client-turned friends and family members, somehow stopped seeing or hearing me and went away!
It is the norm and I couldn't dance to the norm song. That is because I went underground and never mentioned anything about my "Secret Garden World," to the majority when I discovered that those closest to, told me I was a living in the World of "Oz" and "Alice In Wonderland."
Perhaps many were a judging me this by the lack of wealth and success that would normally amass a fortune if I was all that I said that I was.
To those individuals I would state: Don't judgment me by man-kind norm, as you know I am so beyond the norm that most find me quite intimidating and threatening simply because I don't think and act like they do.
To those that feel this way about me, please forgive me for being who I am.
Ordination/Graduation Day
Ordination Thesis
Ordination Day Found Me Without a Clue as to what I would do to prove to the group and most importantly, God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that I was worthy holding the position as "Messenger, Light House to the world."
I had been asking God, and Jesus and Holy Spirit for what it was that They would have me do in order to prove my worthiness in holding the sacred job of being an Ordained Spiritualist Minister. Sunday morning it finally dawned on me what it was that I was to do to prove my worthiness.
The job assignment given me was to be an instrument of God's, Light and Love by balancing, smoothing out the winkles, uncovering the burdens held within the physical, mental, emotional and most importantly spiritually illuminating the soul essence in showing it what its purpose, plan and God's Divine Being it is...
I had to stand on a chair and extending my arms over the entire physical body of another Spiritual Minister initiate. I had never worked on her in the past and didn't have a clue as to what was going to occur in God's and my performance.
What did was totally astounding to her as well as myself. Somewhere I have the audio of that grand day and I never bothered to listen to any of the tapes of our spiritual ordination ministerial training.
The reason being the same as why I don't put to memory all of the Bible quotes that stood out and spoke directly to me, for there would be too many to ever possibly mention without a writing my own book on it.
The information given me in my training and ordination lives within me still, just like my favorite verses from the Bible. My time a training helped move into the path that I proudly like Jada, have and hold.
No it isn't walking the path of teacher, yet someone has to do it. For if we didn't, who would? I like Jada believe that we are all supposed to awaken and take on the role of the mantel of Christ, thus making ourselves a minister to Him, like the disciples of old.
Just a throwing my stuff out there. Please take what you want and do please leave the rest.
It is now time for Jada to bring forth her continuing letter to her oldest son's wife and mother to her two teen age grandchildren.
I can only imagine how pain filled it must have been for her to read all the things that her only daughter in law currently, had to write her.
As she puts salve on all the slashings and deep wounds, she begins to open up to the miracle of the moment, for she realizes that without the information given her, even in the heat of anger her daughter in law believed had her mother in law's marks emailed her, never less like Dr. Phil always states, "until one acknowledges the problem, one can't possibly heal or change it."
Now Jada searches within to find the words to convince her daughter in law that no matter what she felt in tuned to release to her mother in law, she still loved her and forgave her when she gave her over to God.
Check out my next issue for Jada I believe will show everyone that she wasn't over stepping her bounds when she reached out to her departing sons with important messages about obtaining the "peace of God that surpasses all understandings."
Please stay tuned and we will return shortly.
Be Blessed Always
love, light and peace
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