Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
April 08, 2009
"God's Expection of Parents He Gave His Children To"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Again we find Jada Stone knee deep in the do do of others, trying her best to not call the pile up, her own!
Yet if others that know her and have experienced her uniqueness, finds her the problem, or the queen of soap opera days...that as well is alright with her, for she is just busy a working her dream/mission.
Jada doesn't even mind when you choose to call her crazy or just out there, for out there is so much better than the place that others who see her as such, live and call real.
Jada as always, the loud mouth, tell it all, minister, mother, sister, mother in law, aunt, niece, friend.
Jada does this because she believes like I do, "that the only stupid question is the one never asked," "mean what you say, and say what you mean," and like Dr. Phil states, until you acknowledge the problem, you can't ever change the outcome.
Jada also believes that what you perceive as being real, you can create. With the first problem being to dream it into reality asking for God's will to be manifested in it....
Again, please allow yourself to fall into Jada's world as she journey's towards helping all that she loves, see the new day in each and every expression of love that she discovers along the way...towards the new day a dawning upon us all...
When we left off before, Jada was knee deep in conversation with Brad her youngest son who just today, Jada discovers pictures sent her son's former wife and mother of his only daughter in an email she just opened today.
Jada expressed to me that the pictures showed a man beat down by 12 hours a day times 7 days a week labors.
A man that used to relax with the depressive actions of alcohol after a hard day's work, no longer able to do that being alcohol is illegal in the entire country that he is a working his dream...
A man trying his best to figure out what is up and what is down and how in the heck the grabbing on of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's hand will make a difference.
Was today's "fire that she put out within herself," that came in two pictures saying in many words that which she first gravitated towards as confirmation of the level of fear within her youngest son, or was it simply a moment in time that he captured for his loved ones?
Jada stated at first it brought great sadness until she realized with the help of her sister who also seem to be the first one called in on any major decisions after Jada consults with God...
That Jada perhaps needed this explosive moments in time to take inventory of how necessary it was for her son to make this journey into the unknown...just a holding onto God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's hand...and trusting and believing the whole way, that with faith the size of a mustard seed, one could move any ole mountain in their life for that is Biblical...truths.
Be Blessed each and everyone
Know that I love you all and treasure the moments that we have shared together!
Love, Light and Peace
"When I Get To Wrap My Arms Around You Again"
Open Letter To Brad
Dearest son:
Today I was sent the pictures you sent your loved ones and I must admit, at first I started to cry for in it I saw how the work detail that you had chosen had made you weary and not all that sure that where you are is the right place.
I say like your former wife and mother of your precious daughter told you, believe that the experience that you had the night you flew over to that part of the unsettled world of Iraq, was not only a miracle and a sign at the same time...a miracle that the problem with your jet was discovered before you reached a part of the ocean travel that returning would have been impossible and a sign that because it was discovered on time...you were on time and at the right point, for God wasn't through with you yet and that He had large plans in which the remainder of your life would be lived a serving Him.
I fully understand all the dangers and perils that you are a facing at this current time and all I can give you is this...take on God's/Jesus and Holy Spirit, armor of God and you will be fine and dandy and if all that occurs is that God decides that it is time for you to return Home/Graduate to Him, than know that while you are in service to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, you are in service to Him first and foremost and thus...your journey Home will be victorious and right on time and not before.
To live in a world of the unknown, is for only those that don't trust, have faith and belief in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...Those that do know, know because they trouble God/Jesus and Holy Spirit with all their unanswered by man, questions..."Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will be answered unto you."
If that doesn't make sense, I am so sorry for I am doing my best to try and explain it clearer, and perhaps maybe it will one day make sense...I just thank you for the opportunity to be able to write this and have you at least read it and consider it for a moment in time...one never knows when a seed is planted, when, how or where it might take root and develop into a more safe and sounder harvest of life.
Perhaps entertain for a moment
Swish it around in your brain and ask that Our Heavenly Father in Jesus, and Holy Spirit's Name that all things about it to be revealed to you.
When your aunt saw the comparison of the three pictures, two current and one last summer with your brother in it...she stated, "why are you a wanting to find hazard looking features in him? "Of course he looks tired, who wouldn't be?" Then it dawned on me another thing...this past summer, you hadn't given your life over to Jesus yet.
You believed in God, yet the release, into Jesus's hands, hadn't happened then. That only happened when you gave your life to Christ, in my kitchen when you fell to your hands and knees and asked Him inside. That only occurred in January of this year...remember?
So my trying to compare apples to oranges, when the pictures that were sent me of you only were smaller than usual and your aunt was able to see your face more clearly being her computer is more higher tech than my own.
She stated that what she saw in all three set of pictures was the same grin, and yes she admitted that you looked tired and your hair was longer than the past summer picture...nothing to her seemed that unusual...she was also a wondering why I was a feeling it important to allow drama to unfold in my life when she saw none present?
A very good question.
Do you see how important it is that one after consulting God, ask others what their thoughts are so that one could make a rational decision, based on God self and others ways at looking at different things?
I told your aunt, my sister that I simply believe that even in the height of a storm, the more radiant the knowing smile, the more assured that my journey through it would be safe...
Of course, that is; were "I to believe whole heartily in this God of Armor of protection thing." "Faith the size of a mustard seed."
Your aunt Brad, simply said, "to all it means different things and we all express it in different ways...your baby still has the same grin he had last summer...Son, all I can say is that I thank God for your Aunt in my life...whew! What a fresh pair of eyes a looking at the same thing can help me step out of my own way, and thus be able to see differently than how I am able to perceive it at the moment of time and because your aunt loves you so unconditionally and knows how very special you are, she had to help me see past my own thoughts and reflections using the same Father/Son/Brother Jesus and Their Special Holy Spirit "Energy Channel" by simply praying and asking God how to reach past me and show me how to feel at that moment in time and obviously it worked!
For the peace of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit is just the most divine moment one can express or imagine.
Totally calming like one would feel with a lite buzz a buzzing through one's heart, body, and spiritual soul, that brings with It's wonderful prescience, so much Peace, Joy and Hope that one can't simply contain it!
A presence unlike any other moments in time.
A moment that other pastors and ministers of all denominations will claim truthfully is that Light of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit a radiating through and around the individuals that believe the way that I do.
Many religions call this moment that energy is re-Connected from God/Jesus and Holy Spirit and gifted to us, different things. I call this energy in and through myself every time that I pray to Him/Jesus and Holy Spirit and all the angels of Their Legions of Angels, and call it "my mantle of adornment energies from God."
This energy of Reconnection is simply:
My re-fuel er, my re-energizer,my re-strength er, my re-convictional, my most grateful to Him/Them moments in time
Moments in Time
That I visit each and every moment of my day for I am as you know, a I believe that I Am a channel of God/Jesus and Holy Spirit healing energies...
My greatest/career mission in life is a serving others in Our Lord/Jesus and Holy Spirit's name.
I would like for you Brad to know that more in our circle of family/friends, felt like I should just cut out the religious mumbo jumbo to you, for you and your brother didn't want to hear what I a Ordained Spiritual Minister had to say about your level of belief system.
I say, shutting me up; would be a difficult thing to do; especially since you and all that you and your brother brought to me, are my heirs. My divine gift from God to me.
Telling me how you should perceive me is just like me telling you how to perceive you and how in the dickens can I do that, if A. I am told that my thoughts matter not and only your own a running through your head matters?
Sometimes the insight of others, even if sometimes isn't pertinent, sometimes later becomes such...one never knows what the day will bring. Some days are definitely better than others...Yet to me they are all equally exciting.
For I am one of those silly mommy's that believe that even in the bad, good grows...
I am one that believes, "concentrate on negative and negative thoughts will over come you."
Think bright beautiful grateful thoughts and those too will over come you.
Some would call that a "living with rose colored glasses on and happily, I am one of those divine truth believers."
I have learned of my "invisibility factor," whereas only those that wears them as well can see me and so many others like myself.
Just image that: You will be able to walk and travel through the darkness and victim makers around yourself and never be seen...how cool would that be?
I already told you that I had tested this premise of protective energies, many times in my journey towards the Light, Love and Peace Path of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and Angelic Hierarchical Ream and thus when my female police officer of the year, "Sunny Girl," true story of proof that this protection is afforded all of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit awakened children have at their instant disposal...is one that I have personally experienced myself, several times and all of them written at one point or another in my life.
Remember I have over thirty years now invested in writing of not only my own adventurous life, yet that of so many others that became extra ordinary just by believing that one small speck of faith in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit the size of a mustard seed, could in turn move mountains in their own manifested life...
I know that I told you before that I became aware of how little faith I actually did have when your brother was over serving in Kuwait and a disarming land mines...when I walked into my local health food store and discovered a quart jar size bottle filled with mustard seeds and exclaimed, "oh my God, you mean all I needed was faith the size of one of the many thousands in this jar and I could have moved the mountain of fear that I held that my son being blown up and I wouldn't have lost all my sleep and developed an inability to eat due to my crying so much that I couldn't think or even work?
Remember those gray days of our life? "Desert Storm"
I don't since taking anti depressants and prescribed sleep medications...all because I didn't have faith the size of a mustard seed...
I am so happy that currently I am a sleeping, eating good, working on God's awakened children sent me to administer His healing energies through...living in the Now Moment which is the only Moment that is real for me.
I am a keeping my eyes wide open and living with hope, faith and belief that all that is upon us, will be as the majority of us believe...so I am sugar coating my reality finish vision, in hopes that others will rally at the Optimists clubs instead of the pessimists club.
Yet all can do as they choose...for it is only my own final ledger of life that I am a writing...and one that I will have to hold open before Our Father when I get to graduate Home like all those I still love that to leave before me...know now what I mean?
I understand as well that all others in the world of God's children are free as well to sell all things that they choose to and if I live and practice all of these kooky beliefs of mine, it shouldn't matter to others, yet sometimes in the game of "who is more righteous in God than others," we get lost in the Scriptures that states that, "In End Times, more answers will be given, yet still not all."
That is what I mean when I say that even though one is physically and cellularly older, maturing in that which Our Heavenly Father's path and mission for our lives...that which you have heard me call "harvesting one's destiny path," so in essence, we are all a still growing and developing spiritually in Them. (Father/Son/Brother and Their Holy Spirit)
That is what is meant by coming Home with the mind set of a child in Belief. Which spells out to me in clear and simple language..."The Golden Rule," of which the doing for others in much more important than that which was done unto you.
God/Jesus and Holy Spirit servants I believe are the awakened children that are the leaders a moving the people of the world towards a clearer understanding of how so very important that Light, Love and Peace of God is to our current future of so many woes and troubles that most persons are trying to lose themselves in ways perhaps are not all that enlightening.
These are the people that see that getting before another gets you...is the most popular chess steps of life move. It isn't in my belief system the best move possible, yet what do I know?
I can only believe this because the Golden Rule is actually a very key and important commandment for within its very essence of writing; it tells us clearly of the "Law of Ten Fold," and that is in simpler terms, as you know, "that which goes around, comes around." Magnified to The Tenth Power.
That is why you will always be gifted back that which you give totally freely away! Just too cool I tell you!
So in other words if one wants a world of chaos, choose sameness as the majority of the world seem to be doing right now at and in this second of time all over the land...I instead am a choosing peace and lack of chaos because I know that without a God/Jesus/and Holy Spirit's filled earthly shell filled spirit, I don't have a chance in hell a not having all the fear laden energies of the world upon my shoulders.
I know that God gave me a strong back, in spite of my physical disabilities created through the wrong choices of others...simply due to my level of Divine Heavenly Hosted Energies, I am free to move through any and all storms, no matter the intensity, unhampered by the illusion of what is currently, occurring all around me...and the world I call real.
Yes awakened sons and daughters of God, taking on The God Light, Love and Peace Mantle of Energetic Protection is that simple.
"Ask and yea shall receive," as told us in The Bible is real!
To all that have forgotten how to do this...simply ask in God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, that you be forgive for all past transgressions/choices, rather knowingly or unknowingly committed.
Second attest that you will do your utmost to not swagger from the path that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have us travel.
Thirdly, ask that God's/Jesus Holy Spirit fall down upon you so that you can more effectively feel the protection of that grand armor of energy directly linked to the Angelic Kingdom and World of God's Angels, that we will one day be rejoined up with...and as well be guided and nurtured on our journey path.
Then stay in prayer filled communication with God/Jesus and Holy Spirit, feeling free to call on Them for all decisions such as: Is your will God/Jesus and Holy Spirit that I remain in Iraq or would I best be served, fulfilling your will for my life back home with all those I love?
Then I would ask The "Trinity" (Father/Son and Holy Spirit) to lead and direct my life, accepting that where you are called, it will be shown to you and then just let it fly...For Surrender to God's Highest Will leads to acceptance..."not my will, not my will, but Thine be Done in me."
My friend and yours, Mojo, told me that she thought that I was unusually calm about both my sons working in Iraq helping to clean up the mess that was created over there...with all the danger all around them, she actually thought that I would be more emotionally disraught than what it was a sounding coming from my voice over the phone.
Can the strength of God moving in ones life, be all this simple?
Yes. Imagine dear sons, peace that surpasses all understanding...
I also told her that my job as a servant and minister of God is to show strength and peace, not chaos and worry...for who in God and Jesus and Holy Spirit's name would want to be worked on by someone a going through their own storms, fear filled...for my clients, family and friends, want me to concentrate on their own storms, putting my own on the back burner...
I also told MoJo would she go to a minister of God, a acting fear filled? She said, of course not...so there you have it...this is my song and dance and I hope that when ever you or your brother become fear filled or troubled or gratitude filled, you will take it all to Our Heavenly Father's Altar, where He waits round the clock for our return...I do.
You know I love you both tons...and I will be back for I want to tell everyone about last Sunday's miracle producing sermon at the church that your uncle and I have been attending since, the week before Christmas.
It is simply an awesome experience and I can't wait to tell you all about it. I hope that you will take the time to read it...
May You Be Blessed Always and Know It
Love, Light and Peace of God
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