Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Walking Through Eden and Not a Seeing ClearlyRev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
April 09, 2009
Dear All One Family:
I am again asking that you listen in on this posting. I believe it is a grand one. Yet I do know that all is truly in the eyes of the beholder...
I thank L.A., for giving the chance to look into the issue of Military Suicides. Thank you for all that you do L.A.
Never stop trying L.A., to get the message out...please.
Subject: Q&A & Military Suicides! PLS PRAY NOW.
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 10:01 AM
During Easter and the coming year, PLS pray fervently for military fams,
as we hear lately from contacts in Ft Bragg area that there are more
suicides in military communities now than in civilian populations. Thank
you. LA
Wednesday April 8, 2009
* Is Suicide the Unforgivable Sin?
By Billy Graham, Tribune Media Services
Q: My sister struggled with severe depression most of her life and had
to be hospitalized several times. Last year, she finally got so
depressed that she took her own life. In spite of everything, she had a
strong faith, but is suicide the unforgivable sin, as some people say?
It's all been very painful to me. - Mrs. M.M.
A: The only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of rejecting the Holy
Spirit's witness to Jesus Christ and His offer of forgiveness. Only when
we reject God will He reject us. This alone is the unforgivable
"blasphemy against the Spirit" of which Jesus spoke (Matthew 12:31).
God understands your heartache - and I want to assure you that He also
knew all about your sister's struggles. Medical science has made many
advances in helping us understand emotional problems, but there's still
much we don't understand. Take confidence in your sister's faith in
Christ, and rejoice that she is now beyond the pains and sorrows of this
I don't want to be misunderstood, however. Suicide is extremely serious
is extremely serious and tragic in God's eyes, and if someone who is
reading this is contemplating suicide, I beg of you to reconsider and
seek help for whatever your problem may be. God loves you - whether you
believe it or not - and He does not want you to end your life. Satan
does, however - and you must not listen to him.
Instead, put your faith and hope in Christ and His love for you. You are
never alone if you know Him, because nothing "will be able to separate
us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:39).
Send your queries to "My Answer," c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C.,
28201; call 1-(877) 2-GRAHAM, or visit the Web site for the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association:
Dear L.A. and All One Family:
L.A., thank you for sending this along to me. As I told you a long long time ago, me and Rev. Graham and myself go back to my youth filled days a listening to him on the radio and then television and then later in life when my first husband and father of both of my sons, went before Rev. Graham at one of his revival meetings at the Silver Dome in Pontiac, Michigan back in the early 70's when both of our sons were babies and it was at that time that my husband gave his life over to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
It was a very magical and delightful experience for myself. I believe as well for my former spouse and father of our sons.
So I have a soft spot for Rev. Graham in my heart still and always will! That man like my current pastor of the church that Lisa our mutual friend lead my brother and myself to.
I as well, believe as Rev. Graham...on this subject of forgiveness and suicides...
I also believe that persons that are suicidal, feel like hope has done and left them lonely and lost and rather than continue the suffering they just choose to crawl Home the wrong way...
My heart like your own is very troubled at this time about the subject of suicide for I believe it is the most extreme form of depression one can hold close and up front and personal...a time of totally a throwing in their hand towel of life. I quitting and a saying, I am tired of this ole stuff called life and I am out of here!
Kiss my tail feathers, for now I am a off flying on my own coordinates and I don't give a rats aaaa, what your thoughts are on the subject matter and if you aren't careful I will take others out to just prove my point!
How do you like that viewing dear L.A., one lost to future/past/present fears?
Fears of never being or feeling good enough when all along you were as perfect as you chose to be in the moment of time, we call time never lost to us...at least until someone comes along as says, "hey girl, if you feel that way about any other thing than what I call real, you are lost.
I say dear one, one is only lost when they totally believe in that moment in time utterance, expressed as that other person's truths.
If that person that uttered those truths could see how far you can see past that moment's glimpse in time, they would joyfully understand that each of us are a searching for this or that truth and all I have ever heard you express to me, is that you always consider: "How would Jesus act in this moment of time?"
How can someone that goes to the prison and churches and grand military events that celebrates the troops of today, yesterday, future troops...for you and I totally agree that our guys and girls are tops in my books, and I love each and everyone that ever thought our country good enough to serve, rather volunteering or being drafted.
I personally believe that there is no finer service to God, than a taking care of His Children all over the world...as well as standing straight forward, a holding back the dawn of our U.S.A., new and brilliant day a coming upon us.
For I live in the dream of "a New Day a Dawning," and even so, I don't see it a ending as my dear forever friends, Tom and Maryanne sent me the following email posting right after getting the picture of the changes in my youngest son from just only the past summer.
Whew girl, those holes that we dig for ourselves, can really take the spunk and vigor out of us, can't it?
Back to Tom's and Maryanne's posting right after I went through my little hizzy fit...moment that didn't leave my side until I cried heart wrenching sobs...after the tears subsided as I prayed to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit to make it a new day again for me, Please!
So I have to believe that those tears that escaped were tears that I shed for the moments I tried diligently to try and get my sons to understand why I was so straight up front and personal with what I felt they could do to insure that this was to be their mission to God or not...pray and ask...plain and simple wouldn't you say?
Quite the contrary and you know why, "darkness doesn't dance too well with the Light, Love and Peace of God, know what I mean?
Darkness hates change and change is what we all have to do to insure that our great world is not lost while on our watch..So I really wasn't all that surprised at the response that I wasn't given for a making my God demanded of me, attempt; even though the response was hard, critical and darn up front and personal coming back from my children and criticizing world that I was a wanting them to walk through with me.
Forcing me to dance through the darkness they called real alone with all those things/thought reflections that they used as an excuse for not wanting to take on "God's mantle of protection."
I am glad that I never stopped the attempt for the success wouldn't have been as sweet as it is know for not only myself a celebrating the victory, their families and friends as well are in celebration. For those that know, know that they know and those that can't believe it so simple.
Those are the ones that I hold on my plate that I place on God's altar, for I made the attempt and all others can call their own "Jesus Knocking On The Door, sometimes else.
The hardest thing, L.A., that I have had to do thus far is to convince those that worship and think differently than myself, is that we are all on the same path, and if your path celebrates the moment and time and you feel safe, peaceful and protected by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit always...does it matter what others may think of your journey path or not?
Especially since ones journey path keeps bringing around grateful souls that celebrate the moment that I arrived on the planet and those individuals are more numerous than not and that is what counts...know what I mean?
I celebrate L.A., each and every moment you and I ever had, for each moment gave us an opportunity to get our Christian Vision Sights up front, and personal clearer and I celebrated the opportunity...thank you for all that you have brought into my life...
It is also my vision viewing right now on the problem of the increasing population of military personnel and family members a choosing that form of exit...Home...that it is probably most assuredly the domino effect from us a throwing God out of our schools and perhaps many homes as well...That was over 35 years ago and we allowed one woman to change the course of what ideas and principles this country unlike any other, was formulated upon....
When one has little to no hope a remaining...exiting as fast as possible may sound like a good option...to me it is a very cowardly thing to do, for the real person would have taken their partition to God /Jesus and Holy Spirit foremost and then stand back and receive the answer to their dilemma...
Ahhh, as you know, what a difference a few minutes would have made in their life...sad, is what I see it all as being...especially when I think about how many innocent lives may be turned in the direction of same option taken...
The stats of suicides a trickle down upon generation line up, is too real of possibly occurring for it to be a good thing...even though I know myself when I still couldn't see things clearly, I too had those occasional missing sinews of clear thinking moments...when I had lost my spiritual connection to God and lost my way from the path that would lead me Home.
So I can see how easily losing ourselves can be...and personally I see suicides no different than the people of the time of The Tower of Babel where they were trying to artificially build a tower to Heaven, thinking that a going Home this way was the best way and God knocked it down two times.
The first and last time God knocked down the Tower of Babel, He did something different, He changed all the colors and languages of His Children at that time so that they wouldn't regroup and rebuild the Tower being He knew that if they couldn't communicate with each other effetely, there is no way they could collectedly come together.
In my viewing, this is when we all lost our way and we have been a trying to get back to that special point where we could all see and know more clearly God's purpose and missions for our lives...
I personally believe that all the world became a little mentally challenged from the great fall...and that is why God is so forgiving of our behaviors and all we have to do is to ask forgiveness and boom, bah, blam...it is forgiven and a new day dawneth...God knows that we haven't recovered and we are all in a process of becoming better than we were all yesterday.
So rather than waiting for the right moment to take God's hand, we should be all automatically a taking His/Jesus and Holy Spirit's mantle...at least in my world that spells for a successful remedy...everyone now to their own reality corner...this is my story and I am a sticking to it...all others should be instead of a judging others way, making sure that ones own way isn't a tripping them up...and causing ones own future generation to stumble and continue to fall down, just because another sees our reality picture different than what God/Jesus and Holy Spirit would have us own and later inherit.
Just my thoughts a throwing it out there to see what will sprout up from the effort.
For I believe it is the effort that is counted more by God than the opinions of others that God has sent us all to help awaken...Take what you want and please do leave the rest.
Life is always good
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
For "stupid is as stupid does," as we were told in the "Forest Gump," story!
Life is good.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
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