Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
"Is It Possible to Live To Be A Hundred?"
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Dear All One Family:
Please listen in to my conversation with my upline MLM distributors of the K-1 Whole Body Vibration FDA approved Medical Vibration Device, and my Manatek glyconutrients and probiotic product line up.
Allow me to introduce: Laura and Bill, two authentic health investigators such as myself. They have been so instrumental in helping me view health and wellness in a light of prevention and alternative health views. They are great people and because they are both survivors of yesterday's form of wellness plans in America.
I too have joined their rank and file and have to admit...whew it was rough...especially during those periods in my life, that my life wanted to go left and I needed it to go right...
When ever I post any of their emails, know that there is some very special and important stuff in it that I would like for you to consider.
Now you can if you want to and if you don't that is alright too for it is only your health that I am a considering and if that helps keep my research center alive and doing well with the additional supplementation that comes from a sharing the good news concerning health and alternatives in it that one could never have imagined possible...
I love and cherish you all and am a hoping that you will cherish forever those special moments in time that we shared and will in the future share if only on this web site posting...
I will love and cherish you always...where ever Our Father God, Son/Brother Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit moves our research center university...alternative health care research clinics, living facilities...the first of its eco-friendly, totally powered off grid, solar/wind turbine center for the future world.
A dream too big? Perhaps, Perhaps not...for it makes total sense to me and being it is my mission and purpose, not too big for God/Jesus and Holy Spirit...especially if all would join me in a wishing and a dreaming it into vision...
I call it the "two or more prayer club," pray for me as I keep all in my prayers forever...at least a 109 years, while on earth and then at 109 years old when I graduate Home for good, and then, always in my heart and spirit...
Be Blessed All
Love, Light and Peace
Correspondence from Tonie to Laura
April 13, 2009
Hello Laura!
I hope all is well in your world as in mine!
Life is good!
Hope all is well in Bill's world as well. Thanks for this email. I am already an EFT practitioner. Perhaps about 5 years now. I don't get a chance to do it much though. Most people believe that something as simple to do and use that pertains to the tapping of meridian energy points for all kinds of ailments is simply too ludicrous and ridiculous to believe...for I have seen astounding results with it as well and like the creators of this technique will tell you, "we don't know why it works, we just know that it does."
The Power of Intention, how so very cool! Something like, by simply intending/tapping an intention, one is set free from the moment in time that kept them self-hand bound.
I like it as well that Dr. Mercola's site is hosting this free class in Raleigh!, there is also a place where I got the additional Cd's and DVDs on additional training such as what I also additionally purchase. Good stuff!
Steve G. Jones Hypnosis CD's
Imagine how more power ful the EFT sessions would be on one that has listened to any of Steve G. Jones hypnosis sessions for at least 21 times before or while doing the tapping...imagine how more power ful that would be, first erasing old programs and inserting new programs and a tapping those electric center points on one's ailing meridian systems...too cool I tell you, just too cool!
one can go to www.onlinetoniewallace.com and click on Steve G. Jones website that I have there and select any dis ease ment state that you want to travel through, filling the missing spaces of negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
You can also find many recordings that number well over 3000, with different approaches such as subliminal, fusion, omni, diamond, etc., etc...do some research, you won't be unhappy with the journey as all those that have ever been trusting enough to listen to them in my office or I have gifted them with cd's of which Mr. Jones doesn't mind, as long as we don't charge for anything other than the cost of the blank cd. So please remember that as you pay forward and pass them along to your family and friends...
For Steve G. Jones holds the only patent on them...we are merely doing our part in helping the world awaken to the power of themselves.
I move through my world a powered by God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's and I feel that Steve G. Jones has been instrumental in that journey mission of helping others, help themselves...
Just a throwing my seeds out there to all...Laura and Bill do you have anything additional you would like to give us all?
"Belief the size of a mustard seed and one can move mountains in their life."
Also lovely soul essences; I got in the mail today about Mannatek having some kind of legal stuff a going on in Texas...Wasn't it Texas that Oprah had a hard time with when she first aired the hormone and such problem that is in meat products and such?
Now it is a fact and now that the country is in such hard times it would do Oprah no good to sue the state for what that state did to her...know what I mean?
Besides Oprah I believe knows that "what goes around, comes around kind of a thing."
What are my true thoughts about Mannatek? I love what ever products of that company that Tim Long gifted my research center.
I believe it was a months supply of vitamins and minerals, and glyconutrients for the intestinal tract...I loved them all and would have liked to have gotten into the skin care line up as well...yet due to the highly cost factor for this line up...(the most yet) I didn't find lots of folks a wanting to buy into it, for it wasn't something that could easily and permanently stay within their budget.
What I have noticed in the past history of our land in line up with supplementations that have been under fire by the FDA and other state and national regulatory panels is that if a product of the alternative world of medicinal products is found to be effective, than its history is short lived, or the product is not allowed to voice the truths of others of its effects...yeap, that be the land we live in.
This Mannatek product meets with my approval and as far as I am concerned...it would be a sad day if Texas has its way.
Natures Pearl, Muscadine Grape
I have found another product that I love alot and it is called Nature's Pearl. It is a muscadine grape formulation that I don't have myself on hand at this time, being I have had so many persons a wanting to see if it is all that.
Simply because of its cost factor being so low...and 40% more reservatrol than a glass of wine would hold, per two capsules a day!
I have had astounding results in myself and others close to me that have had chronic health problems dealing with arthritis, sore and achy bodies, low energy, low immune system response, low digestive and elimination problems, skin problems...
I absolutely love the skin care line up as well...and do see a noticeable difference in how my skin feels and looks, almost like a radiance glow.
I like it alot and if you go to my website, www.onlinetoniewallace.com and check out the muscadine link and the super grape link, or click on: www.naturespearlproducts.com/Tonie you will see all of the results and way to purchase the product yourself, and by becoming a distributor for $29, one can purchase it wholesale., or by telling two other individuals, and by getting them to do the same and ordering 2 bottles a month on auto deliver ship, one can even profit off of telling others about its wonderful effects!
I am also currently trying to get a shipment of it for my sons in Iraq so that they won't burn out too easily by working 12 hour a day shifts, 7 days a week. I had also heard that the jet lag and additional toxins that they are inhaling from the jet flight that is 18 hours one way...
What do I call Nature's Pearl, Muscadine grape formulation? An excellent over all blood tonic that provides oxygenation to wholes entire body systems!
A product not only native to Americans first natural born citizens, Our "American Indians"... and one called, "medicine food," (Muscadine Grapes) that It is also a natural product that tons and tons of research has been done on it...so much so, that a couple of weeks ago on the TV show, "The Doctors," they had a filming of an Alternative Health Dr. who was a guest speaker on the show and she told how one of the alternative health ingredients that she told her patients to go on was one called, Reservatrol and that they were to take two of them a day, followed by their "fatty acids-Omega's fish oil, a vitamin D supplement, plus I believe she stated a good stress B formula and if not, I am stating one should and for healers like ourselves, Biotin should be supplemented. She also expressed a good sound diet, plenty of sleep and exercise.
All can go and Google, www.,thedrstv.com and see if you can find it in their archives. I believe it will be a wonderful experience for if you haven't caught it yet, it is something to see for the world knows that for cost savings alone and the fact that Baby Boomers are supposed to live to be over a 100 to 120 years old, so most of us should have started years ago to stay well through the next rough years ahead.
Yet starting at this point is better than not starting at all...Laura, do you know that alternative health vets are giving their patients parents, along with the antibiotics, probiotics? Now isn't that a cool thing?
Laura and Bill, I am still a wanting to eperiment with the alkaline water filtration system...I believe that makes so much sense to me, being not only are our diets primarily acid in base, the stress and fear in our world around us is also creating more acidic conditions and I believe with my whole heart and mind that probiotics and glyconutrients are the way to go!
For they as well, help create more alkaline conditions in our bodies.
There is a good book on wellness, that pertains to this and I believe it is called, "The Alkaline-Acid Base Blood", I can't remember who wrote it though.
I can't wait to get this product over to Iraq for my kids and their acquaintances along their journey path/mission over there.
My oldest son openly expressed an interest in helping others there...a wanting to do the same!
One can also go to the website and see how the opinions/testimonies of others are similar to what I have already given you above. www.naturespearlproducts.com/Tonie
How will I distinguish the differences between these two outstanding product lines? I will tell them of their need for www.naturespearlproducts.com/Tonie all of the time for optimal health levels and my "Manatek product line for strong additional internal balancing for those individuals in the chronic dis-easement stages.
I am also interested in researching your fish oil supplement, yet at this turn of the journey's path, research funding is limited...sure do wish my grant writers that I know will soon be a coming in to assist, would get here! hahahehe...
Love you both!
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace
Was disappointed in finding out that Medical Aesthetics is no longer a providing a MLM plan line out...maybe it would be best to try and deal with the manufacturer of the KI, when I get on board with my future research Center ideas...know what I mean?
All Things Do Happen For A Reason You Know?
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
Correspondence from Laura/April 13, 2009
- Woops!
Tonie, I
Sent you my confirmation link.
Here's the correct link to register for the FREE summit:
This email, just prior to the above one and perhaps a good representation of my same thoughts on EFT. To my family and friends allow me to tell you one on my dad. The very first time that I used EFT on him, he got really spooked and told me to stop using witch craft on him, that was perhaps the last time I got to work on him...for he graduated Home before I got another chance to spook him by tapping on his face, head and hands...all those trained as myself in this valuable research field, know what I am a talking about...hahahehe...you know the saying, "family, friends the hardest eggs you will ever crack!"
I still laugh at my father's expression as I started tapping on him...you would have thought I was trying to awaken his dying nerve endings of which I fully was intending to do such...and he wouldn't allow it to continue. Perhaps if he had been more bendable and flexible, he wouldn't have gone Home when he did, yet without my mom around and all of his children grown with grown children of their own and grandchildren a long ways away...the thoughts of graduation Home were more entertaining and I can understand that...
For I truly believe that my mom and dad danced at the Pearly Gates when my mom greeted him there along with all of the other family and friends that graduated Home before he did...
So it turned out all good...
Life is good as I know that all that know, know it is...
Laura G...Email
April 13, 2009Hi Everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend. Below find a great FREE offer. EFT...Emotional Freedom Technique... is a VERY effective stress reducer and these are experts sharing their techniques for free! It takes only moments to do and can make a big difference in your lives. Emotional stress has a direct influence on your health. I’ve used it myself and gone to EFT practitioners and can attest to its validity. One of my visits was because I had to give a talk at a health fair and I have a huge irrational fear about speaking in public. I usually spend the three days before in total fear and anxiety and am impossible to live with. My husband will attest to that. We have a friend Kathy Healy who does EFT sessions and I went. Well I was so busy the days before I never gave it a thought and all of a sudden it was 10 min before my talk and I ran to the room and gave it without even a bit of anxiety. Plus everyone was most attentive and appreciative. That convinced me. I am still amazed when I think of it. So I know it works and I wish I was going to be here to do this free seminar.... but will be in Mexico getting my mercury removed from my teeth as well as cavitations from 4/16 through 4/28. I hope many of you will be able to take advantage of this free offer.
Love, Laura
Ps. If you miss it and are interested in phone sessions with Kathy here is her website and phone. Www.kathyheatley.com 828-254-6837 Great site to learn a little more about EFT as well.
Subject: TIMELY: FREE Conference on the Power of EFT_Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT is a powerful technique that one can use daily to overcome any stress that begins to take root in your life. It's a life saver for mothers with children especially
when oftentimes it seems that things get a 'little crazy' too often.
Overcoming personal obstacles is a challenge even in the best of times. In a fast-paced world with today’s economic challenges and social demands, it can seem almost impossible to stay afloat... let alone really thrive. Truth be known, though, you can flourish even in these times... If you can discover how to release the persistent roadblocks from your own life.
Here's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be mentored FREE by top experts in EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique] so you can quickly take control of stress, emotional and physical pain, trauma, procrastination, self-sabotage, debt... and more... and create the life you really want by releasing your blocks to success.
Dr. Mercola is partnering with a team of experts that will help unlock the mystery of the life-changing secrets for you
by teaching you how to use EFT tapping technique daily in the comfort of your own home.
More information & register:
--- On Mon, 4/13/09, Laura Grala
From: Laura Grala
Subject: TIMELY: FREE Conference on the Power of EFT_Emotional Freedom Technique
To: "M EXPO RALEIGH -glyco"
Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:55 AM
Hi Everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend. Below find a great FREE offer. EFT...Emotional Freedom Technique... is a VERY effective stress reducer and these are experts sharing their techniques for free! It takes only moments to do and can make a big difference in your lives. Emotional stress has a direct influence on your health. I’ve used it myself and gone to EFT practitioners and can attest to it’s validity. One of my visits was because I had to give a talk at a health fair and I have a huge irrational fear about speaking in public. I usually spend the three days before in total fear and anxiety and am impossible to live with. My husband will attest to that. We have a friend Kathy Heatley who does EFT sessions and I went. Well I was so busy the days before I never gave it a thought and all of a sudden it was 10 min before my talk and I ran to the room and gave it without even a bit of anxiety. Plus everyone was most attentive and appreciative. That convinced me. I am still amazed when I think of it. So I know it works and I wish I was going to be here to do this free seminar.... but will be in Mexico getting my mercury removed from my teeth as well as cavitations from 4/16 through 4/28. I hope many of you will be able to take advantage of this free offer.
Love, Laura
Ps. If you miss it and are interested in phone sessions with Kathy here is her website and phone. Www.kathyheatley.com 828-254-6837 Great site to learn a little more about EFT as well.
Subject: TIMELY: FREE Conference on the Power of EFT_Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT is a powerful technique that one can use daily to overcome any stress that begins to take root in your life. It's a life saver for mothers with children especially
when oftentimes it seems that things get a 'little crazy' too often.
Overcoming personal obstacles is a challenge even in the best of times. In a fast-paced world with today’s economic challenges and social demands, it can seem almost impossible to stay afloat... let alone really thrive. Truth be known, though, you can flourish even in these times... If you can discover how to release the persistent roadblocks from your own life.
Here's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be mentored FREE by top experts in EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique] so you can quickly take control of stress, emotional and physical pain, trauma, procrastination, self-sabotage, debt... and more... and create the life you really want by releasing your blocks to success.
Dr. Mercola is partnering with a team of experts that will help unlock the mystery of the life-changing secrets for you
by teaching you how to use EFT tapping technique daily in the comfort of your own home.
More information & register:
------ End of Forwarded Message
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