Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Following The Will of Our Lord/Jesus and Holy Spirit
May 15, 2009
Please note the pictures taken by Brad on board a military helicopter a leaving Baghdad...
Jada also received along with the pictures sent her by Brad, a brief note...this is her response and the monkee he gave on Mother's Day.
Brad as you already know, has decided that he would rather be here a helping attend to his children and family and friends, than a earning a higher wage and the dangers that go along with that mission...we celebrate his decision that he entrusted to God/Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Be Blessed
Love, Light and Peace
Dear All One Family:
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone Associate Editor
Jada Stone
Friday May 15, 2009
Dear Brad:
Please once again, forgive me for asking you and questioning the danger that was present over there in Baghdad.
I wish you would read my past newsletters and see that I have stated this several times to you and still I can't get you to understand the seriousness behind my request, for I was a writing our president about your concerns of too early of a pull out our troops in Baghdad that would make it an unsafe place for our remaining military and contractors over there a trying to assist with the restructuring and removal process...
I then told you that I have seen lots of incidents over there and knew of the seriousness of the situation...just because I wasn't a falling down and broken in pieces with worry and concern...I was every bit of the time you spent over there, a putting you on God/Jesus and Holy Spirit's altar...so please, stop with the dramatics...
I already told you that you are one of my hero's...okay?
Thanks for the pictures, they are quite spectacular in the horror behind the beauty...a war that I wished that our part was over...yet know that it will never be over, until Jesus comes again and confirms that which they never wanted to accept...imagine a land at battle since Jesus left...
I also dear son, look forward to the day that your brother returns home...yet know that it is your brother's dream to be of assistance over there and being he wasn't earning that which he knows he is worth...and over there he is getting better wages than here...I totally understand his driving motivation...
So please son, stop making this a problem with you and I. I know how brave you are, so stop the nonsense, okay?
There are too many other things we could be a discussing, than your braveness and rather I thought your fear was all in your head or not.
I have too many articles saved on my computer for later newsletters postings that would show you most conclusively that I am not a dim wit and I do stay quite on top of the news...
Just like I noticed the bandanna on the little monkee you gave me for Mother's Day...saying love from Camp Liberty...
Quite an unusual monkee for it stands up on well supported feet that I have never seen done on a stuffed toy before...unique look...
On Monday, I got a bit sick to my stomach and cried when I heard the news story about the Sgt. that went bizarre and killed 5 military soldiers...there at camp Liberty.
If you get a chance to read a past newsletter you will find that I wrote you about becoming the energy that surrounds you...
So I cried with additional gladness that God/Jesus and Holy Spirit brought you home to all of us that love you...
Some of my friends/family has asked me why I thought that the positive to come out of the tragedy that occurred at your first work residence base...would be and I told them this:
I believe that this one incident would probably be the one to open up the channels concerning PTSD.
I am saddened that it took this much pain to gather that serious data on this growing problem amongst our military soldiers of both sexes.
I guess that it will also lead to more and more discoveries of alternative modalities that would help eradicate that problem.
The PTSD tape from Steve G. Jones collection that I gave your former wife to give you, would be a good one in which to try and help erase the horrors that might still be in your energy fields from all the energies of the soldiers that you got to live beside of...
If you don't have it...go to the website... www.onlinetoniewallace.com and click on Steve G. Jones and purchase it.
An Omniliminal, 30 minute tape, isn't all that expensive there...and if you listen to it for only 21 days...you might see a difference in your mental and emotional energy levels...
Thanks for the pictures son and I really never doubting you, was only seeking fact...so go easy on me...how many times do I have to say I am sorry?
Love you always,
Be Blessed Always
Spiritual Ministries, Mind-Body-Spirit Vibrational Therapies
--- On Sat, 5/2/09, bmt2006@msn.com
From: Brad
Subject: just a walk in disneyland
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 9:39 PM
"your right it was all in my head. just keep watching CNN and listening to what those liberal lovers tell ya. lol if its not on the news it must be safe"
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