Spiritual Ministries Mind Spirit Body Vibrational Medicine Research, Healing and Education Center.
Finally The Word Is Getting Across The Land
May 15, 2009
Rev. Tonie C. Wallace Dream-Founder and Director
Jada Stone - Associate Editor
Dear All One Family:
Again I want to leave the information given me by Tom. I have posted other postings of his information.
I do hope that you will like this posting. For the most part, I agree with Tom, yet I have to add one key thing and that is, I have tried several of the mind expansion techniques of the person asking Tom for his valuable insights and I look at it this way...what harm can come of trying various techniques...for just look at how expansive my viewing is of the world I call real and not make believe.
Be Blessed Always
Love, Light and Peace of God Always!
Hi Tom,
What is your opinion on Auric Clearing, Karma Clearing, DNA Activation, Parental Karma removal... There is a lady on frequencyawareness. com and she does all that. I wasn't too sure about it. Do you know anything about it and what do you think?
--- In Eckhart_Tolle_ A_New_Earth@ yahoogroups. com, "redsmydog"
> Hi Folks,
> I thought you'd like to see my latest article on the Law of
> Attraction and Karma.
> Warm regards,
> -Tom
> ---
> Past lives often hold the key to our present life. Many
> people believe we come back again and again, living lives
> interconnected to the lives we've lived previously.
> Exploring your past lives through hypnosis can reveal much
> about your present life. For example, are you and your
> partner soul mates? Are there Karmic debts to be worked
> out? It's possible that your same family members and
> friends played different roles in your past lives. In one
> life, your sister may have been your mother. Or, perhaps
> your best friend was once your lover. What could this mean
> to you in this life? Exploring past lives can help you
> resolve ancestral conflicts, forgive the past, and release
> Karma.
> The word Karma simply means action and reaction. It is the
> Law of Attraction or the Law of Cause and Effect. As you
> know energy can shift or transfer, but cannot be created or
> destroyed. In other words, your Karmic energy can shift to
> repel harmful, unpleasant energy, and transform to
> consistently attract healthy, balanced energy.
> Karma mirrors a person's current state of mind. A
> person's Karmic energy attracts similar energy or
> situations. So, Karma in and of itself is neither good nor
> bad. It 'just is'. It is `what presents itself.'
> Karma is what your unconscious mind is dictating you need
> to experience.
> Those who study the Law of Attraction are taught to
> "think of yourself as a magnet or energy field resonating
> at a certain frequency." This resonate frequency
> `attracts' individuals and situations with a similar
> vibration. Hence, past-life thoughts and beliefs – often
> unconscious and long-forgotten – attract similar energies
> lifetime after lifetime.
> At the time of death, any unconscious issues left
> unresolved will carry forward to future lifetimes at birth
> and throughout adulthood as unresolved Karma. This occurs
> through a process of cellular/soul memory that includes
> choosing the parents and surroundings necessary to mirror
> any past-life belief systems. It is you, at a soul level,
> attempting to complete and achieve a greater understanding
> of the unfinished business of your past.
> The past-life belief systems a person holds are a
> spiritually motivated genetic map attracting the people,
> events, and circumstances necessary to re-experience Karma
> as victim, victimizer, or observer. Observers have
> relinquished their victimization Karma and will likely
> reincarnate as evolving individuals on a path to expanded
> awareness, breaking the reincarnation cycle and
> re-directing or transforming their Karmic energies.
> Past Life Exploration can expedite this evolutionary
> process as perpetual victimization ceases to exist when the
> past-life source of many current day challenges is revealed
> and resolved.
> The greatest misinterpretation of Karma is the golden rule
> of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you,"
> or "an eye for an eye." It's sometimes referred to as
> a balance system of accumulating good or bad Karma based on
> good or bad action. However, Karma cannot be changed by
> doing something or not doing something. Karma `just
> is' and the energy is attracted into your life as people,
> events, and circumstances to `mirror' your thoughts,
> feelings, and beliefs.
> "The Secret" movie taught us we must `feel good' in
> order to attract `feel good' possessions and experiences
> into our lives. But, the movie failed to answer the
> question, How do I `feel good' when I really `feel
> bad'? If you're not manifesting (attracting) what you
> desire, is it because of past-life Karma?
> Knowing and resolving the unconscious programming,
> brainwashing, and false beliefs from your many past
> lifetimes is the real `Secret' to manifestation.
> Positive thinking, visualization, prayer, or any of the
> tricks used to manipulate your thoughts, feelings, and
> beliefs rarely works – the Karmic energies need to shift,
> for they continually attract the unfinished business from
> your past. You can't `pretend' to feel good by
> relying on positive thinking, motivational speakers,
> mantras, self-help books, or up-lifting films. They will
> not provide the consistent results of feeling good to
> attract what you want.
> Agreeably, what you focus upon expands and
> optimism/gratitude is productive and healing. However,
> feeling good and expanding consciousness is an internal job
> created by releasing negative emotions deeply rooted in the
> body/mind. Only then, can internally-supporte d `feeling
> good' occur, and any external materializations simply
> become reflections of that internal truth. It's great to
> see thought-provoking spiritual documentaries become
> popular and help people question their current reality;
> however, there is no quick-fix, genie or magic pill that is
> going to make everything all right if you're not all right
> internally.
> All is not lost, however. It is possible to feel good,
> achieve inner peace, and attract what you want in this
> lifetime. Resolving your unconscious scripts of "I'm
> not worthy" or "everything happens to me" at its
> Karmic source can allow the energy shift necessary for
> manifesting positive effects consistently. At that point,
> your unconscious and conscious can align and you can really
> attract what you desire – almost effortlessly. In fact,
> what you desire may change once you complete the process of
> Past Life Exploration, for you may find what really matters
> to you changes completely.
> Fully knowing yourself is the greatest gift you can give to
> yourself and others; resolving Karma and focusing within is
> the missing ingredient of the deliberate manifestation
> recipe. The real `Secret' to the Law of Attraction and
> Karma is making the unconscious, `conscious', and
> resolving the `why' of why you don't feel good. Shift
> the Karmic imbalance, really `feel good', and your life
> will reflect your inner being.
> © 2009 All Rights Reserved
> ---
> I've just released my long-awaited MP3 Audio Set, "Past
> Lives Exploration. "
> In this exciting 2-mp3 set, you will learn about
> Reincarnation, the role of Karma, what happens to you
> in-between lives, heaven and hell, and what goes into
> planning your next life!
> You'll also have the opportunity to explore your past
> lives in the comfort of your home or office! Just get
> yourself comfortable in your favorite chair, turn up the
> sound, and let Tom guide you gently into your previous
> lifetimes. It's 100% safe and you will not experience any
> discomfort whatsoever.
> Details here >> http://tinyurl. com/ck7tbm
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